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Examining Program Data and Information

When execution of your program is paused, Xcode displays a great deal of information on the current state of your program. Xcode’s graphical debugging interface makes it easy to examine the call stack, and view variables and their values. This chapter describes how to view variables, expressions, and disassembled code. It also describes how to use the Memory Browser to view the contents of memory.

In this section:

Viewing Stack Frames
Viewing Variables in the Debugger Window
Using the Expressions Window
Viewing Disassembled Code and Processor Registers
Browsing the Contents of Memory

Viewing Stack Frames

For each function call that your program makes, the debugger stores information about that call in a stack frame. These stack frames are stored in the call stack. When execution of your program is paused in the debugger, Xcode displays the call stack for the currently running process in the Thread view display on the left of the debugger window, with the most recent call at the top.

Selecting any function call in the call stack displays the stack frame for that function. The stack frame includes information on the arguments to the function, variables defined in the function, and the location of the function call. Xcode displays the frame’s variables in the Variable list and displays its currently executing statement in the code editor with a red arrow. If a stack frame is grayed out, no source code is available for it.

In the pop-up menu above the call stack in the debugger window, Xcode displays all the threads for your application. To view a thread, choose it from the pop-up menu. Xcode displays its call chain in the Thread list.

Viewing Variables in the Debugger Window

The variables view shows information—such as name, type and value—about the variables in your program. Variables are displayed for the stack frame that is currently selected in the debugger window. The variables view, shown in Figure 34-1, appears in upper-right portion of the Debugger window by default. The variables view can have up to four columns:

  1. The Variable column shows the variable’s name.

  2. The Type column displays the type of the variable. This column is optional. To display it, choose Debug > Variables View > Show Types.

  3. The Value column shows the variable’s contents. If a variable’s value is in red, it changed when the application was last active. You can edit the value of any variable; the changed value is used when you resume execution of your program.

  4. The Summary column gives more information on a variable’s contents. It can be a description of the variable or an English language summary of the variable’s value. For example, if a variable represents a point, its summary could read “(x = x value, y = y value).” You can edit the summary of a variable by double-clicking the Summary column or choosing Debug > Variables View > Edit Summary Format. For a description of how you can format variable summaries, see “Using Custom Data Formatters to View Variables.”

You can choose which columns the debugger shows in the variables view; Xcode remembers these columns across debugging sessions.

Figure 34-1  The variables view

Variables in the variables view are grouped by category; to view variables in any of these groups, click the disclosure triangle next to that group. These groups are:

To view the contents of a structured variable, click the disclosure triangle beside the variable’s name. You can also use a data formatter to display a variable’s contents in the Summary column, as described in “Using Custom Data Formatters to View Variables,” or you can view a variable in its own window. Viewing a variable in its own window is particularly useful for viewing the contents of complex structured variables. To open a variable in its own window, double-click the variable’s name or select it and choose Debug > Variables View > View Variable in Window.

Using Custom Data Formatters to View Variables

Xcode allows you to customize how variables are displayed in the debugger by specifying your own format strings for the Value or Summary columns. In this way, you can display program data in a readable format. Xcode includes a number of built-in data formatters for data types defined by various Mac OS X system frameworks. You can edit these format strings or create your own data formatters.

Working With Data Formatters

The menu item Debug > Variables View > Enable Data Formatters lets you turn data formatters on and off. If a checkmark appears next to the menu item, data formatters are enabled; select the menu item again to turn data formatters off. Data formatters are enabled by default.

If you are debugging heavily threaded code, where more than one thread is executing the same code, data formatters may cause threads to run at the wrong time and miss breakpoints. To avoid this problem, disable data formatters.

Writing Custom Data Formatters

You can provide your own data format strings to display data types defined by your program. To edit the format string associated with a variable value or variable summary, double-click in the appropriate column of the variables view. You can also choose Debug > Variables View > Edit Summary Format.

Data format strings can contain:

When it displays the data format string, Xcode replaces the member reference or expression with the contents of the Variable view’s Value column for the value obtained by evaluating the reference or expression. You can, however, specify that Xcode use the contents of any column in the Variables view—Variable name, Type, Value, or Summary. To do so, add :referencedColumn after the expression or member reference, where referencedColumn is a letter indicating which Variables view column to access. So, the syntax for accessing a value in a structured data type becomes %pathToValue%:referencedColumn. Table 34-1 shows the possible values for referencing variable display columns.

Table 34-1  


Variables view column


Variable (shows the variable name)







The following example uses the CGRect data type to illustrate how you can build format strings using member references and expressions. (Note that Apple provides format strings for the CGRect data type, so Xcode’s debugger already knows how to display the contents of variables of that type). The CGRect data type is defined as follows:

struct CGRect { CGPoint origin; CGSize size; }; typedef struct CGRect CGRect;

Assuming that the goal is to create a format string that displays the origin and size of variables of type CGRect, there are many ways you can write such a format string. For example, you can reference to members of the origin and size fields directly. Of course, each of these two fields also contain data structures, so simply referencing the values of those fields isn’t very interesting; the values you actually want are in those data structures. One way you can access those values is to simply include the full path to the desired field from the CGRect type. For example, to access the height and width of the rectangle, in the height and width fields of the CGSize structure in the size field, you could use the references %size.height% and %size.width%. An example format string using these references might be similar to the following:

height = %size.height%, width = %size.width%

You could write a similar reference to access the x and y-coordinates of the origin. Or, if you already have data formatter for values of type CGPoint that displays the x and y coordinates of the point in the Summary column of the Variables view—such as “(%x%, %y%)”— you can leverage that format string to display the contents of the origin field in the data formatter for the CGRect type. You can do so by referencing the Summary column for CGPoint, as in the following format string:

origin: %origin%:s

When Xcode evaluates this format string, it accesses the origin field and retrieves the contents of the Summary column for the CGPoint data type, substituting it for the reference to the origin field. The end result is equivalent to writing the format string origin: (%origin.x%, %origin.y%).

You can combine this with the format string for the size field and create a data format string for the CGRect type similar to the following:

origin: %origin%:s, height = %size.height%, width = %size.width%

Given a rectangle with the origin (1,2 ), a width of 3, and a height of 4, this results in the following display: origin: (1, 2), width=3, height=4. You can also write a data formatter to display the exact same information using an expression, such as the following:

origin: {$VAR.origin}:s, height = {$VAR.size.height}, width = {$VAR.size.width}

When Xcode evaluates this expression for a variable, it replaces $VAR with a reference to the variable itself. Of course, using an expression to perform a simple value reference is not necessary. Another example of an expression in a format string is {(NSString *)[$VAR name]}:s, to display the name of a notification, of type NSNotification.

When you specify a custom format string for a variable of a given type, that format string is also used for all other variables of the same type. Note, however, that you cannot specify a custom format for string types, such as NSString, char*, and so on. Custom format strings that you enter in Xcode’s debugger window are stored at ~/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/CustomDataViews/CustomDataViews.plist.

In addition to supplying custom format strings to display variables in the debugger, you can also write your own code that constructs descriptions for variables displayed in the debugger. These functions can be packaged as a bundle that is loaded into the process being debugged and can be invoked from format strings.

Using a Different Display Format to View a Variable

You can view the value of a variable in a variety of formats, including hexadecimal, octal, and unsigned decimal. To display a variable’s value in a different numeric format, select the variable in the variables view and choose the numeric format from the Debug > Variables View menu. Choose Debug > Variables View > Natural to use the default format for a variable’s value, based on the type of that variable.

You can also cast a variable to a type that’s not included in the menu. For example, a variable may be declared as void *, but you know it contains a char * value. To cast a variable to a type, select the variable, choose Debug > Variables View > View Value As and enter the type.

In addition to changing the display format used for a variable’s contents in the Value column, Xcode lets you track the value of the variable as an expression or see the contents of the variable in memory. To open the Expressions window and add a variable to it, select the variable and choose Debug > Variables View > View Variable As Expression. The Expressions window is described further in “Using the Expressions Window.” To see the contents of a variable in memory, using the Memory Browser window, select the variable and choose Debug > Variables View > View As Memory. See “Browsing the Contents of Memory” for more information on the Memory Browser window.

You can also access any of the menu items described in this section from the contextual menu displayed when you Control-click a variable.

Using the Globals Browser

By default, Xcode does not display global variables in the variables view. The variables view contains a Globals group, but it is empty. You can choose which global variables to display in the Globals section of the debugger’s variable view using the Globals Browser, shown in Figure 34-2. The Globals Browser lets you search for global variables by library.

Figure 34-2  The Globals Browser

You can open the Globals Browser by choosing Debug > Tools > Global Variables. The debugger must be running and execution of the program being debugged must be paused for this item to be available. If you attempt to disclose the contents of the Globals group in the variables view, Xcode automatically opens the Globals Browser.

The list on the left of the Globals Browser window, titled “Library,” lists the available libraries, including system libraries and your own libraries. To see a library’s global variables, select that library in the list; the global variables defined by that library are shown in the table to the right. In the globals table, you can see:

  1. The name of the global variable.

  2. The file in which the global variable is defined.

  3. The current value of the global variable.

  4. The type of the global variable.

You can use the search field at the top of the Globals Browser window to filter the contents of the global variables table. To the right of the search field, Xcode displays the number of global variables currently visible, as a fraction of the total number of global variables in the currently selected library.

To add a global variable to the Globals list in the debugger window’s variable view, select the checkbox in the “View” column next to the global variable. You can remove the global variable from this Globals list by deselecting this checkbox at any time.

When you select a library in the Library list, the full path to that library is displayed below the list.

Using the Expressions Window

The Expressions window lets you view and track the value of an expression, including a global value or a function result, over the course of a debugging session. To open the Expressions window, choose Debug >Tools > Expressions. Type the expression you wish to track in the Expression field. Xcode adds the expression, evaluates it, and displays the value and summary for that expression. The display format of the value and summary information is determined by any data formatters in effect.

The expression can include any variables that are in scope at the current statement and can use any function in your project. To view processor registers, enter an expression such as '$r0', '$r1'.

You can also add a variable to the Expressions window by selecting the variable in the variables view and choosing Debug > Variables View > View As Expression. To remove an expression, select it and press Delete.

Here are some tips on using the Expressions window:

Viewing Disassembled Code and Processor Registers

The disassembly view of the debugger window allows you to observe disassembled code. The editor in the debugger window supports three states: Code, Disassembly, and Code and Disassembly. To change the state of the disassembly view choose Debug > Toggle Disassembly Display. The mark next to this menu item indicates the current state of the disassembly view: a line for Disassembly, a checkmark for Code and Disassembly, and no mark for Code.

When there’s no source code available for the function or method selected in the Thread list, Xcode displays the disassembled code in the editor. Figure 34-3 shows disassembled code in the Xcode debugger.

Figure 34-3  Viewing disassembled code in the debugger

When disassembly view is enabled, the Variables list contains a Registers group containing all the processor registers.

Browsing the Contents of Memory

When execution of the current program is paused in the debugger, you can browse the contents of memory using the memory browser. To open the memory browser, shown here, choose Debug > Tools > Memory Browser. You can also open the Memory Browser to the location of a particular variable; in the Debugger window, select the variable and choose Debug > Variables View > View As Memory.

Figure 34-4  The memory browser window

In the Memory Browser, you can see:

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