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What’s New in QuickTime 7 for Windows

This chapter describes in detail the many new and enhanced features available in QuickTime 7 for Windows. It is intended to provide developers with a conceptual overview, in addition code samples and illustrations of usage, so that developers can take advantage of many of these new features in QuickTime 7 for Windows in their applications.

The new functions discussed in this chapter are cross-referenced, with links, to their complete descriptions in Chapter 3, “New Functions, Data Types, and Constants in QuickTime 7 for Windows.”

If you are a QuickTime API-level developer, content author, multimedia producer, or Webmaster who is currently working with QuickTime, you should read this chapter in order to understand the fundamental changes that have taken place in the QuickTime software architecture.

In this section:

Installing QuickTime 7
QuickTime in Perspective
Changes to QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro
New COM/ActiveX Control
Audio Enhancements
Video Enhancements
Replacing NewMovieFrom... Functions
QuickTime Metadata Enhancements and API
QuickTime Sample Table API
Other Changes and Enhancements

Installing QuickTime 7

Both QuickTime 7 Player and QuickTime 7 Pro for Windows are available for download and purchase from Apple, in the case of the Pro version, and will install on Windows computers that meet the hardware and software requirements specified below.

Hardware and Software Requirements

QuickTime 7 for Windows requires the following minimum configuration:

New Pro Key Required

QuickTime 7 for Windows replaces existing point releases of QuickTime 6 for Windows. A new Pro key is required; QuickTime 6 Pro keys will not unlock the Pro features of QuickTime 7 for Windows.

QuickTime in Perspective

The QuickTime API is dedicated to extending the reach of application developers by letting them invoke the full range of multimedia’s capabilities. It supports a wide range of standards-based formats, in addition to proprietary formats from Apple and others. The QuickTime API is not static, however, and has evolved over the course of the last decade to adopt new idioms, new data structures, and new ways of doing things.

The C/C++ portion of the QuickTime API comprises more than 2500 functions that provide services to applications. These services include audio and video playback; movie editing, composition, and streaming; still image import, export, and display; audio-visual interactivity, and more.

New Features of QuickTime 7 for Windows

This release of QuickTime includes a number of major new features for users, developers, and content creators, including improvements in the QuickTime architecture, file format, user interface, and API. There are significant improvements in the audio, video, and metadata capabilities, as well as a new APIs, and numerous other enhancements.

New Directions in QuickTime 7 for Windows

The QuickTime software architecture has been revised to expose platform-native interfaces on Windows to application developers. On Windows, this includes exposing QuickTime framework APIs via COM interfaces (ActiveX).

Important:  For developers to take advantage of this revised architecture, QuickTime 7 for Windows has been rewritten from a cross-platform API (QTML) to a Windows-native implementation. This new implementation takes full advantage of the QuickTime COM ActiveX control. Ultimately, QuickTime 7 for Windows replaces the cross-platform application and framework that shipped as QuickTime 6.5 and its predecessors.

Key areas of change in QuickTime 7 for Windows include:

What Developers Need To Do

If you work with audio at a relatively low level, you should become familiar with the structures available in CoreAudioTypes.h and learn how they differ from the older Sound Manager. The use of Core Audio concepts and data structures is becoming ubiquitous in QuickTime.

For details, see Apple’s Core Audio documentation, specifically the in-line comments and documentation in the header file CoreAudioTypes.h. In particular, developers should look closely at the following structures for audio in CoreAudioTypes.h:

If you work directly with components, you should become familiar with the API for discovering, getting, and setting component properties. While standard dialogs for configuration are still common, there are often times when either no dialog or an application-specific dialog is preferable, as well as cases where low-level control or device-specific configuration is needed that a standard dialog cannot supply.

For example, the component property API allows configuration at any level of detail without requiring a user interface dialog or direct communication with low-level components. In many cases, an abstraction layer, or context––either visual or audio––can be created, allowing transparent connection to different kinds of low-level components, devices, or rendering engines.

The new extensible QuickTime metadata format, discussed in the section “QuickTime Metadata Enhancements and API,” uses a similar method of configuration through an abstract set of properties, as a means of “future-proofing” the architecture. The same is true of the new API for working with QuickTime sample tables, described in the section “QuickTime Sample Table API.”

Object Model Evolution

A substantial reorganization of the QuickTime engine has been taking place “under the hood” in this software release. This reorganization is intended to allow increased access to QuickTime functionality from QuickTime framework APIs via COM interfaces (ActiveX).

As the QuickTime document object model continues to evolve, the goal is to provide developers with easier access to the more powerful parts of the QuickTime engine using relatively lightweight object-oriented applications or even scripts––without having to delve into the large and sometimes complex procedural C/C++ QuickTime API.

In Summary QuickTime 6 through QuickTime 7

The following table summarizes the point releases of QuickTime 6 and the features of QuickTime 7.

QuickTime version

Mac OS X


Mac OS 9






MPEG-4 and lots more.





Bug fix for QuickTime 6. Last version for all three platforms.



Bug fixes to address security issues. Mac OS 9 only.




Improved MPEG-4 video, full-screen modes, wired actions.



Support for iTunes 4, enhanced AAC codec, limited DRM.




Improved AAC codec, 3GPP support, which includes AMR codec.

6.4 for Mac OS X


New data reference functions, multithreading, new graphics functions, component and movie property access, other API additions.




3GPP, 3GPP2, and AMC support for mobile multimedia, Unicode text support.




Apple Lossless codec for audio.




High-resolution, multichannel audio support, frame reordering video and H.264 support, new metadata format, QuickTime sample table API, changes to QuickTime Player and Pro UI.

Changes to QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a number of new features and changes to the user interface of QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro. These are briefly described in this section. New versions of both Player and Pro are available for download from Apple.

New in QuickTime Player

The new QuickTime Player is a native Windows application. The intent of this new design is to better integrate QuickTime Player in general with the Windows user experience.

The following are some of the new user-level features available in QuickTime Player:

New in QuickTime Pro

The following are some of the new user-level features available in the Pro version of QuickTime Player:

Other Changes and Enhancements

The following are some additional changes and enhancements in QuickTime 7 for Windows:

New COM/ActiveX Control

QuickTime 7 for Windows includes a new QuickTime COM/ActiveX control. This new control is fully scriptable from Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, C++, and other applications that can host COM objects.

This allows you to build stand-alone Windows applications that use QuickTime without needing to master QuickTime’s C/C++ API.

Important:  This new COM control is included in addition to the QuickTime ActiveX browser plug-in. They are not the same thing.

The new QuickTime COM control has an API that will be familiar to Visual Basic programmers and others used to working with COM objects. It is intended to make it easy to create stand-alone Windows applications that use QuickTime. The new COM control is not a browser plug-in, and will not run in a browser or other Web-based application.

For Web-based applications, use the QuickTime ActiveX browser plug-in; it is scriptable using JavaScript from most browsers using the same platform-independent API as the QuickTime browser plug-ins for Netscape and Safari. The QuickTime browser plug-in is the cross-platform solution for writing Web pages that interact with QuickTime.

Note: The API for controlling the QuickTime ActiveX browser plug-in using JavaScript can be found at: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/quicktime/Conceptual/QTScripting_JavaScript/index.html.

The remainder of this section is intended for programmers who want to provide high-level QuickTime movie playback and control, including some import, export, and editing capabilities, to Windows applications written in Visual Basic and other languages.

Advantages For Developers

If you are a Visual Basic programmer or enterprise software developer doing in-house development, the COM control implementation offers a number of important advantages:

For example, if your Windows server can run a Visual Basic, C#, or .js application that uses QuickTime, you have the possibility to create custom QuickTime content interactively, delivering that content over the Web. As long as your clients have QuickTime installed, your content will work with Windows and non-Windows clients, Internet Explorer and non-Internet Explorer browsers.

QuickTime Player itself uses the new QuickTime COM control for virtually all of its access to QuickTime.

Important:  The QuickTime 7 ActiveX browser plug-in is not scriptable via Visual Basic. It is scriptable, however, in JavaScript using the same syntax as the Netscape-style plug-in, and works the same on all browsers for Windows or Macintosh.

How It Works

The new COM control is comprised of two separate DLLs:

The COM library is a very thin layer that sits on top of the low level QuickTime APIs and provides a COM wrapper object for each logical QuickTime object. Each COM object exposes the properties, methods, and notifications of the QuickTime object it wraps.

The object hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1  The COM/ActiveX control object hierarchy

Note that the QTMovieEqualizer object illustrated in Figure 2-1 should be QTFrequencyMeter.

If you are a Windows developer, you know that the Component Object Model (COM) specification defines how a host application accesses the component, how the component notifies the host application of events, standard data types for data exchange with the OS or other components. A COM control is a type of COM component that has a visual display of some kind, restricting its placement to visual containers such as a form or dialog box. COM controls typically manage their own window.

In the .NET environment, the new QuickTime COM control is accessed via the .NET Framework’s COM Interop layer. Primary Interop Assemblies (.NET wrappers for COM objects) will be provided with the QuickTime 7 SDK.

Note: The COM control does not provide a native managed code interface to QuickTime.

Visual Basic .NET and C#

The QuickTime COM control has a property page––that is, a dialog box that allows you to set some QuickTime control properties. You access the property page by clicking the Property Pages button in the toolbar on the Properties window.

To use the constants and enumerations associated with the QuickTime COM control, you must either explicitly precede them with the QTOControlLib namespace identifier, or else include an import for the QTOControlLib.

In Visual Basic, you do this with an Imports directive at the beginning of your module.

An example of using an explicit namespace identifier is, as follows:

AxQTControl1.Sizing = QTOControlLib.QTSizingModeEnum.qtControlFitsMovie
AxQTControl1.Sizing = QTOControlLib.QTSizingModeEnum.qtMovieFitsControl

The same example with imported namespace:

Imports QTOControlLib
AxQTControl1.Sizing = QTSizingModeEnum.qtControlFitsMovie
AxQTControl1.Sizing = QTSizingModeEnum.qtMovieFitsControl

In C#, the namespace can be imported with the using directive:

using QTOControlLib;

To use the constants and enumerations associated with the QT COM library, you must either explicitly precede them with the QTOLibrary namespace identifier, or else include an import (C#: using directive) for the QTOLibrary.

Important:  If you are working with QuickTime audio, when you open a movie using the COM/ActiveX control, you will get the pitch-preserving varispeed by default. This is not the case when you open a movie using legacy interfaces, nor when using NewMovieFromProperties without having set the kQTAudioPropertyID_RateChangesPreservePitch property to TRUE.

Getting Started With QuickTime COM Control

Once you instantiate the QuickTime COM control and load a movie into it, you can then get at the QTOLibrary object model via the control’s Movie property, which returns a QTMovie COM object.

To get started with the new COM control, in VB.NET or C#:

  1. Create a new Windows Application project.

  2. Right-click on the Windows Forms toolbox, choose Add/Remove Items... and select the COM Components tab.

  3. Scroll down until you find Apple QuickTime Control 2.0.

  4. Click this control and click OK to add the QuickTime control to your toolbox. You should now see a QuickTime icon.

  5. Place the control on Form1.

  6. Place two buttons on the form and code as follows:

 Private Sub Button1_Click(...) Handles Button1.Click
     AxQTControl1.URL = "d:\movies\sample.mov"  'Change to your own movie!
     End Sub
     Private Sub Button2_Click(...) Handles Button2.Click
     End Sub

After you have completed these steps, you can:

  1. Build and run the application.

  2. Click Button1 to load a movie; then click Button2 to play the movie.

In Visual Basic 6, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Standard EXE project.

  2. Choose Project | Components and scroll down to the Apple QuickTime Control 2.0. Click this component and click OK to add to the Visual Basic 6 toolbox.

  3. Add the QuickTime control to Form1.

  4. Create two buttons and code as follows:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
          QTControl1.URL = "d:\movies\sample.mov" 'Change to your own movie!
      End Sub
      Private Sub Command2_Click()
      End Sub

Now you can run the application. Click Command1 to load the movie and Command2 to play the movie.

Once you have loaded a movie and have the QTMovie object from the control’s Movie property, you can proceed to delve down into the object model. For example:

 'Iterate movie tracks (VB6)
     Dim myMovie As QTMovie
     Dim t As String
     Set myMovie = QTControl1.Movie
     Dim trk As QTTrack
     Dim qtu As New QTUtils
     For Each trk In myMovie.Tracks
         t = t + "Track : " + CStr(i) + vbCrLf
         t = t + vbTab + "Type : " + qtu.FourCharCodeToString(trk.Type)
                                   + vbCrLf
         t = t + vbTab + "Format : " + trk.Format + vbCrLf
         t = t + vbTab + "Duration : " + CStr(trk.Duration) + vbCrLf
     Next trk
     txtResults = t$

In order to use the QuickTime COM object types in your Visual Basic 6 application you will need to add the QuickTime COM library to your project. Choose Project | References and add the Apple QuickTime Library 2.0.

Example Code To Create a Simple COM/ActiveX Control Application in Visual Basic 6

This section includes two code samples, one bare bones, letting you simply open and edit a QuickTime movie, and the other more fully featured. Using this example code you can create a simple COM/ActiveX control application in Visual Basic 6. The code is provided here with some comments and discussion.

Important:  A good learning tutorial on how to script the COM/ActiveX control is available at http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/activexcontrol.html and the sample code that lets you build a simple movie player application in Visual Basic 6 is available at http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/MoviePlayer/MoviePlayer.html. The sample demonstrates the following capabilities: movie playback with a movie controller, opening and closing movies, opening and closing movies from URLs, simple editing with cut, copy, and paste commands implemented; undo, export, export with a dialog, QuickTime event handling, Form resizing, error handling, fullscreen playback, as well as movie information display, such as duration, track types, track formats, and so on. If you are a Windows developer working with the new COM/ActiveX control, you are encouraged to explore both the tutorial and the sample code available, which extends the code examples #1 and #2 described in the next section, adding, in particular, export and QuickTime event notification functionality.

Code Example #1

The sample COM/ActiveX control application has a Form, with File and Edit menus. The File menu includes the following menu items:

The Edit menu includes these menu items:

If you want to edit any of these menus, you bring up the Form, go to Tools, then open the Menu Editor. The name of the menu determines the name of the handler that gets called.

In Example #1, Menu File_click is the handler that is called and passed the index. None of the menu items, as shown in Listing 2-1, are hooked up yet; when you click an item, it will exit the application.

If you look at the Form, you see there is an instance of the QuickTime Control. When you click an object in Visual Basic, it brings up the Property Inspector.

By default, when you create a new object, it takes the name of the class and appends a number to it. Unless you change it, it is called QTControl1. When it launches, there is an instance of this QTControl1 created.

Listing 2-1 shows you how to show an open a file and display a common dialog for the QuickTime control. The code in Listing 2-2 adds menu items to the File and Edit menu. The remaining code listings in Example #2 deal with sizing the movie, when you want to change the size of the movie to fit the size of the control, or display the movie at full screen. Example #2 also shows how to add an information window to the control, in addition to minimal error checking, and demonstrates how to respond to events.

Important:  Using Visual Basic, if you run a project, it may keep the control open, even when you quit the project. For any dll that QuickTime loads, Visual Basic keeps everything in your project loaded, so you can get into a state where you have to quit QuickTime and relaunch. After doing this, everything will work as expected.

Remember, you need to add the Apple QuickTime Control 2.0 and Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 components to the project.

Listing 2-1  The GetFileName function to display a dialog for the QuickTime control

Function GetFileName()
    GetFileName = Form1.CommonDialog1.FileName
End Function

Listing 2-2  Adding menu items

Private Sub mnuEdit_Click(Index As Integer)
    Select Case Index
        Case 0  'Undo
        Case 2  'Cut
        Case 3  'Copy
        Case 4  'Paste
    End Select
End Sub
Private Sub mnuFile_Click(Index As Integer)
    Select Case Index
        Case 0  'Open
            QTControl1.URL = GetFileName()
        Case 1  'Close
        Case 3  'Full Screen
        Case 5  'Exit
            Unload Me
    End Select
End Sub

Code Example #2

The following code (Example #2) provides a more fully featured QuickTime control. In this example, you add an information window, minimal error checking, and the capability of responding to events.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new VB6 Standard EXE project.

  2. Add the Apple QuickTime Control 2.0 and Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 components to the project.

  3. Add the Apple QuickTime Library 2.0 reference to the project.

  4. Add two forms: Form1 and frmInfo.

  5. To Form1 add:

    1. File menu (mnuFile) with Open…, Open URL…, Close, Get Info, Full Screen and Exit menu items.

    2. Edit menu (mnuEdit) with Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste.

    3. A Common Dialog control (CommonDialog1).

    4. A QuickTime control (QTControl1).

  6. Set the menu items index values to match the corresponding index values in mnuFile_Click and mnuEdit_Click.

  7. To frmInfo add:

    1. 4 Label controls: lblName, lblInfo, lblCaptions and lblData with AutoSize = True

  8. Paste Listing 2-3 and Listing 2-4 into the code window of Form1 and Listing 2-5 into the code window of frmInfo.

Listing 2-3  The VB 6 code for the QuickTime control sample movie form

Object = "{7B92F833-027D-402B-BFF9-A67697366F4E}#1.0#0"; "QTOControl.dll"
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx"
Begin VB.Form MovieForm
   Caption         =   "Movie"
   ClientHeight    =   4260
   ClientLeft      =   132
   ClientTop       =   816
   ClientWidth     =   4080
   LinkTopic       =   "MovieForm"
   ScaleHeight     =   4260
   ScaleWidth      =   4080
   StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1
      Left            =   3240
      Top             =   600
      _ExtentX        =   847
      _ExtentY        =   847
      _Version        =   393216
   Begin QTOControlLibCtl.QTControl QTControl1
      Height          =   4332
      Left            =   0
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   0
      Width           =   4056
      _cx             =   7154
      _cy             =   7641
      BackColor       =   -2147483644
      BorderColor     =   0
      BorderStyle     =   0
      MovieControllerVisible=   -1  'True
      Sizing          =   0
      URL             =   ""
      BaseURL         =   ""
      AutoPlay        =   ""
   Begin VB.Menu mnuBar
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Index           =   0
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "&Open..."
         Index           =   0
         Shortcut        =   ^O
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "Open &URL..."
         Index           =   1
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "&Close"
         Index           =   2
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "-"
         Index           =   3
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "&Full Screen"
         Index           =   4
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "Get Info"
         Index           =   5
         Shortcut        =   ^I
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "-"
         Index           =   6
      Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
         Caption         =   "Exit"
         Index           =   7
   Begin VB.Menu mnuBar
      Caption         =   "Edit"
      Index           =   1
      Begin VB.Menu mnuEdit
         Caption         =   "Undo"
         Index           =   0
      Begin VB.Menu mnuEdit
         Caption         =   "Cut"
         Index           =   2
      Begin VB.Menu mnuEdit
         Caption         =   "Copy"
         Index           =   3
      Begin VB.Menu mnuEdit
         Caption         =   "Paste"
         Index           =   4
Attribute VB_Name = "MovieForm"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim gManualFormResize As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As  Long
Private Const SM_CYCAPTION = 4
Private Const SM_CYFRAME = 33
Private Const SM_CYMENU = 15
Function GetFileName()
    MovieForm.CommonDialog1.InitDir = "d:\QuickTime\Movies"
    GetFileName = MovieForm.CommonDialog1.FileName
End Function
Function GetFormBorderWidth()
    GetFormBorderWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) * 2
End Function
Function GetFormBorderHeight()
    GetFormBorderHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) +  GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) + (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) * 2)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
    QTControl1.ErrorHandling = qtErrorHandlingRaiseException
    QTControl1.Sizing = qtControlFitsMovie
    Load MovieInfo
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim oldSizingMode As QTSizingModeEnum
    gManualFormResize = True  ' global flag so _SizeChanged won't respond
    ' change sizing mode so the movie tracks the control's size
    oldSizingMode = QTControl1.Sizing
    QTControl1.Sizing = qtMovieFitsControl
    QTControl1.Move 0, 0, Me.Width - (GetFormBorderWidth() *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelX), Me.Height - (GetFormBorderHeight() *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
    QTControl1.Sizing = oldSizingMode
    gManualFormResize = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    MovieInfo.SetInfoMovie Nothing
    QTControl1.URL = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEdit_Click(Index As Integer)
    If QTControl1.Movie Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Select Case Index
        Case 0 ' Undo
        Case 2 ' Cut
        Case 3 ' Copy
        Case 4 ' Paste
    End Select
End Sub
Private Sub mnuFile_Click(Index As Integer)
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim filePath
    Select Case Index
        Case 0  ' Open
            filePath = GetFileName()
            If filePath <> "" Then
                QTControl1.URL = filePath
                MovieInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
            End If
        Case 1  ' Open URL
            Dim movieURL As String
            movieURL = InputBox("Enter a URL:", "URL", "http://www.server.com/ movies/sample.mov")
            If movieURL <> "" Then
                QTControl1.URL = movieURL
                MovieInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
            End If
        Case 2  ' Close
            QTControl1.URL = ""
            MovieInfo.SetInfoMovie Nothing
        Case 4  'Full Screen
            If QTControl1.URL <> "" Then QTControl1.FullScreen = True
        Case 5  ' Get Info
            MovieInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
            MovieInfo.Move Me.Left + Me.Width + 200, Me.Top
        Case 7  ' Exit
            Unload Me
    End Select
    Exit Sub
    Dim errStr As String
    errStr = "Failed with error #" & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description
    MsgBox errStr, vbCritical
End Sub
Private Sub QTControl1_SizeChanged(ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long)
    ' ignore event if control was resized as a result of form being resized.
    If gManualFormResize Then Exit Sub
   ' resize window to accomodate control
    Me.Move Me.Left, Me.Top, (Width + GetFormBorderWidth()) *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, (Height + GetFormBorderHeight()) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End Sub
Private Sub QTControl1_StatusUpdate(ByVal statusCodeType As Long, ByVal statusCode  As Long, ByVal statusMessage As String)
     Select Case statusCodeType
        Case qtStatusCodeTypeControl
            Select Case statusCode
                Case qtStatusFullScreenBegin
                    Me.Hide  ' hide movie window
                Case qtStatusFullScreenEnd
                    QTControl1.SetScale 1  ' set back to a reasonable size
        End Select
    End Select
End Sub

Listing 2-4  The VB 6 code for the movie information form

Begin VB.Form MovieInfo
   BorderStyle     =   4  'Fixed ToolWindow
   Caption         =   "Movie Info"
   ClientHeight    =   5148
   ClientLeft      =   48
   ClientTop       =   288
   ClientWidth     =   5880
   LinkTopic       =   "Form2"
   MaxButton       =   0   'False
   MinButton       =   0   'False
   ScaleHeight     =   5148
   ScaleWidth      =   5880
   ShowInTaskbar   =   0   'False
   StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
   Begin VB.Frame Frame1
      Height          =   3495
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   1560
      Width           =   5655
      Begin VB.Label lblData
         Height          =   3135
         Left            =   1560
         TabIndex        =   4
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   3975
      Begin VB.Label lblCaptions
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         BeginProperty Font
            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
            Size            =   7.8
            Charset         =   0
            Weight          =   700
            Underline       =   0   'False
            Italic          =   0   'False
            Strikethrough   =   0   'False
         Height          =   3135
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   3
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.Label lblInfo
      Alignment       =   2  'Center
      BeginProperty Font
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   7.8
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   975
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   480
      Width           =   5535
   Begin VB.Label lblName
      Alignment       =   2  'Center
      BeginProperty Font
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   9.6
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   5535
Attribute VB_Name = "MovieInfo"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim gMovie As QTMovie
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Sub SetInfoMovie(myMovie As QTMovie)
    Set gMovie = myMovie
End Sub
Function MovieAnnotation(annoID As Long, mov As QTMovie) As String
    ' Annotation returns an error if asked for an annotation that
    '  does not exist (so you can tell the difference between an
    '  annotation that is missing and one that is set to an empty
    '  string), so we need to be prepared for an exception
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim anno As String
    anno$ = ""   ' value will remain if getting value throws exception
    If Not (mov Is Nothing) Then anno$ = mov.Annotation(annoID)
    MovieAnnotation = anno
End Function
Sub DisplayMovieData()
    Dim dataStr As String
    Dim captionsStr As String
    Dim annoStr As String
    Dim track As QTTrack
    lblName = ""
    lblInfo = ""
    lblCaptions = ""
    lblData = ""
    If gMovie Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    lblName = MovieAnnotation(qtAnnotationFullName, gMovie)
    ' get some annotations
    lblInfo = ""
    annoStr = MovieAnnotation(qtAnnotationCopyright, gMovie)
    If Trim(annoStr) <> "" Then lblInfo = lblInfo & annoStr & vbCrLf
    annoStr = MovieAnnotation(qtAnnotationAuthor, gMovie)
    If Trim(annoStr) <> "" Then lblInfo = lblInfo & annoStr & vbCrLf
    annoStr = MovieAnnotation(qtAnnotationComments, gMovie)
    If Trim(annoStr) <> "" Then lblInfo = lblInfo & annoStr & vbCrLf
    annoStr = MovieAnnotation(qtAnnotationDescription, gMovie)
    If Trim(annoStr) <> "" Then lblInfo = lblInfo & annoStr & vbCrLf
    captionsStr = "Source:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    dataStr = Trim(gMovie.URL) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    captionsStr = captionsStr & "Size:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    dataStr = dataStr & gMovie.Width & " x " & gMovie.Height & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    captionsStr = captionsStr & "Duration:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    dataStr = dataStr & gMovie.Duration & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    For Each track In gMovie.Tracks
        captionsStr = captionsStr & track.DisplayName & ":" & vbCrLf
        dataStr = dataStr & track.Format
        If track.Height > 0 Then
            dataStr = dataStr & ", " & track.Width & " x " & track.Height & vbCrLf
        End If
    Next track
    lblCaptions = captionsStr
    lblData = dataStr
    Exit Sub
    dataStr = dataStr & "Error #" & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description &  vbCrLf
    Resume Next
End Sub

Listing 2-5  Code for handling the sizing of the QuickTime movie

Option Explicit
Dim bFormResized As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
    QTControl1.ErrorHandling = qtErrorHandlingRaiseException
    QTControl1.sizing = qtControlFitsMovie
    Load frmInfo
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim sizingMode As QTSizingModeEnum
    Dim resetSizing As Boolean
    bFormResized = True
    ' set the sizing mode to "movie fits control" so the movie will adjust
    '  itself as to the new control size
    sizingMode = QTControl1.sizing
    If sizingMode = qtControlFitsMovie Then
        QTControl1.sizing = qtMovieFitsControl
        resetSizing = True
        resetSizing = False
    End If
    QTControl1.Move 0, 0, Me.Width - (GetFormBorderWidth() *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelX), Me.Height - (GetFormBorderHeight() *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
    If resetSizing Then QTControl1.sizing = sizingMode
    bFormResized = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    frmInfo.SetInfoMovie Nothing
    QTControl1.URL = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEdit_Click(Index As Integer)
    Select Case Index
        Case 0  'Undo
        Case 2  'Cut
        Case 3  'Copy
        Case 4  'Paste
    End Select
End Sub
Private Sub mnuFile_Click(Index As Integer)
    Dim FileName
    Select Case Index
        Case 0  'Open
            ' make the control automatically resize itself whenever the movie
            ' size changes
            QTControl1.sizing = qtControlFitsMovie
            FileName = GetFileName()
            If FileName <> "" Then
                QTControl1.URL = FileName
                If frmInfo.Visible Then
                    frmInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
                End If
            End If
        Case 1  'Open URL
            QTControl1.sizing = qtControlFitsMovie
            Dim URL$
            URL$ = InputBox("Enter a URL:", "URL", "http://www.server.com/movies/ sample.mov")
            If URL$ <> "" Then
                QTControl1.URL = URL$
                If frmInfo.Visible Then
                    frmInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
                End If
            End If
        Case 2  'Close
            frmInfo.SetInfoMovie Nothing
            QTControl1.URL = ""
        Case 4  'Full Screen
            If QTControl1.URL <> "" Then QTControl1.FullScreen = True
        Case 5  'Get Info
            If QTControl1.URL <> "" Then
                frmInfo.SetInfoMovie QTControl1.Movie
                frmInfo.Move Me.Left + Me.Width + 200, Me.Top
            End If
        Case 7  'Exit
            Unload Me
    End Select
End Sub
Private Sub QTControl1_SizeChanged(ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long)
    ' Ignore event if control was resized as a result of form being resized.
    '  avoids race condition
    If bFormResized Then Exit Sub
    'Resize window to accomodate control
    Me.Move Me.Left, Me.Top, (Width + GetFormBorderWidth()) *  Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, (Height + GetFormBorderHeight()) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End Sub

Audio Enhancements

QuickTime 7 for Windows breaks free of the limitations of the Sound Manager, adding many new features and capabilities that developers can take advantage of in their audio playback and authoring applications.

Notably, QuickTime 7 for Windows now supports high-resolution audio, that is, audio sampled at sample rates higher than 64 kHz and up to 192 kHz, with up to 24 channels and support for surround sound. This is in stark contrast to the implementation of the Sound Manager, which only supported mono and stereo.

The result of these new audio enhancements is as follows:

Most components––with a few exceptions such as streaming and MPEG-4 exporting––will be able to make use of these new capabilities immediately. This release of QuickTime updates a number of components so that it is possible to play back, edit, and export a broad variety of enhanced audio right away.

In brief, QuickTime 7 for Windows includes the following enhancements, discussed in this section:

New Abstraction Layer For Audio

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces the audio context––a new abstraction that represents playing to an audio device.

As defined, a QuickTime audio context is an abstraction for a connection to an audio device. This allows you to work more easily and efficiently with either single or multiple audio devices in your application.

Creating an Audio Context

To create an audio context, you call QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice and pass in the UID of the device, which is a CFStringRef. An audio context is then returned. You can then pass that audio content either into NewMovieFromProperties, or you can open your movie however you would normally open it and call SetMovieAudioContext. What that does is route all the sound tracks of the movie to that particular device.

If you want to create an audio context and assign a device to it on Windows, use the following call:

extern OSStatus
  CFAllocatorRef       allocator,
  CFStringRef          audioDeviceUID,
  CFDictionaryRef      options,
  QTAudioContextRef *  newAudioContextOut);

Then use the SetMovieAudioContext call on your movie, and it will play to that device.

To get a list of devices on Windows––so you can pass an audioDeviceUID CFString to QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice––use the native Windows DirectSound APIs (specifically, the DirectSoundEnumerate function, from dsound.h). Iterating through the list of DirectSound devices, you get a callback for each one that gives you the device’s GUID (LPGUID), description (LPCSTR), and module (LPCSTR). The most important one is the description, which is the device’s name. QuickTime uses this as its device UID on Windows. So once you find the device you want, you create a CFStringRef for it, and pass this to QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice.

Important:  On Windows, the audioDeviceUID is the GUID of a DirectSound device, stringified using such Win32 functions as StringFromCLSID or StringFromGUID2, then wrapped in a CFStringRef using CFStringCreateWithCharacters. After passing the audioDeviceUID CFStringRef to QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice, remember to CFRelease the CFStringRef you created.

Note: If you want to route two different movies to the same device, you cannot use the same audio context because the audio context is a single connection to that device. What you do is call QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice again and pass in the same device UID to get another AudioContext for the same device, and pass that to your second movie.

High-Resolution Audio Support

High-resolution audio makes use of an enhanced sound description with the ability to describe high sampling rates, multiple channels, and more accurate audio representation and reproduction.

Significantly, the new sound description has larger fields to describe the sampling rate and number of channels, so that the sound description is no longer the limiting factor for these characteristics.

The sound description has built-in support for variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio encoding with variable-duration compressed frames. Extensions to the sound description allow you to describe the spatial layout of the channels, such as quadraphonic and 5.1 surround sound, or to label channels as discrete––that is, not tied to a particular geometry. For more information, see “SoundDescriptionV2”.

New movie audio properties include a summary channel layout property, providing a nonredundant listing of all the channel types used in the movie—such as L/R for stereo, or L/R/Ls/Rs/C for 5-channel surround sound—and a device channel layout, listing all the channel types used by the movie’s output device.

Figure 2-2 shows the layout of surround speakers. The terminology is defined in Table 2-1.

Figure 2-2  Layout of surround speakers

Table 2-1  Surround sound definitions




Left speaker


Right speaker


Center speaker


Left surround speaker


Right surround speaker


Sub-woofer (Note that LFE is an abbreviation for low-frequency effects)

The new sound description is supported by the data types and structures found in CoreAudioTypes.h. While the Core Audio API itself is not available to Windows programmers, QuickTime for Windows does include the relevant data structures, such as audio buffers, stream descriptions, and channel layouts defined in CoreAudioTypes.h.

A suite of functions has been included to support the handling of sound descriptions opaquely.


Playback at the high level is automatic and transparent; if you play a movie that contains 96 kHz or 192 kHz sound, it should just work. You should not have to modify your code. The same is true for cut-and-paste editing. If the chosen output device does not support the channel layout, sampling rate, or sample size of the movie audio, mix-down and resampling are performed automatically.

Import of high-resolution audio is automatic, provided the import component has been updated to support high-resolution audio.

QuickTime will play to any device that has a DirectSound driver. If it appears in the list of devices when you call DirectSoundEnumerate, QuickTime will play to it.

There are some caveats, however. If it is a device that only accepts a compressed stream (that is, an AC-3 stream), you will only hear silence. QuickTime does not provide CoreAudio HAL or AudioUnit or AudioConverter interfaces on Windows, so you cannot use these to query devices. You may use the facilities that DirectSound provides. QuickTime provides an audio panel in the QuickTime Preferences on Windows that lets users to specify the channel layout, sample rate, and bit depth of their playback device.

QuickTime Settings Dialogs

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a new series of settings dialogs for improved control over audio playback.

QuickTime does not manage a list of devices that is separate from the list available in Windows. If you want to set your input and output devices, you click in the appropriate settings field. In the Sound Out area of the Audio tab in the QuickTime Settings dialog (Figure 2-3), the sound characteristics of the playback device are not changed. If the user specifies 48 kHz, for example, QuickTime will not go to the output device and flip a switch to that setting.

Figure 2-3 illustrates the QuickTime Settings dialog with the Audio tab selected. Thisdialog lets users configure QuickTime to use the proper settings for their audio device. Users can select the output format supported by aparticular audio device, including sample rate, sample size, and number of channels.(You cannot use this dialog to change the settings of the actual output device, only the format that QuickTime sends to the device.)

Figure 2-3  The QuickTime Settings dialog with the Audio tab selected

Figure 2-4 illustrates the various settings that are available for audio, including channel assignment. This information panel in QuickTime Player lets users modify some aspects of a movie’s audio, such as volume, balance, bass, and treble.

Figure 2-4  Audio settings dialog, including channel assignment

Figure 2-5 illustrates the Sound Settings dialog in QuickTime 7 for Windows. This audio compression settings dialog comes up during an export.

Figure 2-5  Sound settings dialog that includes user-definable choices for format, channels, and rate of audio playback


Export of high-resolution audio is likewise transparent at the high level. Export at the lower levels requires some additional code. Your application must “opt in” to the new audio features explicitly if it “talks” directly to an export component instance. You do this by calling QTSetComponentProperty on the exporter component instance and passing in the kQTMovieExporterPropertyID_EnableHighResolutionAudioFeatures property. This is illustrated in the code sample Listing 2-6.

Sound Description Creation and Accessor Functions

QuickTime 7 for Windows provides new functions that let you create, access, and convert sound descriptions.

Sound descriptions can take three basic inputs: an AudioStreamBasicDescription, a channel layout, and a magic cookie. Sound descriptions are now treated as if they are opaque. In QuickTime 7, when you are handed a sound description, for example, you don’t have to go in and look at the version field.

If you want to create a sound description, you can simply hand it an AudioStreamBasicDescription, an optional channel layout if you have one, and an optional magic cookie if you need one for the described audio format. Note that it is the format (codec) of the audio that determines whether it needs a magic cookie, not the format of the sound description.

By calling QTSoundDescriptionCreate, you can make a sound description of any version you choose––for example, one that is of the lowest possible version, given that it is stereo and 16-bit, or one of any particular version you want or request.

The main point about the new API is the capability provided to create a sound description and the usage of new property getters and setters. To accomplish this, follow these steps:

  1. Get an AudioStreamBasicDescription from a sound description.

  2. Get a channel layout from a sound description (if there is one).

  3. Get the magic cookie from magic cookie (if there is one).

You can also:

  1. Get a user-readable textual description of the format described by the SoundDescription.

  2. Add or replace a channel layout to an existing sound description. For example, this is what QuickTime Player does in the properties panel where the user can change the channel assignments.

  3. Add a magic cookie to a sound description. (This is not needed very often unless you are writing a movie importer, for example.)

To convert an existing QuickTime sound description into the new V2 sound description, you call QTSoundDescriptionConvert. This lets you convert sound descriptions from one version to another.

For a description of versions 0 and 1 of the SoundDescription record, see the documentation for the QuickTime File Format.

For a description of version 2 of the SoundDescription record, see “SoundDescriptionV2”. For details of the sound description functions, see QTSoundDescriptionCreate and QTSoundDescriptionConvert.

For details on getting and setting sound description properties, see QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty andQTSoundDescriptionSetProperty

Audio Playback Enhancements

In addition to playing back high-resolution audio, QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces the following audio playback enhancements:

Preventing Pitch-Shifting

A new property is available for use with the NewMovieFromProperties function: kQTAudioPropertyID_RateChangesPreservePitch. When this property is set, changing the movie playback rate will not result in pitch-shifting of the audio. This allows you to fast-forward through a movie without hearing chipmunks.

Setting this property also affects playback of scaled edits, making it possible to change the tempo of a sound segment or scale it to line up with a video segment, for example, without changing the pitch of the sound.

Gain, Mute, and Balance

New functions are available to set the left-right balance for a movie, set the gain for a movie or track, or to mute and unmute a movie or track without changing the gain or balance settings.

The gain and mute functions duplicate existing functions for setting track and movie volume, but the new functions present a simpler and more consistant programmer interface.

For example, to mute the movie using the old SetMovieVolume function, you would pass in a negative volume value; to preserve the current volume over a mute and unmute operation, you had to first read the volume, then negate it and set it for muting, then negate it and set it again to unmute. By comparison, the new SetMovieAudioMute function simply mutes or unmutes the movie without changing the gain value.

Note: The values set using these functions are not persistent; that is, they are not saved with the movie.

For details, see

Level and Frequency Metering

It is now easy to obtain real-time measurements of the average audio output power level in one or more frequency bands.

The only mix supported for volume metering is DeviceMix:

You can specify the number of frequency bands to meter. QuickTime divides the possible frequency spectrum (approximately half the audio sampling rate) into that many bands. You can ask QuickTime for the center frequency of each resulting band for display in your user interface. The GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringBandFrequencies function returns an array containing the center frequencies of each band.

When using kQTAudioMeter_DeviceMix (which is the only option currently offered for Volume Metering), levels are computed for each audio channel as it is presented to the output device. In order to obtain accurate frequency metering information for N-channel devices without requiring that N compute-intensive spectral analyses be performed, the kQTAudioMeter_MonoMix and kQTAudioMeter_StereoMix options direct QuickTime to perform an audio mix-down before computing the frequency levels.

For example, if you are playing movies to a 5.1 output device, you might want to meter the frequency levels of all six output channels.However, if you are playing stereo content, the levels for four of the outputs would always be zero, so you might prefer to meter just what would be played on a stereo device.

To use the frequency metering API, follow these steps:

  1. Set the number of frequency bands to meter using SetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringNumBands.

  2. Call GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringBandFrequencies if you need to know the frequencies of the resulting bands.

  3. Finally, make periodic calls to GetMovieAudioFrequencyLevels to obtain measurements in all specified bands. You can obtain either the average values, the peak hold values, or both.

For details, see

Audio Conversion, Export, and Extraction

The new audio extraction API lets you retrieve mixed, uncompressed audio from a movie.

Note that the audio extraction API currently only mixes audio from sound tracks. Other media types, such as muxed MPEG-1 audio inside a program stream, are not currently supported.

To use the audio extraction API, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by calling MovieAudioExtractionBegin. This returns an opaque session object that you pass to subsequent extraction routines.

  2. You can then get the AudioStreamBasicDescription for the audio or layout. Note that some properties are of variable size, such as the channel layout, depending on the audio format, so getting the information involves a two-step process.

    1. First, you call MovieAudioExtractionGetPropertyInfo to find out how much space to allocate.

    2. Next, call MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty to obtain the actual value of the property.

  3. You can use the AudioStreamBasicDescription to specify a different uncompressed format than Float 32. This causes the extraction API to automatically convert from the stored audio format into your specified format.

  4. Use the MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty function to specify channel remapping––that is, a different layout––sample rate conversion, and preferred sample size. You can also use this function to specify interleaved samples (default is non-interleaved) or to set the movie time to an arbitrary point.

Note that there are basically two things you set here: an audio stream basic description (ASBD) and a channel layout. (ASBD sets the format, sample, number of channels, interleavings, and so on.)

Setup is now complete. You can now make a series of calls to MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer to receive uncompressed PCM audio in your chosen format.

  1. The default is for the first call to begin extracting audio at the start of the movie, and for subsequent calls to begin where the last call left off, but you can set the extraction point anywhere in the movie timeline by calling MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty and setting the movie time.

  2. MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer will set kMovieAudioExtractionComplete in outFlags when you reach the end of the movie audio.

  3. You must call MovieAudioExtractionEnd when you are done. This deallocates internal buffers and data structures that would otherwise continue to use memory and resources.

A caveat: Ideally, the uncompressed samples would be bitwise identical whether you obtained the samples by starting at the beginning of the movie and iterating through it, or by randomly setting the movie time and extracting audio samples. This is typically the case, but for some compression schemes the output of the decompressor depends not only on the compressed sample, but the seed value in the decompressor that remains after previous operations.

The current release of QuickTime does not perform the necessary work to determine what the seed value would be when the movie time is changed prior to extracting audio; while the extracted audio is generally indistinguishable by ear, it may not always be bitwise identical.

For details about audio conversion, export, and extraction, refer to the information about the following functions:

Standard Audio Compression Enhancements

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a new standard compressor component, StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio, that adds the ability to configure high-resolution audio output formats. It has a full set of component properties to make configuration easier, especially when the developer wishes to bring up an application-specific dialog, or no dialog, rather than the typical compression dialog.

This component essentially replaces the StandardCompressionSubTypeSound component, which is limited to 1 or 2 channel sound with sampling rates of 65 kHz or less. That component is retained for backward compatability with existing code, but its use is no longer recommended.

The StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio component is configured by getting and setting component properties, instead of using GetInfo and SetInfo calls. These properties have a class and ID, instead of just a single selector.

The component property API allows configuration at any level of detail without requiring a user interface dialog or direct communication with low-level components.

For details, refer to the section “Audio Property Selectors.”

Note: You can also configure the new standard audio compression component by calling SCSetSettingsFromAtomContainer. You can pass the new standard audio compression component either a new atom container obtained from SCGetSettingsAsAtomContainer or an old atom container returned by calling the same function (SCGetSettingsAsAtomContainer) on the old SubTypeSound component.

If you use MovieExportToDataRefFromProcedures, your getProperty proc will need to support some of these property IDs as new selectors. Note that the Movie Exporter getProperty proc API is not changing to add a class (the class is implied).

Note: Not all properties can be implemented by getProperty procs; the properties that getProperty procs can implement are marked with the word "DataProc". See the inline documentation in QuickTimeComponents.h for more information.

Audio Export Enhancements

Some movie export components now support high-resolution audio.

Export of high-resolution audio is transparent at the high level. If you export from a movie containing high-resolution audio to a format whose export component supports it, the transfer of data is automatic; if the export component does not support high-resolution audio, mix-down, resampling, and sound description conversion are automatic.

Export at the lower levels requires some additional code. Your application must “opt in” to the new audio features explicitly if it talks directly to an export component instance. (This is to prevent applications that have inadvisedly chosen to “walk” the opaque atom settings structure from crashing when they encounter the new and radically different structure.) The following code snippet (Listing 2-6) illustrates the opt-in process.

Listing 2-6  Opting in for high-resolution audio export

ComponentInstance exporterCI;
ComponentDescription search = { ’spit’, ’MooV’, ’appl’, 0, 0 };
Boolean useHighResolutionAudio = true, canceled;
OSStatus err = noErr;
Component c = FindNextComponent(NULL, &search);
exporterCI = OpenComponent(c);
// Hey exporter, I understand high-resolution audio!!
(void) QTSetComponentProperty(// disregard error
err = MovieExportDoUserDialog(exporterCI, myMovie, NULL, 0, 0, &canceled);

For additional details, see “Movie Exporter Properties”.

Video Enhancements

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a number of important video enhancements, discussed in this section. These include

Frame Reordering Video

QuickTime 7 for Windows adds support for frame reordering video compression. This is a major advance that involves new sample tables for video to allow video frames to have independent decode and display times.

The result of using frame reordering for video compression is improved display and editing in H.264 and other advanced video codec formats. Enhancements include a new API for working with media sample times, adding and finding samples, and a new Image Compression Manager (ICM) API.

Understanding Frame Reordering Video Compression

QuickTime supports many types of video compression, including spatial compression algorithms, such as photo-JPEG, and temporal compression algorithms, in which some video frames are described completely, while other frames are described in terms of their differences from other video frames.

Up until the introduction of H.264 in QuickTime 7 for Windows, video frames could be of three kinds:

Note: B-frame, I-frame, and P-frame are all video compression methods used by the MPEG standard. B-frame is an abbreviation for bi-directional frame, or bi-directional predictive frame. B-frames rely on the frames preceding and following them and only contain data that has changed from the preceding frame or is different from data in the next frame.

P-frame is an abbreviation for predictive frame, or predicted frame. P-frames follow I-frames and contain only the data that has changed from the preceding I-frame. P-frames rely on I-frames to fill in most of its data.

I-frame, also known as keyframes, is an abbreviation for intraframe. An I-frame stores all the data required to display the frame. In common usage, I-frames are interspersed with P-frames and B-frames in a compressed video.

Because B-frames predict from a future frame, that frame has to be decoded before the B-frame, yet displayed after it; this is why frame reordering is needed.The decoded order is no longer the same as the displayed order.The QuickTime support for frame reordering is quite general.In the H.264 codec, the concepts of the direction of prediction, and the numbers of referenced frames, and the kind of frame that is referenced, are all decoupled. In H.264, an encoder may choose to make a stream in which P-frames refer to a future frame, or a B-frame which refers to two past or future frames, for example.

Important:  Prior to this release, QuickTime supported self-contained video frames (keyframes, also called sync-frames or I-frames) and frames that depended on previous frames (P-frames). Many modern compressors also make use of frame reordering, in which frames can depend on future frames.Those future frames have to be decoded before the frame in question, but displayed after it––hence the reordering. Traditional B-frames are one example: they depend on a past and a future I- or P-frame.That future I- or P-frame has to be given to the decoder before the B-frame, but is displayed after the B-frame itself. This means that the frames are stored or streamed in decode order, rather than in display order.

For decompressors that don’t use frame reorderings, the decode order and the display order are the same, and QuickTime sample tables are traditionally organized to reflect this. Samples are stored in decode order, which is presumed to be the display order, and the sample tables specify the duration of each sample’s display; the display time is the time when the track begins plus the duration of all previous samples.

The addition of frame reordering support means that QuickTime now has an optional sample table for video that specifies the offset between the decode time and the display time. This allows frames to be stored in decode order but displayed in a different order. The decode time is still the beginning of the track plus the decode duration of all previous samples, but it is now necessary to examine the offset table to determine which samples precede others and calculate the correct display time.

For high-level programmers, this all happens transparently. Developers who work directly with sample numbers and sample times, however, must be aware of this new feature. A new, expanded API is available to support this.

Finding and Adding Samples

Developers who need to work with specific samples based on the samples’ display times, or who are adding samples to a media directly, need to use a different API when working with media that uses frame reorderings.

For example, programmers who use the function MediaTimeToSampleNum must instead use the two functions MediaDecodeTimeToSampleNum and MediaDisplayTimeToSampleNum when working with frame reordering compressed video, as each sample now has a decode time and a display time instead of a single media time (combined decode/display time).

Similarly, when adding samples to a media that permits display offsets, it is necessary to use the new AddMediaSample2 instead of AddMediaSample, as the new function permits the user to pass a display offset and specify properties that are unique to media with display offsets, such as whether subsequent samples are allowed to have earlier display times than the current sample.

Calling one of the old functions that use a single media time value on new-format media that contains display offsets will return the error code kQTErrMediaHasDisplayOffsets.

The new API elements all use 64-bit time values, whereas the older API elements use 32-bit values. Calling one of the old functions with a 64-bit time value returns the error code kQTErrTimeValueTooBig.

When creating a media for frame reordering compressed video track, pass in the new flag kCharacteristicSupportsDisplayOffsets.

For details, see:

There is additional support for programmers who work directly with arrays of media sample references. Although these new functions work with frame reordering video or other media with independent decode and display times, they can also be used with ordinary media types. See “QuickTime Sample Table API.”

Compressing Video Using Frame Reordering

When compressing video that uses frame reordering, there is no longer a one-to-one correspondence between submitting a frame for compression and getting back a compressed sample. The Image Compression Manager (ICM) and the compressor component may buffer multiple images before determining that a series of frames should be B-frames and a subsequent image should be decompressed out of order so that the B-frames can refer to it. The new ICM functions do not require a strict correlation between input frames and output frames. Frames may be rearranged by compression and decompression modules.

The new functions allow groups of multiple pixel buffers to be in use at various processing points in order to avoid unnecessary copying of data, using CVPixelBuffers and CVPixelBufferPools. These new types are Core Foundation based. They follow Core Foundation’s protocols for reference counting (create/copy/retain/release). Each type has its own retain and release functions which are type-safe and NULL-safe, but otherwise equivalent to CFRetain and CFRelease. Note that the CVPixelBuffer functions generally provide their output data through callbacks, rather than as return values or function parameters.

In general, the new functions return OSStatus, with the exception of some simple Get functions that return single values.

Clients create compression sessions using ICMCompressionSessionCreate. They then feed pixel buffers in display order to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. Encoded frames may not be output immediately, and may not be returned in the same order as they are input—encoded frames will be returned in decode order, which will sometimes differ from display order. One of the parameters to ICMCompressionSessionCreate specifies a callback routine that QuickTime will call when each encoded frame is ready. Frames should be stored in the order they are output (decode order).

To force frames up to a certain display time to be encoded and output, call ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames.

To obtain a pixel buffer pool that satisfies the requirements of both your pixel buffer producer and the compressor, pass the pixel buffer producer’s pixel buffer options into ICMCompressionSessionCreate, and then call ICMCompressionSessionGetPixelBufferPool. The compression session constructs an appropriate pixel buffer pool.

Alternatively, you can create your own pixel buffer pool by obtaining the compressor’s pixel buffer attributes, choosing a format compatible with your pixel buffer producer, and setting that compressor’s input format using the component properties API. The process of obtaining the pixel buffer attributes is illustrated in the following code snippet.

CFDictionaryRef attributesDictionary = NULL;
err = ICMCompressionSessionGetProperty(
if (attributesDictionary) {
    // ...use...

You can also pass arbitrary pixel buffers to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame; if they’re incompatible with the compressor’s requirements, then the compression session will make compatible copies and pass those to the compressor. This requires less setup but can result in significantly slower operation.

When the compressor no longer needs a source pixel buffer, it will release it. You may also pass ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame a callback to be called when the source pixel buffer is released.

Clients may call ICMCompressionSessionGetImageDescription to get the image description for the encoded frames. Where possible, the ICM will allow this to be called before the first frame is encoded.

For additional details, see:

H.264 Codec

The H.264 codec is the latest standards-based video codec. Published jointly by the ITU as H.264––Advanced Video Coding, and by ISO as MPEG-4 Part 10––Advanced Video Coding, the H.264 codec promises better image quality at lower bit rates than the current MPEG-4 video codec, and also better live streaming characteristics than the current H.263 codec.

This represents a significant increase in quality and performance, while operating in a standards-based framework.

QuickTime 7 for Windows includes a QuickTime decompressor component and an exporter component for creating and playing H.264-encoded video in QuickTime.

The H.264 codec makes use of QuickTime 7’s new support for frame reordering video compression.

Replacing NewMovieFrom... Functions

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a replacement––NewMovieFromProperties–– for NewMovie, NewMovieFromDataRef, and all other NewMovieFrom... functions.

In previous versions of QuickTime, you could use other functions that create new movies, including NewMovieFromFile and NewMovieFromDataRef. These functions accept flags that allow you to set some movie characteristics at creation time, but other movie characteristics are always set by default. For example, there must be a valid graphics port associated with a movie created by these functions, even if the movie does not output video.

NewMovieFromProperties allows you to configure an extensible set of properties before creating a movie. This has a number of advantages.

Using NewMovieFromProperties

To instantiate a movie using NewMovieFromProperties, follow these steps:

  1. Pass in a CFString file path, a URL, or set up a data reference, just as you would for NewMovieFromDataRef or one of the other NewMovieFrom_ functions.

  2. Next, set up a visual context for the movie to use by calling a function that creates a context of a the desired type, such as QTOpenGLTextureContextCreate. Similarly, you can set up an audio context if you want a device other than the default device.

  3. Call NewMovieFromProperties, passing in the data reference for the movie and the QTVisualContextRef for the visual context, plus any appropriate properties listed in the QTNewMoviePropertyArray.

Properties are passed in using a QTNewMoviePropertyElement struct, which specifies the property class and property ID of each property.

The movie will automatically retain the visual context, so if your application does not need to work with the context directly, you may release it now.

For additional details, see:

QuickTime Metadata Enhancements and API

QuickTime 7 for Windows introduces a new extensible metadata storage format that allows more flexible and efficient storage of metadata, including encapsulated storage of metadata in native format (without translating to and from a defined QuickTime format). For developers, this means that you can now write cleaner, more generic code that enables you to look at, for example, all the metadata in a QuickTime or iTunes music track using just a single function call.

Metadata, of course, is information about a file, track, or media, such as the white balance used to create a photographic image or the artist, album, and title of an MP3 track. Traditionally, metadata information is stored in QuickTime user data items or in ancilliary tracks in a movie. For example, copyright information is normally stored in a ’@cpy’ user data item, while cover art for an AAC audio track is normally stored in a track that is not displayed by all applications.

The new metadata enhancements in QuickTime 7 for Windows allow you to access both old (QuickTime) and new (iTunes) formats. The new metadata storage format is intended as a replacement for QuickTime user data, which was limited in features and robustness. Specifically, the metadata enhancements introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows provide the following capabilities:

The new metadata format allows storage of data that is not possible in user data items, without extending the list of item types exhaustively, and allows labeling of metadata unambiguously, rather than as data in an undisplayed media track. It also permits inclusion of metadata that is always stored external to the movie, even when the movie is flattened (saved as self-contained).

How It Works

Metadata is encapsulated in an opaque container and accessed using a QTMetDataRef. A QTMetaDataRef represents a metadata repository consisting of one or more native metadata containers. The QuickTime metadata API supports unified access to and management of these containers.

Each container consists of some number of metadata items. Metadata items correspond to individually labeled values with characteristics such as keys, data types, locale information, and so on. Note that what QuickTime calls items are sometimes referred to as attributes or properties in other metadata systems.

You address each container by its storage format (kQTMetaDataStorageFormat). Initially, there is support for classic QuickTime user data items, iTunes metadata, and a richer QuickTime metadata container format. A QTMetaDataRef may have one or all of these. No direct access to the native storage containers is provided.

QTMetaDataRefs may be associated with a movie, track or media. This parallels user data atoms usage but provides access to other kinds of metadata storage at those levels.

A metadata item is assigned a runtime identifier (QTMetaDataItem) that along with the QTMetaDataRef identifies the particular item (and value) across all native containers managed by the QTMetaDataRef.

Each item is addressed by a key, or label. The key is not necessarily unique within its container, as it is possible to have multiple items with the same key (for example, multiple author items). Functions exist to enumerate all items or only items with a particular key.

Because a QTMetaDataRef may provide access to different native metadata containers with differing key structures—a four-char-code for one, a string for another, and so on—the key structure is also specified. A QTMetaDataKeyFormat indicates the key structure to functions that take keys. This also supports container formats that allow multiple key structures or multiple versions of key structures.

To allow unified access across disparate containers, you can specify a wildcard storage format. This can be used for operations such as searches across container formats. A special key format called kQTMetaDataKeyFormatCommon indicates one of a set of common keys that can be handled by multiple native containers (for example, copyright).

Both modes of operation are illustrated in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6  Metadata modes of operations

Advantages of the New Metadata Format

The QuickTime metadata format is inherently extensible. Instead of a set of structures and enumerated parameters, the metadata API uses a set of properties that can be enumerated, and whose characteristics can be discovered, dynamically at runtime. This is analogous to the QuickTime component property function in that you first get the property info, such as its size and format, and then you allocate the appropriate container or structure to get or set the actual property.

The new QuickTime metadata format and API consist of the following structures, enumerations, and functions, grouped in sections followed by the specific functions:

QuickTime Sample Table API

The new QuickTime sample table API in QuickTime 7 for Windows is used when you need to obtain information about samples—such as their size, location, and sample descriptions—or to set this kind of information (for example, when adding samples or blocks of samples to a media directly, without using the services of an importer).

This new API introduces QTSampleTable as a logical replacement for the arrays of sample reference records used with the older functions AddMediaSampleReferences and AddMediaSampleReferences64. New functions allow you to operate on whole tables of data simultaneously.

Like many new QuickTime APIs, the QuickTime sample table API uses opaque data types whose properties can be discovered dynamically at runtime. This is analogous to the component properties API for configuring components. You use a GetPropertyInfo function to discover the size and format of a property, then allocate the necessary container or structure to get or set the actual property.

This API works with both simple media types that have a single media time for each sample and new media types such as frame reordering video that have independent decode and display times for samples.


Warning:  When using the QuickTime sample table API to work with constant-bit-rate (CBR) compressed audio, the audio is represented in a new way.

In the QuickTime sample table API, sample numbers for audio always refer to packets. This is simpler and more consistant, but it means that a new function may not return the same value as an older, analogous function when called with reference to compressed CBR sound. For example, QTSampleTableGetNumberOfSamples may return a different sample count than GetMediaSampleCount.

All compressed audio is quantized into packets, and each packet can be decompressed into multiple PCM samples. With previous APIs, media sample numbers for CBR sound refer to PCM samples, rather than the compressed packets. When the same APIs are applied to variable-bit-rate (VBR) sound, however, the sample numbers refer to packets. This inconsistency means that code using these older APIs must handle CBR and VBR differently. In this API, by contrast, sample numbers always refer to packets.

This applies only to compressed CBR sound, however. In uncompressed sound tracks, each packet is simply an uncompressed PCM frame, so the value is the same whether the sample number refers to packets or PCM samples.

For full details of the QuickTime sample table API, see:

Other Changes and Enhancements

This section discusses the following changes and enhancements that are available in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

New Install Location

Beginning with QuickTime 7 for Windows, the default install location for QuickTime has been moved from the directory:



\Program Files\QuickTime

Optionally, the user may specify a custom install location when performing the installation.

The QuickTime installer will also create a number of subdirectories within the QuickTime directory where the various QuickTime files are stored. For example, a QuickTime System directory QTSystem is created as follows:


to store the various QuickTime system files.

Important:  Developers should use the QuickTime APIs and registry locations to determine at runtime where QuickTime is installed.

New QuickTime DLL

To allow for compatability with applications which rely on the presence of QuickTime in the old


directory, QuickTime 7 will install a DLL file for purposes of backward compatibility named QuickTime.qts to this same directory. This file will do the work of finding the new QuickTime file locations forapplications that explicitly look in the old location or that use an SDK older than the QuickTime 6 SDK.

Important:  Developers updating their applications should not rely on the presence of this file and should update any code which expects QuickTime in the old location. Instead, use the new QuickTime directories APIs to locate installed QuickTime files. In the end, developers are strongly advised to update their applications. Apple cannot guarantee that the DLL file for backward compatibility will be available beyond this release.

New QuickTime Directories APIs

A number of new APIs have been created to allow developers to locate the various directories created by the QuickTime installer. These APIs are similar in style to the Win32 GetSystemDirectory function. All of these APIs are non-dispatched and work without having to call InitializeQTML beforehand.

For full details of the new QuickTime directories APIs, see:

Updates to QuickTime for Java

QuickTime for Java (QTJ) is now fully supported in QuickTime 7 for Windows. QTJ is now installed by default in QuickTime 7.

This release includes a number of important bug fixes requested by QuickTime for Java developers. These are as follows:

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