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What’s New in QuickTime 6.4 For Mac OS X

Welcome to QuickTime 6.4 for Mac OS X.

This document provides details of some of the new features, changes, and enhanced capabilities that are available at the API level in QuickTime 6.4. It also includes some code snippets that illustrate how developers can take advantage of these new features and it fully documents the new QuickTime functions, data structures, and callbacks.

If you are a QuickTime API-level developer, content author, multimedia producer or Webmaster who is currently working with QuickTime, you should read this document.

In this section:

Documentation and Other Resources
Installing QuickTime 6.4
Using Gestalt to Get the QuickTime Version
A New Approach To Data References
Threaded Programming and QuickTime
New Graphics Functions
New Graphics Importer Support for ColorSync
New AV Startup Synchronization Functions
Processing Events
New Component Properties Functions
New Movie Property Functions
New IIDC Digitizer Functions
New Sound Function
New Offset TimeBase Functions
Changes to Text Drawing
Encoding Text Changes
New Release of QuickTime for Java
QuickTime 6.4 API Reference

Documentation and Other Resources

This document is intended to provide QuickTime developers with detailed information to support their programming and development efforts. It is designed to supplement the information provided in Inside QuickTime: API Reference and the suite of QuickTime documentation available online, in HTML and PDF, at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QuickTime.html.

Updates to the QuickTime technical documentation website are provided on a regular basis. Developers can also subscribe to various mailing lists for the latest news and information. To sign up for any of Apple’s Developer Programs, go to http://developer.apple.com/membership/index.html.

Installing QuickTime 6.4

QuickTime 6.4 is available as a standalone download for Mac OS X version 10.2.5 and later. It is also included as a part of Mac OS X version 10.3 The download site is www.apple.com/quicktime/download/.

Macintosh users can also use the Software Update mechanism in Mac OS X to update QuickTime 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.2, or 6.3 to QuickTime 6.4.

Hardware Requirements

QuickTime 6.4 requires the following minimum hardware configuration:

Updating Earlier Versions

QuickTime 6.4 replaces and updates various point releases of QuickTime 6 for Mac OS X.

Important:  A Mac OS 9 version is not included in QuickTime 6.4. QuickTime 6.0.3 was the last Mac OS 9 version available to QuickTime users.

The QuickTime 6.4 system software, including the QuickTime Player application, is a free upgrade for QuickTime 6 users. No new Pro key is required; QuickTime 6 Pro keys will unlock the Pro features of QuickTime 6.4.


The QuickTime API comprises more than 2500 functions that provide services to applications. These services include audio and video capture and playback, movie editing, composition, and streaming, still image display, audio-visual interactivity, and so on. The API also supports a wide range of standards-based formats. It is dedicated to extending the reach of application developers by letting them invoke the full range of QuickTime capabilities.

The QuickTime API is not static, however. It evolves to adopt new idioms, new data structures, and new ways of doing things––all of which continually make the API more convenient for developers to use in their applications.

This document is written for developers who use QuickTime on the Mac OS X platform and who want to learn about new ways of programming with QuickTime 6.4.

QuickTime 6 In Perspective

QuickTime 6, introduced in 2002, represented a major advance in Apple technology. Because QuickTime 6 supports ISO-compliant MPEG-4 video and audio, both encode and decode, you can create and play back MPEG-4 video and audio content and use Advanced Audio Coding (AAC).

In subsequent releases of QuickTime 6, additional support was provided for 3GPP authoring, playback, and delivery. These releases also built on Apple’s support of MPEG-4 as the standard for digital media streaming on the Internet and extended it with support for standards for mobile Internet streaming.

New Features of QuickTime 6.4

QuickTime 6.4 now adds significant new functionality to QuickTime. The following new features are discussed in the rest of this document:

“QuickTime 6.4 API Reference” provides interface details for all the functions, data structures, and callbacks that are new in QuickTime 6.4.

Summary of QuickTime 6 Versions

The following table summarizes the different point releases of QuickTime 6.

QuickTime version

Mac OS X


Mac OS 9






MPEG-4 and lots more.





Bug fix for QuickTime 6. Last version for all three platforms.



Bug fixes to address security issues. Mac OS 9 only.




Improved MPEG-4 video, full-screen modes, wired actions.



Support for iTunes 4, enhanced AAC codec, limited DRM.




Improved AAC codec, 3GPP support, which includes AMR codec.

6.4 for Mac OS X


New data reference functions, true multithreading, new graphics functions, component and movie property access, other API additions.

Using Gestalt to Get the QuickTime Version

As always, the standard way for Apple developers to determine which version of QuickTime is installed is by calling the Macintosh Toolbox Gestalt function.

The following code snippet demonstrates how you can check the version of QuickTime that is installed––in this case, QuickTime 6.4. The number 0x06408000 tests for the shipping version of QuickTime 6.4 but fails on prerelease versions.

    /* check the version of QuickTime installed */
    long     version;
    OSErr    result;
    result = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &version);
    if ((result == noErr) && (version >= 0x06408000))
        /* we have version 6.4! */

A New Approach To Data References

The abstraction of a data reference is central to manipulating media in QuickTime. In the past, QuickTime relied on a specialized set of functions for dealing with files and another specialized set of functions that were less rich for dealing with data references. In QuickTime 6.4, this has changed.

With QuickTime 6.4, you can do anything to QuickTime media via a data reference. For example, you can use data references to open movies, flatten movie files, export graphics images, and so on. As file systems change, and as developers invent new ways to refer to media, the QuickTime API offers an abstraction that will grow to meet new needs.

The new data reference functions let you create data references from different forms of file specifications, such as full paths, URLs, and even FSSpec structures. This process is illustrated in “Data Reference Example Code.”

QuickTime 6.4 also provides a set of functions that allow you to import, export, create, and flatten media files that are specified by data reference. The following code samples illustrate the use of data references for these operations:

You can create a data reference for practically any data format and location, using the functions listed in the next section.

New Data Reference Functions

A number of data reference utility functions are new in QuickTime 6.4.

Seven new functions create new data references from various file specifications, pathnames, and URLs:

Three functions return information about data references:

Three functions return information about the storage location associated with a data handler:

Six functions support data references for imported graphic images:

Two functions perform data reference conversions on movies:

Data Reference Example Code

The following code snippets show how you can read and write movies using various data references derived from file paths and URLs.

Movie movieFromPath(CFStringRef path, BOOL allowQTUserInteraction)
    Movie     qtMovie = NULL;
    Handle    dataRef = NULL;
    OSType    dataRefType;
    OSErr     err;
    err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                    kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    if (NULL != dataRef) {
        err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &qtMovie,
                     ( allowQTUserInteraction ? 0 :
                                 newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs ),
                       NULL, dataRef, dataRefType );
    return qtMovie;
// From Cocoa URLs
Movie movieFromURL(NSURL *url, BOOL allowQTUserInteraction)
    Movie     qtMovie = NULL;
    Handle    dataRef = NULL;
    OSType    dataRefType;
    OSErr     err;
    err = QTNewDataReferenceFromCFURL((CFURLRef)url, 0, &dataRef,
    if (NULL != dataRef) {
        err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &qtMovie,
                     ( allowQTUserInteraction ? 0 :
                                newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs ),
                     NULL, dataRef, dataRefType );
    return qtMovie;
// Writing to movie files
// Save with dependencies to a file
void writeMovieToFile(Movie qtMovie, CFStringRef path)
    Handle         dataRef = NULL;
    OSType         dataRefType;
    DataHandler    dataHandler;
    err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                  kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    err = CreateMovieStorage(dataRef, dataRefType, kHFCarbonCreatorCode,
    createMovieFileDeleteCurFile, &dataHandler, NULL);
    AddMovieToStorage(qtMovie, dataHandler);
// Cocoa variant of the above using NSData
- (void) writeMovie:(Movie)qtMovie toFile:(NSString *)path
    Handle    publicMovieHndl;
    NSData    *movieData;
    publicMovieHndl = NewHandle(0);
    PutMovieIntoHandle(qtMovie, publicMovieHndl);
    movieData = [NSData dataWithBytes:*publicMovieHndl
    [movieData writeToFile:path atomically:YES];
    // set file attributes via NSFileManager
void writeFlattenedMovieToFile(Movie qtMovie, CFStringRef path)
    Handle    dataRef = NULL;
    OSType    dataRefType;
    err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
             kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    err = FlattenMovieDataToDataRef(qtMovie, flattenAddMovieToDataFork,
                             dataRef, dataRefType, kHFSCreatorCode,
                             smSystemScript, createMovieFileDeleteCurFile);

The following code illustrates how you can export a movie to a WAV file.

- (void) writeSoundMovieAsWAVEFile (Movie theMovie, NSString *path)
    Handle         dataRef = NULL;
    OSType         dataRefType;
    DataHandler    dataHandler;
    err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString((CFStringRef)path,
              kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    // use the default progress procedure, if any
    SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0);
    // export the movie into a file
    ConvertMovieToDataRef( theMovie,        // the movie to convert
                         NIL,               // all tracks in the movie
                         dataRef,           // the output data reference
                         dataRefType,       // the data ref type
                         kQTFileTypeWave,   // the output file type
                         kHFSCreatorCode,   // the output file creator
                         0L,                // no flags
                         NIL);              // no specific component

Threaded Programming and QuickTime

QuickTime 6.4 introduces several new features that support execution of background tasks on multiple threads in a preemptive multitasking environment. This makes it possible to offload many tasks from your program's main thread to forestall blocking the user interface. Typical thread-safe tasks include importing still images or image sequences, exporting movies, and rendering to the offscreen graphics world a movie that is not currently being played.

The new threading features allow a degree of concurrent tasking in QuickTime that was not previously possible. In the past, QuickTime could be used on separate threads only by serializing access to the QuickTime API, either by the application itself or through the use of a cooperative threading manager such as the Carbon Thread Manager. While serializing allowed QuickTime to be used safely on multiple threads, it did not support concurrent QuickTime operations; if one thread was executing a QuickTime function, other threads needing to call QuickTime were blocked.

Getting Ready to Use QuickTime from a Thread

To use QuickTime in the background on a preemptive thread, make a call to EnterMoviesOnThread from the thread before calling any other QuickTime functions from that thread. It is important that you call EnterMovies on your main thread before spawning any threads that call EnterMoviesOnThread.

EnterMoviesOnThread initializes QuickTime with an environment that is private to the thread. Calls to GetMoviesError or MoviesTask(null), for example, will not obtain errors or task movies in other threads.

User Interface Limited to the Main Thread

Currently, only the main thread can access the user interface. You can play movies or open user dialogs only from the main thread.

To perform an export operation that requires a user dialog, for example, you need to first execute the dialog on the main thread. You can then perform the actual export operation on a separate thread without tying up the user interface. You can pass the information returned by the dialog to another thread by passing an atom container, using functions that get settings as atom containers and set settings from atom containers.

Error Handling

Calling EnterMoviesOnThread indicates that QuickTime should perform additional thread-safety checks on components opened and operations performed on the thread. If you call a function that requires use of a non-thread-safe component, or requires access to the user interface, or performs another thread-unsafe operation, QuickTime returns a distinguished error (componentNotThreadSafeErr = -2098).

Not all QuickTime components are thread-safe, so your code should be designed to detect threading error messages and transfer necessary tasks to the main thread. For example, you might spawn a thread to import a list of image files. The thread would import all the image files that have thread-safe importer components and return a list of any unhandled cases to the main thread, which could then import any remaining image files in the foreground.

From the main thread, your application can call CSSetComponentsThreadMode, passing it kCSAcceptThreadSafeComponentsOnlyMode, to see if opening a movie or other QuickTime object will succeed when attempted from a preemptive thread. You can do this only with Mac OS X version 10.3 or later.

Using QuickTime From a Thread

It is important that you use multiple threads to perform tasks on different movies. Do not use multiple threads to act on the same movie concurrently.

You can work on a given movie in separate threads sequentially, for example to perform an export in the background after playing a movie in the foreground, by passing a data reference from one thread to another when you are through operating on the movie in the first thread.

QuickTime 6.4 includes the following functions that you can use to associate movies and time bases with threads:

You can open movies in separate threads from the same source file, but each thread creates its own movie from the file. You can, however, play one movie while exporting the other, for example, which allows your application to behave as if it could concurrently process the same movie on different threads. This currently works with movies whose data is accessed from files, but not with movies accessed from a URL. The URL data handler is not currently thread-safe, so it is not possible to work with separate movies from the same URL in different threads.

Similarly, a thread-safe component type can be used by multiple threads at the same time, but each thread must instantiate its own instance of the component. Do not call a single component instance from multiple threads.

Many QuickTime functions that expect a component instance as a parameter also accept a component in that parameter. This ambiguity should generally be avoided when using different instances of the same component from multiple threads.

Cleaning Up

When your thread is done working with QuickTime, call ExitMoviesOnThread prior to closing the thread. Failure to do so may cause a memory leak, because resources allocated by EnterMoviesOnThread for the private QuickTime environment may fail to be released.

You may call EnterMoviesOnThread multiple times, which allows libraries to use this function without needing to know if their host thread has already done so. Subsequent calls do little more than increment a counter. To prevent memory leaks, one call to ExitMoviesOnThread should be made for each call to EnterMoviesOnThread.

Never call ExitMoviesOnThread without a prior call to EnterMoviesOnThread. Calls may be nested, but each instance of ExitMoviesOnThread must be balanced by a prior call to EnterMoviesOnThread.

Backward Compatibility

Because QuickTime did not previously support concurrent use from multiple threads, programs that already use QuickTime in preemptive threads may, accidentally or intentionally, make use of formerly global QuickTime states and data structures. For example, in older versions of QuickTime a call to MoviesTask(null) gives processor time to all movies in any thread. Similarly, an error handling routine in one thread might successfully detect errors in another.

While this kind of cross-thread interaction is more likely to do harm than good, the possibility exists that existing applications may rely on it. Consequently, if a thread makes calls to QuickTime without calling EnterMoviesOnThread, the thread shares QuickTime’s state and data structures on the main thread and any other threads that have not called EnterMoviesOnThread.

It is strongly recomended that you transition existing code away from any dependance on QuickTime states and data structures across threads as quickly as possible. When writing new code, threads that call QuickTime should use EnterMoviesOnThread to create private, thread-specific versions of the QuickTime environment.

Thread Safety Issues

For developers who are not familiar with QuickTime’s existing API, it’s possible to assume––largely because Mac OS X is multithreaded––that QuickTime is thread-safe. This is not the case. Your application can’t call QuickTime from arbitrary threads.

However, in some cases and with great care, in QuickTime 6.4 you are able to perform a few operations on secondary threads. The key point is that you can’t do it willy-nilly. If you need to use QuickTime on secondary threads, in limited cases, it is now possible.

The rules for new threads that call QuickTime are as follows:

Component developers should make their components thread-safe and set the new component flag cmThreadSafe.

The following parts of Mac OS X are newly thread-safe:

The following are not thread-safe:

In summary, you should unblock your user interface by moving slow QuickTime processing to other threads, cope with dynamic discovery of non-thread-safe media, and make your components thread-safe.

New Graphics Functions

QuickTime’s graphics import components now have the ability to provide Mac OS X Core Graphics CGImage images. As a result, you can now specify a CGImage as the source for an image export operation. With QuickTime 6.4, you can combine the use of QuickTime to read and write image files with the use of Core Graphics to draw or manage images.

QuickTime 6.4 includes five new functions for working with Core Graphics:

The following sample code illustrates how to use existing graphics importer functions with the new Core Graphics functions and data reference utilities:

// Open a still image from a file
OpenGraphicsImportComponentimageFromPath(CFStringRef path)
    ComponentResult            result;
    GraphicsImportComponent    grip = NULL;
    result = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                    kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    if (NULL != dataRef) {
        GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags(dataRef, dataRefType,
                                             &grip, 0);
    return grip;
// Export a still image to a file
OSStatus exportImageToPNGFile(GraphicsImportComponent imageGrip,
                                CFStringRef path)
    Handle                     dataRef = NULL;
    OSType                     dataRefType;
    GraphicsExportComponent    graphicsExporter;
    unsigned long              sizeWritten;
    ComponentResult            result;
    result = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                     kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    result = OpenADefaultComponent(GraphicsExporterComponentType,
                                    kQTFileTypePNG, &graphicsExporter);
    result = GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter(graphicsExporter,
    result = GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference(graphicsExporter,
                                                   dataRef, dataRefType);
    result = GraphicsExportDoExport(graphicsExporter, &sizeWritten);
    return result;
// Drawing movies and images in windows and offscreen buffers
void playMovieToWindow(Movie qtMovie, Rect *movieBounds, WindowRef window)
    Rect        qdRect;
    CGrafPtr    windowPort;
    OSErr       err;
    SetMovieBox(qtMovie, movieBounds);
    windowPort = GetWindowPort(window);
    SetMovieGWorld(qtMovie, windowPort, NULL);
    // set the movie's rate to start it playing
void setMovieToRenderToOffscreenBuffer(Movie qtMovie, unsigned long
         pixelFormat,CGSize outputSize, void *buffer, size_t bytesPerRow)
    Rect          qdRect;
    GWorldPtr     gWorld = NULL;
    OSErr         err;
    SetRect(&qdRect, 0, 0, outputSize.width, outputSize.height);
    err = NewGWorldFromPtr(&gWorld, pixelFormat, &qdRect, NULL, NULL, 0,
                              buffer, bytesPerRow);
    SetMovieGWorld(qtMovie, gWorld, NULL);
    // set the movie's rate to start it playing
void drawImageToOffscreenBuffer(GraphicsImportComponent grip, unsigned long
          pixelFormat, CGSize outputSize, void *buffer, size_t bytesPerRow)
    Rect         qdRect;
    GWorldPtr    gWorld = NULL;
    OSErr        err;
    SetRect(&qdRect, 0, 0, outputSize.width, outputSize.height);
    err = NewGWorldFromPtr(&gWorld, pixelFormat, &qdRect, NULL, NULL, 0,
                             buffer, bytesPerRow);
    GraphicsImportSetGWorld(grip, gWorld, NULL);
OSStatus drawMovieImageToCGContext(Movie qtMovie, CGContextRef ctx,
                                                       CGRect drawRect)
    TimeValue             movieTime;
    PicHandle             picHndl;
    CGDataProviderRef     dataProvider;
    QDPictRef             pictDataRef;
    OSStatus              result;
    movieTime = GetMovieTime(qtMovie, NULL);
    picHndl = GetMoviePict(qtMovie, movieTime);
    dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData ( NULL, *picHndl,
                                  GetHandleSize((Handle)picHndl), NULL );
    pictDataRef = QDPictCreateWithProvider(dataProvider);
    result = QDPictDrawToCGContext(ctx, drawRect, pictDataRef);
    return result;
// Combining Graphics importers/exporters with Core Graphics
CGImageRef getCGImageFromPath(CFStringRef path)
    CGImageRef                  imageRef = NULL;
    Handle                      dataRef = NULL;
    OSType                      dataRefType;
    GraphicsImportComponent     gi;
    ComponentResult             result;
    result = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                    kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    if (NULL != dataRef) {
       GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags(dataRef, dataRefType, &gi, 0);
       result = GraphicsImportCreateCGImage(gi, &imageRef, 0);
    return CGImageRef;
OSStatus exportCGImageToPNGFile(CGImageRef imageRef, CFStringRef path)
    Handle                     dataRef = NULL;
    OSType                     dataRefType;
    GraphicsExportComponent    graphicsExporter;
    unsigned long              sizeWritten;
    ComponentResult            result;
    result = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(path,
                   kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    result = OpenADefaultComponent(GraphicsExporterComponentType,
                   kQTFileTypePNG, &graphicsExporter);
    result = GraphicsExportSetInputCGImage(graphicsExporter, imageRef);
    result = GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference(graphicsExporter,
                                                   dataRef, dataRefType);
    result = GraphicsExportDoExport(graphicsExporter, &sizeWritten);
    return result;

New Graphics Importer Support for ColorSync

QuickTime 6.4 introduces new graphics importer functions that provide support for ColorSync. These six functions are implemented only in Mac OS X:

The functions make ColorSync matching the default behavior for naive applications that use graphics importers, that is, for image files with embedded ColorSync profiles and for image files with CMYK image data, with or without embedded ColorSync profiles.

An opt-out flag is provided for applications that call ColorSync directly. GraphicsImportGetGenericColorSyncProfile substitutes a generic profile in place of an embedded profile when the opt-out flag is not set.

Note that this is a format-specific importer change; third-party importers must revise their applications in order to get this behavior. Applications can override the embedded image profile and can set the destination profile to be matched. If no destination profile is set, a generic profile is used.

The Photoshop graphics importer and graphics exporter now support embedded ColorSync profiles. ColorSync matching also works for CMYK and 16-bit-per-channel QTIF files.

New AV Startup Synchronization Functions

QuickTime 6.4 introduces five new functions and one new flag that deal with audio-visual startup synchronization issues.

The advantage of these new functions is that now QuickTime can be sample-accurate when starting a movie that contains both a video and an audio track. This means that hardware implementations can specify an edge to start a time base, if they provide their own clock, which could represent their vSync. This approach can be used for recording and eliminating the long first frame duration that occurs in the current QuickTime implementation.

Five functions new in QuickTime 6.4 are the following:

How Startup Synchronization Works

A time base may run at a nonzero rate, but the time will not move until a specific clock value is reached in order to make sure that each track can see the start time of the movie in the future.

When the rate changes to nonzero, the time base synchronizes its time with the current clock time by calculating an offset. It then tells the clock what it has done in order to reschedule any pending callbacks. An extra delay is added in this offset so that the time base time can be frozen to the current time until the delay is reached. The clock will ask the time base about this offset to properly adjust any atTime callback until the offset is reached.

The synchronization point between the time base and a clock is accomplished using the new functions listed in the previous section. Hardware developers should be able to take advantage of them in their applications.

Processing Events

The current and future evolution of the Mac OS is shifting some of the ways that events are handled by QuickTime. Here are some advisories:

New Component Properties Functions

QuickTime-based applications increasingly require that media capture, import, export, and compression operations be configured from custom user interfaces or configured automatically, without user intervention.

One of the changes in QuickTime 6.4 is the ability to use a new Component Properties API so that you can configure QuickTime processes such as export and recompression without using the QuickTime user interface. You can then customize the user interface to fit your application’s needs.

The following eleven new functions in QuickTime 6.4 help you work with component properties:

To date, the Component Manager has defined all component selectors that are standard across multiple types of components, whether these selectors are required or optional.

The goal is for developers to adopt these new component properties functions. In so doing, common properties can be defined directly, and it will be possible to configure all exporters by means of the same set of properties. This means richer scripting and greater opportunities for custom user interfaces.

The Component Manager defines new optional standard selectors for component properties which can be implemented by all components, regardless of type, that are written to work with the component properties mechanism.Existing components can adopt these new functions on their own schedule. The Component Manager allows callers to discover safely whether components implement the new selectors and perform operations according to existing mechanisms if the new support is unavailable.

UI Examples with QuickTime Dialogs as Sheets

The following code shows how to use an effect and standard compression dialog as a sheet.

- (QTAtomContainer) getEffectSettingsFromSheetOnWindow:(NSWindow *)parentWindow
  QTAtomContainer                 fxList = NULL;
  long                            minSrcs = 2;
  long                            maxSrcs = 2;
  QTEffectListOptions             lOpts = 0;
  QTEffectListOptions             dOpts = pdOptionsDisplayAsSheet;
  QTParameterDialog               paramDlg;
  QTEventLoopDescriptionRecord    eld;
  QTAtomContainer                 fxDesc = nil;
  OSErr                           myErr;
  myErr = QTGetEffectsList ( &fxList, minSrcs, maxSrcs, lOpts );
  myErr = QTNewAtomContainer ( &fxDesc );
  myErr = QTCreateStandardParameterDialog ( fxList, fxDesc,
                                             dOpts, &paramDlg );
  eld.recordSize = sizeof(eld);
  eld.windowRefKind = kEffectParentWindowCarbon;
  eld.parentWindow = [parentWindow windowRef];
  eld.eventTarget = NULL;
  QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction(paramDlg, pdActionRunInEventLoop, &eld);
  return fxList;
- (NSData *) getCustomAudioCompressionSettingsFromSheetOnWindow:(NSWindow  *)parentWindow
    ComponentInstance   ci;
    Handle              settingsHndl = NULL;
    ComponentResult     result = noErr;
    SCWindowSettings    windowSettings;
    NSData              *settingsAsData = nil;
    ci = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType,
    // Tell the standard compression component to show the settings panel
    // as a sheet
    windowSettings.size = sizeof(SCWindowSettings);
    windowSettings.windowRefKind = scWindowRefKindCarbon;
    windowSettings.parentWindow = [parentWindow windowRef];
    (void)SCSetInfo(ci, scWindowOptionsType, &windowSettings);
    // Get compression settings from the user.
    result = SCRequestImageSettings(ci);
    // Get the settings back from the standard compression component
    result = SCGetInfo(ci, scSettingsStateType, &settingsHndl);
    if (NULL != settingsHndl) {
        settingsAsData = [NSData dataWithBytes:*settingsHndl
    return settingsAsData;

New Movie Property Functions

QuickTime 6.4 includes five movie property functions that are similar in purpose to the component functions described in “New Component Properties Functions”:

New IIDC Digitizer Functions

Many IEEE-1394-based digital cameras and webcams now support Instrumentation and Industrial Control (IIDC) features that can be accessed by software.

QuickTime 6.4 includes six new functions to communicate with video digitizers that have a subtype of vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc'):

Several data structures that support these functions are new in QuickTime 6.4:

IIDC Atoms

The information about IIDC features that a camera might support is contained in a hierarchy of new big-endian QuickTime atom types:

Details of the new atom types are given in the next sections. To determine the number of features in a particular atom container, you can use this code:

SInt16 featureCount = QTCountChildrenOfType(container,
    kParentAtomIsContainer, vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature);

IIDC Feature Atoms

The top-level atoms in the IIDC atom hierarchy are Feature atoms, of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature, the value of which is 'feat'. Zero or more of these atoms are present in the atom container that is passed to the VDIIDCSetFeatures function and returned by the VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, and VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier functions.

Each Feature atom is a container for atoms that convey information about one IIDC feature of the camera being interrogated or set.

Each Feature atom has two child atoms. The first is a Type and ID atom, of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID, described in the next section. The Type and ID atom identifies a second child atom of the vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature atom, which contains the feature’s current or default setting information. These atoms are described in “IIDC Settings Atoms”below.

Type And ID Atoms

Each feature atom contains one Type and ID atom, of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID ('t&id'). Its ID is 1. The contents of this atom is a VDIIDCFeatureAtomTypeAndID data structure. This structure contains the type of the feature, a type that identifies the general category of the feature (image control, color control, mechanics, or triggering), the feature’s human-readable name, and the type and ID of the Settings atom that contains the feature’s settings.

IIDC Settings Atoms

Most IIDC features can be expressed by VDIIDCFeatureSettings data structures. Three, however, require VDIIDCTriggerSettings, VDIIDCFocusPointSettings, or VDIIDCLightingHintSettings data structures, as shown in the following listing:

vdIIDCFeatureHue                = 'hue ', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureSaturation         = 'satu', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureSharpness          = 'shrp', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureBrightness         = 'brit', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureGain               = 'gain', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureIris               = 'iris', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureShutter            = 'shtr', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureExposure           = 'xpsr', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceU      = 'whbu', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceV      = 'whbv', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureGamma              = 'gmma', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureTemperature        = 'temp', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureZoom               = 'zoom', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureFocus              = 'fcus', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeaturePan                = 'pan ', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureTilt               = 'tilt', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureOpticalFilter      = 'opft', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureTrigger            = 'trgr', // Uses VDIIDCTriggerSettings
vdIIDCFeatureCaptureSize        = 'cpsz', // Undefined settings
vdIIDCFeatureCaptureQuality     = 'cpql', // Undefined settings
vdIIDCFeatureFocusPoint         = 'fpnt', // Uses VDIIDCFocusPointSettings
vdIIDCFeatureEdgeEnhancement    = 'eden'  // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
vdIIDCFeatureLightingHint       = 'lhnt'  // Uses VDIIDCLightingHintSetting

The types and IDs of the Settings atoms that contain these data structures are the following:

// Atom type and ID that contains the VDIIDCFeatureSettings struct
vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings       = 'fstg',
vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureSettings         = 1
// Atom type and ID that contains the VDIIDCTriggerSettings struct
vdIIDCAtomTypeTriggerSettings       = 'tstg',
vdIIDCAtomIDTriggerSettings         = 1
// Atom type and ID that contains the VDIIDCFocusPointSettings struct
vdIIDCAtomTypeFocusPointSettings     = 'fpst',
vdIIDCAtomIDFocusPointSettings       = 1
// Atom type and ID that contains the VDIIDCLightingHintSetting struct
vdIIDCAtomTypeLightingHintSettings   = 'lhst',
vdIIDCAtomIDLightingHintSettings     = 1

A Typical IIDC Atom Hierarchy

To take a specific example, suppose you called VDIIDCGetFeatures, passing an instance of a video digitizer of subtype vdSubTypeIIDC. You might receive back a QuickTime atom container in which you find the following atoms:

vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature    = 'feat'
    vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID    = 't&id'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureAtomTypeAndID      = 1
        feature     = vdIIDCFeatureShutter            // shutter feature
        atomType    = vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings
        atomID      = 1
    vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings    = 'fstg'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureSettings      = 1
vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature    = 'feat'
    vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID    = 't&id'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureAtomTypeAndID      = 1
        feature     = vdIIDCFeatureFocus              // focus feature
        atomType    = vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings
        atomID      = 1
    vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings    = 'fstg'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureSettings      = 1
vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature    = 'feat'
    vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID    = 't&id'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFeatureAtomTypeAndID      = 1
        feature     = vdIIDCFeatureTrigger            // trigger feature
        atomType    = vdIIDCAtomTypeTriggerSettings
        atomID      = 1
    vdIIDCAtomTypeTriggerSettings    = 'tstg'
    vdIIDCAtomIDFTriggerSettings     = 1

In this example, the VDIIDCGetFeatures function tells you that the camera served by the video digitizer component passed to it reports on three IIDC functions: shutter, focus, and trigger. Data on the shutter and focus features can be retrieved from VDIIDCFeatureSettings structures in vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings atoms. Data on the trigger feature can be retrieved from a VDIIDCTriggerSettings structure in a vdIIDCAtomTypeTriggerSettings atom.

New Sound Function

QuickTime 6.4 includes a new sound function to identify the audio device used by a video output component. It is QTVideoOutputCopyIndAudioOutputDeviceUID.

New Offset TimeBase Functions

QuickTime 6.4 includes two offset timebase functions, so custom media handlers can implement media latency.

The new functions are SetTimeBaseOffsetTimeBase and GetTimeBaseMasterOffsetTimeBase.

Changes to Text Drawing

In QuickTime 6.4, text drawing now uses the ATSUI text drawing engine instead of TextEdit. This facilitates the vertical drawing of text––for example, tx3g for Japanese rendering of vertical text. Internally, this means that content authors should be aware of the subtle differences in text rendering, in that all text is now converted to Unicode to be drawn by ATSUI. ATSUI may position characters slightly differently than TextEdit because QuickDraw is no longer used. The outline and shadow styles are no longer supported.

ATSUI is used only on the Macintosh platform. The corresponding drawing engine for Windows is Uniscribe.

Encoding Text Changes

With QuickTime 6.4, the internal behavior for encoding text has changed. All text is now converted to Unicode (if it is not already in Unicode) instead of 8-bit ASCII. This ensures better rendering of Unicode characters.

New Release of QuickTime for Java

The release of QuickTime 6.4 includes QuickTime for Java 1.4.1, discussed in this section. The Software Development Kit (SDK) is included in Mac OS X version 10.3. You can download it from http://developer.apple.com/sdk/index.html.


The goal of this release is to provide QuickTime for Java developers with a new version of QTJava that works with both JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.4.1 on Mac OS X. The current version of QTJava supports JDK 1.4.1, but only on Windows. The intent of this release is to provide a minimal set of functionality across all platforms.

QuickTime for Java 1.4.1 supports this goal by introducing a new quicktime.app.view package, adding other packages, and deprecating some existing packages. But note that all classes that are directly bound to the underlying QuickTime API, including all quicktime.std packages, remain the same and are supported. Developers will still have access to all the QuickTime features through Java using these bindings.

Because many features of QTJava are already available in standard Java, this refinement and simplification of the QTJava architecture has become necessary.

Hierarchy For All New Packages

This section describes the new packages and interfaces in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1, including the quicktime.app.view package, its class hierarchy and its interface hierarchy.

Package Hierarchies


Class Hierarchy

class java.lang.Object
    class quicktime.app.view. GraphicsImporterDrawer (implements
    class quicktime.app.view. MoviePlayer (implements
                                   quicktime.app.time. Timeable
    class quicktime.app.view. QTFactory
    class quicktime.app.view. QTImageProducer (implements
    class quicktime.app.time. Tasking (implements
    class quicktime.app.time. TaskAllMovies
    class quicktime.app.time. TaskThread (implements

Interface Hierarchy

interface quicktime.app.view. QTComponent
interface quicktime.app.view. QTJComponent
interface quicktime.app.time. Timeable

Migrating Existing Code to the New Classes

To take advantage of the new functionality in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1, developers will need to migrate their code to use the new classes and interfaces. This means rewriting existing application code.

New sample code, however, is listed below. It illustrates the usage of the new QTJava classes and methods. These new classes are backward compatible, so that you can use the same new classes on the Java 1.3 and 1.4.1 virtual machines.

SDK Examples That Work with JDK 1.4.1

The following SDK examples, accompanying this release, will work with JDK 1.4.1 and QuickTime for Java 1.4.1. You can build and compile these examples in Xcode on Mac OS X version 10.3:


The following SDK examples will not work with JDK 1.4.1 and QuickTime for Java 1.4.1. This is because these examples use presenters, compositing, or sprites, which are not supported.


The following SDK examples are not yet implemented in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1:


Packages Not Supported in this Release

The following packages are not supported in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1:


This means that such capabilities as compositing, animation with sprites and a sprite world, and the usage of spaces and controllers are not supported using the new classes in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1.

Although sequence grabbing is currently not supported in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1, it may be provided in future releases.

For developers, note that the QTDrawable interfaces, as well as QTCanvas and JQTCanvas, are not supported in QuickTime for Java 1.4.1. These interfaces and classes were part of the quicktime.app.display package and dealt with displaying QuickTime content in a Java AWT or Swing frame.

Note that quicktime.app.time is still supported, including classes such as TaskThread, Tasking, TaskAllMovies, and the Timeable interface.

The quicktime.app.view Package

The new quicktime.app.view package now deals with issues of display and the content that QuickTime can draw into Java. The underlying implementation is hidden: QTJava now provides a Java AWT or Java Swing component, based on what you want to use it for. This means that you won't need to access QTCanvas or subclass the component and add your own functionality as you want and draw into it. The component will already be constructed for you when you want to display a movie, an image, or a movie with a controller.

This new package includes the following classes:

The package also includes two new interfaces:

The methods for these new interfaces and classes in the quicktime.app.view package are described in the Javadoc documentation accompanying QuickTime for Java 1.4.1.

The QTFactory class includes two new factory methods in addition to those already supported. These methods are

Developers can use these new methods to create either QTComponent or QTJComponent objects. For example, you can use the makeQTComponent factory method, passing it a movie object, and it will return an instance of a QTComponent interface. Then, if you want, you can directly use this component, which is a regular AWT component, and add it to a Frame and display it.

QTComponent and QTJComponent provide you with interfaces to set and get the existing movie or image, whichever is displayed in the component. You pass in null as a parameter in order to remove an existing image or movie controller.

QTComponent has three set and get methods:

The QTComponent and QTJComponent interfaces are implemented by the underlying component classes.

You can create a QTComponent object with an existing movie or image in it, and if you want to change the movie or image displayed, you can use the set methods to change the movie or image displayed in the component. If you just want to remove it, while cleaning up, you can pass in a null parameter.

To create a movie controller, you need to pass in a movie first. You create a movie object, pass it in to a movie controller, and create a movie controller object. Then you take this movie controller object and pass it to the makeQTComponent QuickTime factory method. This will return a Java AWT component with a movie and a controller attached and visible. This will be a regular QuickTime movie with a controller attached to it.

You use the makeQTJComponent method to create a QTJComponent, which is a Swing component. To display a movie inside a Swing component, you use the QTFactory.makeQTJComponent method.

Migrating Old QTJava Code to New QTJava Code

The following example illustrate some ways that you can migrate existing QuickTime for Java code—for example, code that uses QTCanvas—to the new classes and methods supported in release 1.4.1.

// Old Code :
// Movie Example Using QTCanvas :
// create movie from QTFile
QTFile qtfile = new QTFile (moviePath);
Movie mov = Movie.fromFile(qtfile);
MovieController mc = new MovieController(mov);
QTPlayer qtp = new QTPlayer(mc);
// create canvas and set the client
QTCanvas qtc = new QTCanvas ();
qtc.setClient(qtp, true);
// New Code :
// Movie Example Using QTFactory methods :
// create movie from QTFile
QTFile qtfile = new QTFile (moviePath);
Movie mov = Movie.fromFile(qtfile);
MovieController mc = new MovieController(mov);
// create component using factory methods
QTComponent movComp = QTFactory.makeQTComponent(mc);
// Swing Example :
// Old Code :
// create movie from QTFile
QTFile qtfile = new QTFile (moviePath);
Movie mov = Movie.fromFile(qtfile);
MoviePlayer movPlayer = new MoviePlayer(mov);
// create JQTCanvas and set client
JQTCanvas jcanvas = new JQTCanvas();
jcanvas.setClient(movPlayer, true);
// New Code :
// create movie from QTFile
QTFile qtfile = new QTFile (moviePath);
Movie mov = Movie.fromFile(qtfile);
MoviePlayer movPlayer = new MoviePlayer(mov);
// create component using factory methods
QTJComponent  movComponent = QTFactory.makeQTJComponent(movPlayer);

QuickTime 6.4 API Reference


The functions new to the QuickTime 6.4 API are documented alphabetically in this section.


Attaches a movie to the current thread.

OSErr AttachMovieToCurrentThread (Movie m);


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Attaches a time base to the current thread.

OSErr AttachTimeBaseToCurrentThread (TimeBase tb);


A time base.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Obtains minimum and maximum delays that a clock could introduce during a rate change.

ComponentResult ClockGetRateChangeConstraints (
   ComponentInstance    aClock,
   TimeRecord           *minimum,
   TimeRecord           *maximum );


Specifies the clock for the operation. Applications obtain this identifier from OpenComponent.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the minimum delay introduced during a rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the maximum delay introduced during a rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns badComponentSelector if the component does not support the call.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Obtains the current rate change time according to a specific clock, a preferred time, and a safe increment duration.

ComponentResult ClockGetTimesForRateChange (
   ComponentInstance    aClock,
   Fixed                fromRate,
   Fixed                toRate,
   TimeRecord           *currentTime,
   TimeRecord           *preferredTime,
   TimeRecord           *safeIncrementForPreferredTime );


Specifies the clock for the operation. Applications obtain this identifier from OpenComponent.


The clock rate you are starting from.


The clock rate you are going to.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the current rate change time. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the next clock time at which the clock would prefer dependent time bases to perform the rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the increment between preferred times for the rate change. If this increment is nonzero, multiples of it may be added to the preferredTime value to calculate future preferred times. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The preferredTime parameter indicates a better choice than the current time to have a rate transition fromRate to toRate. But the clock cannot expect the interesting time to be the one used when the rate changes. The safeIncrementForPreferredTime indicates that the preferred time can be incremented by this value (and any multiple of it) and still be safe to use.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.



Converts a piece of data in a storage location to a movie file format and stores it in another storage location, supporting a user settings dialog box for import operations.

OSErr ConvertDataRefToMovieDataRef (
   Handle               inputDataRef,
   OSType               inputDataRefType,
   Handle               outputDataRef,
   OSType               outputDataRefType,
   OSType               creator,
   long                 flags,
   ComponentInstance    userComp,
   MovieProgressUPP     proc,
   long                 refCon );


A data reference that specifies the storage location of the source data.


The type of the input data reference.


A data reference that specified the storage location to receive the converted data.


The type of the output data reference.


The creator type of the output storage location.


Flags that control the operation of the dialog box.


Indicates whether to delete an existing file. If you set this flag to 1, the Movie Toolbox deletes the file (if it exists) before converting the new movie file. If you set this flag to 0 and the file specified by the inputDataRef and outputDataRef parameters already exists, the Movie Toolbox uses the existing file. In this case, the toolbox ensures that the file has both data.


If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the Save As dialog box restricts the user to those file formats that are supported by movie data export components.


If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the name of the outputDataRef parameter is used as the default name of the exported file in the Save As dialog box.


Controls whether the user settings dialog box for the specified import operation can appear. Set this flag to 1 to display the user settings dialog box.


An instance of a component to be used for converting the movie data.


A progress callback function; see MovieProgressProc in the QuickTime API Reference.


A reference constant to be passed to your callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your function needs.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function converts a piece of data in a storage location into a movie and stores into another storage location. Both the input and the output storage locations are specified through data references. If the storage location is on a local file system, the file will have the specified creator. If specified as such in the flags, the function displays a dialog box that lets the user to choose the output file and the export type. If an export component (or its instance) is specified in userComp, it will be used for the conversion operation.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Converts a specified movie (or a single track within a movie) into a specified file format and stores it in a specified storage location.

OSErr ConvertMovieToDataRef (
   Movie                theMovie,
   Track                onlyTrack,
   Handle               dataRef,
   OSType               dataRefType,
   OSType               fileType,
   OSType               creator,
   long                 flags,
   ComponentInstance    userComp );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The track in the source movie, if you want to convert only a single track.


A data reference that specifies the storage location to receive the converted movie data.


The type of data reference. This function currently supports only alias data references.


The Mac OS file type of the storage location, which determines the export format.


The creator type of the storage location.


Flags (see below)that control the operation of the dialog box.


If this bit is set, the Save As dialog box will be displayed to allow the user to choose the type of file to export to, as well as the file name to export to.


If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the Save As dialog box restricts the user to those file formats that are supported by movie data export components.


If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the name field of the dataRef parameter is used as the default name of the exported file in the Save As dialog box.


An instance of the component to be used for converting the movie data.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


If the storage location is on a local file system, the file will have the specified file type and the creator. If specified as such in the flags, the function displays a dialog box that lets the user choose the output file and the export type. If an export component (or its instance) is specified in the userComp parameter, it will be used to perform the conversion operation.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Converts a time record in a time base to clock time.

void ConvertTimeToClockTime ( TimeRecord *time );


The TimeRecord structure to be converted. It must contain a valid time base; otherwise it remains untouched.


The result of this call has no meaning it the time base rate is 0.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Detaches a movie from the current thread.

OSErr DetachMovieFromCurrentThread (Movie m);


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Detaches a time base from the current thread.

OSErr DetachTimeBaseFromCurrentThread (TimeBase tb);


A time base.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Indicates that the client will be using QuickTime on the current thread.

OSErr EnterMoviesOnThread (UInt32 inFlags);


Flags indicating how the executing thread will be using QuickTime. Setting the thread mode is a convenience provided by this function. Pass 0 for the default options.


Public state. Value is 1L << 0. By default, this function sets the current Component Manager thread mode according to kCSAcceptThreadSafeComponentsOnlyMode. By setting the kQTEnterMoviesFlagDontSetComponentThreadMode flag, no change to the thread mode will be made, leaving it as it was before the call to this function.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. This function returns an appropriate operating system or QuickTime error if the operation couldn't be completed. This might occur because a second call on the thread was made that used incompatible flags (for example, the first call required a shared state but a subsequent call required a private state).


This function is analogous to EnterMovies. It initializes QuickTime and prepares QuickTime for calls from its thread. Unlike EnterMovies, this function allows the client to indicate if its access to QuickTime requires sharing of QuickTime state with the main thread. The default is to maintain a private state.

Your application should call this function on threads you create. Calling it on the main thread should be done if QuickTime will be used from the main thread.

If a client doesn't call this function on a spawned preemptive thread and then makes a QuickTime call (including EnterMovies), the global QuickTime state will be shared with the main (or application) thread. This behavior ensures compatibility with current applications accessing QuickTime from multiple threads.

The first call to this function will change the components thread mode unless the kQTEnterMoviesFlagDontSetComponentsThreadMode flag is passed. All subsequent calls will leave the components thread mode unaffected.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Indicates to QuickTime that the client will no longer be using QuickTime on the current thread.

OSErr ExitMoviesOnThread (void);

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns an appropriate operating system or QuickTime error if the operation couldn't be completed. This might occur because a previous call to EnterMoviesOnThread was not made.


This function should be called before exiting from a spawned thread that uses QuickTime. It undoes the setup performed by EnterMoviesOnThread. Each call to EnterMoviesOnThread should be matched with a call to this function. This function should not be called on a thread without a previous call to EnterMoviesOnThread.

After the last call to this function is made on a thread, subsequent calls to QuickTime functions without calling EnterMoviesOnThread first will result in threads sharing the main thread’s state just as though the application didn’t use EnterMoviesOnThread or this function. This behavior ensures compatibility. Thus callers should bracket all QuickTime calls on secondary threads between an initial call to EnterMoviesOnThread and final call to this function.

If you do not call this function, certain cleanup may not occur, potentially causing resource leaks.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the minimum and maximum delay you can get when a movie’s rate is changed.

void GetMovieRateChangeConstraints (
   Movie         theMovie,
   TimeRecord    *minimumDelay,
   TimeRecord    *maximumDelay );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure. The function updates this structure to contain the minimum delay when a rate change happens.


A pointer to a TimeRecord structure. The function updates this structure to contain the maximum delay when a rate change happens.


If the time base master clock of the movie is changed, this function must be called again to reflect the current constraints.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Determines whether a given movie is attached to a thread.

OSErr GetMovieThreadAttachState (
   Movie      m,
   Boolean    *outAttachedToCurrentThread,
   Boolean    *outAttachedToAnyThread );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A pointer to a Boolean that on exit is TRUE if the movie is attached to the current thread, FALSE otherwise.


A pointer to a Boolean that on exit is TRUE if the movie is attached to any thread, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Allows an offset time base to retrieve the master time base it is attached to.

TimeBase GetTimeBaseMasterOffsetTimeBase ( TimeBase
tb );


An offset time base.

Return Value

The master time base for the offset time base passed in tb. Returns NIL if tb does not contain an offset time base.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Lets a time base client determine the time base’s last rate change status.

void GetTimeBaseRateChangeStatus (
   TimeBase          tb,
   TimeScale         scale,
   Fixed             *rateChangedTo,
   TimeBaseStatus    *flags,
   TimeRecord        *rateChangeTimeBaseTime,
   TimeRecord        *rateChangeClockTime,
   TimeRecord        *currentClockTime );


A pointer to a TimeBaseRecord structure.


The scale to use for the returned time values. Pass 0 to retrieve the time in the preferred time scale of the time base.


The rate value changed to. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


A pointer to a flag that will be returned when the clock is waiting for a future time to start moving while its rate is nonzero. When set, the unpinned time will return a negative value telling how far you are from the real start time. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The time base time when the rate changed. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The clock time when the rate changed. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The current clock time value. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The clock is waiting for a future time to start moving while its rate is nonzero. When set, the unpinned time will return a negative value telling how far you are from the real start time.


The time base time when the rate changed. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The clock time when the rate changed. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


The current clock time value. Clients may pass NIL if they do not want to receive this information.


When the flag timeBaseRateChanging is returned, the amount of time left before the time base ticks is equal to (rateChangeClockTime - currentClockTime).

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Determines whether a given time base is attached to a thread.

OSErr GetTimeBaseThreadAttachState (
   TimeBase    inTimeBase,
   Boolean     *outAttachedToCurrentThread,
   Boolean     *outAttachedToAnyThread );


A time base.


A pointer to a Boolean that on exit is TRUE if the time base is attached to the current thread, FALSE otherwise.


A pointer to a Boolean that on exit is TRUE if the time base is attached to any thread, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Retrieves the CGBitmapContext that the graphics exporter is using as its input image.

ComponentResult GraphicsExportGetInputCGBitmapContext
   GraphicsExportComponent    ci,
   CGContextRef               *bitmapContextRef );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics exporter component.


A reference to the Core Graphics context.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Determines which Core Graphics CGImage is the source for a graphics export operation.

ComponentResult GraphicsExportGetInputCGImage (
   GraphicsExportComponent    ci,
   CGImageRef                 *imageRef );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics exporter component.


A reference to a Core Graphics image.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Sets the CGBitmapContext that the graphics exporter will use as its input image.

ComponentResult GraphicsExportSetInputCGBitmapContext
   GraphicsExportComponent    ci,
   CGContextRef               bitmapContextRef );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics exporter component.


A reference to the Core Graphics context.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Specifies a Core Graphics CGImage as the source for a graphics export operation.

ComponentResult GraphicsExportSetInputCGImage(
   GraphicsExportComponent    ci,
   CGImageRef                 imageRef );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics exporter component.


A reference to a CG image.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Imports an image as a Core Graphics CGImage.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportCreateCGImage (
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   CGImageRef                 *imageRefOut,
   UInt32                     flags );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A reference to the CG image to be created.


A flag that determines the settings to use.


Use the current settings.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Presents a dialog box that lets the user save an imported image in a foreign file format.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportDoExportImageFileToDataRefDialog
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   Handle                     inDefaultDataRef,
   OSType                     inDefaultDataRefType,
   CFStringRef                prompt,
   ModalFilterYDUPP           filterProc,
   OSType                     *outExportedType,
   Handle                     *outExportedDataRef,
   OSType                     *outExportedDataRefType );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A data reference that specifies the default export location.


The type of the data reference that specifies the default export location.


A reference to a CFString that contains the prompt text string for the dialog.


A modal filter function; see ModalFilterYDProc in the QuickTime API Reference.


A pointer to an OSType entity where the type of the exported file will be returned.


A pointer to an handle where the data reference to the exported file will be returned.


A pointer to an OSType entity where the type of the data reference that points to the exported file will be returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function presents a file dialog that lets the user to specify a file to which the exported data goes and a format into which image data is exported. By using data references, a long file name or Unicode file name can be used as a default file name as well as the name of the file into which the export data goes. This function is equivalent to GraphicsImportDoExportImageFileDialog.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Saves an imported image in a foreign file format.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportExportImageFileToDataRef
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   OSType                     fileType,
   OSType                     fileCreator,
   Handle                     dataRef,
   OSType                     dataRefType );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


The Mac OS file type for the new file, which determines the file format.


The creator type of the new file.


A data reference that specifies a storage location to which the image is to be exported.


The type of the data reference.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function exports the imported image as a foreign file format specified by fileType. The exported data will be saved into a storage location specified by a data reference. You can use data reference functions to create a data reference for a file that has long or Unicode file name. This function is equivalent to GraphicsImportExportImageFile.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Retrieves a ColorSync profile from a graphics importer component.

GraphicsImportGetDestinationColorSyncProfileRef (
   GraphicsImportComponent   ci,
   CMProfileRef              *destinationProfileRef); 


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


On return, a pointer to an opaque struct containing a ColorSync profile.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Retrieves the generic colorsync profile for a graphics importer component.

GraphicsImportGetGenericColorSyncProfile (
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   OSType                     pixelFormat,
   void                       *reservedSetToNULL,
   UInt32                     flags,
   Handle                     *genericColorSyncProfileOut );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


See “Pixel Formats” in the QuickTime API Reference.


Pass NIL.


Currently not used.


A handle to the the generic colorsync profile for the graphics importer.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Retrieves the override ColorSync profile for a graphics importer component.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportGetOverrideSourceColorSyncProfileRef
   GraphicsImportComponent   ci,
   CMProfileRef              *outOverrideSourceProfileRef );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A pointer to an opaque struct containing a ColorSync profile.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates a storage location that contains a QuickDraw picture for an imported image.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportSaveAsPictureToDataRef
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   Handle                     dataRef,
   OSType                     dataRefType );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A data reference that specifies a storage location to which the picture is to be saved.


The type of the data reference.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function saves the imported image as a QuickDraw picture into a storage location specified through a data reference. You can use Data Reference Utilities to create a data reference for a file that has long or Unicode file name. This function is equivalent to GraphicsImporterSaveAsPictureFile.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates a storage location that contains a QuickTime image of an imported image.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFileToDataRef
   GraphicsImportComponent    ci,
   Handle                     dataRef,
   OSType                     dataRefType );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A data reference that specifies a storage location to which the picture is to be saved.


The type of the data reference.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function saves the imported image as a QuickTime image into a storage location specified through a data reference. You can use data reference functions to create a data reference for a file that has long or Unicode file name. This function is equivalent to GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Sets the ColorSync profile for a graphics importer component.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportSetDestinationColorSyncProfileRef
   GraphicsImportComponent   ci,
   CMProfileRef              newDestinationProfileRef);


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A pointer to an opaque struct containing a ColorSync profile.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Sets the override ColorSync profile for a graphics importer component.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportSetOverrideSourceColorSyncProfileRef
   GraphicsImportComponent   ci,
   CMProfileRef              newOverrideSourceProfileRef);


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A pointer to an opaque struct containing a ColorSync profile.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Asks whether GraphicsImportDraw will use color matching if called with the current importer settings.

ComponentResult GraphicsImportWillUseColorMatching
   GraphicsImportComponent   ci,
   Boolean                   *outWillMatch );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


On return, a pointer to a Boolean set to TRUE if the graphics importer will use color matching, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Requests that a movie import component display its user dialog box.

ComponentResult MovieImportDoUserDialogDataRef (
   MovieImportComponent    ci,
   Handle                  dataRef,
   OSType                  dataRefType,
   Boolean                 *canceled );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A data reference that specifies a storage location that contains the data to import.


The type of the data reference.


A pointer to a Boolean entity that is set to TRUE if the user cancels the export operation.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function brings up the option dialog for the import component. The data reference specified the storage location that contains the data to import.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Specifies a storage location that is to receive imported movie data.

ComponentResult MovieImportSetMediaDataRef (
   MovieImportComponent    ci,
   Handle                  dataRef,
   OSType                  dataRefType );


The component instance that identifies your connection to the graphics importer component.


A data reference that specifies a storage location that receives the imported data.


The type of the data reference.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


By calling this function you can specify a storage location that receives some imported movie data.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Installs a callback to monitor a component property.

ComponentResult QTAddComponentPropertyListener (
   ComponentInstance                 inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP    inDispatchProc,
   void                              *inUserData );


A component instance, which you can get by calling OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback.


A pointer to user data that will be passed to the callback. You may pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Installs a callback to monitor a movie property.

OSErr QTAddMoviePropertyListener (
   Movie                         inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass               inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID                  inPropID,
   QTMoviePropertyListenerUPP    inListenerProc,
   void                          *inUserData );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTMoviePropertyListenerProc callback.


A pointer to user data that will be passed to the callback.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Adds a listener callback for a specified property class and ID to a property listener collection.

OSStatus QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionAddListener
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection,
   ComponentPropertyClass             inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                inPropID,
   QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP     inListenerProc,
   const void                         *inListenerProcRefCon );


A property listener collection created by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback.


A reference constant to be passed to your callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your function needs.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates a collection of component property monitors.

OSStatus QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate
   CFAllocatorRef                                        inAllocator,
   const QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext    *inContext,
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef                    *outCollection


A pointer to the allocator used to create the collection and its contents. You can pass NIL.


A pointer to a QTComponentPropertyInfo data structure. You can pass NIL if no structure exists. A copy of the contents of the structure is made; therefore you can pass a pointer to a structure on the stack.


On return, a pointer to the new empty listener collection.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

This function can be used to create a collection for use with ComponentPropertyListenerCollectionAddListener, ComponentPropertyListenerCollectionRemoveListener, ComponentPropertyListenerCollectionNotifyListeners, ComponentPropertyListenerCollectionIsEmpty, and ComponentPropertyListenerCollectionHasListenersForProperty.

Declared In


Determines if there are any listeners in a component property listener collection registered for a specified property class and ID.

Boolean QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionHasListenersForProperty
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection,
   ComponentPropertyClass             inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                inPropID );


A property listener collection created by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if there are any listeners in the listener collection registered for the specified property class and ID, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Determines if a listener collection is empty.

Boolean QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionIsEmpty
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection );


A property listener collection created by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the collection is empty, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Calls all listener callbacks in a component property listener collection registered for a specified property class and ID.

OSStatus QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionNotifyListeners
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection,
   ComponentInstance                  inNotifier,
   ComponentPropertyClass             inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                inPropID,
   const void                         *inFilterProcRefCon,
   UInt32                             inFlags );


A property listener collection created by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.


The caller’s component instance.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A reference constant to be passed to your callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your function needs. You may pass NIL.


Currently not used.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


If the filterProcUPP field in the QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext data structure that was passed to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate is not NIL, the QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProc callback it points to will be called before each call to a registered listener that matches the specified property class and ID passed to this function. If the filter function return FALSE, that listener callback will not be called. This lets a component change the calling semantics (for example, to call another thread) or use a different listener callback signature.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Removes a listener callback with a specified property class and ID from a property listener collection.

OSStatus QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionRemoveListener
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection,
   ComponentPropertyClass             inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                inPropID,
   QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP     inListenerProc,
   const void                         *inListenerProcRefCon)


A property listener collection created by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


The QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback to be removed.


A reference constant to be passed to your callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your function needs.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the value of a specific component property.

ComponentResult QTGetComponentProperty (
   ComponentInstance         inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass    inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID       inPropID,
   ByteCount                 inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr         outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                 *outPropValueSizeUsed );


A component instance, which you can get by calling OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


On return, the actual size of the value written to the buffer.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns information about the properties of a component.

ComponentResult QTGetComponentPropertyInfo (
   ComponentInstance         inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass    inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID       inPropID,
   ComponentValueType        *outPropType,
   ByteCount                 *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                    *outPropertyFlags );


A component instance, which you can get by calling OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the property type on return. This pointer may be NULL.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the size of the property value on return. This pointer may be NULL.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold property flags on return.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns a new data reference to the parent directory of the storage location associated with a data handler instance.

OSErr  QTGetDataHandlerDirectoryDataReference (
   DataHandler    dh,
   UInt32         flags,
   Handle         *outDataRef,
   OSType         *outDataRefType );


A data handler component instance that is associated with a file.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters was NIL.


This function creates a new data reference that points at the parent directory of the storage location associated to the data handler instance.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the full pathname of the storage location associated with a data handler.

OSErr QTGetDataHandlerFullPathCFString (
   DataHandler    dh,
   QTPathStyle    style,
   CFStringRef    *outPath );


A data handler component instance that is associated with a file.


A constant that identifies the syntax of the pathname.


The default pathname syntax of the platform.


Used on Unix-based systems where pathname components are delimited by slashes.


The Macintosh HFS file system syntax where the delimiters are colons.


The Windows pathname syntax that uses backslashes as component delimiters.


A pointer to a CFStringRef entity where a reference to the newly created CFString will be returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if outPath is NIL.


This function creates a new CFString that represents the full pathname of the storage location associated with the data handler passed in dh.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the name of the storage location associated with a data handler.

OSErr  QTGetDataHandlerTargetNameCFString (
   DataHandler    dh,
   CFStringRef    *fileName );


A data handler component instance that is associated with a file.


A pointer to a CFStringRef entity where a reference to the newly created CFString will be returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if fileName is NIL.


This function creates a new CFString that represents the name of the storage location associated with the data handler passed in dh.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns a new data reference for a parent directory.

OSErr QTGetDataReferenceDirectoryDataReference (
   Handle    dataRef,
   OSType    dataRefType,
   UInt32    flags,
   Handle    *outDataRef,
   OSType    *outDataRefType );


An alias data reference to which you want a new data reference that points to the directory.


The type the input data reference; must be AliasDataHandlerSubType.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL.


This function returns a new data reference that points to the parent directory of the storage location specified by the data reference passed in dataRef. The new data reference returned will have the same type as dataRefType.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the full pathname of the target of the data reference as a CFString.

OSErr QTGetDataReferenceFullPathCFString (
   Handle         dataRef,
   OSType         dataRefType,
   QTPathStyle    pathStyle,
   CFStringRef    *outPath );


An alias data reference to which you want a new data reference that points to the directory.


The type the input data reference; must be AliasDataHandlerSubType.


A constant that identifies the syntax of the pathname.


The default pathname syntax of the platform.


Used on Unix-based systems where pathname components are delimited by slashes.


The Macintosh HFS file system syntax where the delimiters are colons.


The Windows pathname syntax that uses backslashes as component delimiters.


A pointer to a CFStringRef entity where a reference to the newly created CFString will be returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters was NIL or the value of dataRefType is not AliasDataHandlerSubType.


This function creates a new CFString that represents the full pathname of the target pointed to by the input data reference, which must be an alias data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the name of the target of a data reference as a CFString.

OSErr QTGetDataReferenceTargetNameCFString (
   Handle         dataRef,
   OSType         dataRefType,
   CFStringRef    *name );


An alias data reference to which you want a new data reference that points to its directory.


The type the input data reference; must be AliasDataHandlerSubType.


A pointer to a CFStringRef entity where a reference to the newly created CFString will be returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters was NIL or the value of dataRefType is not AliasDataHandlerSubType.


This function creates a new CFString that represents the name of the target pointed to by the input data reference, which must be an alias data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns the value of a specific movie property.

OSErr QTGetMovieProperty (
   Movie                 inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass       inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID          inPropID,
   ByteCount             inPropValueSize,
   QTPropertyValuePtr    outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount             *outPropValueSizeUsed );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


On return, the actual size of the value written to the buffer.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Returns information about the properties of a movie.

OSErr QTGetMoviePropertyInfo (
   Movie                  inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass        inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID           inPropID,
   QTPropertyValueType    *outPropType,
   ByteCount              *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                 *outPropertyFlags );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the property type on return.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the size of the property value on return.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold property flags on return.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates a URL data reference from a CFURL.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromCFURL (
   CFURLRef    url,
   UInt32      flags,
   Handle      *outDataRef,
   OSType      *outDataRefType );


A reference to a Core Foundation struct that represents the URL to which you want a URL data reference. These structs contain two parts: the string and a base URL, which may be empty. With a relative URL, the string alone does not fully specify the address; with an absolute URL it does.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


The new URL data reference returned can be passed to other Movie Toolbox calls that take a data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates an alias data reference from a file specification.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRef (
   const FSSpec    *fsspec,
   UInt32          flags,
   Handle          *outDataRef,
   OSType          *outDataRefType );


A pointer to an opaque file system reference.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


You can use File Manager functions to construct a file specification for a file to which you want the new alias data reference to point. Then you can pass the reference to other Movie Toolbox functions that take a data reference. To construct a file specification, the file must already exist. To create an alias data reference for a file that does not exist yet, such as a new file to be created by a Movie Toolbox function, call QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRefCFString.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates an alias data reference from a file reference pointing to a directory and a file name.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRefCFString (
   const FSRef    *directoryRef,
   CFStringRef    fileName,
   UInt32         flags,
   Handle         *outDataRef,
   OSType         *outDataRefType );


A pointer to an opaque file specification that specifies the directory of the newly created alias data reference.


A reference to a CFString that specifies the name of the file.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


This function is useful for creating an alias data reference to a file that does not exist yet. Note that you cannot construct an FSRef for a nonexistent file. You can use File Manager functions to construct an FSRef for the directory. Depending on where your file name comes from, you may already have it in a form of CFString, or you may have to call CFString functions to create a new CFString for the file name. Then you can pass the new alias data reference to other Movie Toolbox functions that take a data reference. If you already have an FSRef for the file you want, you can call QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRef instead.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates an alias data reference from a file specification of type FSSpec.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromFSSpec (
   const FSSpec    *fsspec,
   UInt32          flags,
   Handle          *outDataRef,
   OSType          *outDataRefType );


A pointer to an opaque file system reference.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


You can use File Manager functions to construct an FSSpec structure to specify a file. Then you can pass the new alias data reference to other Movie Toolbox functions that take a data reference. Because of the limitations of its data structure, an FSSpec may not work for a file with long or Unicode file names. Generally, you should use either QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRef or QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRefCFString instead.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates an alias data reference from a CFString that represents the full pathname of a file.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString (
   CFStringRef    filePath,
   QTPathStyle    pathStyle,
   UInt32         flags,
   Handle         *outDataRef,
   OSType         *outDataRefType );


A CFString that represents the full pathname of a file.


A constant that identifies the syntax of the pathname.


The default pathname syntax of the platform.


Used on Unix-based systems where pathname components are delimited by slashes.


The Macintosh HFS file system syntax where the delimiters are colons.


The Windows pathname syntax that uses backslashes as component delimiters.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


You need to specify the syntax of the pathname as one of the QTPathStyle constants. The new alias data reference created can be passed to other Movie Toolbox calls that take a data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates a URL data reference from a CFString that represents a URL string.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceFromURLCFString (
   CFStringRef    urlString,
   UInt32         flags,
   Handle         *outDataRef,
   OSType         *outDataRefType );


A CFString that represents a URL string.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns paramErr if either of the output parameters is NIL


The new URL data reference returned can be passed to other Movie Toolbox calls that take a data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Creates an alias data reference from another alias data reference pointing to the parent directory and a CFString that contains the file name.

OSErr QTNewDataReferenceWithDirectoryCFString (
   Handle         inDataRef,
   OSType         inDataRefType,
   CFStringRef    targetName,
   UInt32         flags,
   Handle         *outDataRef,
   OSType         *outDataRefType );


An alias data reference pointing to the parent directory.


The type of the parent directory data reference; it must be AliasDataHandlerSubType.


A reference to a CFString containing the file name.


Currently not used; pass 0.


A pointer to a handle in which the newly created alias data reference is returned.


A pointer to memory in which the OSType of the newly created data reference is returned.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


In conjunction with QTGetDataReferenceDirectoryDataReference, this function is useful to construct an alias data reference to a file in the same directory as the one you already have a data reference for. Then you can pass the new alias data reference to other Movie Toolbox functions that take a data reference.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Removes a component property monitoring callback.

ComponentResult QTRemoveComponentPropertyListener (
   ComponentInstance                 inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP    inDispatchProc,
   void                              *inUserData );   /* can be


A component instance, which you can get by calling OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback.


User data to be passed to the callback.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Removes a movie property monitoring callback.

OSErr QTRemoveMoviePropertyListener (
   Movie                         inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass               inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID                  inPropID,
   QTMoviePropertyListenerUPP    inListenerProc,
   void                          *inUserData );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTMoviePropertyListenerProc callback.


User data to be passed to the callback.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Sets the value of a specific component property.

ComponentResult QTSetComponentProperty (
   ComponentInstance         inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass    inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID       inPropID,
   ByteCount                 inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr    inPropValueAddress );


A component instance, which you can get by calling OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to hold the property value.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Sets the value of a specific movie property.

OSErr QTSetMovieProperty (
   Movie                      inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   ConstQTPropertyValuePtr    inPropValueAddress );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to hold the property value.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Identifies the audio device being used by a video output component.

OSErr QTVideoOutputCopyIndAudioOutputDeviceUID (
   QTVideoOutputComponent    vo,
   long                      index,
   CFStringRef               *audioDeviceUID );


Video output component whose audio output is being asked about.


Which of video output component’s audio outputs is being asked about.


Returned unique identifier for the audio device. If the UID is NIL, the movie is playing to the default device.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns badComponentInstance if vo is not a valid ComponentInstance. Returns badComponentSelector if vo doesn't support this function. Returns paramErr if audioDeviceUID is NIL, or if there is no device with the passed index.


The returned audioDeviceUID has already been retained for the caller, using standard Core Foundation copy semantics.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Attaches an offset time base to another time base.

OSErr SetTimeBaseOffsetTimeBase ( 
   TimeBase            masterOffsetTimeBase,
   TimeBase            offsetTimeBase,
   const TimeRecord    *offsetZero );


The time base to which the offset time base is to be attached. A NIL value can be passed when the offset time base has already be set but a new offset value is needed.


The offset time base to be attached.


A pointer to a TimeRecord value set to the offset between the master time base and the offset time base. Passing a negative value means the offset time base will start sooner.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Reads a camera’s CSR registers directly.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCGetCSRData (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   Boolean                    offsetFromUnitBase,
   UInt32                     offset,
   UInt32*                    data );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


Pass TRUE if the offset is relative to the initial unit space (FFFF Fxxx xxxx), FALSE if the offset is relative to the initial register space (FFFF F000 0000).


Offset in bytes of the value to read.


Location to store the value (of type UInt32) that was read.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You might want to read a camera’s registers directly if you’re querying the state of a feature not accessed by VDIIDCGetFeatures or if some camera-specific information must be accessed.

Special Considerations

The initial release of the QuickTime IIDC Digitizer improperly used a value of FFFF 0000 0000 for the start of the register space. If using the QuickTime IIDC Digitizer and 0x00020100 == GetComponentVersion(), you must add 0xF000 0000 to the offset when accessing the register space.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Places atoms in a QuickTime atom container that specify the default capabilities and default state of a camera’s IIDC features.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   QTAtomContainer            *container );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


Upon return, a pointer to a QuickTime atom container containing atoms of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature for each IIDC camera feature whose default is known. See “IIDC Feature Atoms.” The container may be empty if defaults cannot be determined.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The digitizer will create the QuickTime atom container, and it is the responsibility of the client to delete it if the routine does not return an error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Places atoms in a QuickTime atom container that specify the current capabilities of a camera and the state of its IIDC features.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCGetFeatures (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   QTAtomContainer            *container );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


Upon return, a pointer to a QuickTime atom container containing atoms of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature for each IIDC camera feature. See “IIDC Feature Atoms.” If the camera has not implemented any IIDC features the container returns empty.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The digitizer creates the container, and it is the responsibility of the client to ultimately delete it if the routine does not return an error. Since the values that this function retrieves might change underneath the client, they should not be cached but should be retrieved each time they are needed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Places atoms in a QuickTime atom container that specify the current state of a single camera IIDC feature or group of features.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   OSType                     specifier,
   QTAtomContainer            *container );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


The feature or group of features to be retrieved:

// IIDC feature types
    vdIIDCFeatureHue                = 'hue ',
    vdIIDCFeatureSaturation         = 'satu',
    vdIIDCFeatureSharpness          = 'shrp',
    vdIIDCFeatureBrightness         = 'brit',
    vdIIDCFeatureGain               = 'gain',
    vdIIDCFeatureIris               = 'iris',
    vdIIDCFeatureShutter            = 'shtr',
    vdIIDCFeatureExposure           = 'xpsr',
    vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceU      = 'whbu',
    vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceV      = 'whbv',
    vdIIDCFeatureGamma              = 'gmma',
    vdIIDCFeatureTemperature        = 'temp',
    vdIIDCFeatureZoom               = 'zoom',
    vdIIDCFeatureFocus              = 'fcus',
    vdIIDCFeaturePan                = 'pan ',
    vdIIDCFeatureTilt               = 'tilt',
    vdIIDCFeatureOpticalFilter      = 'opft',
    vdIIDCFeatureTrigger            = 'trgr',
    vdIIDCFeatureCaptureSize        = 'cpsz',
    vdIIDCFeatureCaptureQuality     = 'cpql',
    vdIIDCFeatureFocusPoint         = 'fpnt',
    vdIIDCFeatureEdgeEnhancement    = 'eden'
    vdIIDCFeatureLightingHint       = 'lhnt'
// IIDC group types
    vdIIDCGroupImage                = 'imag',
    vdIIDCGroupColor                = 'colr',
    vdIIDCGroupMechanics            = 'mech',
    vdIIDCGroupTrigger              = 'trig'

Upon return, a pointer to a QuickTime atom container containing atoms of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature for each IIDC camera feature corresponding to the specifier. See “IIDC Feature Atoms.” If the camera has not implemented any of the specified features the container returns empty.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The digitizer creates the container, and it is the responsibility of the client to ultimately delete it if the routine does not return an error. Since the values that this function retrieves might change underneath the client, they should not be cached but should be retrieved each time they are needed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Writes to a camera’s CSR registers directly.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCSetCSRData (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   Boolean                    offsetFromUnitBase,
   UInt32                     offset,
   UInt32*                    data );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


Pass TRUE if the offset is relative to the initial unit space (FFFF Fxxx xxxx), FALSE if the offset is relative to the initial register space (FFFF F000 0000).


Offset in bytes of the value to set.


Location of the value (of type UInt32) to write.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You might want to write to a camera’s registers directly if you’re setting the state of a feature not accessed by VDIIDCSetFeatures or if some camera-specific information must be set.

Special Considerations

The initial release of the QuickTime IIDC Digitizer improperly used a value of FFFF 0000 0000 for the start of the register space. If using the QuickTime IIDC Digitizer and 0x00020100 == GetComponentVersion(), you must add 0xF000 0000 to the offset when accessing the register space.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


Changes the state of a camera’s IIDC features.

VideoDigitizerError VDIIDCSetFeatures (
   VideoDigitizerComponent    ci,
   QTAtomContainer            *container );


The component instance that identifies your connection to a video digitizer component. The digitizer’s subtype must be vdSubtypeIIDC ('iidc').


A pointer to a QuickTime atom container populated with atoms of type vdIIDCAtomTypeFeature; see “IIDC Feature Atoms.” The container may have one or many atoms in it. An empty container will cause the function to have no effect.

Return Value

See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.


It is the responsibility of the client to provide the QuickTime atom container and delete it after use.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Declared In


The callback functions new to the QuickTime 6.4 API are documented alphabetically in this section.


Supports QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionNotifyListeners.

typedef Boolean (*QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProcPtr) (QTComponentPropertyListenersRef
inCollection, const QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext
*inCollectionContext, ComponentInstance inNotifier, ComponentPropertyClass
inPropClass, ComponentPropertyID inPropID, QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP inListenerCallbackProc,
const void *inListenerProcRefCon, const void *inFilterProcRefCon);

// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
Boolean MyQTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProc (
   QTComponentPropertyListenersRef    inCollection, 
   const QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext
   ComponentInstance                  inNotifier,
   ComponentPropertyClass             inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                inPropID,
   QTComponentPropertyListenerUPP     inListenerCallbackProc,
   const void                         *inListenerProcRefCon,
   const void                         *inFilterProcRefCon );


The property listener reference that was returned by a previous call to QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate.


A pointer to a QTComponentPropertyInfo structure.


An instance of the notifying component.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback.


A reference constant to be passed to your QTComponentPropertyListenerProc callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


A reference constant to be passed to the callback specified in the filterProcUPP field of the QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext structure pointed to by the inCollectionContext parameter. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


Supports QTAddComponentPropertyListener and QTRemoveComponentPropertyListener.

typedef void (*QTComponentPropertyListenerProcPtr)
(ComponentInstance inComponent, ComponentPropertyClass inPropClass,
ComponentPropertyID inPropID, void *inUserData);

// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
void MyQTComponentPropertyListenerProc (
   ComponentInstance         inComponent,
   ComponentPropertyClass    inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID       inPropID,
   void                      *inUserData );


A reference to the component for this operation.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


A pointer to data that QuickTime will pass to your callback.


Supports QTAddMoviePropertyListener and QTRemoveMoviePropertyListener.

typedef void (*QTMoviePropertyListenerProcPtr) (Movie
inMovie, QTPropertyClass inPropClass, QTPropertyID inPropID, void

// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
void MyQTMoviePropertyListenerProc (
   Movie              inMovie,
   QTPropertyClass    inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID       inPropID,
   void               *inUserData );


The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A property class.


A property ID.


A pointer to data for your callback.

Data Structures

The data structures new to the QuickTime 6.4 API are documented alphabetically in this section.


Stores information for component property functions.

struct ComponentPropertyInfo {
   ComponentPropertyClass    propClass;
   ComponentPropertyID       propID;
   ComponentValueType        propType;
   ByteCount                 propSize;
   UInt32                    propFlags;


A value of type OSType that specifies a property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo ('pnfo')

A QTComponentPropertyInfo structure that defines a property information class.

kComponentPropertyInfoList ('list')

An array of QTComponentPropertyInfo structures, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed ('seed')

A component property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo ('meta')

A CFDictionary with extended property information.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags ('flgs')

One of the following two flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not be cached at all.


A value of type OSType that specifies a property ID.


The type of the property.


The size of the property in bytes.


Component property flags.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: QTAddComponentPropertyListener, QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionAddListener, QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionHasListenersForProperty, QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionNotifyListeners, QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionRemoveListener, QTGetComponentProperty, QTGetComponentPropertyInfo, QTRemoveComponentPropertyListener, QTSetComponentProperty, QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProc, QTComponentPropertyListenerProc


Provides context information for a QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProc callback.

struct QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext
   UInt32                                  version;
   QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterUPP    filterProcUPP;
   void                                    *filterProcData;


The version of this callback.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTComponentPropertyListenerFilterProc callback.


A pointer to data for the callback.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated function: QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionNotifyListeners


Provides content for the vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureAtomTypeAndID atom type. See “Type And ID Atoms.”

struct VDIIDCFeatureAtomTypeAndID {
   OSType        feature;
   OSType        group;
   Str255        name;
   QTAtomType    atomType;
   QTAtomID      atomID;


Type of the feature (see Discussion below).


Group that categorizes the feature (see Discussion below).


Name of the feature.


Atom type that contains the feature’s settings. See “IIDC Settings Atoms.”


Atom ID of the atom that contains the feature’s settings.


The following are the possible values for the feature and group parameters:

// IIDC Feature OSTypes
    vdIIDCFeatureHue            = 'hue ', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureSaturation     = 'satu', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureSharpness      = 'shrp', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureBrightness     = 'brit', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureGain           = 'gain', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureIris           = 'iris', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureShutter        = 'shtr', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureExposure       = 'xpsr', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceU  = 'whbu', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceV  = 'whbv', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureGamma          = 'gmma', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureTemperature    = 'temp', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureZoom           = 'zoom', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureFocus          = 'fcus', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeaturePan            = 'pan ', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureTilt           = 'tilt', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureOpticalFilter  = 'opft', // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureTrigger        = 'trgr', // Uses VDIIDCTriggerSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureCaptureSize    = 'cpsz', // Undefined settings
    vdIIDCFeatureCaptureQuality = 'cpql', // Undefined settings
    vdIIDCFeatureFocusPoint     = 'fpnt', // Use VDIIDCFocusPointSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureEdgeEnhancement = 'eden' // Uses VDIIDCFeatureSettings
    vdIIDCFeatureLightingHint   = 'lhnt'  // Use VDIIDCLightingHintSettings
// IIDC Group OSTypes that features are categorized into
    vdIIDCGroupImage        = 'imag',    // Related to image control
    vdIIDCGroupColor        = 'colr',    // Related to color control
    vdIIDCGroupMechanics    = 'mech',    // Related to mechanics
    vdIIDCGroupTrigger      = 'trig'     // Related to trigger
Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier


Provides IIDC feature capabilities information to the VDIIDCFeatureSettings data structure.

struct VDIIDCFeatureCapabilities {
   UInt32           flags;
   UInt16           rawMinimum;
   UInt16           rawMaximum;
   QTFloatSingle    absoluteMinimum;
   QTFloatSingle    absoluteMaximum;


Flags that determine characteristics of a given feature.


Set if feature can be turned on.


Set if the feature can be turned off.


Set if the feature can be put into manual mode.


Set if the feature can be put into automatic mode.


Set if the feature can be tuned. When tuned, a feature drops into automatic mode until it stabilizes and then it reverts to manual mode.


Set if the feature’s value can be specified in raw values. Raw values are unitless and their meaning can vary from camera to camera.


Set if the feature’s value can be specified in absolute units. Absolute values are expressed in engineering units, such as dB or degrees.


Raw minimum value.


Raw maximum value.


Absolute minimum value.


Absolute maximum value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier


Provides content for the vdIIDCAtomTypeFeatureSettings atom type. See “IIDC Feature Atoms.”

struct VDIIDCFeatureSettings {
   VDIIDCFeatureCapabilities    capabilities;
   VDIIDCFeatureState           state;


A VDIIDCFeatureCapabilities data structure that describes a camera’s feature capabilities.


A VDIIDCFeatureState data structure that describes a camera’s current feature state.


This data structure can be used to hold data for the following IIDC features: vdIIDCFeatureHue, vdIIDCFeatureSaturation, vdIIDCFeatureSharpness, vdIIDCFeatureBrightness, vdIIDCFeatureGain, vdIIDCFeatureIris. vdIIDCFeatureShutter, vdIIDCFeatureExposure, vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceU, vdIIDCFeatureWhiteBalanceV, vdIIDCFeatureGamma, vdIIDCFeatureTemperature, vdIIDCFeatureZoom, vdIIDCFeatureFocus, vdIIDCFeaturePan, vdIIDCFeatureTilt, vdIIDCFeatureOpticalFilter, vdIIDCFeatureEdgeEnhancment

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures (uses only the state field)


Provides IIDC feature state information for the VDIIDCFeatureSettings data structure.

struct VDIIDCFeatureState {
   UInt32           flags;
   QTFloatSingle    value;


Feature flags.


Feature value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures


Provides focus point data for the vdIIDCAtomTypeFocusPointSettings atom type. See “IIDC Settings Atoms.”

struct VDIIDCFocusPointSettings {
   Point    focusPoint;


A focus point value relative to the rectangle returned by SGGetSrcVideoBounds. When using this data structure to set the focus point, the focus point must be within the rectangle specified by SGSetVideoRect.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures

Special Considerations

The focus point feature is not part of the IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification.


Provides lighting hint data for the vdIIDCAtomTypeLightingHintSettings atom type. See “IIDC Settings Atoms.”

struct VDIIDCLightingHintSettings {
   UInt32    capabilityFlags;
   UInt32    stateFlags;


Flags that specify particular lighting hint capabilities. This field is ignored by the VDIIDCSetFeatures function:


Set if the camera supports the normal light hint.


Set if the camera supports the low light hint.


Flags that specify particular lighting hint states:


Set if the camera is using or should be using the normal light hint.


Set if the camera is using or should be using the low light hint.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures

Special Considerations

The lighting hint feature is not part of the IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification.


Provides IIDC trigger capability information for the VDIIDCTriggerSettings data structure.

struct VDIIDCTriggerCapabilities {
   UInt32           flags;
   QTFloatSingle    absoluteMinimum;
   QTFloatSingle    absoluteMaximum;


Flags that specify particular trigger capabilities:


Set if the trigger can be turned on.


Set if the trigger can be turned off.


Set if the trigger can be active high.


Set if the trigger can be active low.


Set if the trigger can operate in mode 0. In mode 0, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. The integration time is controlled by the shutter feature.


Set if the trigger can operate in mode 1. In mode 1, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. The integration time is equal to the time the trigger is active.


Set if the trigger can operate in mode 2. In mode 2, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. Integration continues until the nth active edge, where n is greater than or equal to 2.


Set if the trigger can operate in mode 3. In mode 3, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the internal trigger. The trigger’s cycle time is n times the cycle time of the fastest frame rate, where n is greater than or equal to 1. Integration time is controlled by the shutter feature.


Set if the trigger’s value can be specified in unitless terms.


Set if the trigger’s value can be specified in absolute (engineering) units of time.


The minimum trigger value when vdIIDCTriggerFlagAbsoluteControl is set.


The maximum trigger value when vdIIDCTriggerFlagAbsoluteControl is set.


This data structure is ignored by the VDIIDCSetFeatures function.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier,


Provides trigger data for the vdIIDCAtomTypetriggerSettings atom type. See “IIDC Settings Atoms.”

struct VDIIDCTriggerSettings {
   VDIIDCTriggerCapabilities    capabilities;
   VDIIDCTriggerState           state;


A VDIIDCTriggerCapabilities data structure.


A VDIIDCTriggerState data structure.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures


Provides IIDC trigger state information for the VDIIDCTriggerSettings data structure.

struct VDIIDCTriggerState {
   UInt32           flags;
   UInt16           mode2TransitionCount;
   UInt16           mode3FrameRateMultiplier;
   QTFloatSingle    absoluteValue;


Flags that specify current or default trigger settings (depending on whether VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCSetFeatures, or VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures was originally called):


Set if the trigger is or should be turned on.


Set if the trigger is or should be turned off.


Set if the trigger is or should be active high.


Set if the trigger is or should be active low.


Set if the trigger is or should operate in mode 0. In mode 0, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. The integration time is controlled by the shutter feature.


Set if the trigger is or should operate in mode 1. In mode 1, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. The integration time is equal to the time the trigger is active.


Set if the trigger is or should operate in mode 2. In mode 2, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the external trigger. Integration continues until the nth active edge, where n is greater than or equal to 2.


Set if the trigger is or should operate in mode 3. In mode 3, the camera starts integrating light at the active edge of the internal trigger. The trigger’s cycle time is n times the cycle time of the fastest frame rate, where n is greater than or equal to 1. Integration time is controlled by the shutter feature.


Set if the trigger’s value is or should be specified in unitless terms.


Set if the trigger’s value is or should be specified in absolute (engineering) units of time.


When mode 2 is set, the current or default number of transitions.


When mode 3 is set, the current or default frame rate multiplier.


When using absolute units, the QTFloatSingle representation of the value in either mode2TransitionCount (if mode 2 is set) or mode3FrameRateMultiplier (if mode 3 is set).

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

Platform Considerations

Associated functions: VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeatures, VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier, VDIIDCSetFeatures

VDIIDC Call Selectors

The following selectors apply to VDIIDC component calls:

    kVDIIDCGetFeaturesSelect                = 0x0200,
    kVDIIDCSetFeaturesSelect                = 0x0201,
    kVDIIDCGetDefaultFeaturesSelect         = 0x0202,
    kVDIIDCGetCSRDataSelect                 = 0x0203,
    kVDIIDCSetCSRDataSelect                 = 0x0204,
    kVDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifierSelect    = 0x0205

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