WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Package

Packages that use com.webobjects.eointerface
com.webobjects.eoapplication Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. 
com.webobjects.eointerface Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. 
com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa Provides an implementation of Cocoa-Java classes that plug in to the interface layer. 
com.webobjects.eointerface.swing Provides an implementation of Swing classes that plug in to the interface layer. 

Classes in com.webobjects.eointerface used by com.webobjects.eoapplication
          An EOAssociation maintains a two-way binding between the properties of a display object, such as a text field or combo box, and the properties of one or more enterprise objects contained in one or more EODisplayGroups.
          An EODisplayGroup is the basic user interface manager for an Enterprise Objects Framework or Java Client application.

Classes in com.webobjects.eointerface used by com.webobjects.eogeneration
          An EOAssociation maintains a two-way binding between the properties of a display object, such as a text field or combo box, and the properties of one or more enterprise objects contained in one or more EODisplayGroups.
          An EODisplayGroup is the basic user interface manager for an Enterprise Objects Framework or Java Client application.
          An EOMasterDetailAssociation object binds one EODisplayGroup (the detail) to a relationship in another (the master), so that the detail display group contains the destination objects for the object selected in the master.

Classes in com.webobjects.eointerface used by com.webobjects.eointerface
          EOActionWidgetAssociation is an abstract superclass for associations that invoke methods on objects in response to an action in a user interface widget
          An EOAssociation maintains a two-way binding between the properties of a display object, such as a text field or combo box, and the properties of one or more enterprise objects contained in one or more EODisplayGroups.
          An EODisplayGroup is the basic user interface manager for an Enterprise Objects Framework or Java Client application.
          EOMasterAssociation is the abstract superclass of associations that link a master display group with a second, "child" display group.
          An EOMasterDetailAssociation object binds one EODisplayGroup (the detail) to a relationship in another (the master), so that the detail display group contains the destination objects for the object selected in the master.
          EOTableAssociation associates the contents of its SourceAspect's display group with a NSTableView, JTable or an EOTable (an object that places a javax.swing.JTable in a scroll view), via the repective WidgetPlugin's.
          EOTableColumnAssociation associates display group(s) with a table column, via the repective WidgetPlugin's (subclasses of TableColumnPlugin).
          EOValueAssociation is used for associations that display a single value object in a widget, with the value usually being editable.
          ValuePlugin communicates with a UI widget on behalf of an EOValueAssociation.
          The EOWidgetAssociation is the superclass for all associations that connect to user interface widgets.
          WidgetPlugin is an abstract superclass for plugins that provide a layer of abstraction between user interface widgets and EOWidgetAssociation subclasses.
          Abstract super class for plugins that handle the widget set specific task of displaying alert panels.

Classes in com.webobjects.eointerface used by com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa
          ActionPlugin is an abstract superclass for plugins that provide a layer of abstraction between user interface widgets and EOActionWidgetAssociation subclasses.
          EOTableAssociation associates the contents of its SourceAspect's display group with a NSTableView, JTable or an EOTable (an object that places a javax.swing.JTable in a scroll view), via the repective WidgetPlugin's.
          TablePlugin communicates with a UI widget (NSTableView, JTable or EOTable, for example) on behalf of an EOTableAssociation.
          EOTableColumnAssociation associates display group(s) with a table column, via the repective WidgetPlugin's (subclasses of TableColumnPlugin).
          TableColumnPlugin communicates with a UI widget (Cocoa's NSTableColumn or JFC's TableColumn, for example) on behalf of an EOTableAssociation.
          TextPlugin communicates with a UI widget (NSTextFieldCell or JTextField, for example) on behalf of an EOTextAssociation.
          ValuePlugin communicates with a UI widget on behalf of an EOValueAssociation.
          ValueSelectionPlugin communicates with a UI widget on behalf of a EOValueSelectionAssociation.
          The EOWidgetAssociation is the superclass for all associations that connect to user interface widgets.
          WidgetPlugin is an abstract superclass for plugins that provide a layer of abstraction between user interface widgets and EOWidgetAssociation subclasses.
          The Formatting interface defines the basic methods needed to enable setting and getting formatting for a display object.
          Abstract super class for plugins that handle the widget set specific task of displaying alert panels.

Classes in com.webobjects.eointerface used by com.webobjects.eointerface.swing
          ActionPlugin is an abstract superclass for plugins that provide a layer of abstraction between user interface widgets and EOActionWidgetAssociation subclasses.
          EOTableAssociation associates the contents of its SourceAspect's display group with a NSTableView, JTable or an EOTable (an object that places a javax.swing.JTable in a scroll view), via the repective WidgetPlugin's.
          TablePlugin communicates with a UI widget (NSTableView, JTable or EOTable, for example) on behalf of an EOTableAssociation.
          EOTableColumnAssociation associates display group(s) with a table column, via the repective WidgetPlugin's (subclasses of TableColumnPlugin).
          TableColumnPlugin communicates with a UI widget (Cocoa's NSTableColumn or JFC's TableColumn, for example) on behalf of an EOTableAssociation.
          TextPlugin communicates with a UI widget (NSTextFieldCell or JTextField, for example) on behalf of an EOTextAssociation.
          TreePlugin communicates with a tree UI widget on behalf of an EOTreeAssociation.
          ValuePlugin communicates with a UI widget on behalf of an EOValueAssociation.
          ValueSelectionPlugin communicates with a UI widget on behalf of a EOValueSelectionAssociation.
          The EOWidgetAssociation is the superclass for all associations that connect to user interface widgets.
          WidgetPlugin is an abstract superclass for plugins that provide a layer of abstraction between user interface widgets and EOWidgetAssociation subclasses.
          The Formatting interface defines the basic methods needed to enable setting and getting formatting for a display object.
          Abstract super class for plugins that handle the widget set specific task of displaying alert panels.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.