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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference
NetSprocket Functions / Managing Network Protocols


You can use the NSpProtocolList_Create function to create a new list for storing multiple protocol references.

OSStatus NSpProtocolList_Create (
	NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef,
	NSpProtocolListReference *outList);
An opaque reference to the protocol reference to be added to the list when it is created. Pass NULL if you don't want to add any protocol references at this time.
An opaque reference to the protocol list that was created. This is only valid if the function returns noErr.
function result
A result code of noErr, or a NetSprocket or Open Transport result code.
The NSpGame_Host function requires a list of protocol references, so that the game can be hosted on multiple protocols. Also, the NSpDoModalHostDialog function requires you to pass a protocol list that it fills in. Once a protocol reference has been added to a list, its memory belongs to the list.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996