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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 1 - SoundSprocket / SoundSprocket Reference
SoundSprocket Functions / Controlling Sound Output Devices


You can use the SSpConfigureSetup function to display a modal dialog box that allows the user to select which sound output device to use and to set the angle of stereo speakers, if they are selected.

OSStatus SSpConfigureSetup  (SSpEventProcPtr inEventProcPtr);
A pointer to your event handling procedure
function result
A result code.
When you call SSpConfigureSetup to display the modal dialog box, you should use inEventProcPtr to point to your own function to handle update or other events as necessary. Your function should be declared as SSpEventProcPtr to return the event as false if you want SSpConfigureSetup to handle the event and true if you have handled the event with your own function.

typedef Boolean (*SSpEventProcPtr)(EventRecord* InEvent);

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996