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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference
NetSprocket Functions / Managing Groups of Players


You can use the NSpGroup_Create function to create a new group of players.

OSStatus NSpGroup_Create (
	NSpGameReference inGame,
	NSpGroupID *outGroupID);
An opaque reference to your game object.
A unique number identifying the new group you have created.
function result
A result code of noErr, or a NetSprocket or Open Transport result code.
Once a group is created, the value in the outGroupID parameter is distributed to each player in the game. Any player in the game can use the outGroupID parameter to send messages to the players in the group.

NetSprocket returns an error if NetSprocket could not create the group.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996