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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference
NetSprocket Functions / Utility Functions


You can use the NSpConvertOTAddrToAddressReference function to obtain a NSpAddressReference.

NSpAddressReference NSpConvertOTAddrToAddressReference (
	OTAddress *inAddress);
A valid (TCP/IP or AppleTalk) OTAddress returned from Open Transport.
function result
A valid NSpAddressReference.
Given an OTAddress, NSpConvertOTAddrToAddressReference returns a new NSpAddressReference for the OTAddress you have passed to NetSprocket. For efficient memory management, the reference should be released by calling NSpReleaseAddressReference when you're done. You can delete OTAddress once the call has completed.

You should use this function when you do not wish to use the human interface functions provided by NetSprocket for standard hosting, browsing, and joining.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996