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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 1 - SoundSprocket / SoundSprocket Reference
SoundSprocket Functions / Creating and Managing Listeners


You can use the SSpListener_SetCameraPlacement function to set the position, orientation, and up vector of a listener.

OSStatus SSpListener_SetCameraPlacement (
SSpListenerReference inListenerReference,
const TQ3CameraPlacement *inCameraPlacement);
A listener reference.
A pointer to a camera placement structure that specifies the desired position, orientation, and up vector of the listener.
function result
A result code.
The SSpListener_SetCameraPlacement function sets the position, orientation, and up vector of the listener specified by the inListenerReference parameter to the values contained in the camera placement structure pointed to by the inCameraPlacement parameter. This function is provided as a convenient method for setting that information in a single function call.

The TQ3CameraPlacement data type is defined by QuickDraw 3D. See 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D for details.
Instead of calling SSpListener_SetCameraPlacement, you could call SSpListener_SetPosition, SSpListener_SetOrientation, and SSpListener_SetUpVector.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996