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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 1 - SoundSprocket / SoundSprocket Reference
SoundSprocket Functions / Creating and Managing 3D Sound Sources


You can use the SSpGetCPULoadLimit function to determine the maximum defined value for the CPU load.

OSStatus SSpGetCPULoad (UInt32 *outCPULoadLimit);
A listener reference.
On exit, the maximum defined CPU load value.
function result
A result code.
The SSpGetCPULoadLimit function returns, in the outCPULoadLimit parameter, the maximum defined value for the CPU load. The value 0 represents the greatest CPU loading (and hence the best sound quality). This function determines the CPU load by creating a sound channel, calling SndGetInfo with the siSSpCPULoadLimit information selector and returning the result. If you have a sound channel handy, you may do this directly. The value returned by the SSpGetCPULoadLimit function represents the smallest CPU load factor (and hence the worst available sound quality.) The default CPU load factor is 0.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996