Leopard Reference Library: Cocoa
This page lists new and recently changed documents, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Most documents have a revision history, which details additions and changes to that document since the previous version. Look for "Revision History" at the bottom of the document or in the document's table of contents.

Items are listed in reverse chronological order by publication date. To see the list sorted by the type of revision, click Sort by Revision Type. Items published for the first time (First Version) will be at the top of the list, followed by items with new or changed content (Content Update), followed by items with small fixes, such as typos and format errors, but no significant content changes (Minor Change).

New and updated Reference Library documents are announced in the bi-weekly Apple Developer Connection News, available as an option to ADC members. See the Membership Overview page for details on joining.
Document Revision Descriptions
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2009-03-03 64-Bit Transition Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Updated to add a section on tuning memory usage in 64-bit Cocoa applications.
Content Update Guides
2009-03-08 Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Added warning about lack of key-value observing change values to Controller Key-Value Observing Compliance.
Minor Change Guides
2008-11-19 Cocoa Fundamentals Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Made various small corrections.
Content Update Guides
2009-03-04 Core Data Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Minor revision to accommodate new Getting Started document.
Minor Change Guides
2009-03-04 Core Data Utility Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Updated title to better reflect purpose.
Minor Change Guides
2009-01-12 Document-Based Applications Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Removed private constant from document types listing.
Minor Change Guides
2009-03-04 Error Handling Programming Guide For Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected a link error.
Minor Change Guides
2008-11-19 Garbage Collection Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added note that Foundation programs need to use objc_startCollectorThread().
Minor Change Guides
2009-02-04 Key-Value Coding Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added substantial task information and sample code.
Content Update Guides
2009-05-06 Key-Value Observing Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Clarified Core Data requirement in Registering Dependent Keys.
Minor Change Guides
2009-05-06 Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides
2009-04-08 NSDictionary Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Reference
2009-01-06 NSDocument Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added description of NSChangeRedone constant. Updated other constant declarations and revised their descriptions. Added subclassing advice section with cross reference to main discussion.
Minor Change Reference
2008-10-15 NSDocumentController Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added defaultType to replacement information for deprecated openUntitledDocumentOfType:display: method.
Minor Change Reference
2009-05-06 NSError Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a link to the Foundation error constants.
Minor Change Reference
2009-02-04 NSKeyValueCoding Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Accessor search descriptions of setValue:forKey:, valueForKey:, mutableArrayValueForKey:, and mutableSetValueForKey: now point to the Key-Value Coding Programming Guide.
Minor Change Reference
2009-02-04 NSObject Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note about managing scarce resources in dealloc.
Minor Change Reference
2008-12-22 NSObject Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated discussion of retainCount method.
Minor Change Reference
2009-02-04 NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Updated description of editing the plist file.
Minor Change Guides
2009-02-04 NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial for Mac OS X v10.4. (HTML) (PDF)
Re-release of Mac OS X v10.4 version of NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial.
First Version Guides
2008-11-19 Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides
2009-05-06 Predicate Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected a typographical error.
Minor Change Guides
2009-02-04 Xcode Design Tools for Class Modeling (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor content fixes.
Minor Change Guides