Leopard Reference Library
This page lists new and recently changed documents, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Most documents have a revision history, which details additions and changes to that document since the previous version. Look for "Revision History" at the bottom of the document or in the document's table of contents.

Items are listed in reverse chronological order by publication date. To see the list sorted by the type of revision, click Sort by Revision Type. Items published for the first time (First Version) will be at the top of the list, followed by items with new or changed content (Content Update), followed by items with small fixes, such as typos and format errors, but no significant content changes (Minor Change).

New and updated Reference Library documents are announced in the bi-weekly Apple Developer Connection News, available as an option to ADC members. See the Membership Overview page for details on joining.
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2009-02-04 NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Updated description of editing the plist file.
Minor Change Guides Data Management, Design Guidelines
2009-02-04 NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial for Mac OS X v10.4. (HTML) (PDF)
Re-release of Mac OS X v10.4 version of NSPersistentDocument Core Data Tutorial.
First Version Guides Data Management, Design Guidelines
2009-02-04 NSSavePanel Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated documentation to use more consistent method formatting and corrected various errors.
Minor Change Reference Events & Other Input, File Management, User Experience
2009-02-04 NSShadow Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a description for NSShadow's init method.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-02-04 NSString Application Kit Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Documented NSStringDrawingTruncatesLastVisibleLine constant.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, Text & Fonts
2009-02-04 NSString Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Changed the abstract of getCharacters: to more closely reflect that of getCharacters:range:.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2009-02-04 NSURL Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Miscellaneous edits.
Minor Change Reference Internet & Web, Networking
2009-02-04 NSURLHandle Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typos.
Minor Change Reference Internet & Web, Networking
2009-02-04 NSView Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typos.
Minor Change Reference Events & Other Input, Graphics & Imaging, Printing
2009-02-04 Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides Objective-C Language, Runtime Architecture
2009-02-04 Toolbar Programming Topics for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Updated for Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard).
Minor Change Guides User Experience
2009-02-04 Tree-Based XML Programming Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Replaced use of deprecated method loadDataRepresentation:ofType: with readFromData:ofType:error:.
Minor Change Guides Data Management, Internet & Web
2009-02-04 Universal Binary Programming Guidelines, Second Edition (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor content additions.
Minor Change Guides Intel-Based Macs, Porting
2009-02-04 WebBackForwardList Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added separate parameter and return-value descriptions.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2009-02-04 Window Programming Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Added information on the use of backing locations to improve performance.
Minor Change Guides User Experience
2009-02-04 Xcode Design Tools for Class Modeling (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor content fixes.
Minor Change Guides Design Guidelines, Tools
2009-01-29 QuickTime Audio - Easy Frequency Level Metering with MovieAudio APIs (HTML)
Minor Change Technical Q&As QuickTime
2009-01-26 DOMHTMLDocument Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
First revision of this document.
First Version Reference User Experience
2009-01-12 Document-Based Applications Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Removed private constant from document types listing.
Minor Change Guides Design Guidelines
2009-01-07 QTMovie Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected the description of QuickTime VR attribute. Minor typo fixes.
Minor Change Reference QuickTime
2009-01-06 Authorization Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected minor errors. Changed the title from "Performing Privileged Operations With Authorization Services."
Minor Change Guides Security
2009-01-06 Cocoa Drawing Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the guidelines associated with resolution independent drawing.
Minor Change Guides Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 Foundation Release Notes (10.4 and earlier) (HTML)
Updated with information on Mac OS X 10.4.
First Version Release Notes General
2009-01-06 IBDocument Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor technical corrections.
Minor Change Reference Tools
2009-01-06 Internationalization Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Fixed the ibtool examples to use the updated syntax.
Minor Change Guides Internationalization
2009-01-06 NSBitmapImageRep Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the descriptions of the initWithCGImage: and initWithCIImage: methods.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSColor Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added definition for NSAppKitVersionNumberWithPatternColorLeakFix macro.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSCursor Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a definition for the NSAppKitVersionNumberWithCursorSizeSupport macro.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2009-01-06 NSDocument Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added description of NSChangeRedone constant. Updated other constant declarations and revised their descriptions. Added subclassing advice section with cross reference to main discussion.
Minor Change Reference Design Guidelines
2009-01-06 NSGlyphStorage Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Reformatted parameter descriptions.
Minor Change Reference Text & Fonts
2009-01-06 NSGradient Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the method descriptions that involve drawing radial gradients with relative center positions.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSImage Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the description of the alignmentRect method.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSImageCell Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added descriptions for the NSImageAlignment constants.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2009-01-06 NSImageRep Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a definition for the NSImageRepRegistryChangedNotification macro.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSOutputStream Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Miscellaneous edits.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, File Management, Networking
2009-01-06 NSPanel Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added information about NSHUDWindowMask constant.
Minor Change Reference Events & Other Input, Graphics & Imaging, User Experience
2009-01-06 NSPrintInfo Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Cleaned up the deprecated print info keys.
Minor Change Reference Printing
2009-01-06 NSScreen Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the information regarding what constitutes the main screen.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging
2009-01-06 NSSpeechSynthesizer Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Clarified how the speech rate is set when using initWithVoice:.
Minor Change Reference Accessibility, Text & Fonts, User Experience
2009-01-06 NSTextField Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note that background color rendering is disabled for rounded-bezel text fields.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2009-01-06 NSTextFieldCell Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note that background color rendering is disabled for rounded-bezel text fields. Revised description of setUpFieldEditorAttributes: because it no longer supports replacing the field editor.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2009-01-06 Objective-C 1 Runtime Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added link to current document.
Minor Change Reference Objective-C Language
2009-01-06 Resource Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added information about KVO notifications during nib loading.
Minor Change Guides Resource Management
2009-01-06 SFAuthorization Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
permitWithRight:flags: and permitWithRights:flags:environment:authorizedRights are deprecated and replaced with obtainWithRight:flags: and obtainWithRights:flags:environment:authorizedRights:error:
Content Update Reference Security
2009-01-06 Web Services Core Framework Reference (HTML)
Describes the Web Services Core API.
First Version Reference Internet & Web
2009-01-06 Web Services Core Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Updated text and sample code. Moved API reference information to "Web Services Core Reference".
Minor Change Guides Internet & Web, Networking
2009-01-06 Xcode Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor changes and added glossary.
Minor Change Guides Tools
2009-01-06 Xcode Project Management Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor content changes.
Minor Change Guides Tools
2009-01-06 Xcode Workspace Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor content fixes.
Minor Change Guides Tools
2009-01-02 NSAutoreleasePool Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Changed "managed memory environment" to "reference-counted environment" throughout.
Minor Change Reference Objective-C Language, Performance
2008-12-22 NSObject Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated discussion of retainCount method.
Minor Change Reference Design Guidelines, Objective-C Language
2008-12-20 NSLayoutManager Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added descriptions of NSGlyphStorage protocol methods.
Minor Change Reference Text & Fonts
2008-11-24 Core Animation properties and Reference Counting (HTML)
First Version
First Version Technical Q&As Games, Graphics & Imaging, Objective-C Language, Resource Management
2008-11-19 Application Kit Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added NSTextInputClient Protocol Reference.
Minor Change Reference General, Objective-C Language, User Experience
2008-11-19 Application Kit Functions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added descriptions for the NSDrawThreePartImage and NSDrawNinePartImage functions.
Minor Change Reference Objective-C Language
2008-11-19 Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added information about, and code samples for, iPhone OS.
Content Update Guides Security
2008-11-19 Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated to Mac OS X v 10.5.
Content Update Reference Security
2008-11-19 Cocoa Fundamentals Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Made various small corrections.
Content Update Guides Design Guidelines
2008-11-19 Code Signing Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added a chapter describing the code signing requirement language.
Content Update Guides Security
2008-11-19 Garbage Collection Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Added note that Foundation programs need to use objc_startCollectorThread().
Minor Change Guides Design Guidelines, Objective-C Language, Performance, Runtime Architecture
2008-11-19 Interface Builder User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Updated to incorporate information about nib files in iPhone OS.
Minor Change Guides Tools
2008-11-19 ISyncSession Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Reference Syncing
2008-11-19 Keychain Services Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added Keychain Services API for iPhone OS.
Minor Change Reference Security
2008-11-19 NSDateFormatter Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note about supported behaviors for iPhone OS.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, Internationalization, User Experience
2008-11-19 NSNumberFormatter Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note about supported behaviors for iPhone OS.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, User Experience
2008-11-19 NSOperation Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the guidelines related to KVO compliance.
Minor Change Reference Process Management
2008-11-19 NSOperationQueue Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the guidance related to KVO-compliant properties.
Minor Change Reference Process Management
2008-11-19 NSTimer Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Augmented parameter descriptions.
Minor Change Reference Events & Other Input
2008-11-19 Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides Design Guidelines, Objective-C Language
2008-11-19 Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added links to the new Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide.
Minor Change Reference Objective-C Language
2008-11-19 Property List Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Combined Cocoa and Core Foundation documents on property lists and reorganized material. Added a "Quick Start" mini-tutorial and a chapter on programmatically creating property lists. Mentioned iPhone OS as a platform on which property lists are important.
Content Update Guides Data Management
2008-11-19 Timer Programming Topics for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides Events & Other Input
2008-11-19 WebKit Reference Update (HTML) (PDF)
Minor edits throughout.
Minor Change Release Notes Internet & Web
2008-11-17 NSMutableArray Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Noted in overview that predicates are not available on iPhone OS.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-11-13 Core Animation Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces iPhone SDK content to Mac OS X content. Corrects frame animation capabilities.
Content Update Guides Graphics & Imaging
2008-11-13 NSHTTPCookie Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added isHTTPOnly method.
Content Update Reference Internet & Web, Networking
2008-10-24 Animating the frame of a CALayer. (HTML)
First Version
First Version Technical Q&As Graphics & Imaging
2008-10-15 Animation Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typos.
Minor Change Guides Games, Graphics & Imaging
2008-10-15 Button Programming Topics for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Added "Querying Button Matrices" plus a example of programmatically creating a matrix of radio buttons. Also removed "Deprecated Buttons" from "Types of Buttons".
Minor Change Guides User Experience
2008-10-15 Control and Cell Programming Topics for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Made minor corrections.
Minor Change Guides User Experience
2008-10-15 Data Formatting Programming Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Guides Data Management
2008-10-15 DOMDocument Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated per Mac OS X v10.5.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2008-10-15 DOMElement Additions Reference (HTML)
First revision of this document.
First Version Reference User Experience
2008-10-15 DOMRange Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated per Mac OS X v10.5.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2008-10-15 Foundation Functions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected discussions of NSMapInsert and NSTemporaryDirectory; clarified behavior of NSPointInRect.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 IMService Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor edit.
Minor Change Reference Apple Applications
2008-10-15 Mac OS X Technology Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Removed outdated reference to jikes compiler. Marked the AppleShareClient framework as deprecated, which it was in Mac OS X v10.5.
Minor Change Guides Accessibility
2008-10-15 NSAtomicStore Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected discussion of save: method.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 NSAttributedString Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added cautionary note about isEqual: comparison of NSAttributedString objects having attributes such as attachments, lists, and tables.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, Text & Fonts
2008-10-15 NSBox Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected descriptions of getter methods in "Customizing" method group, setTitleFont:, and titleFont.
Minor Change Reference Graphics & Imaging, Printing, User Experience
2008-10-15 NSCharacterSet Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical error.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 NSControl Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Revised wording of several methods and added descriptions of NSInteger-related "value" methods.
Minor Change Reference User Experience
2008-10-15 NSDate Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Revised documentation of description and descriptionWithLocale: methods.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 NSDateComponents Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Clarified meaning of weekday and weekday ordinal units.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 NSDirectoryEnumerator Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added note in Introduction to show how to retrieve a directory enumerator instance.
Minor Change Reference File Management
2008-10-15 NSDocumentController Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added defaultType to replacement information for deprecated openUntitledDocumentOfType:display: method.
Minor Change Reference Design Guidelines
2008-10-15 NSExpression Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected SUBQUERY expression example.
Minor Change Reference Data Management
2008-10-15 NSFileHandle Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Clarified description of closeFile and added link to related sample code project.
Minor Change Reference File Management
2008-10-15 NSFileManager Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typographical errors.
Minor Change Reference File Management, Resource Management
2008-10-15 NSFileWrapper Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected -initWithSerializedRepresentation: method description.
Minor Change Reference Data Management, File Management, Resource Management