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Safari User Guide for Web Developers
Describes the developer tools built into Safari for analyzing, testing, and debugging HTML, JavaScript, style sheets, and DOM structure.
Internet & Web |
Guides |
Secure Transport Reference
Describes the C API for creating a Secure Sockets Layer session over any transport layer.
Security |
Reference |
Security Framework Error Codes
QA1499: Explains how to interpret errors returned by the Security Framework with an overview of Security error handling.
Security |
Technical Q&As |
Security Overview
An introduction to computer security concepts and the security APIs in Mac OS X and iPhone OS.
Security |
Guides |
Sending an Email
QA1084: Shows how to create an email in the user's prefered email application.
Internet & Web |
Technical Q&As |
Server Endpoint 'qlen' Limit
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Deprecated - NW38: Tells how to determine the maximum 'qlen' value which limits the number of supported handoff endpoints.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
Setting request headers in URL Access
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Deprecated - QA1073: Explains how to work around a bug in URL Access when setting request headers.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
Demonstrates management of dialup connections, such as PPP, using System Configuration framework network connection API.
Core Foundation, Darwin |
Sample Code |
Sample provides simple API to programatically ping a remote host without admin privileges
Darwin, Internet & Web |
Sample Code |
Demonstrates network host reachability testing using the System Configuration framework asynchronous network reachability API.
Core Foundation, Darwin |
Sample Code |
Smart Card Setup Guide
Explains how to configure Mac OS X version 10.4 to use smart cards.
Security |
Guides |
Shows how to safely cancel threads that are blocked within BSD sockets calls.
Darwin |
Sample Code |
The state of mDNSResponder
QA1339: Explains how to obtain information regarding the internal state of mDNSResponder.
Bonjour, Darwin, Hardware & Drivers |
Technical Q&As |
Stream Programming Guide for Cocoa
Explains how to use the Cocoa stream classes to read data from and write data to streams.
Cocoa |
Guides |
Synchronous TCP OTConnect Client Call Completes Before Server Responds
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Deprecated - NW24: Explains why an OTConnect call will complete before the server responds.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
System Configuration Framework Reference
Describes the API for configuration of network resources, the reachability of target hosts, and connection to network services.
Darwin, General |
Reference |
System Configuration Programming Guidelines
Explains how to use system configuration services for network configuration and management, including determining reachability and getting connected.
Darwin, General |
Guides |
System Configuration Reference Update
Summarizes the symbols added to the System Configuration framework.
Darwin |
Release Notes |
T_DATA_REQ vs M_DATA TPI Message Blocks
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NW42: Explains why OT passes data to a TPI module using M_DATA message blocks instead of M_PROTO+T_DATA_REQ.
Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation, Hardware & Drivers, Internet & Web |
Technical Q&As |
TCP Application Acquires Different Port Address After Relaunch
Deprecated - NW28: Explains why a server application acquires a different TCP/IP port address after restarting.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
TCP Option Sizes
Deprecated - NW27: Tells where to get more information on TCP Option sizes and setting TCP Options.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
TCP/IP Option Sizes
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NW62: Enumerates the TCP/IP options and their sizes for Open Transport.
Carbon, Hardware & Drivers, Internet & Web |
Technical Q&As |
Demonstrates a TCP socket filter based on supported Kernel Programming Interfaces for Tiger
Hardware & Drivers |
Sample Code |
Uniquely Identifying a Macintosh Computer
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TN1103: How to identify a specific Macintosh computer.
Hardware & Drivers, Security |
Technical Notes |
Update: Borrowed AFP Sessions
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TN1106: Shows how to borrow the session reference number of an AFP volume mounted by the Macintosh File System.
Carbon |
Technical Notes |
Updating the TXT record of a Bonjour service
QA1302: Explains how to update a Bonjour TXT record while running on either Jaguar or Panther.
Bonjour, Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation, Darwin |
Technical Q&As |
URL Access and the Missing Progress Dialog
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Deprecated - QA1140: Explains a known bug in URL Access related to progress dialogs.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
URL Access Manager Reference
Deprecated - Describes the legacy C API for transferring data to and from a URL from within an application. Replaced by CFNetwork.
Carbon, Internet & Web |
Reference |
URL Access vs. CFNetwork
QA1291: Explains when to choose URL Access or CFNetwork when downloading files from within your application.
Carbon |
Technical Q&As |
URL CacheInfo
Demonstrates resource caching behavior using the Cocoa URL loading system.
Cocoa, Internet & Web |
Sample Code |
URL Loading System
Explains how to manipulate URLs and transfer URL contents.
Cocoa |
Guides |
Use empty string for Bonjour domains
QA1331: Explains what to specify for the domain parameter when using Bonjour API's.
Bonjour |
Technical Q&As |
Use the Computer Name when registering your Bonjour service
QA1228: Explains why you should use the Computer Name when advertising a Bonjour service.
Bonjour, Carbon, Cocoa |
Technical Q&As |
Using Open Source Tools to Filter Email on Mac OS X Server
Learn how to identify, filter, and remove viruses from the Postfix mail server.
Internet & Web, Mac OS X Server, Security |
Articles |
Using the Web Services Core Framework and CFNetwork to Access Remote SOAP Services
Learn how to access remote SOAP-based web services that require HTTP Basic or Digest authentication.
Internet & Web |
Articles |
Web Services Core Programming Guide
Explains how to use the new Web Services client-side frameworks available in Mac OS X.
Internet & Web |
Guides |
What are snag keys in Open Firmware?
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HW35: Explains Open Firmware snag keys, including examples of their function.
Hardware & Drivers |
Technical Q&As |
When to use PCMCIA, PC Card, and CardBus
HW77: Explains the differences between PCMCIA, PC Card, and CardBus.
Hardware & Drivers |
Technical Q&As |
Writing Open Directory Plug-ins
Learn how to write Open Directory plug-ins to help your application locate and manage network information.
Darwin, Mac OS X Server |
Articles |
Xsan Programming Guide
Describes managing files and storage pools with Xsan.
Mac OS X Server |
Guides |
Xsan Reference
Describes the Xsan API commands.
Mac OS X Server |
Reference |