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Application Suite

This chapter describes the terminology in AppleScript Studio’s Application suite.

The Application suite defines a number of classes that are typically used by or with an application object, including new versions of certain classes that are defined in the Standard suite. Classes that replace Standard suite classes include the application and window classes. The Standard suite is described in “Script Suites, aetes, and Sdefs.”

The Application suite also defines the item class, which has id and name properties, and the responder class, which inherits from the item class and serves as a superclass for the window, view, and control classes. These and other classes that inherit from responder can respond to user actions.

To work with the many high-level classes it contains, the Application suite defines a large number of commands and event handlers for working with the application, windows, mouse and keyboard events, and so on.


The classes, commands, events, and enumerations in the Application suite are described in the following sections:


The Application suite contains the following classes:

Plural: applications
Inherits from: responder
Cocoa Class: NSApplication

Manages an the main event loop of an application object, as well as resources used by all of the application's objects.

The main purpose of an application object is to receive events and distribute them to the appropriate objects that can respond to them (typically view subclasses). For example, all keyboard and mouse events go directly to the window object associated with the event. In an AppleScript Studio application, these events can be dispatched to script event handlers you connect in Interface Builder. See the responder class for more information about how an application handles mouse and key events.

Every AppleScript Studio (and Cocoa) application has exactly one instance of the application object, created automatically as part of the application project in Xcode. Figure 2-1 shows the File’s Owner instance in the main nib window. In the main nib file, File’s Owner always represents NSApp, a global constant that references the NSApplication object for the application. The application object serves as the master controller for the application. You attach handlers to an application object in Interface Builder through the File’s Owner instance. For more information on nibs and File’s Owners, see the awake from nib command.

Figure 2-1  File’s Owner instance (representing the application object) in an Interface Builder nib window

File’s Owner instance (representing the application object) in an Interface Builder nib window

The application object supplies shared instances of a color-panel, font-panel, open-panel, and save-panel that you can use in your application scripts. For related information, see Choosing Colors With Color Wells and Color Panels. The application object also provides elements for storing items such as image, movie, and sound objects with the application.

Starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, the application class provides enhanced coordinate system support. In previous versions, all coordinates for windows and views were returned as a list of four numbers, {left, bottom, right, top}. The origin of a window or bounds was in the bottom left corner. This differs from standard AppleScript, which uses a list of four numbers, {left, top, right, bottom}, with the top left of the window as the origin. To supply a backward compatible mechanism that supports the expected AppleScript way of specifying bounds, the application class now has a coordinate system property, which takes one of the enumerated values specified in Coordinate System.

The default value for the coordinate system property is classic coordinate system, which defines bounds as {left, bottom, right, top} with the origin in the bottom left; that is, it matches the coordinate system in previous versions of AppleScript Studio. For related information, see the bounds property of the window class.

In addition to specifying the coordinate system in a script, you can add the following entry to your application's Info.plist:


If a script accesses the bounds and no coordinate system has been specified, AppleScript Studio will look for the ASKCoordinateSystem entry in the main bundle’s Info.plist and will use the specified value.

The Coordinate System sample application, available starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, demonstrates this feature.

Properties of application objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the responder class, an application object has these properties (see the Version Notes section for this class for the AppleScript Studio version in which a particular property was added):

 Is the application active?
color panel
 the color panel for the application; created automatically for every AppleScript Studio application
coordinate system
 Class:enumerated constant from Coordinate System
 specifies how bounding rectangles are defined; default is classic coordinate system, which defines bounds as {left, bottom, right, top} with the origin in the bottom left (that is, it matches the coordinate system in previous versions of AppleScript Studio); see also discussion above for the application class
font panel
 the font panel for the application; created automatically for every AppleScript Studio application
 Is the application hidden? setting the hidden property to true will set the visible property of all application window objects to false; setting the property back to false will restore the previous visible property settings for the windows
icon image
 the icon for the application; the current default icon shows a pencil, brush, and ruler in the shape of a letter “A”; you can change the application icon by specifying an icon file in Xcode—start by selecting the current target in the Groups & Files list; then open an Info window (with Command-I) and choose the Properties tab; there you can enter a file name in the Icon File field
key window
 Access:read only
 the current key window (the current target for keystrokes; see the key and main properties of the window class for more information)
main bundle
 the main bundle of the application; the main bundle is the default location for all application resources, including compiled scripts; it is created automatically by Xcode
main menu
 the main menu of the application; the menu items on the main menu typically represent other menus; see the Examples section for more information
main window
 Access:read only
 the current main window of the application; the main window is the current focus of user activity; see the key and main properties of the window class for more information)
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the name of the application
open panel
 the open panel for the application; created automatically for every AppleScript Studio application
save panel
 the save panel for the application; created automatically for every AppleScript Studio application
services menu
 the services menu of the application; services allow an application to take advantage of features supplied by other applications, such as spell checking or mailing selected text
user defaults
 the user defaults key-value pairs for the application (see also default entry)
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the version of the application, from the short version string; by default, “0”
windows menu
 the Windows menu of the application; by default, the Windows menu in Interface Builder contains Minimize and Bring All to Front items; in the running application, it also lists each open application window

Elements of application objects

An application object can contain the elements listed below. Your script can access most elements with any of the key forms described in “Standard Key Forms.” See the Version Notes section for this class for the AppleScript Studio version in which a particular element was added.

data source
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s data sources

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s documents

drag info
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

for internal use by AppleScript Studio only

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the current event—the last event retrieved from the event queue

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s images; by default an application has access to only one image, the default icon image (described in the Properties section above); you can add images (including additional icon images) to a project in Xcode or Interface Builder, but they aren’t added to the application’s elements until you’ve loaded them with the load image command

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

for internal use by AppleScript Studio only

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s movies; by default an application has no movies; you can add movies to the project in Xcode or Interface Builder, but they aren’t added to the application’s elements until you’ve loaded them with the load movie command

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s pasteboards

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s sounds; by default an application has access to the sounds shown in Figure 2-6 (the available sounds may differ for your system); you can add sounds to the project in Xcode or Interface Builder, but they aren’t added to the application’s elements until you’ve loaded them with the load sound command

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the application’s windows

Commands supported by application objects

Your script can send the following commands to an application object:

display dialog
path for
quit (from Cocoa’s Standard suite)

Events supported by application objects

An application object supports handlers that can respond to the following events. Note that Key and Mouse commands may be handled by other objects without ever propagating their way back to the application object.

open (from Cocoa’s Standard suite)
open untitled
resigned active
should open untitled
should quit
should quit after last window closed
was hidden
will become active
will finish launching
will hide
will quit
will resign active
will show

document nib name

keyboard down
keyboard up

mouse down
mouse dragged
mouse entered
mouse exited
mouse up
right mouse down
right mouse dragged
right mouse up
scroll wheel

awake from nib


The following launched handler, connected to the application object through the File’s Owner instance in Interface Builder, sets the color of the application’s color panel to red and makes the panel visible when the application is launched. AppleScript Studio script statements can refer to application properties without explicitly targeting the application object.

on launched theObject
    set color of color panel to {65535, 0, 0}
    set visible of color panel to true
end launched

You can use the following script in Script Editor to get the titles of the menu items in the main menu for the Drag Race application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio. Similar statements will work within an AppleScript Studio application script (though you won’t need the tell statements).

tell application "Drag Race"
    title of menu items of main menu
    -- result: {"", "File", "Edit",  "Window", "Help"}
end tell

Your script can dig down to get information about the menu items of the main menu as well. For example, the following line (inserted in the previous tell statement) gets the title of a menu item in the File menu:

title of menu item 10 of sub menu of menu item 2 of main menu
    -- result: "Page Setup…"

It can be convenient to use Script Editor (or a third party script application) to target an AppleScript Studio application, as shown here, to help determine the correct terminology for identifying objects in the application, especially in the case where you haven’t given AppleScript names to the objects in Interface Builder. If you did name the menu items, then you could use a line like the following:

title of menu item "page setup" of sub menu item "file"  of main menu
Version Notes

The coordinate system property was added in AppleScript studio version 1.4.

The following elements were added to the application object in AppleScript Studio version 1.2: drag info, pasteboard.

The following properties were added to the application object in AppleScript Studio version 1.1: color panel, font panel, open panel, save panel, user defaults.

The following elements were added to the application object in AppleScript Studio version 1.1: data source, item, sound.

Plural: bundles
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSBundle

Represents a location in the file system that groups code and resources that can be used in a program.

Every application object has a main bundle property that represents the main bundle for that application. Although it is uncommon for AppleScript Studio applications, an application can contain additional bundles.

A bundle object corresponds to a directory where related resources—including executable code—are stored. A bundle can find requested resources in the directory and can dynamically load executable code (though that won’t be necessary for most AppleScript Studio applications). A bundle object has properties that specify its location in the file system, as well as the location of various items within the bundle. You can also use the path for command to obtain the path for items in the application’s bundle.

A bundle can contain images, sounds, localized character strings, and plug-ins. It also contains the application’s Info.plist file, which specifies various information about the application or bundle that can be used at runtime, including document types and version and copyright information. For an example of how to check for the presence of the minimum version of the AppleScript Studio runtime needed by your application, see the Examples section of the will finish launching event handler.

You build a bundle in Xcode using one of these project types: Application, Framework, Loadable Bundle, or Palette. An AppleScript Studio application automatically contains a main application bundle, even if you take no special steps to create one or to specify its contents. Along with an Info.plist file, it contains a Scripts folder (in the Resources folder) that contains the application’s compiled script files, each of which ends with the extension .scpt. For related information, see the Examples section below.

In Mac OS X, you can examine the contents of an application that is built as a bundle by Control-clicking the application icon and choosing Show Package Contents in the resulting contextual menu.

For additional information on working with bundles, see Resource Programming Guide, as well as the path for command.

Properties of bundle objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a bundle object has these properties:

executable path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to executables in the bundle (by default an AppleScript Studio application has only one executable)
frameworks path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to frameworks in the bundle (a framework is itself a type of bundle that packages software with the resources that software requires, including its interface)
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the identifier for the bundle, which you can specify in the Identifier field in Xcode’s target editor (the details depend on which version of Xcode you are using); typical identifier names look like com.yourcompany.somedirectorylocation.YourAppName; you can see examples in the names of .plist files in ~yourUserName/Library/Preferences
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to the bundle; prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use this property directly in a script, though you could obtain its value with a call method command like the following (which gets the path to the main bundle of the application):
 set thePath to call method "bundlePath" of object main bundle
resource path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to resources in the bundle; depending on the location of the AppleScript Studio application, the path might be something like /Users/userName/TestApp/build/TestApp.app/Contents/Resources
scripts path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to the scripts in the bundle; depending on the location of the AppleScript Studio application, the path might be something like /Users/userName/TestApp/build/TestApp.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts
shared frameworks path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to the shared frameworks in the bundle; depending on the location of the AppleScript Studio application, the path might be something like /Users/userName/TestApp/build/TestApp.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks
shared support path
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the path to the shared support items in the bundle; depending on the location of the AppleScript Studio application, the path might be something like /Users/userName/TestApp/build/TestApp.app/Contents/SharedSupport

Commands supported by bundle objects

Your script can send the following commands to a bundle object:

path for

Events supported by bundle objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


The following clicked handler shows how to use a bundle’s scripts path property obtain the path to the scripts directory in an application’s main bundle. It uses the log command to display the result.

on clicked theObject
    set thePath to scripts path of main bundle
    log thePath
end clicked

Depending on the name and location of the project, the results of the previous handler would be something like the following:

2002-09-03 19:59:56.032 test project[667] "/Volumes/Projects/test  project// build/test project.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts"

The Examples section of the path for command shows how to get the full, slash-delimited path of the compiled main script in an AppleScript Studio application, and how to find and load a script from the application’s main bundle.

The following clicked handler shows how to use the call method command to access an external bundle, in this case the Terminal application that ships with Mac OSX. It uses the log command to display the result. Once you have a reference to the external bundle, you can get information from it through its properties or with the path for command.

This example uses the call method command to get the path to the bundle because, as noted in the Properties section above, the path property wasn’t supported before AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1. This handler uses a try, on error block to handle the case where call method may be unable to return a bundle (if, for example, the Terminal application is not present in the Utilities directory).

on clicked theObject
    set theBundle to call method "bundleWithPath:" of  class "NSBundle"
        with parameter "/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app"
        set thePath to call method "bundlePath" of object  theBundle
        log thePath
    on error
        log "Problem getting path to Terminal.app"
    end try
end clicked

Note: Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2, you can say of theBundle, rather than of object theBundle.

The following example shows how to target a bundle outside the application:

on clicked theObject
    set myLibBundle to call method "bundleWithPath:" of  class "NSBundle"
        with parameter "/Users/MyUser/MyStudioLib/build/MyStudioLib.app"
        tell myLibBundle
            set scriptPath to path for script "MyStudioLib"
                extension "scpt"
        end tell
        log scriptPath
    on error
        log "Problem getting path to MyStudio.app"
    end try
end clicked

Between the examples shown here and the example in the Examples section of the path for command, it is possible to load an external bundle and find and load scripts from the bundle. That means you can package frequently used scripts in a form that is easily accessible to any AppleScript Studio applications you write.

Important:  When you load a script, you get a copy of the script, including a new copy of any global properties or variables. AppleScript Studio currently does not provide a convenient way to share data between scripts. You can use files to read and write data, but the overhead is at minimum inconvenient.

The following provides a simple example of how you might do this.

First, create an AppleScript Studio project in Xcode, using the AppleScript Application template. Name the application “MyStudioLib” and, for this example, save it in your user folder (/Users/yourname/). In the main script file for the project, MyStudioLib.applescript, define handlers that return any scripts you want to implement. In this example, there is one handler, named makeLibScript1, which creates a script named acknowledgeReceipt. Although there is no return statement, makeLibScript1 effectively returns the script acknowledgeReceipt.

on makeLibScript1()
    script myLibScript1
        -- Handlers
        on acknowledgeReceipt()
            display dialog "The acknowledgeReceipt script greets  you."
        end acknowledgeReceipt
    end script
end makeLibScript1

Next, build the project, which causes a compiled script named MyStudioLib.scpt to be stored in the application bundle. You can define multiple handlers to return any scripts you want to make accessible from your script library, though this example supplies just one script.

Finally, you can add the following script statements to any AppleScript Studio project that needs to use any of the scripts in your MyStudioLib project. These statements:

property libraryScript : missing value
property libScript1 : missing value
on loadLibraryScripts()
    set scriptPath to missing value
    set myLibBundle to call method "bundleWithPath:" of  class "NSBundle" with  parameter "/Users/yourname/MyStudioLib/build/MyStudioLib.app"
    -- Log what we got for the bundle.
    log myLibBundle
    -- Use try, on error block to handle possible errors.
        tell myLibBundle
            set scriptPath to path for script "MyStudioLib"  extension "scpt"
        end tell
    -- scriptPath is slash-delimited; use POSIX file from the standard
    --      scripting additions to convert it to a colon-delimited  path,
    --      which is expected by load script
        set libraryScript to load script POSIX file (scriptPath)
        set libScript1 to makeLibScript1() of libraryScript
    on error
        log "Problem getting library script."
    end try
end loadLibraryScripts
on will finish launching theObject
end will finish launching
on clicked theObject
    tell libScript1 to acknowledgeReceipt()
end clicked
Version Notes

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use the path property directly in a script, though you could obtain its value with a call method command, as shown above in the description for the path property, and also demonstrated in the Examples section above.

Plural: data
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSData

Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4).

Version Notes

The data class was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2, although it doesn’t do anything in that version.

default entry
Plural: default entries
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: ASKDefaultEntry

Specifies an entry in the Mac OS X user defaults system (a mechanism for storing default values as key-value pairs, where the key is simply a name string).

You use this class in script statements to get, set, or remove the value for an entry in the application-specific defaults, which are typically used to store user preferences for the application.

For more information on the defaults system, see user-defaults, as well as the document User Defaults Programming Topics for Cocoa. You can also view man page information about the defaults system, using the Open Man Page menu from the Help menu in Xcode (available starting with Mac OS X version 10.2) to display defaults, or by typing man defaults in a Terminal window (the Terminal application is located in /Applications/Utilities).


Warning:  You should not delete entries from the user defaults system in AppleScript Studio version 1.2. Doing so may cause your application to crash. This was fixed in version 1.2.1.

Properties of default entry objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a default entry object has these properties:

 the value of the entry; nearly synonymous with contents; for related information, see the Version Notes section for this class
 the value of the entry; nearly synonymous with content; for related information, see the Version Notes section for this class

Events supported by default entry objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


The application class has a user defaults property which you can use to manipulate user defaults entries. For example you could use the following to create a new entry in the user defaults. (An AppleScript Studio application script doesn’t need to explicitly target the application—it’s assumed within the script.)

make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults  with properties  {name:"defaultName", contents:"Testing"}

If you attempt to make a new entry for a key that already exists, no new entry is created and the value for the key is not changed. The assumption is that if the key already exists, it represents a saved value that you may want to preserve. However, you can change the value, if necessary, as shown below.

Defaults information for your application is stored in its plist file. For example, if the identifier for your application (which you set in Xcode) is “com.acme.application”, the previous script statement results in a “defaultName” entry with value “Testing” in the file (where “~/” indicates the path to your user directory)


Warning:  You can use the Property List Editor application, available in Applications/Utilities/, to examine property list files. However, due to a bug, some versions of Property List Editor may display property list information incorrectly. However, you can also examine a property list’s XML in any text editor.

To get the value of any given entry in the user defaults, you simply refer to it by name. For example, given the previous make new statement, the following line returns the string value “Testing”:

set myName to contents of default entry "defaultName"  of user defaults

Important:  The value of a default entry is Unicode text. Through AppleScript Studio version 1.4, you may be able to coerce a value to a number, but you will have to convert a value to plain text if you want to coerce it to a boolean value. See the Discussion section below for more information.

Attempting to access an entry that doesn’t exist will return an error, so you should enclose statements that access default entries within a try, on error block, as shown in the example in the Discussion section below.

To change a value, you use terminology like the following:

set contents of default entry "defaultName" of user defaults  to "Check"

The following awake from nib handler uses the statement tell user defaults to target the user-defaults property of the application object. After creating a new default entry object, it uses an another tell statement to log the contents of the entry, change the contents, and log the new contents.

on awake from nib theObject
    tell user defaults -- targets property of application
        make new default entry at end of default entries              with properties {name:"test", contents:"testing"}
        tell default entry "test"
            log contents as string
            set contents to "completed"
            log contents as string
        end tell
    end tell
end awake from nib

The previous handler results in log entries like the following:

2002-08-12 13:46:32.260 Test3[477] "testing"
2002-08-12 13:46:32.340 Test3[477] "completed"

For related examples, see user-defaults.


The contents of a default entry is Unicode text (as is the value returned by the localized string command). You may need to convert the Unicode text to plain text—for example, to use in a command to another application that expects plain text, or to cast a retrieved string (such as “true” or “false”) to a boolean value. The following handler, from the SOAP Talk sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio, shows how to convert Unicode text to plain text. SOAP Talk convert strings to plain text because prior to AppleScript 1.9, Applescript’s call xmlrpc command won’t accept Unicode text.

on getPlainText(fromUnicodeString)
    set styledText to fromUnicodeString as string
    set styledRecord to styledText as record
    return «class ktxt» of styledRecord
end getPlainText

The following fragment shows how to get the contents of a default entry, call getPlainText to convert it to plain text, and cast the result to a boolean value. You could use similar statements to convert a numeric string to a number. The try, on error block deals with possible errors in getting the contents of the entry.

set tempString to contents of default entry "openFile"  of user defaults
    set shouldOpen to getPlainText(tempString) as boolean
    if shouldOpen then
        -- Do whatever is needed to open.
        -- Do what is needed when shouldOpen is false
on error
    display dialog "Error getting should open value."

As an alternative to converting the Unicode text to plain text, you can compare the text directly, as in this example:

set shouldOpen to contents of default entry "openFile"  of user defaults
    if shouldOpen is equal to "true" then
        -- Do whatever is needed to open.
        -- Do what is needed when shouldOpen is false
on error
    display dialog "Error getting should open value."
Version Notes

The default entry class was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, deleting a default entry could result in a crash.

The content property was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2. For information on the difference between content and contents, see the Version Notes section for the control class.

The getPlainText handler was added to the SOAP Talk sample application in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Plural: events
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSEvent

Contains information about an input action, such as a mouse click or a key down.

Each such user action is associated with a window, and is reported to the application that created the window. The event object contains pertinent information about each event, such as where the mouse was located or which character was typed.

Several event handlers, such as keyboard down, keyboard up, mouse down, and mouse up, include an event parameter that refers to the event object associated with the handler. Within those handlers, you can use that parameter to access the properties described here.

Properties of event objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, an event object has these properties:

 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the characters of the event; typically one typed character, such as “a”
click count
 Access:read only
 the click count of the event; one for a single-click, two for a double-click, and so on
command key down
 Access:read only
 Is the Command key down?
 Access:read only
 the display context of the receiver (it is not recommended that you use this property)
control key down
 Access:read only
 Is the Control key down?
delta x
 Access:read only
 the x amount of a scroll wheel event
delta y
 Access:read only
 the y amount of a scroll wheel event
delta z
 Access:read only
 the z amount of a scroll wheel event; useful only for input devices that generate such a value
event number
 Access:read only
 the number of the event; this is a counter your application is unlikely to use; for more information, see the description for the eventNumber method in the NSEvent documentation
event type
 Access:read only
 Class:enumerated constant from Event Type
 the type of event
key code
 Access:read only
 the hardware-dependent value of the key pressed; you aren’t likely to work with the key code and no constants are currently provided to specify key codes; however, you may want to experiment with possible values; (for example, for at least one keyboard, the key code for delete is 51 and for backspace is 117)
 Access:read only
 the location in the window where the event happened; the location is returned as a two-item list of numbers {left, bottom}, where for example, {0, 0} would indicate the window was positioned at the bottom left of the display; see the bounds property of the window class for more information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class
option key down
 Access:read only
 Is the Option key down?
 Access:read only
 a value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the pressure of the input device for the event
 Access:read only
 Is the event repeated?
shift key down
 Access:read only
 Is the Shift key down?
time stamp
 Access:read only
 the time that the event occurred, in seconds since system startup (for example, 2542.649003); by comparing their time stamp values, you can determine the elapsed time between two events; see also the Examples section
unmodified characters
 Access:read only
 Class:Unicode text
 the unmodified characters of the event
 Access:read only
 the window associated with the event

Events supported by event objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


The following mouse down handler shows how to determine, from the passed event parameter, whether the Option key was pressed during the mouse down. Your handler can use such information to determine which actions to perform.

on mouse down theObject event theEvent
    if option key down of theEvent then
        log "the option key was used"
        log "the option key wasn't used"
    end if
end mouse down

The following mouse down handler uses the event’s time stamp property to determine whether a user double-clicked. Of course, you could just connect a double clicked handler to an object if you don’t need this level of control. On the other hand, you may think of other uses for measuring the time between events.

This handler uses a script-global property to keep track of the previous timestamp, initializing it to the constant missing value to indicate that on startup it has not been set. It assumes that two clicks in less than a second constitutes a double click. Because the time stamp property is a real, you could measure for time in fractions of a second.

property lastTimeStamp : missing value
on mouse down theObject event theEvent
    if lastTimeStamp is missing value then
        set lastTimeStamp to time stamp of theEvent
        if (time stamp of theEvent) - lastTimeStamp < 1 then
            display alert "You double clicked!"
            set lastTimeStamp to time stamp of theEvent
        end if
    end if
end mouse down
Plural: fonts
Inherits from: None.
Cocoa Class: NSFont

Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4). However, see the Examples section for information on setting fonts in Interface Builder.


You can set the font family, typeface, size, and color for text field, text view, and related classes in Interface Builder with the Font panel, shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2  The Font panel in Interface Builder

The Font panel in Interface Builder

You can use the Extras pop-up to preview fonts, edit font sizes, open a color panel and choose a color for a font, and perform other operations. The Use Family and Typeface pop-up lets you choose from various preconfigured system fonts.

To make changes for a specific object, such as a text field, you select that object, open the Font panel by navigating to it from the Format menu (or by pressing Command-T), then make your choices.

Plural: formatters
Inherits from: None.
Cocoa Class: NSFormatter

Controls the formatting of numbers or dates.

A number formatter controls number formatting and a date formatters provide a similar function for dates. For information on specific formatter classes in Cocoa, see NSNumberFormatter and NSDateFormatter.

Figure 2-3 shows a number formatter you can drag from the Cocoa-Text pane of Interface Builder’s Palette window. You can drag either a number formatter or a date formatter from the Palette window into a text field in your AppleScript Studio application to format the text in that field.

Figure 2-3  A number formatter in Interface Builder

A number formatter in Interface Builder

Figure 2-4 shows the Formatter pane in Interface Builder’s Info window, where you can adjust the format for a formatter. When you drag a formatter to a text field, Interface Builder automatically switches the Info window to the formatter pane, where you can adjust the format for that field. (You can open the Info window by typing Command-Shift-I.)

Figure 2-4  Interface Builder’s Info window for a number formatter

Interface Builder’s Info window for a number formatter

You can use these steps to connect an event handler to a formatter object in Interface builder:

  1. put the nib window for the window object that contains the formatter into outline mode by clicking the small outline icon (visible in Figure 2-1) above the right scroll bar.

  2. Use the disclosure triangles to open the window and other objects until the formatter object is visible.

  3. Select the formatter, then connect the event handler in the AppleScript pane of the Info window.

Events supported by formatter objects

A formatter object supports handlers that can respond to the following events:

awake from nib


Through AppleScript Studio version 1.4, formatter objects have no scriptable properties or elements. However you can use the call method command to extract information from a formatter. You can also use call method to get a reference to a formatter from classes, such as control and cell, that have a formatter property.

The text field class inherits from the control class, so assuming you have added a formatter to a text field and given the text field the AppleScript name “formatted”, you can use the following call to get a reference to the formatter object:

set theFormatter to call method "formatter"
    of (text field "formatted" of window 1)

Suppose the formatted text currently displayed is “$54.00” and you would like to get that exact string from the text field. The following clicked handler first gets a reference to the formatter, then uses call method again to call the stringForObjectValue: method of Cocoa’s NSFormatter class to obtain the formatted text from the formatter. The handler uses a try, on error block to handle errors, and several log statements to log various steps:

on clicked theObject
    tell (window of theObject)
            set theValue to contents of text field "formatted"
            (* get formatter, then formatted text *)
            set theFormatter to call method "formatter"
                of object (text field "formatted")
            log "Got formatter"
            set theString to call method "stringForObjectValue:"
                of object theFormatter with parameter theValue
            log ("Got string: " & theString)
        on error
            log "Error getting formatted text."
        end try
        (* Perform any operations with the formatted text. *)
    end tell
end clicked

You can use the call method command to make other calls to methods of Cocoa’s NSFormatter class.

Plural: images
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSImage

Represents an image.

You don’t typically script an image—instead you work with an image view that contains the image.

The application object has an icon image property to provide access to the application icon, as well as image elements. The button and button cell objects have image and alternate image properties, which can also be used to store icon images, or any other image. For related information, see the document Cocoa Drawing Guide.

Figure 2-5 shows the Images tab in the default MainMenu.nib window for a new AppleScript Studio application in Interface Builder. The default application icon image is available automatically. You can insert an image view object in an application window by dragging it from the Cocoa-Controls palette. You can then drag an image from the Images tab to the image view. You can also drag an image onto a button.

Figure 2-5  Application icon image in the Images tab in a main nib window in Interface Builder

Application icon image in the Images tab in a main nib window in Interface Builder

You can add images to your application by dragging an image file into the Images pane of a nib window in Interface Builder, or by dragging it into the Files list in the Users & Groups pane in the Xcode project for the application. You can then use the load image command to load an image and the image view class to display it. For information on how to free an image, see the Discussion section of the load image command.

Events supported by image objects

Though you can drag an image into an image view in Interface Builder, you cannot connect any event handlers to an image.


For examples of working with an image object, see the image view class.

Plural: items
Inherits from: None.
Cocoa Class: None.

Provides a parent class, with name and ID properties, for many other classes. Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.3, also provides a script property.

Because many classes inherit from the item class, you can attach a script to many types of objects; then, through the script property, you can access the script’s properties, globals, and handlers. There are some current limitations, however—for example, when you access the script of an object, you get a copy of the script object, not a reference to it. As a result, if you need change the value of a property in a script, you will need to get the script, change the property, then set the script back. See the Examples section for an example of how to do this. For an example that uses the script property to add a script to a menu item, see the Examples section for the menu class.

The majority of AppleScript Studio classes descend from the item class, either directly, or through the responder, view, or other subclasses.

The item class in AppleScript Studio is different than the item element of the AppleScript list class. You can use the item class to refer generically to an object that you know inherits from item or one of its subclasses. Suppose, for example, you have a handler that is always passed an object that is a subclass of view or responder. If the handler needs only to access the name or ID property of a passed object, it can treat passed objects as items. You will get an error, however, if you pass the handler an object that does not inherit from the item class.

Similarly, you can use the AppleScript item element to refer generically to any item in a list, though the list may contain different types of objects.

Properties of item objects

An item object has these properties (see the Version Notes section for this class for the AppleScript Studio version in which a particular property was added):

 Access:read only
 the unique id of the object
 Class:Unicode text
 the name of the object; you provide an AppleScript name for an object in Interface Builder, as described in the Examples section
 the script associated with the object; available in AppleScript Studio version 1.3; see the Examples section of this class, as well as the Examples section for the menu class

Commands supported by item objects

Your script can send the following commands to an item object:


Events supported by item objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


It is common to refer to objects by name in AppleScript Studio scripts. For example:

set userInput to contents of text field "input" of window  "main"

You provide an AppleScript name for an object in Interface Builder with these steps:

  1. With the object selected, open the Info window by choosing Show Info from the Tools menu or by typing Command-Shift-I.

  2. Use the pop-up menu at the top of the Info window or (type Command-6) to display the AppleScript pane.

  3. Type the name in the Name field.

You can use the following script in Script Editor to get the ids of every view in every open window of a simple document-based application. For testing purposes, each document window contains a number of buttons and text fields. Similar statements will work within an AppleScript Studio application script (though you won’t need the tell application statement).

tell application "SimpleDocTest"
    id of every view of every window
end tell

Running this script with three open windows resulted in the following list of lists, containing one list of ids for each window:

{ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11},
{12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22},
{23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33} }

You can replace “id” with “name” in the script above to get the AppleScript name of every view (that has a name) in every open window.

For an example that uses item to access items in a list, see the sample script in the Discussion section for the load image command.

The following statements demonstrate how to retrieve a script, change a property of the script, and reset the script:

-- Get a copy of the script
set buttonScript to script of button 1 of window 1
-- Change the value of the foo property
set foo of buttonScript to "new value of foo"
-- Update the script with the changed script
set script of button 1 of window 1 to buttonScript

Note: To get a script property, you may have to explicitly use

get script.

Version Notes

The script property was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.3.

Plural: movies
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSMovie

Provides a simple interface for loading a QuickTime movie into memory.

You don’t typically script a movie object itself. Instead, you work with the movie view class.

Objects such as application and movie view have movie properties, but movie objects themselves currently have no scriptable properties or elements.

You can add a movie to your application by dragging a movie file into the Files list in the Users & Groups pane in the Xcode project for the application. To use a movie, you load it with the load movie command. For information on freeing movie objects, see the Discussion section for the load image command.

Events supported by movie objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


For an example that loads a movie into a movie view, see the Examples section for the movie view class.

Plural: pasteboards
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSPasteboard

Provides an interface to a pasteboard server that supports data transfer between applications, as in copy, cut, paste, or drag-and-drop operations.

The data can be placed on the pasteboard in a variety of representations. A pasteboard is an element of the application object and is analogous to the clipboard, except that there are multiple pasteboards available:

  • general

  • font

  • ruler

  • find

  • drag

The font and ruler pasteboards are not used at this time, but may be available in a future release. The general pasteboard is the main pasteboard. To get the contents of the general pasteboard you can use contents of pasteboard "general". You use this same format for the find pasteboard (which is used to set the value for find and replace operations in most applications). The drag pasteboard is used during drag-and-drop event handling.

A given pasteboard can contain a number of format types. The following types are directly supported by AppleScript Studio: “color”, “file”, “file names”, “font”, “html”, “image”, “pdf”, “pict image”, “postscript”, “rich text”, “rich text data”, “ruler”, “string”, “tabular text”, “url”, and “vcard”.

You may see additional pasteboard types that are defined by the system or by other applications. You can determine the types available at any given time for a pasteboard by looking at the types property. For example, if you use the phrase types of pasteboard "general" you might get a list result like {"rich text", "string", "NeXT plain ascii pasteboard type", ...}. You might also see other types not defined above (most of which will appear as "CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x54455854").

For related information, see the “Drag and Drop Suite,” as well as the documents Pasteboard Programming Topics for Cocoa, Drag and Drop Programming Topics for Cocoa, and System Services.

Properties of pasteboard objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a pasteboard object has these properties:

 the contents of the pasteboard; see the Discussion section
 the contents of the pasteboard; see the Discussion section
 Class:Unicode text
 the name of the pasteboard; one of the values “general”, “font”, “ruler”, “find”, and “drag”
preferred type
 Class:Unicode text
 the preferred data type when getting or setting the contents of the pasteboard; one of the type values listed above in the description for this class; starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can use the preferred type property to set the contents of a pasteboard
 a list of the data types supported by the pasteboard (consisting of type values listed above in the description for this class)

Events supported by pasteboard objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


To get data from a pasteboard, you should first set the preferred type property of the pasteboard (by default the preferred type will be “string”, but the preferred type may have been changed).To get the data from the general pasteboard as a string, you can use the following:

set preferred type of pasteboard "general" to "string"
set myString to contents of pasteboard "general"

To set data for a pasteboard, you should also first set the preferred type property of the pasteboard. To set the data for the general pasteboard to a string, you can use the following (but see also the Version Notes section for this class):

set preferred type of pasteboard "general" to "string"
set contents of pasteboard "general" to "Testing"

You can list the pasteboards for an application with a script such as the following (you can use the same statements within an AppleScript Studio application, but you won’t need the tell block):

tell application "myApp"
end tell

The following will get the types for a pasteboard:

tell application "myApp"
    types of pasteboard "general"
end tell

The following awake from nib handler (from the Drag and Drop sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio) uses the register command to register the drag types an object can respond to.

on awake from nib theObject
    -- Enable support by registering the appropriate types.
    tell theObject to
        register drag types {"string", "rich text",  "file names"}
end awake from nib

Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can use the preferred type property to set the contents of a pasteboard, as shown in the following script statements:

-- In case the default wasn't already "string":
set preferred type of pasteboard "general" to "string"
-- Now put a string on the pasteboard:
set contents of pasteboard "general" to "Testing"

For additional examples, see the Drag and Drop sample application.


You can use the content and contents properties interchangeably, with one exception. Within an event handler, contents of theObject returns a reference to an object, rather than the actual contents. To get the actual contents of an object (such as the text contents from a text field) within an event handler, you can either use contents of contents of theObject or content of theObject.

For a sample script that shows the difference between content and contents, see the Version Notes section for the control class.

Version Notes

Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can use the preferred type property to set the contents of a pasteboard, as shown in the Examples section for this class.

The pasteboard class and the Drag and Drop sample application were added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Prior to version 1.2.1, you must do some preparation before you can set the contents of a pasteboard directly with new data. To do so, you invoke the call method command. The parameters to call method should be a list of types (described above) and the owner (usually 0 to represent nil), as shown in the following example:

call method "declareTypes:owner:" of pasteboard "general"
    with parameters {{"string"}, 0}
set contents of pasteboard "general" to "Testing"
Plural: responders
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSResponder

Provides the basis for event and command processing.

Any class that handles events must inherit from the responder class, as do the application, document, window, and view classes.

Cocoa applications maintain a responder chain, which links together objects that can handle user-generated events and action messages. The first object in the chain is called the first responder. Events include key and mouse events, while action messages specify actions (or calls to methods) to be performed.

In an AppleScript Studio application, Cocoa events and action messages are translated into event handler calls, such as keyboard down, mouse up, clicked, or should zoom, to objects in the application. The default operation of the responder chain may be sufficient for many AppleScript Studio applications.

For objects of certain types, such as application and color well objects, key and mouse event handlers that you connect may never get called because they are handled by other objects before they get to the object. If your application really needs to deal with these events, consider connecting them to objects in the user interface that inherit from the control class, such as button, slider, stepper, or text field objects.

For related information, see the document Introduction to Cocoa Event-Handling Guide.

Properties of responder objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a responder object has these properties:

 the menu for the responder; for a window object, this is the same as the application’s main menu property; for other objects, it will be undefined unless you have added a contextual menu for that object

Events supported by responder objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


The responder class is an abstract class that you don’t typically target in your scripts. However, see the Examples section for the window class for one situation where you might script a responder. See also the first responder, key, and main properties of the window class.

Plural: sounds
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSSound

Represents a sound that can be loaded and played.

You don’t typically script a sound directly, but you can use the load sound command to load a sound and the play command to play it. You can play any sound files supported by the NSSound class, including AIFF and WAV files. For related information, see the document Sound Programming Topics for Cocoa.

The application object has sound elements, while button and button cell objects have sound properties.

Figure 2-6 shows sounds in a nib window in Interface Builder. You can drag a sound from the Sounds tab to an object that supports sounds, such as a button object.

You can add sounds to your application by dragging a sound file into the Sounds pane of a nib window in Interface Builder, or by dragging it into the Files list in the Users & Groups pane in the Xcode project for the application. To actually play the sound, you will have to load it with the load sound command and play it with the play command. For information on freeing sound objects, see the Discussion section for the load image command.

Figure 2-6  Sounds in the Sounds tab in a nib window in Interface Builder

Sounds in the Sounds tab in a nib window in Interface Builder

Properties of sound objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a sound object has these properties:

 Access:read only
 Is the sound currently playing?

Commands supported by sound objects

Your script can send the following commands to a sound object:


Events supported by sound objects

Though you can drag a sound onto an object that supports sounds in Interface Builder, you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


The load sound command provides an example that shows how an application can load and play a sound. The slider class provides an example that uses a slider to let a user set the sound volume.

Version Notes

The playing property was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

Plural: toolbars
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSToolbar

Allows a titled window to display a toolbar just below its title bar.

Starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, you can create a toolbar and add it to a window in your application by assigning it to the toolbar property of a window object. Figure 2-7 shows such a toolbar, containing several toolbar items. You can only create a toolbar dynamically in your application—you can not currently add a toolbar to a window in Interface Builder.

AppleScript Studio supports various standard toolbar items, such as the print and separator items, listed in the toolbar item class. You can also create custom toolbar items using images you supply.

To respond to user actions involving a toolbar you have created, you use the clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item event handlers in the window class (also added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4).

For related information, see the document Toolbar Programming Topics for Cocoa.

Figure 2-7  An AppleScript Studio application window with a simple toolbar

An AppleScript Studio application window with a simple toolbar

Properties of toolbar objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a toolbar object has these properties:

allowed identifiers
 a list of item identifiers (strings) that specify each toolbar item allowed in this toolbar; it can include identifiers you have defined
allows customization
 Can the toolbar be customized?
auto saves configuration
 Should the toolbar automatically save its configuration?
 the configuration for the toolbar; contains the values for the other properties of the toolbar
default identifiers
 a list of item identifiers (text strings) for the default toolbar items for this toolbar; see the toolbar item class for the standard values available
display mode
 Access:read only
 Class:enumerated constant from Toolbar Display Mode
 the display mode for the toolbar (what combination of icons and icons labels to display)
 Class:Unicode text
 the identifier for the toolbar
selectable identifiers
 a list of item identifiers (strings) that identifies the toolbar items that are selectable in the toolbar
selected item identifier
 Class:Unicode text
 the identifier of the currently selected toolbar item
size mode
 Access:read only
 Class:enumerated constant from Toolbar Size Mode
 the size mode for the toolbar
 Is the toolbar visible?

Events supported by toolbar objects

You do not connect event handlers to a toolbar. Instead, you use the toolbar handlers supported by the window class, clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item.


Because a toolbar is associated with a window object, a logical place to create a toolbar and assign it to a window is in the awake from nib event handler for the window. When you create a toolbar in a script, you must supply a unique identifier and specify the configuration for the toolbar, including the allowed and default identifiers. You can do this in several steps. The following script statement shows how you can create a toolbar with the identifier documentToolbar.

set documentToolbar to make new toolbar at end with properties {name:"document 
toolbar", identifier:"document toolbar identifier", 
allows customization:true, auto 
sizes cells:true, display mode:default display mode, size mode:default 
size mode}

You can use a statement like the following to set the allowed identifiers for the toolbar. In this example, all likely toolbar item identifiers are allowed.

set allowed identifiers of documentToolbar to {"compile item 
identifier", "run 
item identifier", "stop item identifier", "print 
item identifier", "customize 
toolbar item identifier", "flexible space item identifier", 
"space item identifier", 
"separator item identifier"}

You can use a statement like the following to set the default toolbar items for the toolbar. In this case, the items are Compile, Run, and Stop items.

set default identifiers of documentToolbar to {"compile item  identifier", "run  item identifier", "stop item identifier"}

You will also need to create the toolbar items themselves, and assign them to the toolbar. You can do that with statements like the following, which supply the name, label, tooltip text, and other information for the toolbar item:

make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of documentToolbar 
with properties 
{identifier:"compile item identifier", name:"compile 
item", label:"Compile", 
palette label:"Compile", tool tip:"Compile", 
image name:"CompileScript"}
make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of documentToolbar 
with properties 
{identifier:"run item identifier", name:"run item", 
label:"Run", palette 
label:"Run", tool tip:"Run", image name:"RunScript"}
make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of documentToolbar 
with properties 
{identifier:"stop item identifier", name:"stop item", 
label:"Stop", palette 
label:"Stop", tool tip:"Stop", image name:"StopScript"}

Finally, you must assign the toolbar you have created to the window. Assuming you have placed this code in the awake from nib handler for the window, you can use a statement like the following:

set toolbar of theObject to documentToolbar

These examples are taken from the Simple Toolbar sample application, available in AppleScript Studio version 1.4. For related examples, see the clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item event handlers.

Version Notes

The toolbar class was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

toolbar item
Plural: toolbar items
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSToolbar

Defines the standard items that can appear in a toolbar.

Support for toolbars was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4. Figure 2-7 shows a toolbar in a window from the Simple Toolbar sample application. The toolbar items shown are defined by the application. You can only create a toolbar item dynamically in your application—you can not currently add toolbar items to a toolbar in Interface Builder.

When you create a toolbar item, you specify an identifier string for it. In addition to defining toolbar items, your application can use the standard toolbar items specified by these identifiers: “print item identifier”, “customize toolbar item identifier”, “flexible space item identifier”, “space item identifier”, and “separator item identifier”.

For more information, see the document Toolbar Programming Topics for Cocoa.

Properties of toolbar item objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the item class, a toolbar item object has these properties:

action method
 Class:Unicode text
 the action method for the toolbar item—a string representation of a Cocoa method selector
 Is the toolbar item enabled?
 Class:Unicode text
 the identifier for the toolbar item
 the image for the toolbar item
image name
 Class:Unicode text
 the name of the image to use for the toolbar item
 Class:Unicode text
 the label for the toolbar item
maximum size
 the maximum size of the toolbar item; returned as a two-item list of numbers {width, height}
menu form representation
 Class:menu item
 the menu that represents the toolbar item
minimum size
 the minimum size of the toolbar item; returned as a two-item list of numbers {width, height}
palette label
 Class:Unicode text
 the label of the toolbar item shown in the customization panel
 the tag for the toolbar item
 the target of the action for the toolbar item
tool tip
 Class:Unicode text
 the tooltip text to display for the toolbar item
 the toolbar that the toolbar item is in
 the view of a custom toolbar item

Events supported by toolbar item objects

You do not connect event handlers to a toolbar item. Instead, you use the toolbar handlers supported by the window class, clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item.


You can dynamically change the target and action of a toolbar item in your application or change the Cocoa method that is executed when the action is triggered, as shown in the following example:

set toolbarItem to toolbar item 1 of toolbar of window 1
set target of toolbarItem to view "webview" of scroll  view 1 of window 1
set action method of toolbarItem to "stopLoading:"

After executing these statements, when you click on the toolbar item, it sends the Cocoa method stopLoading: to the target, which in this case is a web view.

For an example that shows how to create a toolbar, how to add toolbar items to it, and how to respond to actions involving the toolbar items, see the Examples section for the toolbar class. The examples are based on the Simple Toolbar sample application, available in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Version Notes

The toolbar item class was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Plural: user-defaults
Inherits from: item
Cocoa Class: NSUserDefaults

Provides access to the application’s user defaults values (commonly used to store user preferences for the application).

The user defaults system in Mac OS X stores default values as key-value pairs, where the key is simply a name string. There are several domains for default values. Default values in the global domain are accessible to any application. For example, during development, an application can set a user default value that a debugger checks to determine whether to display certain debug information. Default values in the application domain are commonly used to store preferences information for applications.

When an AppleScript Studio application is launched, it populates the application-specific defaults with all the defaults values it can obtain from both the application domain and the global domain, which contains defaults that apply to all of a user’s applications. So an application can not only add its own defaults entries, it can make changes that override the loaded global defaults within its own domain. For example, the application could change the default date format (see the Examples section for more information). Such changes will not change global defaults for other applications.

Changes to the defaults system are automatically registered periodically, so that the next time the application is launched, the new values will be present.

To access user defaults definitions in your AppleScript Studio scripts, you can use the user defaults property that is associated with every application object. Note that user-defaults is the class name, while user defaults specifies an object of that class.


Warning:  You should not delete entries from the user defaults system in AppleScript Studio version 1.2. Doing so may cause your application to crash. This was fixed in version 1.2.1.

For more information on the defaults system, see default entry, as well as the document User Defaults Programming Topics for Cocoa. You can also view man page information about the defaults system, using the Open Man Page menu from the Help menu in Xcode (available starting with Mac OS X version 10.2) to display defaults, or by typing man defaults in a Terminal window (the Terminal application is located in /Applications/Utilities).

Elements of user-defaults objects

An user-defaults object can contain the elements listed below. Your script can access most elements with any of the key forms described in “Standard Key Forms.”

default entry
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the stored default value entries (key-value pairs)

Events supported by user-defaults objects

This class is not accessible in Interface Builder, and you cannot connect any event handlers to it.


You can get a list of all of the named default entries with the following script statement. The list includes any entries you’ve added, as well as those provided by the Mac OS, such as “AppleKeyboardUIMode” and “NSDateFormatString”:

set defaultsNames to name of every default entry of user defaults

Similarly, you can get the values for the entries with the following statement:

set defaultsContents to contents of every default entry of user  defaults

The previous script statements access the user defaults property of the application object. For related information, see the Examples section for the default entry class.

To use the user defaults system to store and retrieve preferences, your application should follow these guidelines:

  1. Attempt to make new default entries for all preferences before attempting to retrieve the user’s current settings from the defaults system. You make a default entry with a statement like the following:

    make new default entry at end of default entries
        of user defaults with properties
        {name:"defaultName", contents:"Testing"}

    You don’t have to worry that this will replace any existing user preferences, because if you attempt to make a new entry for a key that already exists, no new entry is created and the value for the key is not changed. (See the default entry class for information on how to change an entry when you need to.)

    A good place to perform this step is in a will finish launching event handler connected to your application object. The application object is represented in Interface Builder by the File’s Owner instance in the Instances pane of the MainMenu.nib window. This handler is called just before the application is launched. See the Discussion section for the awake from nib event handler for information on the order in which event handlers are called on application start up.

  2. Once you have set default values for preferences, you should attempt to read any existing user preferences from the user defaults system. You do so with statements like the following:

    set myName to contents of default entry "defaultName"  of user defaults

    Note that the returned value is Unicode text and you cannot simply cast a returned value to a boolean. For information on how to obtain a boolean value, see the Discussion section of the default entry class.

  3. Your application can make new defaults entries or change existing ones as the user changes their preference settings.

  4. Cocoa applications can call a method, synchronize, to specifically cause changes to be written out to the user defaults system. AppleScript Studio’s register command was originally intended to serve that purpose, but through AppleScript Studio version 1.4, the command does nothing to register defaults (although it is used as part of drag-and-drop support). However, the Cocoa framework periodically calls the synchronize method, so user defaults in AppleScript Studio applications do get registered.

    You can also use the call method command to call Cocoa’s synchronize method directly, as follows:

    call method "synchronize" of object user defaults
  5. The application should update its state to reflect any preference changes made by the user.

The Archive Maker application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1, provides a detailed example of how to use the user defaults system to work with user preferences.

Version Notes

The user-defaults class was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2, you can successfully use lists as a data type with default entries. In AppleScript Studio version 1.1, you could initially assign the contents of a default entry to a list and read it back, but trying to assign a new list to the contents of the default entry would not provide the correct result.

The Archive Maker application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio, was first distributed with AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2, this document listed register as a command supported by the user-defaults class. In fact, using the register command with a user-defaults object does nothing.

Plural: windows
Inherits from: responder
Cocoa Class: NSWindow

Represents a window on screen.

A window object manages an on-screen window, coordinating the display and event handling for its views. You can create and set up windows in Interface Builder, but you can also control many window properties directly in scripts. Figure 2-8 shows a simple window.

Figure 2-8  A simple window

A simple window

When you create an AppleScript Studio application from the AppleScript Application template in Xcode, the application automatically contains a default window instance, stored in the MainMenu.nib nib file in the project’s Resources group (shown in Figure 2-9). You use this application template for applications that don’t need documents.

When you create an application from the AppleScript Document-based Application template, the application automatically contains a default window instance, stored in the Document.nib nib file. Document-based applications are set up to allow the user to create windows for multiple document instances.

Any application is free to define additional window nibs and to use them to create one or more window instances. You will find several predefined window objects (for windows, panels, and drawers) in the Cocoa-Windows pane of Interface Builder’s Palette window, shown in Figure 3-3.

In Interface Builder’s Info window, you can set many attributes for windows, such as the kind of button controls it contains (Miniaturize, Close, and Resize), its size and resizing properties, and whether it is visible at launch time. To make a floating window (or utility window), for example, you use the window instance labeled “Panel” in Figure 3-3, then open the Attributes pane of the Info window and select the “Utility window” checkbox. In the version of Interface Builder distributed with Mac OS X version 10.2, you can even set the Textured Window attribute to specify the brushed-metal look for a window.

Figure 2-9  The Files list in the Groups & Files list in a non-document AppleScript Studio project

The Files list in the Groups & Files list in a non-document AppleScript Studio project

In some cases, such as for a progress panel, you may only instantiate the window once, then show and hide it as needed (using either the show and hide commands, or by directly setting the window’s visible property).

In other cases, you may want to instantiate a new window repeatedly and free it when the user is done with it (which you can do by setting the window’s released when closed property in Interface Builder). The Mail Search application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio, provides nibs and code for creating a one-time status panel, as well as a message window that is instantiated multiple times. (Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.1, Mail Search was named Watson.)

For more information, see the document Window Programming Guide for Cocoa.

Properties of window objects

In addition to the properties it inherits from the responder class, a window object has these properties (see the Version Notes section for this class for the AppleScript Studio version in which a particular property was added):

alpha value
 the alpha value of the window; a value of 1.0 (the default) indicates the window is completely opaque, while 0.0 indicates the window is completely transparent; the following statement sets a value in the middle:
 set alpha value of window "main" to 0.5
associated file name
 Class:Unicode text
 the file name associated with the window; for a new, unsaved window, returns an empty string; for a window with an associated file, returns the full, POSIX-style (slash-delimited) path
auto display
 Automatically display the window? prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use this property in a script
background color
 Class:RGB color
 the background color of the window; by default, {65535, 65535, 65535}, or white; not supported prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2; after setting the background color, the new color will not become visible until the window is updated (via script or user interaction); see the Examples section for an example
 Class:bounding rectangle
 the position and size of the window; the bounds property is returned as a four-item list of numbers, {left, bottom, right, top}; for example, {0, 0, 500, 250} would indicate the window has its origin at the bottom left of the display, with a top right corner of 500, 250;
 you can set a location or a bounds with real numbers (for example, {0.5, 0.5, 501.75, 250.1}), but the values returned from AppleScript Studio will always be rounded to whole numbers;
 in this coordinate system, the origin is at the left, bottom and x, y values increase to the right and up, respectively; note that this is different than the Finder, which returns bounds as {left, top, right, bottom}, with the origin in the left, top and values increasing to the right and down
 for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class
can hide
 Can the window be hidden? default is true; overrides the visible property (that is, if can hide is false, setting the visible property to false will not hide the window)
content view
 the content view of the window; the superview of all other views in the window; the content view is inserted automatically; you don’t typically interact with it in your scripts; you may be able to switch out the entire contents of a view by changing its content view—however, this is not recommended, and you can get a similar result by working with the tab view and tab view item classes
current text editor
 Access:read only
 Class:text view
 the current field editor of the window; see the field editor property of the text class for a description of an editor
document edited
 Has the document associated with the window been edited? (starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2, the window class has a document element); defaults to false if the window doesn’t have an associated document; equivalent to the modified property of the document class
excluded from windows menu
 Is the window excluded from the Windows menu? default is false
first responder
 the first responder for the window (the first object in the responder chain to respond to user keystrokes or other actions); see also the Examples section for this class; through AppleScript Studio version 1.2, you could effectively only set this property—getting it would not return a useful object; starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.3, typically returns a value such as current field editor of window 1; see the field editor property of the text class for a description of an editor
has resize indicator
 Should the window have a resize indicator? default is true; you can set this property in the Info window in Interface Builder
has shadow
 Should the window have a shadow?
hides when deactivated
 Should the window be hidden when it is deactivated? if so, switching to another application will cause the window to be hidden; default is false; commonly used with utility windows (a special type of window described in the main description for this class); you can set this property in the Info window in Interface Builder
 Is the window the key window? the key window is the current target for keystrokes; compare to the first responder and main properties
 the window’s level; by default, set to 0; for more information, see the Discussion section for this class
 Is the window the main window? the main window is the current focus of user activity; a window is often both key and main, but need not be; for example, a document window in a text editor may be the main window and key window, but when a user opens a find dialog, that dialog becomes the key window; after the user enters text and initiates a successful search, the document window again becomes both the main and key window; compare to the key property
maximum size
 the maximum size of the window as a two-item list of numbers {max width, max height}; prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use this property in a script
 not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4); Is the window miniaturized? (synonymous with minimized—reduced to an icon in the Dock)
minimized image
 the image for the window when it is minimized; window objects may not have a minimized image, so you may get missing value if you attempt to get this property; see the Examples section for an example of how to set the property
minimized title
 Class:Unicode text
 the title of the window when it is minimized; this title shows up when you move the cursor over the minimized window icon in the Dock; by default, the same as the title property
minimum size
 the minimum size of the window as a two-item list of numbers {min width, min height}; prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use this property in a script
needs display
 Should the window be displayed? setting this property to true causes the window to be redrawn; you can also use the update command to update a view; see also the update display property of the data source class
 prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, you could not use this window property in a script, but you could use the needs display property of the view class
 Is the window opaque? default is true; Cocoa considers opacity when drawing a window and its views (see the document Cocoa Drawing Guide for more information), but most applications won’t need to use this property; to make a window transparent, you use the alpha value property
 the position of the window; the position is returned as a two-item list of numbers {left, bottom}; for example, {0, 0} would indicate the bottom, left corner of the window was positioned at the bottom left of the display; see the bounds property for more information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class
released when closed
 Should the window be released (equivalent to freed) when it is closed? default is false; you can set this value in Interface Builder; in some circumstances, you may prefer not to release a window but to hide it (with the hide command or by setting its visible property to false), then show it again (with the show command or by setting its visible property to true) when needed; once a window is released, you will have to create another instance from its nib file it to use it again—if you intend to do this, you may want to store that window in a separate nib, then load the nib with load nib when you want to open a new copy of the window
 Access:read only
 Is the window a sheet? (that is, attached to another window)
 the size of the window; the size is returned as a two-item list of numbers {horizontal, vertical}; for example, {200, 100} would indicate a width of 200 and a height of 100; see the bounds property for information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class
 Class:Unicode text
 the title of the window
 the toolbar for the window; window objects may not have a toolbar, so you may get missing value if you attempt to get this property; see the Examples section of the toolbar class for an example of how to set the property
 Is the window visible? default is true for the main window, but false for additional windows you add in Interface Builder; you can set this value in Interface Builder; see released when closed property for related information; setting the hidden property of an application to true will set the visible property of all application windows to false, unless the can hide property is false, in which case it will have no effect
 Is the window zoomed?

Elements of window objects

A window object can contain the elements listed below. Your script can access most elements with any of the key forms described in “Standard Key Forms.”

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s boxes

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s browsers

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s buttons

clip view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s clip views; not supported for windows (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4); a scroll view uses a clip view, but typically without intervention by your application

color well
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s color wells

combo box
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s combo boxes

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s controls

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s document; provides access to a document from within the application’s user interface

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s drawers

image view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s image views

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s matrixes

movie view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s movie views

popup button
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s popup buttons

progress indicator
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s progress indicators

scroll view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s scroll views

secure text field
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s secure text fields

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s sliders

split view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s split views

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s steppers

tab view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s tab views

table header view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s table header views

table view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s table views

text field
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s text fields

text view
 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s text views

 Specify by: “Standard Key Forms”

the window’s views

Commands supported by window objects

Your script can send the following commands to a window object:

close (from Cocoa’s Standard suite)
print (from Cocoa’s Standard suite)
save (from Cocoa’s Standard suite)

Events supported by window objects

A window object supports handlers that can respond to the following events:

awake from nib

alert ended
dialog ended
panel ended

became key
became main
clicked toolbar item
resigned key
resigned main
should close
should zoom
update toolbar item
will close
will miniaturize
will move
will open
will resize
will zoom


Applications may need to perform additional initialization before showing the main window. One place you can do so is in the launched event handler, which is called when the application is finished launching (and after the awake from nib handler—another possible choice for performing additional initialization).

You can set a window’s visible property to false in Interface Builder, then set it to true in the launched handler (as shown here) to show the window. For a more complete example, see the Assistant sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio (starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1). The startup-time calling order for application event handlers, including the launched handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

This script assumes the window has the AppleScript name “main”, which you set in the AppleScript pane of Interface Builder’s Info window.

on launched theObject
    -- Perform any initialization before making window visible
    -- ...
    set visible of window "main" to true
end launched

Many common user interface classes (including subclasses of the control class) inherit from the view class, which has a window element that identifies the window that contains the view. AppleScript Studio event handlers typically have a parameter that specifies the object for which the handler is called. If the object is an instance of a class that inherits from view (as it generally is), you can conveniently do the following, shown in a clicked handler, to get access to the current window:

on clicked theObject
    set theWindow to window of theObject
    --Use the reference to the enclosing window as needed in the  handler.
end clicked

To give the keyboard focus to an object such as a text field, you set the first responder property of its window to the object; for example, you could use the following line to give keyboard focus to a named text field:

set first responder of window 1 to text field "myText"  of window 1

The following script statements set a window’s background color to green and make the new color visible:

set background color of window "main" to {0, 65535, 0}
tell window "main" to update

The following script shows how to set a window’s minimized image. The script first chooses an image file, then loads the image and sets the minimized image for the window.

tell application "StudioTest"
    set imagePath to POSIX path of (choose file)
    set minImage to load image imagePath
    set minimized image of window 1 to minImage
end tell

The stacking of windows depends on window level— windows at a higher level are shown in front of those at a lower level; windows at the same level can be displayed in front of or behind each other, but they cannot be displayed behind a window at a lower level.

Through version 1.3 AppleScript Studio does not define enumerated constants for setting window level, but as a convenience, Table 2-1 shows the current values for Cocoa’s window level constants. You can use the values, but not the constants, in your scripts. Be aware that using these hard-coded values is not guaranteed to work in future versions of AppleScript Studio.

Table 2-1  Cocoa window-level constants

Cocoa window-level constant




















Version Notes

The toolbar property and the clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item events were added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can access many of the properties that are defined for the window class in Cocoa’s Standard suite, such as titled.

Starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.3, the first responder property returns an object such as current field editor of window 1. Previously, it did not return any useful object.

The miniaturized property is not supported, through AppleScript Studio version 1.4:

The clip view element is not supported, through AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Support for the current field editor property was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1.

Support for the following properties was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1 (you could not use them in version 1.2):

Support for the background color property was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Support for the center, hide, and show commands was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Support for the will open and will zoom event handlers was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Support for the Textured Window attribute, which you can use to specify the brushed-metal look, was added to the version of Interface Builder distributed with Mac OS X version 10.2.


Objects based on classes in the Application suite support the following commands. (A command is a word or phrase a script can use to request an action.) To determine which classes support which commands, see the individual class descriptions.

call method

Provides a mechanism for calling methods of Objective-C objects from an application script.

With the call method command, you can easily access Objective-C code you have written, or use Cocoa features that aren’t currently exposed through AppleScript Studio’s scripting terminology.

See the description for the document class for details on how to use Xcode (and an AppleScript Studio project) to find Cocoa class, method, and constant information you can use with the call method command.

call method string required
 of item optional
 of class Unicode text optional
 of object item optional
 with parameter item optional
 with parameters list optional

The name of the method to call.

of  item

The object to send the method to. The of parameter was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2, and can be used instead of the of object parameter if your application does not need to run with earlier versions.

You never use both of (or of object) and of class. If you don’t specify either, the call goes to a method of the application’s delegate object or, if the delegate doesn’t support it, to the application object itself.

Several classes in Cocoa use delegates, or helper objects, which can step in and perform operations for the class that uses the delegate. Delegates provide a convenient way to customize the behavior of a class without creating a new subclass. If you’re not writing Cocoa code, you probably don’t need to know anything more about delegates, but if you’re interested, you will find more information in Using Window Notifications and Delegate Methods.

of class  Unicode text

The class to send the method to. You never use both of (or of object) and of class.

of object  item

The object to call the method of. If your application needs to run with versions earlier than AppleScript Studio version 1.2, use of object instead of of.

with parameter  item

Specifies a parameter to be passed to the called method. Use this parameter for a method that takes a single parameter. You can use the parameter to pass an object or a simple value such as an integer. You can also pass a single list, which can contain multiple items, but only if the called method expects a single parameter that encompasses multiple values, such as an array or dictionary. (Arrays and dictionaries are Cocoa types, based on the NSArray and NSDictionary classes.)

with parameters  list

Specifies a list of parameters to be passed to the called method. Intended for use with methods that have more than one parameter, though you can also use it for a method with a single parameter. You specify a list with one item for each parameter of the specified method. An item within the list of parameters can be a list, if the called method expects a single parameter that encompasses multiple values in that position.

You never use both with parameter and with parameters. If you don’t use either, it is assumed the method has no parameters.

You must use the with parameters parameter to pass a boolean value, even though it is a single parameter. You pass the boolean value as a single-item list. For example, to set the scrollable property of a matrix, you could use this statement:

call method "setScrollable:" of matrix 1 of window 1 with  parameters {true}

The return value depends on the method that is called. The call method command can return the Cocoa types NSRect, NSPoint, NSSize, and NSRange, in addition to primitive types such as int, double, char *, as well as pointers to Cocoa objects and so on. Table 2-2 lists Cocoa types typically returned by the call method command and their AppleScript equivalents. You should use a try, on error block when working with the result (as shown in the Examples section for the path for command).

Table 2-2  Cocoa types and their AppleScript equivalents

Cocoa type

AppleScript equivalent








list of two numbers:

{x, y}


list of two numbers:

{begin offset, end offset}


list of four numbers:

{left, bottom, right, top}


list of two numbers:

{width, height}




The following is a method declaration from Cocoa’s NSDocument class:

- (Bool) readFromFile: (NSString *)
            fileName ofType: (NSString *) docType

This method has two parameters, so to call it with the call method command, you use the with parameters option. In the following example, the list consists of the two string variables (whose values you have set prior to the call) enclosed in curly brackets: {myFilenameString, myDocTypeString}.

call method "readFromFile:ofType:" of (document 1 of window  1)
    with parameters {myFilenameString, myDocTypeString}

The following example calls the performClick: method of a button object, passing as a parameter another button object (enclosed in parentheses because it is a multi-term reference).

call method "performClick:" of (button 1 of window 1)
    with parameter (button 2 of window 2)

If your application will run with versions of AppleScript Studio before version 1.2, you should use the of object parameter. Here is how you would do so for the previous example.

call method "performClick:" of object (button 1 of window  1)
    with parameter (button 2 of window 2)

The following example calls a class method of NSNumber to get back a number object initialized with an integer value. It passes a single value (the number 10) for its one parameter. In this case, the parameter is unambiguous, and does not require parentheses

set theResult to call method "numberWithInt:" of class  "NSNumber"
    with parameter 10

To call the NSView method - (void) setFrame: (NSRect) frameRect, you use a script statement similar to the following (where the single parameter is a list that specifies the frame):

call method "setFrame:" of (view 1 of window 1)
    with parameter {20, 20, 120, 120}

For more examples that use the call method command, see the Examples sections of the bundle class and the will finish launching event handler.

Version Notes

The of parameter was added in AppleScript Studio in version 1.2 to take the place of the of object parameter. Both are supported, but of is preferred. This can lead to clearer scripts. For example, instead of call method "title" of object (window 1) you can now use call method "title" of window 1. However, if your application must run with versions of AppleScript Studio prior to version 1.2, you will have to use the of object form.

Starting with AppleScript Studio in version 1.2, the call method command supports the double data type. In previous versions a double would be interpreted as an integer.

The call method command had severe limitations in AppleScript Studio version 1.0, including misinterpreting objects specified in the with parameter and with parameters parameters, and an inability to correctly return Cocoa class objects.


Centers a window on screen.

For more information on windows, see the document Window Programming Guide for Cocoa.

center reference required

a reference to the window object that receives the center command


The following clicked handler for a button object centers the window on which the button resides. The window is centered with respect to the device on which it is currently displayed.

on clicked theObject
    tell window of theObject to center
end clicked
Version Notes

The center command was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.


Hides the object, if it is visible.

Only window objects can hide. Hiding a window has the same effect as setting its visible property to false, unless the window’s can hide property is set to false, in which case the hide command will have no effect.

You cannot connect the was hidden or will hide event handlers to a window object. Those event handlers apply only to the application object and are called only when the application is hidden as a result of a user choosing Hide from the application menu or pressing Command-h.

For more information on windows, see the document Window Programming Guide for Cocoa.

hide reference required

a reference to the window object that receives the hide command


The following clicked handler shows how to hide a window, specifying the window in one of two ways.

on clicked theObject
    --Next line hides the window that contains the clicked object.
    --If you hide the current window, be sure you have a reference
    --  to it so you can make it visible again!
    tell window of theObject to hide
    --Next line would hide a window specified by name.
    --  tell window "second" to hide
end clicked

Hiding a window is equivalent to setting its visible property to false. The following statement has the same result as telling the window to hide (unless the window’s can hide property is set to false, in which case the hide command will have no effect):

set visible of window "second" to false
load image

Loads the specified image.

You typically load an image as an image object and display it in an image view. The application object can contain image elements. Classes such as button, cell, drag info, menu item, and slider can have associated images.

You can load images of any type supported by Cocoa’s NSBitmapImageRep class. That includes JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PICT, EPS, and PDF. You can store images in your AppleScript Studio project with the Add Files… command from the Project menu. You can also drag image files from the Finder into one of the groups (typically the Resources group) in the Files list in Xcode’s Groups & Files list. You can also drag images into the Images pane of a nib window in Interface Builder.

For related information, see the documents Cocoa Drawing Guide and Image Views.

load image string required

specifies the image to be loaded; see Examples for more information


If an image is part of your project, you can load it by specifying its name, excluding the file extension. For example, if the file starryNights.tiff is stored in your project and you have an image view with the AppleScript name “artImages” in a window with the name “artWindow”, you can load the image and make it the current image with the following statements:

set artImage to load image "starryNights"
set image of image view "artImages" of window "artWindow"  to artImage

You could also perform this operation in one statement:

set image of image view "artImages" of window "artWindow"  to load image  "starryNights"

Note that (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4) to load a TIFF image from the project without specifying the extension, the extension must be “tiff” not “tif”.

If an image is not part of your project, you can load it by specifying a POSIX (slash-delimited) path to the image file. For example, if sunFlowers.png is stored on disk in /User/Me/Images, you could load the image with the following statement:

set image of image view "artImages" of window "artWindow"  to load image "/User/ Me/Images/sunFlowers.png"

For an example that deletes an image, see the following Discussion section.


The image object returned by the load image command is retained. In Cocoa, all objects have a retain count. Retaining increases the count; releasing decreases it. When the count reaches 0, the object is disposed of. An object returned by one of the load commands has a retain count of 1.

For most objects you use in an AppleScript Studio application, you don’t need to worry about retaining or releasing the object. However, if you make multiple calls to load image (or load movie or load sound) and don’t release the image (or movie, or sound), your application memory usage will increase. To avoid this problem, you can explicitly delete an image (or movie or sound if it isn’t a system sound) when you are finished with it. Deleting an image (or movie or sound) deletes it from the list of images (and so on) kept by the application and releases it, so that when the retain count reaches 0 the object will be released. Note that if you delete an image that is currently displayed in an image view, it will not actually be freed until the image view is done with it.

The following script sample shows how an application could find all the images of a certain type stored in the application, then use an idle handler to switch the image in an image view every two seconds. Each time an image is loaded, the previous image is deleted to free the memory it uses.

The launched handler uses the call method command to call a method of the application’s main bundle and obtain a list (stored as a property) of all the JPEG images in the application bundle. The first parameter specifies the file extension to look for; the second parameter specifies the bundle directory to search—passing an empty string specifies a search of all directories. The handler stores the count of found images as a property.

If there are any images, the idle handler loads the next image (possibly the first), saves a reference to the old image, sets the new image in the image view (to display it), and frees the old image. If there is only one image, the idle handler doesn’t bother to keep reloading it.

property imagePaths : {}
property imageCount : 0
property imageIndex : 0
on launched theObject
    -- Get the path to all of the JPEG images in the application
    set imagePaths to call method "pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:"
         of main bundle with parameters {"JPG", ""}
        set imageCount to count of imagePaths
        log imageCount
    end try
end launched
on idle theObject
    -- If we have some images
    if imageCount > 0 then
        -- Only load an image if this is the first,
        --  or if we have more than one to cycle through.
        if (imageCount > 1) or (imageIndex is equal to 0) then
            -- Adjust the count
            set imageIndex to imageIndex + 1
            if imageIndex > imageCount then
                set imageIndex to 1
            end if
            -- Load the new image
            set newImage to load image (item imageIndex of imagePaths)
            -- Get a reference to the old image, if there is one
            set oldImage to image of image view "image"  of window "main"
            -- Set the new image
            set image of image view "image" of window  "main" to newImage
            -- Delete the old image (use try block in case no image)
                delete oldImage
            end try
        end if
    end if
    -- Return 2 to call idle routine again in 2 seconds.
    return 2
end idle
Version Notes

In AppleScript Studio version 1.0, the load image command would not load an image that was not part of the Xcode project for the application. Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1, load image will load such an image, given a POSIX style (slash-delimited) path to the image. Paths that you obtain from the bundle class are in this format.

You can obtain a POSIX style path to a file or alias object using the path to command and the POSIX path property, both of which are provided by AppleScript’s Standard Additions. For example:

set thePath to path to desktop
    --result: alias "MacOSX:Users:BigCat:Desktop:"
set POSIXpath to POSIX path of thePath
    --result: "/Users/BigCat/Desktop/"

You can examine the terminology for AppleScript’s Standard Additions by opening the file /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax with Xcode, Script Editor, or another application that can display scripting dictionaries.

load movie

Loads the specified QuickTime movie.

You typically load a movie as a movie object and display it in a movie view. The application object can contain movie elements.

See the movie view class for a list of the commands you can use to control a movie. For information on how to free a movie, see the Discussion section of the load image command.

load movie string required

specifies the movie to be loaded


If a movie is part of your project, you can load it by specifying its name, excluding the file extension. For example, if the file bdayparty4.mov is stored in your project and you have a movie view with the AppleScript name “movies” in a window with the name “homeMovies”, you can load the movie and make it the current movie with the following statements:

set currentMovie to load movie "bdayparty4"
set movie of movie view "movies" of window "homeMovies"  to currentMovie

You could also perform this operation in one statement:

set movie of movie view "movies" of window "homeMovies"  to load movie  "bdayparty4"

If a movie is not part of your project, you can load it by specifying a POSIX path to the movie file. For example, if bdayparty4.mov is stored on disk in /User/Me/Movies, you could load the movie with the following statement, instead of the one shown above:

set movie of movie view "movies" of window "homeMovies"  to load movie "/User/Me/ Movies/bdayparty4.mov"
Version Notes

In AppleScript Studio version 1.0, the load movie command would not load a movie that was not part of the Xcode project for the application. Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1, load movie will load such a movie, given a POSIX style path to the movie.

load nib

Loads the specified nib (or user interface resource file).

Starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1, you should use the load nib command instead of the load panel command to load a panel (as shown in the Examples section below).

You create nib files in Interface Builder. For more information on nib files, see awake from nib.

load nib string required

specifies the nib file to be loaded, without the .nib extension


A nib file stores a description of one or more user-interface objects, including their sizes, locations, and connections to other objects. Loading a nib file unarchives (or creates instances of) the user-interface objects described in the nib. For example, the Mail Search sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio, defines a separate nib for a window to display a found mail message. To create a new message window, it makes the following call:

set messageWindow to makeMessageWindow()

The makeMessageWindow handler contains the following code to load the nib file. Loading the nib file creates a message window. The handler then sets the name of the window. This handler results in windows titled “message1”, “message2”, and so on.

on makeMessageWindow()
    load nib "Message"
    set windowCount to windowCount + 1
    set windowName to "message " & windowCount
    set name of window "message" to windowName
    return window windowName
end makeMessageWindow

The following statements are from the clicked handler in the Display Panel sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio. The property definition occurs outside the handler.

This script shows how to load a panel with the load nib command. If the settings panel window doesn’t exist yet, as determined by checking the global property, the script creates it by calling load nib, passing the name of the nib file (Settings.nib). The script then gets a reference to the settings panel, using its AppleScript name "settings", set in Interface Builder when the nib was built.

property panelWindow : missing value
    -- Following is extracted from clicked handler:
    if not (exists panelWindow) then
        load nib "SettingsPanel"
        set panelWIndow to window "settings"
    end if
Version Notes

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.1, the Mail Search sample application was named Watson.

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.1, the Display Panel sample application used the load panel command. That command is not recommended starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.1—use the load nib command instead, as shown in the Examples section above.

load sound

Loads the specified sound.

You typically load a sound as a sound object, and play it with the play command. The application object can contain sound elements, while the button and button cell classes have sound properties.

You can play any sound files supported by the NSSound class, including AIFF and WAV files. For information on how to free a sound, see the Discussion section of the load image command.

load sound string required

specifies the sound to be loaded; the string can name a sound in the application’s project or provide a POSIX (slash-delimited) path to a sound file; for more detail, see the Examples section


By default, an AppleScript Studio project provides access to a number of system sounds. You can view these sounds in the Sounds pane of Interface Builder’s MainMenu.nib window, shown in Figure 2-6.

To load a sound that is part of your project, the sound file must have the extension of a supported sound file format, such as aif, aiff, or wav, but you don’t specify the extension (see example below). You can load a sound located outside of your project by specifying a full POSIX-style (slash-delimited) path; in that case you do need to include the extension of the sound file.

The following clicked handler uses the scripting addition set volume to set a low volume level, then loads and plays a sound from the file Sosumi.aiff in /System/Library/Sounds. In this case, you shouldn’t have to specify the full path because Interface Builder provides access to the sound in the Sounds tab of the nib window.

on clicked theObject
    set volume 1 -- volume level goes from 0 (silent) to 7 (full  volume)
    set theSound to load sound "Sosumi"
    play theSound
end clicked

If you do want to specify the full path to a sound, you could use the following statement to specify the same sound file:

    set theSound to load sound "/System/Library/Sounds/Sosumi.aiff"

This clicked handler doesn’t free the sound it loads. For information about freeing loaded objects, see the Discussion section of the load image command.

Version Notes

The load sound command was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

Prior to Mac OS X version 10.2 and AppleScript Studio version 1.2, you could only play a 16-bit sound, not an 8-bit sound, and could only specify sound files that had the extension aiff.

localized string

Loads the string for the specified key from a project strings file (a file with the extension “.strings”).

localized string string required
 from table Unicode text optional
 in bundle bundle optional
 in bundle with identifier Unicode text optional

the name of the key that specifies the localized string to get

from table  Unicode text

the name of the strings file (each strings file is a represented by a separate table); if you do not specify a strings file, the default is the project’s Localizable.strings file

in bundle  bundle

the bundle that contains the strings table; if you do not specify a bundle, the default is the application bundle

in bundle with identifier  Unicode text

the bundle identifier for the bundle containing the strings file; available starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.4

Unicode text

The localized string for the specified key. If the command is unsuccessful, the result is undefined, so you should use a try, on error block when working with the result, as shown in the Discussion section below.


Assume you have two localized string files (stored in UTF-8 format) in your project, one for English and one for French. You can set the format for a strings file to UTF-8 by following these steps:

  1. select the file in the Files list in Xcode’s Groups and Files pane

  2. open the Info window by typing Command-I or choosing Show Info in the Projects menu

  3. with the Text Settings pane visible, choose UTF-8 in the File Encoding pop-up

Assume the localized string files are organized as follows:


/* Text for the Open button */
"OPEN_KEY" = "Open";
/* Text for the Close button */
"CLOSE_KEY" = "Close";


/* Text for the Open button */
"OPEN_KEY" = "ouvrez-vouz";
/* Text for the Close button */
"CLOSE_KEY" = "étroit";

You might then use the localized string command as follows:

set theString to localized string "OPEN_KEY" from table  "Localizable"

This script statement will obtain the appropriate string based on the application’s current locale.

A string returned from a call to localized string is Unicode text. You may need to convert the string value to plain text—for example, to use in a command to another application that expects plain text, or to cast a retrieved string (such as “true” or “false”) as a boolean value. For an example that shows how to do that, see the Discussion section for the default entry class.

Version Notes

The in bundle with identifier parameter was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4

The localized string command was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.


Logs the specified object.

The log command outputs a value to the Console pane of the Run tab if you run the application in Xcode or to the Console application (in /Applications/Utilities) if you run it from the Finder.

The log command can be extremely useful in debugging scripts or just studying how AppleScript Studio works.

log reference required

a reference to the object to log; you can optionally supply a string instead of a reference


The following sample statements show how to log a string and an object. The text after the comment delimiters (--) shows the result of the statements, when inserted at the beginning of the clicked handler in the Drawer sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio (though logging a string will produce the same result in any application).

on clicked theObject
log "just testing"
-- result: "just testing"
log theObject
-- result: 2002-07-23 11:42:09.274 Drawer(488) button id 2 of window  id 1
-- Rest of handler not shown.

You can also log variables or properties, as in the following:

log someCountProperty
-- result: 2002-09-17 17:04:45.596 AppName[488] 7
--      (if the value of someCountProperty is 7)

To use the log command within a tell statement that targets an application, you can use syntax like this:

tell application "Finder"
    tell me to log "Entered Finder tell block."
Version Notes

The log command was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

path for

Returns the full path for the specified resource in the targeted bundle, or if no bundle is targeted, in the application’s main bundle.

For related information on bundles, including examples that target external bundles, see bundle.

path for reference required
 column integer optional
 directory Unicode text optional
 extension Unicode text optional
 localization Unicode text optional
 resource Unicode text optional
 script Unicode text optional

a reference to the bundle from which to get the path; if no bundle is specified, the main bundle of the application object is used

column  integer

the zero-based column index of the browser view; when using a browser to display a file system, you can use path for to get a path to the directory that contains the files in that column

directory  Unicode text

specifies a directory to search in within the bundle

extension  Unicode text

the extension of the object to search for

localization  Unicode text

the locale for the resource to search for

resource  Unicode text

the type of resource to search for

script  Unicode text

the script to search for

Unicode text

The path to the specified resource. If the command is unsuccessful, the result is undefined, so you should use a try, on error block when working with the result (as shown in the example below.)


You can use the following script in Script Editor to get the full, slash-delimited path of the compiled main script in an AppleScript Studio application (in this case named “tester”). Similar statements will work within an AppleScript Studio application script (though you won’t need the tell application block). The script specifies the main bundle property of the application object as the target for the path for command.

tell application "tester"
    tell main bundle
        set scriptPath to path for script "tester" extension  "scpt"
    end tell
end tell

Depending on the location of the project, the results of the previous script would be something like the following:

"//Volumes/Projects/tester/build/tester.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/ tester.scpt"

Because both bundle and application objects understand the path for command, you can simplify this script to the following. When no bundle is specified, the application automatically looks in the main bundle.

tell application "tester"
    set scriptPath to path for script "tester" extension  "scpt"
end tell

The following clicked handler uses the path for command to get the path to a compiled script Application.scpt in an AppleScript Studio application. Because no bundle is specifically targeted, the command looks in the main bundle of the application object. It stores the path in a global property and uses a try, on error block to handle the case where the path for command doesn’t return a valid path.

If path for is successful, the script uses the log command to the show the path. It then uses POSIX file to get the file for the path and load script to load the script, then assigns the script to a global script property. At that point, scripts in the application can call handlers in the loaded script.

Note: The POSIX file class and the load script command are part of AppleScript’s Standard Additions scripting addition, located in /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions.

If the script is unsuccessful, it displays the returned error number and error message. AppleScript supplies the missing value constant as a placeholder for missing information.

property mainScriptPath : missing value
property theScript : missing value
on clicked theObject
    set mainScriptPath to path for script "Application"  extension "scpt"
        log mainScriptPath -- log the result
        set theScript to load script POSIX file (mainScriptPath)
        -- Other statements here to work with the script.
    on error errMsg number errNum
        -- Deal with any error in getting path--first log to console:
        log "Error loading script. " & "Error:  " & errNum & " Msg: " & errMsg
        -- For user-related error, can display a dialog:
        display dialog "Error: " & errNum & ".  " & errMsg
    end try
end clicked

The following is a possible log message generated when an error occurs (in this case, the script file did not exist, so the variable mainScriptPath did not get set):

2002-10-30 16:56:44.697 on error test[512] "Error loading script.  Error: -2753  Msg: The variable mainScriptPath is not defined."

If you are not interested in the error number or error message, or are not expecting values to be returned for them, you can just use on error.

For related examples, see the Examples section for the bundle class.


Registers the specified object to receive drag operations.

For an object to respond to any of the drag-and-drop event handlers (described in “Events”), you must register the drag types that the object can accept. You do this with the register command, using the drag type parameter to supply a list of the pasteboard drag types desired. Possible pasteboard types are listed with the pasteboard class.

register reference required
 drag type list optional

a reference to the object that is registered to receive drag operations

drag type  list

the pasteboard drag types that the object will accept; must be present to register for drag operations; registering an empty list will clear the pasteboard and prevent drag operations


The following awake from nib handler registers two drag types ("string" and "file names") for the object it is connected to. You could, for example, use this handler to register these drag types for a text field object.

on awake from nib theObject
    tell theObject to register drag types {"string", "file  names"}
end awake from nib

For more examples, see the Drag and Drop sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio (starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2).

Version Notes

The register command was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1, but didn’t do anything. The command was made useful for drag and drop with the addition of the drag type parameter in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

The Drag and Drop sample application is first available with AppleScript Studio version 1.2.


Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4). Selects the specified object or objects.

select reference required
 at index integer optional
 item item optional

a reference to the object or objects to select

at index  integer

the index of the object to select

item  item

the object to select;

select all

Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4). Selects all of the contained objects within the specified object.

select all reference required

a reference to the object whose handler is called


Shows the specified object, such as a window or a panel, by making it the main and also the key window.

Showing a window has the same effect as setting its visible property to true. A common tactic is to deselect a window’s “Visible at launch time” property in Interface Builder, then use the show command to show the window after performing any special set up. See the Examples section for related information.

The show command has two mutually exclusive optional parameters, behind and in front of. This gives you some control as to the front to back order of the windows. For more information on ordering, see the level property and the Discussion section for the window class. For additional information on windows, see the document Window Programming Guide for Cocoa.

show reference required
 behind window optional
 in front of window optional

a reference to the object to show

behind  window

the window to show behind (do not use with in front of)

in front of  window

the window to show in front of (do not use with behind)


The following launched handler is from the XMethods Service Finder sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio (starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2). The launched handler is called near the end of the launch sequence, after objects in the application’s main nib file have been created and initialized. That’s a good time to make the application’s main window visible, which the handler does by calling the show command. In this application, the main window has the AppleScript name of "main".

on launched theObject
    show window "main"
end launched

To specify window ordering, you use a statement like the following.

show window "main" in front of window "settings"
size to fit

Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4). Adjusts the size of the specified object to fit within its container.

size to fit reference required

a reference to the object to size


Updates display of the specified window or view object, causing it to be redrawn immediately.

update reference required

a reference to the window or view object to update


The following is the launched handler, from the Browser sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio. This handler uses the Finder application to get a list of disk names for a browser object, sets a path separator for the browser, then uses the update command to update the browser’s display.

on launched theObject
    tell application "Finder"
        set diskNames to name of every disk
    end tell
    set path separator of browser "browser" of window  "main" to ":"
    tell browser "browser" of window "main"  to update
end launched


Objects based on classes in the Application suite support handlers for the following events (an event is an action, typically generated through interaction with an application’s user interface, that causes a handler for the appropriate object to be executed). To determine which classes support which events, see the individual class descriptions.


Called after an application object has been activated.

The handler can perform any operations needed on activation.

The startup-time calling order for application event handlers, including the activated handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

Starting with Mac OS X version 10.4 and AppleScript Studio version 1.4, the activated handler is called when an Automator action’s workflow is activated. For additional information, see Implementing an AppleScript Action in Introduction to Automator Programming Guide.

activated reference required

a reference to the application object that was activated


When you connect an activated handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use this handler to perform any actions needed on activation, such as checking the state of items displayed in application windows.

on activated theObject
    (* Add script statements here to handle activation. *)
end activated
Version Notes

The activated handler is used with AppleScript-based Automator actions starting with Mac OS X version 10.4 and AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

awake from nib

Called after an object is unarchived from its nib, which includes instantiating the object and restoring its values, including relationships to other objects in the nib.

Archiving is the process of creating a detailed record of a collection of interrelated objects and values, from which you can recreate the original collection (by unarchiving). For more information on archiving, see the document Archives and Serializations Programming Guide for Cocoa.

A nib file is an archive of objects and connections created in Interface Builder. In the awake from nib handler, an object can perform any custom initialization, at a point when all objects in the nib have been unarchived and connected, but before the interface is visible to the user. When a nib object is loaded, AppleScript Studio calls the awake from nib handler for every object in the nib that attaches that handler.

Many AppleScript Studio classes inherit from responder and theoretically support the awake from nib handler. However, in practice, awake from nib is only supported for a class if you can access that class in Interface Builder and connect the handler. To examine (or connect) the available handlers for a class in Interface builder, select an instance of an object of that type in the Instances pane of the nib window, then open the AppleScript pane of the Info window.

Figure 2-10 shows the AppleScript pane for a File’s Owner that represents an application object. (See the Discussion section below for more information on File’s Owner objects.) This instance has one handler connected, the should quit after last window closed handler. The actual handler is in the project file Application.applescript.

At startup, event handlers attached to the application object are called in this order:

  1. will finish launching

  2. awake from nib

  3. launched

  4. will become active

  5. activated

  6. idle

Before any handlers are called for the application object (with the exception of the will finish launching handler, which is always called first, if present), the application’s main nib file is loaded, all its objects unarchived, and awake from nib called for any objects that have that handler connected. So an awake from nib handler connected to an object in the application’s main nib file, such as the application’s main window, will be called before any handlers connected to the application object itself.

Figure 2-10  The Info window in Interface Builder, showing information for an application’s File’s Owner instance

The Info window in Interface Builder, showing information for an application’s File’s Owner instance

awake from nib reference required

a reference to the object that was unarchived


When you connect an awake from nib handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on awake from nib theObject
    (* Perform operations here after awaking from nib. *)
end awake from nib

You might connect the awake from nib handler to a window object and use it to make the window visible:

on awake from nib theObject
    set visible of theObject to true
end awake from nib

See the Examples section for the default entry class for an awake from nib handler that creates a default entry.


Interface Builder is Apple’s graphical interface design tool for Mac OS X. You use Interface Builder to lay out interface objects (including windows, controls, menus, and so on), resize them, set their attributes, and make connections to other objects. The resulting information is stored (or archived) in user interface resources, called nibs, which in turn are stored in nib files that become part of your application. (A nib file is an Interface Builder file—the “ib” in “nib” stands for Interface Builder.)

When the application is opened, it creates an interface containing the windows, buttons, and other user interface objects specified in its main nib file. An application contains a main nib file that is opened when the application is launched. It can also contain additional nib files and load them when needed, such as to create instances of windows. For related information, see load nib, and also the nib information in the description for the document class.

When a nib is unarchived, it can restore connections among objects that were archived in the nib, but not to objects outside the archive. For that reason, an application must supply a File’s Owner object in Interface Builder for each nib. For the main nib, shown in Figure 2-1, the File’s Owner is created automatically and refers to the application object. In a document-based AppleScript Studio application, the File’s Owner for the Document.nib file is also created automatically, and refers to the document object.

In Interface Builder, you can examine the class for a File’s Owner object by selecting the object instance in the Instances pane of the nib window, opening the Info window, and using the pop-up menu to display the Custom Class pane. For example, you’ll see that the class of File’s Owner is NSApplication for an application object, but NSDocument for a document object. You can set the class of the File’s Owner to another Cocoa class or to a custom class you have created, though most AppleScript Studio applications will not need to do so.

Version Notes

The awake from nib event handler was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.1.

See “Version Information” for information on setting a Nib File Compatibility preference in Interface Builder.

became key

Called after a window object has become the key window (or first recipient for keystrokes).

See also became main and resigned key, as well as the key and main properties of the window class. For related information, see the document Introduction to Cocoa Event-Handling Guide.

became key reference required

a reference to the window object that became key


When you connect a became key handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary when the window becomes key (or first recipient for keystrokes).

on became key theObject
    (* Perform operations here after becoming key. *)
end became key
became main

Called when a window object has just become the main window—that is, the front window and principal focus of user action.

The main window is not necessarily the key window. See also became key and resigned main, as well as the key and main properties of the window class. For related information, see the document Introduction to Cocoa Event-Handling Guide.

became main reference required

a reference to the window object that became main


When you connect a became main handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary upon becoming main.

on became main theObject
    (* Perform operations here after becoming main. *)
end became main
clicked toolbar item

Called when a toolbar item in a toolbar is clicked.

At this point the handler can perform any operations that should take place after the user clicks a particular toolbar item in a toolbar.

For related information, see update toolbar item.

clicked toolbar item reference required

a reference to the toolbar item object that was clicked


The following example of a clicked toolbar item handler is from the Simple Toolbar sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio.

on clicked toolbar item theObject
    if identifier of theObject is "compile item identifier"  then
        display dialog "It's time to compile" attached  to the front window
    end if
end clicked toolbar item

This handler simply checks to see if the clicked toolbar item was the compile button, and item added to the toolbar by the application. In this case, the handler just displays a dialog, rather than actually compiling anything.

Version Notes

The clicked toolbar item event handler and the Simple Toolbar sample application were added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.


Called after a drawer object closes.

At this point the handler can perform any operations that should take place after the drawer is closed.

closed reference required

a reference to the drawer object that was closed


The following example of a closed handler is from the Drawer sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio.

on closed theObject
    set contents of text field "Date Field" of drawer  "Drawer"
        of window "main" to "closed"
end closed

Because theObject is a reference to the object that was closed (the drawer), the following script statement is equivalent to the one shown above:

set contents of text field "Date Field" of theObject to  "closed"

Called after a window has been restored from its miniaturized state.

The handler can perform any operations needed on deminiaturization (synonymous with minimization, or being put in the Dock) of the window.

deminiaturized reference required

a reference to the window object that was deminiaturized


When you connect a deminiaturized handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary upon becoming deminiaturized, such as setting the minimized title property of the window.

on deminiaturized theObject
    (* Add script statements here to handle deminiaturizing. *)
end deminiaturized
document nib name

Returns the name of the document nib file.

Your application doesn’t need to attach this handler if its document nib is named document.nib. If you change the name of your document nib, you should add this handler to the application object and return the name of the document nib, without the “.nib” extension.

document nib name reference required
 for document document required

a reference to the application object

for document  document

the document to obtain the nib file name for


When you connect a document nib name handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. See the description for the application class for information on how to connect an application handler.

You can use the theObject parameter to access properties or elements of the application and the theDocument parameter to access properties or elements of the document. Your handler should return the name for your document nib. For example, if your document nib file is named “MyDocument.nib”, your handler might look something like the following:

on document nib name theObject for document theDocument
    (* If necessary, statements to determine name of document nib  file. *)
    return "MyDocument"
end document nib name
Version Notes

The document nib name event handler was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.


Not supported (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4). Called after a window object has been exposed to view.

The handler can perform any operations needed when the window is exposed.

exposed reference required

a reference to the window object that was exposed


Called at specific intervals, as requested by the application.

You typically use an idle handler to perform lengthy or recurring operations that take place outside the main flow of your application.

You connect an idle handler to the application object. See the description for the application class for information on how to connect an application handler. The startup-time calling order for application event handlers, including the idle handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler. That order specifies when the idle handler is first called. The idle handler returns the number of seconds the application should wait before calling the handler again.

idle reference required

a reference to the application object whose idle handler is called


the number of seconds to delay before the next call to idle; to ensure that idle will be called again, always return a value of 1 or greater


When you connect an idle handler to an application object Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. You can use the handler to perform any required idle-time operations. Your handler should return the number of seconds to wait before calling the idle handler again.

on idle theObject
    (* Add script statements here to perform idle operations. *)
    return 1 -- call handler again in one second
end idle

AppleScript provides constants for the number of seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, and so on. So to cause the handler to be called every five minutes, you can use return 5 * minutes. The constants minutes, hours, days, and weeks are described in AppleScript Language Guide.


At application startup time, an idle handler will not be called for the first time until after certain other application handlers have been called, as listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

keyboard down

Called when a key is pressed.

See “Connecting Key and Mouse Event Handlers ” for information about how an application handles mouse and key events (and why, in some cases, a keyboard down handler may never get called).

keyboard down reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose keyboard down handler is called

event  event

the event information for the key down event


When you connect a keyboard down handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on keyboard down theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the key down event.  *)
end keyboard down

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the keyboard down event, such as the character(s), and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

Note: In some cases, implementing the keyboard down handler may not be the easiest way to get the result you want. For example, say you are implementing a calculator and want to provide keystroke equivalents for the various operations (rather than requiring a user to click a button to perform an operation). You can assign a key equivalent to a button in Interface Builder by selecting the button, opening the Info window to the Attributes pane, and specifying the key (possibly including modifier keys).

keyboard up

Called when a key is released.

See “Connecting Key and Mouse Event Handlers ” for information about how an application handles mouse and key events (and why, in some cases, a keyboard up handler may never get called).

keyboard up reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose keyboard up handler is called

event  event

the event information for the key up event


When you connect a keyboard up handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on keyboard up theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the key up event. *)
end keyboard up

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the keyboard up event, such as the character(s), and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.


Due to terminology conflicts, this handler could not be named key up.


Called after the application has been launched.

You can only connect a launched handler to the application object. The handler can perform any operations needed on launch.

The startup-time calling order for application handlers, including the launched handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

launched reference required

a reference to the application object that was launched


When you connect a launched handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being launched. For example, the Drawer sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio, uses a launched handler to show its main window:

on launched theObject
    show window "main"
end launched

The Drawer application sets the visible property of its main window to false in Interface Builder (in the Attributes pane of the Info window). It then sets up its user interface in an awake from nib event handler, and finally shows the window in the launched handler. See the Discussion section for the awake from nib handler for information on the order in which event handlers are called on application start up.

For another example of a launched handler, see the Examples section for the application class.


Called after a window has been changed to its miniaturized state.

The handler can perform any operations needed when the object is miniaturized.

You should use miniaturized, rather than was miniaturized.

miniaturized reference required

a reference to the window object that was miniaturized


When you connect a miniaturized handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being miniaturized.

on miniaturized theObject
    (* Add script statements here to deal with miniaturizing. *)
end miniaturized
mouse down

Called when a mouse down event occurs.

See “Connecting Key and Mouse Event Handlers ” for information about how an application handles mouse and key events (and why, in some cases, a mouse down handler may never get called).

mouse down reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse down handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse down event


When you connect a mouse down handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on mouse down theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse down event.  *)
end mouse down

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse down event, such as the cursor location, click count, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

mouse dragged

Called when a mouse dragged event occurs.

mouse dragged reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse dragged handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse dragged event


When you connect a mouse dragged handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on mouse dragged theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse dragged event.  *)
end mouse dragged

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse dragged event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

mouse entered

Called when a mouse entered event occurs.

That is, the cursor has entered the bounds of the object that is connected to the event handler. The many classes that inherit from the controland view classes support the mouse entered handler.

mouse entered reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse entered handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse entered event


When you connect a mouse entered handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on mouse entered theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse entered event.  *)
end mouse entered

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse entered event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

mouse exited

Called when a mouse exited event occurs.

That is, the cursor has exited the bounds of the object that is connected to the event handler. The many classes that inherit from the controland view classes support the mouse exited handler.

mouse exited reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse exited handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse exited event


When you connect a mouse exited handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse exited event, such as the location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed.

on mouse exited theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse exited event.  *)
end mouse exited

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse exited event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

mouse moved

Called when a mouse moved inside the bounds of the object.

That is, the cursor has moved within the bounds of the object that is connected to the event handler. The many classes that inherit from the controland view classes support the mouse moved handler.

mouse moved reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse moved handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse moved event


When you connect a mouse moved handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on mouse moved theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse moved event.  *)
end mouse moved

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse moved event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

mouse up

Called when a mouse up event occurs.

See “Connecting Key and Mouse Event Handlers ” for information about how an application handles mouse and key events (and why, in some cases, a mouse down handler may never get called).

mouse up reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose mouse up handler is called

event  event

the event information for the mouse up event


When you connect a mouse up handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on mouse up theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the mouse up event.  *)
end mouse up

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the mouse up event, such as the cursor location, click count, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.


Called after the object is moved.

moved reference required

a reference to the object that moved


When you connect a moved handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. The theObject parameter refers to the object that moved, typically a view or subclass of a view. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being moved. To determine how much the object has moved, you will have to store the old location of the object and compare it to the current location.

on moved theObject
    (* Add script statements here to handle operations after a move.  *)
end moved

Called after an object that supports this handler (such as a window, panel, or document) opens.

At this point the handler can perform any operations that should take place after the object is open.

Starting with Mac OS X version 10.4 and AppleScript Studio version 1.4, the opened handler is called when the user adds an action to the workflow (and the handler is attached to the action’s view). For additional information, see Implementing an AppleScript Action in Introduction to Automator Programming Guide.

opened reference required

a reference to the object that was opened


The following example of an opened handler is from the Drawer sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio.

on opened theObject
    set contents of text field "Date Field" of drawer  "Drawer"
        of window "main" to "opened"
end opened

Because theObject is a reference to the object that was opened (the drawer), the following script statement is equivalent to the one shown above:

set contents of text field "Date Field" of theObject to  "opened"
Version Notes

The opened handler is used with AppleScript-based Automator actions starting with Mac OS X version 10.4 and AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

open untitled

Called when the application is about to open an untitled document.

This handler is called only for a document-based application and only for the first document when the application is launched. It is called after should open untitled, and can prepare for the untitled window to be opened.

open untitled reference required

a reference to the application that is opening an untitled document


You install an open untitled handler in Interface Builder by selecting the File’s Owner instance in the application’s MainMenu.nib window, then selecting open untitled in the Application handlers in the Info window. When you select a project script file, AppleScript Studio inserts a handler template like the one shown below.

The File’s Owner instance in the main nib window represents NSApp, a global constant that references the NSApplication object for the application. (In a document nib file, the File’s Owner instance typically represents the document.)

The theObject parameter of the open untitled handler refers to the application object for which an untitled document is about to be opened. You can use the parameter to access properties or elements of the application to prepare for opening the document.

on open untitled theObject
    (* Perform operations here before opening an untitled document.  *)
end open untitled
resigned active

Called after the application object has resigned its active state.

There is currently no event handler that allows the application to refuse to resign its active state. See also will resign active.

resigned active reference required

a reference to the application object that resigned its active state


When you connect a resigned active handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary upon resigning as the active object.

on resigned active theObject
    (* Perform operations here after resigning active state. *)
end resigned active
resigned key

Called after a window object has resigned its key state (as first recipient for keystrokes).

See also became key and will resign active.

resigned key reference required

a reference to the window object that resigned its key state


When you connect a resigned key handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary upon resigning as the key window.

on resigned key theObject
    (* Perform operations here after resigning key state. *)
end resigned key
resigned main

Called after a window object has resigned its main state (as the front window and principal focus of user action).

An window object may be main without being key (the first recipient for keystrokes). See also became main, became key, and resigned key.

resigned main reference required

a reference to the window object that resigned its main state


When you connect a resigned main handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary upon resigning as the main window.

on resigned main theObject
    (* Perform operations here after resigning main. *)
end resigned main

Called after an object is resized.

resized reference required

a reference to the object that was resized


When you connect a resized handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being resized. To determine the change in size, you will have to store the old size of the object and compare it to the current size. To do that, you might save the size in a will resize handler, which is called before the resized handler.

on resized theObject
    (* Perform operations here after resizing the object. *)
end resized
right mouse down

Called when a right mouse down event occurs.

right mouse down reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose right mouse down handler is called

event  event

the event information for the right mouse down event


When you connect a right mouse down handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on right mouse down theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the right mouse down  event. *)
end right mouse down

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the right mouse down event, such as the cursor location, click count, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

right mouse dragged

Called when a right mouse dragged event occurs.

right mouse dragged reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose right mouse dragged handler is called

event  event

the event information for the right mouse dragged event


When you connect a right mouse dragged handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on right mouse dragged theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the right mouse dragged  event. *)
end right mouse dragged

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the right mouse dragged event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

right mouse up

Called when a right mouse up event occurs.

right mouse up reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose right mouse up handler is called

event  event

the event information for the right mouse up event


When you connect a right mouse up handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following.

on right mouse up theObject event theEvent
    (* Add script statements here to handle the right mouse up event.  *)
end right mouse up

You can use the theEvent parameter to get information about the right mouse up event, such as the cursor location, and whether the Command, Option, Shift, or Control keys were pressed. See the event class for examples.

scroll wheel

Called when the scroll wheel moves.

scroll wheel reference required
 event event optional

a reference to the object whose scroll wheel handler is called

event  event

the event information for the scroll wheel event


The following scroll wheel handler responds to a scroll wheel by incrementing or decrementing a value in a text field based on the passed event parameter. The awake from nib handler initializes the text field to a starting value of 100.

on scroll wheel theObject event theEvent
    set theValue to content of theObject as number
    set theValue to theValue + (delta y of theEvent)
    set content of theObject to theValue
end scroll wheel
on awake from nib theObject
    set content of theObject to 100
end awake from nib
should close

Called when an object that supports this handler is about to close.

This handler is supported by classes such as window, panel, and drawer. The handler can return false to cancel the close operation.

should close reference required

a reference to the window or panel object that may close


Return true to allow closing; false to disallow it


When you connect a should close handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. Your handler should determine whether to allow the object to close, then return the appropriate value.

on should close theObject
    set allowClose to false
    --Check variable, perform test, or call handler to see if OK  to close
    -- If so, set allowClose to true
    return allowClose
end should close
should open

Called when an object that supports this handler (such as a window, panel, or document) is about to open.

The handler can return false to cancel the open operation.

should open reference required

a reference to the object that may open


Return true to allow opening; false to disallow it


When you connect a should open handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. Your handler should determine whether to allow the object to open, then return the appropriate value.

on should open theObject
    set allowOpen to false
    --Check variable, perform test, or call handler to see if OK  to open
    -- If so, set allowOpen to true
    return allowOpen
end should open
should open untitled

Called before an object that supports this handler (typically the application object) opens an untitled window or document.

The handler can return false to cancel the operation.

should open untitled reference required

a reference to the object (typically the application) that has the option of opening an untitled document or window


Return true to allow opening an untitled document; false to disallow it


The following example of a should open untitled handler checks a global property allowUntitled, which is set elsewhere in the application, to determine whether to allow the object to open as untitled. You might instead call a separate handler you’ve written to determines whether to allow opening.

on should open untitled theObject
    if allowUntitled is equal to true then
        return true
        return false
    end if
end should open untitled
should quit

Called to determine if the application should quit.

The handler can return false to refuse to quit.

should quit reference required

a reference to the application object that may quit


Return true to allow quitting; false to disallow it


The following example of a should quit handler calls an application handler allowQuitting, written by you, to determine whether to allow the application to quit, then returns the appropriate value. You might instead perform validation in the handler itself or check some global property.

on should quit theObject
    --Check property, perform test, or call handler to see if OK
    --to quit
    set allowQuit to allowQuitting(theObject)
    return allowQuit
end should quit
should quit after last window closed

Called to determine whether the application should quit when its last window is closed. The handler can return false to refuse to quit.

should quit after last window closed reference required

a reference to the application object that may quit when its last window is closed


Return true to quit after last window is closed; false to disallow quitting


The following example of a should quit after last window closed handler calls an application handler shouldQuit, written by you, to determine whether to allow the application to quit, then returns the appropriate value. You might instead perform validation in the handler itself or check some global property.

on should quit after last window closed theObject
    --Check property, perform test, or call handler to see if OK
    --to quit after last window closed
    set allowQuit to shouldQuit(theObject)
    return allowQuit
end should quit after last window closed
should zoom

Called to determine if a window should be zoomed.

The handler can examine the proposed bounds of the zoom, and can return false to refuse to zoom or true to allow the zoom. If you do not supply a handler, or if you supply a handler but do not return a value, by default zooming will be allowed.

If you wish to have control over the bounding rectangle for the zoom operation, use the will zoom event handler. If you want access to the proposed bounds in the will zoom handler, you will have to implement should zoom and save the value of the proposed bounds parameter for later use by the will zoom handler.

should zoom reference required
 proposed bounds bounding rectangle optional

a reference to the window object that may zoom

proposed bounds  bounding rectangle

the proposed bounds of the object to be zoomed; a list of four numbers {left, bottom, right, top}; see the bounds property of the window class for information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class


Return false to refuse to zoom or true to allow the zoom. If you implement this handler, you should always return a boolean value.


The following example of a should zoom event handler calls an application handler isZoomable, written by you, to determine whether to allow zooming, then returns the appropriate value. You might instead perform some kind of test in the should zoom handler itself, or check a global property. If you want access to the proposed bounds in the will zoom handler, you should use this handler to save the value of the proposed bounds parameter for later use.

on should zoom theObject
    --Check property, perform test, or call handler to see if OK  to edit
    set allowZooming to isZoomable(theObject)
    return allowZooming
end should zoom
Version Notes

The proposed bounds parameter was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

In the dictionary file (AppleScriptKit.asdictionary) for AppleScript Studio version 1.3, the parameter type for the proposed bounds parameter is shown as point. The correct type is bounding rectangle, a list of four integer values {left, bottom, right, top}.


Called after an application object is shown.

shown reference required

a reference to the application object that was shown


When you connect a shown handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being shown.

on shown theObject
    (* Perform operations here after the object is shown. *)
end shown
update toolbar item

Called when the enabled state of a toolbar item needs to be updated.

This handler is called for each toolbar item in a toolbar. The handler returns a value of true if the item should be enabled, false otherwise. It can also perform any operations associated with enabling or disabling a toolbar item.

update toolbar item reference required

a reference to the toolbar item object that was clicked


The following example of a update toolbar item handler is from the Simple Toolbar sample application, available at <Xcode>/Examples/AppleScript Studio.

on update toolbar item theObject
    -- Return true to enable the toolbar item (return false to disable  it)
    return true
end update toolbar item

This handler simply returns true to indicate the toolbar item should be enabled. In this sample application, all the toolbar items are always enabled. However, your application can return false if a toolbar item should be disabled.

Version Notes

The update toolbar item event handler and the Simple Toolbar sample application were added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

was hidden

Called after the application object is hidden as a result of a user choosing Hide from the application menu or pressing Command-h.

You cannot connect this event handler to a window object, though you can use the hide command to hide a window. (Your application can call commands such as hide explicitly, but when you connect event handlers such as was hidden to objects in Interface Builder, the handlers are called by AppleScript Studio at the appropriate times.)

was hidden reference required

a reference to the application object that was hidden


When you connect a was hidden handler yo the application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to perform any operations necessary after being hidden.

on was hidden theObject
    (* Perform operations here after the object was hidden. *)
end was hidden
was miniaturized

Called after a window has been changed to its miniaturized state.

The handler can perform any operations needed on miniaturization.

You should use miniaturized, rather than was miniaturized.

was miniaturized reference required

a reference to the object that was miniaturized

will become active

Called when the object is about to become active.

The handler cannot cancel activation, but can prepare for it.

The startup-time calling order for application event handlers, including the will become active handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

will become active reference required

a reference to the object that will become active


When you connect a will become active handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for activation.

on will become active theObject
    (* Perform operations here before becoming active. *)
end will become active
will close

Called when the object is about to close.

The handler cannot cancel the close operation, but can prepare for it. Classes such as window, panel, and drawer support the will close handler.

will close reference required

a reference to the window, drawer, or other object that is about to close


When you connect a will close handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for closing. For example, you might want to update a controller object with the current information from a window’s text field objects. Note that you should perform text field validation earlier, in the should close handler, where the window can refuse to close if a field contains invalid data.

on will close theObject
    (* Perform operations here before closing. *)
end will close
will finish launching

Called when the application object is about to finish launching.

The handler cannot cancel launching, but can prepare for it.

The startup-time calling order for application event handlers, including the will finish launching handler, is listed in the description for the awake from nib event handler.

will finish launching reference required

a reference to the application object that will finish launching


When you connect a will finish launching handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. You can use the handler to perform operations after your main nib file has been loaded, but before the application finishes launching. For example, the following script makes the window from the main nib visible.

on will finish launching theObject
    (* Perform operations here before completion of launching. *)
    set visible of (window of theObject) to true
end will finish launching

The next listing shows a simple example of how the handler might check for the minimum required version of AppleScript Studio. (For information on runtime versions, see “Version Information.”) If the version is available, the handler registers a drag type, which is only supported starting with AppleScript Studio version 1.2. If version 1.2 is not available, the application puts up a message and then quits. Note that the handler doesn’t check AppleScript Studio’s version number directly. Instead, it checks for the corresponding AppleScript version ("1.9"), as shown in Table 1-1. If the script required a feature of AppleScript Studio version 1.3, it could check that the AppleScript version is greater than or equal to “1.9.2”. Enclosing the test in a considering numeric strings block ensures that the comparison works with higher versions of AppleScript, such as version 1.10.1.

on will finish launching theObject
considering numeric strings
    if AppleScript's version as string ≥ "1.9" then
        tell window 1 to register drag types {"file names"}
        display dialog "This application requires AppleScript  Studio 1.2 or later."
    end if
end considering
end will finish launching
will hide

Called when the application object is about to be hidden as a result of a user choosing Hide from the application menu or pressing Command-h.

The handler cannot cancel hiding, but can prepare for it.

You cannot connect this event handler to a window object, though you can use the hide command to hide a window. (Your application can call commands such as hide explicitly, but when you connect event handlers such as will hide to objects, the handlers are called by AppleScript Studio at the appropriate times.)

will hide reference required

a reference to the application object


When you connect a will hide handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being hidden.

on will hide theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the application hides. *)
end will hide
will miniaturize

Called when an object that supports this handler (such as a window or panel) is about to miniaturize.

The handler cannot cancel miniaturizing, but it can prepare for it.

will miniaturize reference required

a reference to the object that will miniaturize


When you connect a will miniaturize handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being miniaturized.

on will miniaturize theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the object miniaturizes. *)
end will miniaturize
will move

Called when an object is about to move.

The handler cannot cancel the move operation, but can prepare for it.

will move reference required

a reference to the object that will move


When you connect a will move handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being moved.

on will move theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the object moves. *)
end will move
will open

Called when an object that supports this handler (such as a window or panel is about to open.

The handler cannot cancel the open operation, but can prepare for it.

will open reference required

a reference to the object that will open, such as a window or panel


When you connect a will open handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being opened.

on will open theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the object opens. *)
end will open
Version Notes

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2, you could connect a will open handler to a document object.

Prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.2, a will open handler was called only once, when a window was loaded from its nib, not when it was actually opened. To simulate that behavior in version 1.2, you can replace calls to will open with calls to awake from nib.

will quit

Called when the application object is about to quit.

The handler cannot cancel quitting, but can prepare for it.

will quit reference required

a reference to the application object


When you connect a will quit handler to an application object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for quitting.

on will quit theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the application quits. *)
end will quit
will resign active

Called when an object is about to resign its active state.

The handler cannot cancel resigning its active state, but can prepare for it. There is currently no event handler that allows the application to refuse to resign its active state.

will resign active reference required

a reference to the application object that will resign its active state


When you connect a will resign active handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for resigning active state.

on will resign active theObject
    (* Perform operations before the object resigns its active state.  *)
end will resign active
will resize

Called when a window object is about to be resized.

The handler cannot cancel the resize operation, but can prepare for it, and can return a different size to specify the new size.

will resize reference required
 proposed size point optional

a reference to the window object that will be resized

proposed size  point

the proposed size of the window, consisting of a two-item list of numbers {horizontal, vertical}; see the bounds property of the window class for information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class


You can return a different point to specify the size the window will be resized to. If you do not return a point, the value that was passed in the proposed size parameter is used.


When you connect a will resize handler to a window object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. You can use the handler to prepare for resizing, and can return a size value to specify the new size. If you need to know the previous size in a resized handler (which is called after resizing takes place), you can use your will resize handler to save the current size.

on will resize theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the object resizes.
        Return a point to specify a different size.
        For example: *)
    return {200, 560}
end will resize
Version Notes

The proposed size parameter was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

will show

Called when an object is about to be shown.

The handler cannot cancel being shown, but can prepare for it.

will show reference required

a reference to the object to be shown


When you connect a will show handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being shown.

on will show theObject
    (* Perform operations here before the object is shown. *)
end will show
will zoom

Called when a window object is about to be zoomed.

The handler cannot cancel being zoomed, but can prepare for it.

will zoom reference required
 screen bounds bounding rectangle optional

a reference to the window object that will be zoomed

screen bounds  

a list of four numbers {left, bottom, right, top} that specifies the bounds of the screen that contains the largest part of the window (minus dock and menu bar, if any); note that this is not the proposed bounds (or bounds the window will be zoomed to)—see the should zoom event handler for how to obtain that information; see the bounds property of the window class for information on the coordinate system; for changes introduced in AppleScript Studio version 1.4, see the main discussion for the application class, as well as the coordinate system property of that class

bounding rectangle

You can return a bounding rectangle (a list of four numbers {left, bottom, right, top}) to specify the bounds of the zoomed window. If you do not return a rectangle, the value that was originally passed to the should zoom event handler is used.


When you connect a will zoom handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template. The theObject parameter refers to the object that will be zoomed. You can use the screenBounds parameter, as well as the bounds of the window itself, and possibly the proposed bounds for the zoom operation (if you saved them in the should zoom event handler) to determine whether to modify the bounds to which the window will be zoomed.

The following handler changes the bounds for the zoomed window to 70 pixels from the left side of the screen. It does so by getting the current bounds of the window, setting its left item value to 70, and returning those bounds for the zoom.

on will zoom theObject screen bounds screenBounds
    (* Perform operations here before the object is zoomed. *)
    set theBounds to bounds of theObject
    set item 1 of theBounds to 70
    return theBounds
end will zoom
Version Notes

The will zoom event was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.


Called after an object (typically a window or panel) was zoomed.

The handler can perform any operations needed after zooming.

zoomed reference required

a reference to the object that was zoomed


When you connect a zoomed handler to an object in Interface Builder, AppleScript Studio supplies an empty handler template like the following. You can use the handler to prepare for being zoomed.

on zoomed theObject
    (* Perform operations here after the object zooms. *)
end zoomed


The Application suite provides the following enumerations, which define named constants you can use in AppleScript Studio applications.

Important:  These enumerations are available to classes in all AppleScript Studio suites.

Alert Return Values

Not used (through AppleScript Studio version 1.4).

Enumerated Values

alternate return

The alternate button was returned

default return

The default button was returned

error return

An error was returned

other return

The other button was returned

Alert Type

Specifies a type of alert.

You pass one of these values to the display alert command. To see the result of using each of these alert types, build and run the Display Alert example application (in Developer/Examples/AppleScript Studio).

Enumerated Values


Critical alert


Informational alert


Warning alert

Bezel Style

Specifies the appearance of a border.

The bezel style property for a button has a value equal to one of these constants.

Enumerated Values

circular bezel

Circular bezel (for a round button)

regular square bezel

Regular square bezel (for a square button)

rounded bezel

Rounded bezel (for a rounded-edge button

shadowless square bezel

Square bezel without a shadow (square, non-rounded button)

thick square bezel

Thick square bezel (square button)

thicker square bezel

Square bezel with a thicker border (square button)

Border Type

Specifies a border type.

Objects such as box and scroll view objects have border properties. Border type can interact with Box Type.

Enumerated Values

bezel border

Bezel border

groove border

Groove border (when combined with separator box type, provides a separator line)

line border

Line border (depending on box type, causes border on various sides)

no border

No border

Box Type

Specifies the type of a box.

The box property for a box has a value equal to one of these constants. The box type can interact with Border Type. You can find illustrations of many types of controls, including group boxes, in Apple Human Interface Guidelines, available in the Documentation Window in Xcode’s Help menu.

Enumerated Values

old style type

Old style box (if border type is bezel border, shaded, with border on top and left; if border type is line border, not shaded, with border on all sides)

primary type

Primary box (terminology for a type of group box described in older guidelines; the Apple human interface guidelines discourage the use of group boxes)

secondary type

Secondary box (terminology for a type of group box described in older guidelines; the Apple human interface guidelines discourage the use of group boxes)

separator type

Separator box (when combined with groove border border type, provides a separator line)

Button Type

Specifies the type of button, which can affect both how the button looks and how it behaves.

The button type property for a button has a value equal to one of these constants.

Enumerated Values

momentary change button

Momentary change button

momentary light button

Button that is momentarily lighted

momentary push in button

Momentary push in button

on off button

On off button

push on off button

Button that is pushed on and then pushed off

radio button

Radio button

switch button

Checkbox button

toggle button

Button that toggles its state

Cell Image Position

Specifies the position for an image.

Objects such as button and cell have both image and image position properties.

Enumerated Values

image above

Image above

image below

Image below

image left

Image to the left

image only

Only show the image

image overlaps

Image overlaps

image right

Image to the right

no image

No image

Cell State Value

Specifies a cell’s state.

The cell class provides both a state property and a “supports mixed state” property. Subclasses can support either two states (on state and off state) or three states (on state, off state, and mixed state). A mixed state is useful for a checkbox or radio button that reflects the status of a feature that's true only for some items. For example, an italic checkbox would be on if all text in the current selection is italic, off if none is, and mixed if only certain characters are italic.

Enumerated Values

mixed state

Mixed state

off state

Off state

on state

On state

Cell Type

Specifies a cell type.

The cell class provides cell type property that has a different value for subclasses such as image cell and text field cell.

Enumerated Values

image cell type

Cell that contains image

null cell type

Cell that is empty

text cell type

Cell that contains text

Color Panel Mode

Specifies how a user can select a color in a color-panel.

This mask is set before you initialize a new instance of color-panel. You can set the color mode property of a color panel object to any of the values in this enumeration.

Although color panels can support many color modes, when you get or set a color property of an AppleScript Studio object, the color is represented as an RGB value. The RGB value is accessible as a three-item list that contains the values for each component of the color. For example, blue can be represented as {0,0,65535}.

Enumerated Values

cmyk mode

CMYK color mode

color list mode

Color list color mode

color wheel mode

Color wheel mode

custom palette mode

Custom palette color mode

gray mode

Gray color mode

hsb mode

HSB color mode

rgb mode

RGB color mode

Control Size

Specifies the control size.

Classes such as cell, progress indicator, and tab view include a control size property that has a value equal to one of these constants. The small size, which you can set in Interface Builder, provides smaller versions of these user-interface items, suitable for smaller windows or panels.

Enumerated Values

regular size

Regular size

small size

Small size

mini size

Mini size

Version Notes

The mini size enumerated value was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Control Tint

Specifies the control tint.

Classes such as cell, progress indicator, and tab view include a control tint property that has a value equal to one of these constants. For example, the current tab is aqua when the tint is default tint, but clear for clear tint.

Enumerated Values

clear tint

Clear tint

default tint

Default tint

Coordinate System

Specifies the coordinate system, which determines how bounding rectangles are defined. For more information, see the application class and its coordinate system property.

Enumerated Values

AppleScript coordinate system

Defines bounds as {left, top, right, bottom} with the origin in the top left

classic coordinate system

Defines bounds as {left, bottom, right, top} with the origin in the bottom left; this is the default coordinate system in AppleScript Studio version 1.4 (in which the coordinate system mechanism was introduced), and specifies the same coordinate system used in previous versions of AppleScript Studio

Cocoa coordinate system

Defines bounds as {x, y, width, height} with the origin in the bottom left

Version Notes

This enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Drag Operation

Specifies the type of a drag operation.

For related information, see the drag infoclass and the prepare outline drop and prepare table drop event handlers.

Enumerated Values

copy drag operation

The drag is a copy operation

delete drag operation

The drag is a delete operation

every drag operation

Designates all possible drag operations

generic drag operation

The drag is a generic operation

link drag operation

The drag is a link operation

move drag operation

The drag is a move operation

no drag operation

No drag operation

private drag operation

The drag is a copy operation

Version Notes

This enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Drawer State

Specifies the state of a drawer.

For more information, see the drawer class.

Enumerated Values

drawer closed

Drawer is closed

drawer closing

Drawer is closing

drawer opened

Drawer is opened

drawer opening

Drawer is opening

Event Type

Specifies an event type.

For more information, see the event class.

Enumerated Values

appkit defined type

An event defined by the AppKit (Cocoa is made up of two frameworks, the AppKit and the Foundation frameworks)

application defined type

An event defined by the application

cursor update type

Cursor update event

flags changed type

Modifier keys changed event

key down type

Key pressed event

key up type

Key released event

left mouse down type

Left mouse button pressed event

left mouse dragged type

Left mouse button dragged event

left mouse up type

Left mouse button released event

mouse entered type

Mouse entered event

mouse exited type

Mouse exited event

mouse moved type

Mouse moved event

other mouse down type

Other mouse button pressed event

other mouse dragged type

Other mouse button dragged event

other mouse up type

Other mouse button released event

periodic type

Periodic event, such as an idle event or timer event

right mouse down type

Right mouse button pressed event

right mouse dragged type

Right mouse button dragged event

right mouse up type

Right mouse button released event

scroll wheel type

Scroll wheel event

system defined type

An event defined by the System

Go To

Specifies a movie location.

You pass one of the values defined in this enumeration with the go command. For related information, see the movie view class.

Enumerated Values

beginning frame


end frame


poster frame

Poster frame (a frame that represents the movie’s content)

Image Alignment

Specifies the alignment for an image.

Classes such as image cell and image view include an image alignment property.

Enumerated Values

bottom alignment

Align to the bottom

bottom left alignment

Align to the bottom left

bottom right alignment

Align to the bottom right

center alignment

Align to the center

left alignment

Align to the left

right alignment

Align to the right

top alignment

Align to the top

top left alignment

Align to the top left

top right alignment

Align to the top right

Image Frame Style

Specifies the frame style for an image.

Classes such as image cell and image view include a frame style property.

Enumerated Values

button frame

Button frame

gray bezel frame

Gray bezel frame

groove frame

Grooved frame

no frame

No frame

photo frame

Photo frame

Image Scaling

Specifies the scaling for an image.

Classes such as image cell and image view include a scaling property.

Enumerated Values

no scaling

No scaling

scale proportionally

Scale proportionally

scale to fit

Scale to fit

Matrix Mode

Specifies the mode for a matrix.

A matrix is a group of cells that work together in various ways, such as a group of radio buttons.

Enumerated Values

highlight mode

A cell is highlighted before it is asked to track the mouse, then unhilighted when it is done tracking.

list mode

Cells are highlighted, but don’t track the mouse.

radio mode

Selects no more than one cell at a time. When a cell is selected, the previous cell is deselected.

track mode

Cells are asked to track the mouse whenever the mouse is inside their bounds. No highlighting is performed.

QuickTime Movie Loop Mode

Specifies the playback behavior for a movie.

You can get or set the loop mode property of a movie view.

Enumerated Values

looping back and forth playback

Loop the movie from front to back (playback runs forwards and backwards between both end points)

looping playback

Loop the movie (restart playback at beginning when end is reached)

normal playback

Normal playback (playback stops when end is reached)

Rectangle Edge

Specifies the edge a drawer should open on or that or a pop-up menu should open on if space is restricted.

You can use these enumerated values to set the edge property of a drawer, or the preferred edge property of a popup button.

Enumerated Values

bottom edge

bottom edge

left edge

Left edge

right edge

Right edge

top edge

Top edge

Scroll To Location

Specifies location to scroll to.

Intended for use with scroll command. However, that command is not supported, through AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Enumerated Values


Scroll to the bottom


Scroll to the top


Scroll the selection into view

Sort Case Sensitivity

Specifies whether a sort should consider case, as when sorting columns in a data source.

Enumerated Values

case insensitive

Sort the data using case insensitivity

case sensitive

Sort the data using case sensitivity

Version Notes

The sort case sensitivity enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Sort Order

Specifies the order in which to sort, as when sorting columns in a data source.

Enumerated Values


Sort the data in an ascending fashion


Sort the data in a descending fashion

Version Notes

The sort order enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Sort Type

Specifies a sort type, as when sorting columns in a data source .

Enumerated Values


Sort the data alphabetically


Sort the data numerically

Version Notes

The sort type enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.2.

Tab State

Specifies the current tab state of a tab view item.

The tab state property of a tab view item is read only.

Enumerated Values


Background tab


Pressed tab


Selected tab

Tab View Type

Specifies the tab view type, by the position and format of the tab view.

Enumerated Values

bottom tabs bezel border

Tabs along the bottom with a bezel border

left tabs bezel border

Tabs along the left with a bezel border

no tabs bezel border

A bezel border without any tabs

no tabs line border

A line border without any tabs

no tabs no border

No border without any tabs

right tabs bezel border

Tabs along the right with a bezel border

top tabs bezel border

Tabs along the top with a bezel border

Version Notes

The constants for bottom tabs bezel border, left tabs bezel border, and right tabs bezel border work only with the version of Cocoa that became available with Mac OS X version 10.2.

Table View Drop Operation

Specifies drop operation.

Enumerated Values

drop above operation

Drop above the current location (in the table)

drop on operation

Drop on the current location

Version Notes

This enumeration was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.4.

Text Alignment

Specifies text alignment.

See the alignment property of the text class.

Enumerated Values

center text alignment

Align text to the center

justified text alignment

Justify the text to the left and right

left text alignment

Align text to the left

natural text alignment

Align text to the default alignment for the script

right text alignment

Align text to the right

Tick Mark Position

Specifies tick mark position.

See the tick mark position property of the slider class.

Enumerated Values

tick mark above

Tick mark above

tick mark below

Tick mark below

tick mark left

Tick mark to the left

tick mark right

Tick mark to the right

Title Position

Specifies title position.

See the title position property of the box class.

Enumerated Values

above bottom

Title at the bottom above the line

above top

Title at the top above the line

at bottom

Title at the bottom

at top

Title at the top

below bottom

Title at the bottom below the line

below top

Title at the top below the line

no title

No title

Toolbar Display Mode

Specifies the display mode for a toolbar.

The toolbar class has a display mode property that has a value equal to one of these constants.

Enumerated Values

default display mode

display each toolbar item in the default mode (which is icon and label display mode); if the default is ever changed, and you’re using this mode, you’ll get the correct display mode by default

icon and label display mode

display both the icon and label for each toolbar item

icon only display mode

display only the icon for each toolbar item

label only display mode

display only the label for each toolbar item

Version Notes

The toolbar display mode enumeration was added in Mac OS X version 10.4.

Toolbar Size Mode

Specifies the size mode for a toolbar.

The toolbar class has a display size property that has a value equal to one of these constants.

Enumerated Values

default size mode

display each toolbar item in the system-defined default size (which is regular size mode); if the default is ever changed, and you’re using this mode, you’ll get the correct size mode by default

regular size mode

display each toolbar item in the regular size (regular-sized controls and 32 by 32 pixel icons)

small size mode

display each toolbar item in the small size (small-sized controls and 24 by 24 pixel icons)

Version Notes

The toolbar size mode enumeration was added in Mac OS X version 10.4.

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