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Layer Style Properties

Regardless of the type of media a layer displays, a layer’s style properties are applied by the render-tree as it composites layers.

This chapter describes the layer style properties and provides examples of their effect on an example layer.

Note: The layer style properties available on Mac OS X and iPhone OS differ and are noted below.


Geometry Properties
Background Properties
Layer Content
Sublayers Content
Border Attributes
Filters Property
Shadow Properties
Opacity Property
Composite Property
Mask Properties

Geometry Properties

A layer’s geometry properties specify how it is displayed relative to its parent layer. The geometry also specifies the radius used to round the layer corners (available only on Mac OS X) and a transform that is applied to the layer and its sublayers.

Figure 1 shows the geometry of the example layer.

Figure 1  Layer geometry

Layer geometry

The following CALayer properties specify a layer’s geometry:

iPhone OS Note: iPhone OS does not support the cornerRadius property. To simulate the visual effect of a corner radius you can draw the content using the appropriate clipping regions. You can override the hit testing behavior of a layer and exclude touches as appropriate to emulate a geometry with a corner radius, although this is rarely necessary in a touch-based user interface.

Background Properties

Next, the layer renders its background. You can define a color for the background as well as a Core Image filter.

Figure 2 illustrates the sample layer with its backgroundColor set.

Figure 2  Layer with background color

Layer with background color

The background filter is applied to the content behind the layer. For example, you may wish to apply a blur filter as a background filter to make the layer content stand out better.

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layer’s background:

iPhone OS Note: While the CALayer class in iPhone OS exposes the backgroundFilters property, Core Image is not available. The filters available for this property are currently undefined.

Layer Content

Next, if set, the content of the layer is rendered. The layer content can be created using the Quartz graphics environment, OpenGL, QuickTime, or Quartz Composer.

Figure 4 shows the example layer with its content composited.

Figure 3  Layer displaying a content image

Layer displaying a content image

By default, the content of a layer is not clipped to its bounds and corner radius. The masksToBounds property can be set to true to clip the layer content to those values.

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layer’s content:

Sublayers Content

It is typical that a layer will have a hierarchy of child layers, its sublayers. These sublayers are rendered recursively, relative to the parent layer's geometry. The parent layer’s sublayerTransform is applied to each sublayer, relative to the parent layer’s anchor point.

Figure 4  Layer displaying the sublayers content

Layer displaying the sublayers content

By default, a layer’s sublayers are not clipped to the layer’s bounds and corner radius. The masksToBounds property can be set to true to clip the layer content to those values. The example layer’s maskToBounds property is false; notice that the sublayer displaying the monitor and test pattern is partially outside of its parent layer’s bounds.

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layer’s sublayers:

Border Attributes

A layer can display an optional border using a specified color and width. Figure 5 shows the example layer after applying a border.

Figure 5  Layer displaying the border attributes content

Layer displaying the border attributes content

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layer’s borders:

iPhone OS Note: As a performance consideration, iPhone OS does not support the borderColor and borderWidth properties. Drawing a border for layer content is the responsibility of the developer.

Filters Property

An array of Core Image filters can be applied to the layer. These filters affect the layer's border, content, and background. Figure 6 shows the example layer with the Core Image posterize filter applied.

Figure 6  Layer displaying the filters properties

Layer displaying the filters properties

The following CALayer property specifies a layers content filters:

iPhone OS Note: While the CALayer class in iPhone OS exposes the filters property, Core Image is not available. Currently the filters available for this property are undefined.

Shadow Properties

Optionally, a layer can display a shadow, specifying its opacity, color, offset, and blur radius. Figure 7 shows the example layer with a red shadow applied.

Figure 7  Layer displaying the shadow properties

Layer displaying the shadow properties

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layer’s shadow:

iPhone OS Note: As a performance consideration, iPhone OS does not support the shadowColor, shadowOffset, shadowOpacity, and shadowRadius properties.

Opacity Property

By setting the opacity of a layer, you can control the layer’s transparency. Figure 8 shows the example layer with an opacity of 0.5.

Figure 8  Layer including the opacity property

Layer including the opacity property

The following CALayer property specifies the opacity of a layer:

Composite Property

A layer’s compositing filter is used to combine the layer content with the layers behind it. By default, a layer is composited using source-over. Figure 9 shows the example layer with a compositing filter applied.

Figure 9  Layer composited using the compositingFilter property

Layer composited using the compositingFilter property

The following CALayer property specifies the composting filter for a layer:

iPhone OS Note: While the CALayer class in iPhone OS exposes the compositingFilter property, Core Image is not available. Currently the filters available for this property are undefined.

Mask Properties

Finally, you can specify a layer that will serve as a mask, further modifying how the rendered layer appears. The opacity of the mask layer determines masking when the layer is composited. Figure 10 shows the example layer composited with a mask layer.

Figure 10  Layer composited with the mask property

Layer composited with the mask property

The following CALayer property specifies the mask for a layer:

iPhone OS Note: As a performance consideration, iPhone OS does not support the mask property.

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