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Formatting and Syntax Coloring

Xcode provides a number of formatting and coloring options to help you keep your code well formed and readable. Syntax coloring makes it easy to understand the structure of your code by using different fonts or colors to identify different code elements, such as comments. With syntax-aware indenting, Xcode makes it simple to keep your code well-formed and neat by automatically indenting code and formatting it as appropriate for the current context. This chapter describes options for indenting code, matching parentheses, and using syntax coloring.

In this section:

Setting Syntax Coloring
Wrapping Lines
Indenting Code
Matching Parentheses, Braces, and Brackets

Setting Syntax Coloring

Xcode uses colors and fonts to distinguish among different types of code elements in a source code file. For example, you can display comments in green and keywords in boldface. Xcode maintains syntax coloring rules that specify a color and font for each code element you can customize. These rules apply to all languages for which Xcode supports syntax coloring.

Xcode supports syntax coloring for many different programming languages; to see the languages that it supports, use the Format > Syntax Coloring menu. Xcode uses a file’s type to determine how to interpret and color the contents of the file.

By default, syntax-coloring is enabled for all files that you open in Xcode’s editor. You can disable syntax-coloring, or customize the syntax-coloring rules, in the Fonts & Colors pane of Xcode Preferences. For more information on the Fonts & Colors preference pane, see “Fonts & Colors Preferences.” You can also enable or disable syntax-coloring for individual files open in an editor.

Controlling Syntax Coloring and Syntax Coloring Rules

To turn syntax coloring on and off for all files that you open, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Fonts & Colors, and use the Syntax Coloring option.

Note:  Syntax coloring must be enabled for the function pop-up menu to be available in the editor window.

To set the color for a particular type of code element, select the code element from the Syntax Coloring pop-up menu and change its color and font. For example, to change the color used for strings, select Strings from this pop-up menu and click the color well to bring up the color palette. You can customize syntax coloring rules for the code elements listed in Table 16-1.

Table 16-1  Syntax coloring rules

Syntax Coloring Rule

Specifies font and color for


Comments in source code, denoted by // or enclosed between ‘/*’ and ‘*/’ character pairs.

Documentation Comments

Text of documentation using HeaderDoc or JavaDoc style markup.

Documentation Comment Keywords

Keywords used to identify documentation using HeaderDoc or JavaDoc style markup.


String constants in source code.


Keywords in source code.


Character constants in source code.


Numeric constants in source code.


Preprocessor directives.

By default, all syntax-coloring rules use the same font—the font specified by the Editor Font option, described in “Setting Default Fonts and Colors”—but different colors. You can, however, have Xcode change both font and color based on the code element. To use other fonts for other types of code elements, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Fonts & Colors, and select the “Allow separate fonts” option. Unless this option is enabled, Xcode does not allow you to change the font for an individual syntax-coloring rule.

To change the font used for a particular code element, choose that code element from the Syntax Coloring pop-up menu and click Set Font to open the Fonts window.

Xcode uses the syntax coloring rules in the Fonts & Colors pane to determine how to display files in its editor. You can, however, have Xcode preserve syntax coloring when copying and pasting, or when printing text from a code editor. These options are available in the Fonts & Colors pane of Xcode Preferences. To have syntax coloring appear when you print a file, select the “Use colors when printing” option. Otherwise, if you have specified different fonts for any of the code elements, Xcode uses those when printing, but uses only a single color.

To choose whether to preserve colors and fonts when copying code from an editor, use the “Copy colors and fonts” option. When this option is enabled, as it is by default, Xcode preserves both font and color information when it copies text to the clipboard.

Controlling Syntax Coloring for a Single File

You can control syntax coloring for individual files using the Format > Syntax Coloring menu. This menu lets you turn syntax coloring on or off for a file in an editor window and set the type of syntax coloring used for that file. By default, Xcode uses the file type of the current file to determine how to color the file’s contents. However, you can specify that Xcode use syntax coloring appropriate for a particular language by choosing that language from the Format > Syntax Coloring menu.

To turn syntax coloring off for a file, choose Format > Syntax Coloring > None. To turn syntax coloring back on, using the type of the file to determine the appropriate syntax coloring, choose Format > Syntax Coloring > Default for file type.

Wrapping Lines

To keep all of your code visible in the editor, you can have Xcode wrap lines when they reach the right edge of a code editor. To turn on line wrapping for all files you open in Xcode, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and select “Wrap lines in editor.” Otherwise, Xcode does not move text to the next line until you insert a carriage return. To wrap lines for an individual file in an editor window, choose Format > Wrap Lines.

You can also have Xcode automatically indent wrapped lines, to visually distinguish them from other lines. Enter the number of spaces to indent lines by in the “Indent wrapped lines by” field.

Indenting Code

Xcode’s editor supports syntax-aware indenting to make it simple to author neat and readable code. When you use syntax-aware indenting, Xcode automatically indents and formats your code as you type; pressing Return or Tab moves the insertion point to the appropriate level by examining the syntax of the surrounding lines. You can also choose to indent code manually.

This section shows you how to configure syntax-aware indenting, how to manually format text in the editor, and how to control the format of tabs and automatic indentation.

Syntax-Aware Indenting

Xcode gives you a number of ways to control how it automatically formats your code. You can control which characters cause Xcode to indent a line, what happens when you press the Tab key, and how Xcode indents braces and comments.

Syntax-aware indenting is not enabled by default; to turn it on, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and select the “Syntax-aware indenting” option. For more information on the options available in the Indentation preferences pane, see “Indentation Preferences.”

Choosing What the Tab Key Does

When you use syntax-aware indenting, you usually press the Tab key to tell the editor to indent the text on the current line. But when you’re at the end of the line, you may want to insert a tab character before, say, you insert a comment. To choose the circumstances when pressing the Tab key reindents a line, open the Indentation pane of Xcode Preferences and use the “Tab indents” menu in the syntax-aware indenting options. You can choose the following options:

To insert a tab character regardless of this option’s setting, press Option-Tab. Similarly, to perform syntax-aware indenting, regardless of this option’s setting, press Control-I.

Choosing How to Indent Braces

You can have Xcode automatically indent braces to help you easily see the level of nesting in your code and keep your code readable. In addition, to help you keep braces balanced, you can opt to have Xcode automatically insert a closing brace when you type an opening brace.

To choose how much an opening brace is indented when it appears on a line by itself, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and use the “Indent solo ‘{’ by:” field. If this field is greater than 0, Xcode automatically indents opening braces to the level of the previous line plus the specified number of characters. By default, the value of this field is 0.

To choose whether to insert a closing brace automatically when you type an opening brace, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and use the “Automatically insert closing ‘}’” option.

Choosing Which Characters Reindent a Line

To choose which characters cause Xcode to a automatically indent a line whenever they’re typed, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and use the “Automatically indented characters” options.

Choosing How to Indent C++-Style Comments

You can choose how to indent C++-style (//) comments when they appear on lines by themselves. You cannot automatically indent C++-style comments that appear at the end of code lines.

To automatically indent C++-style comments that appear on lines by themselves, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and use the “Indent // comments” option.

To align consecutive C++-style comments that appear on lines by themselves, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Indentation, and use the “Align consecutive // comments” option.

Both these options are on by default when syntax-aware indenting is enabled.

Indenting Code Manually

If you choose not to use syntax-aware indenting, you must do any indentation and formatting manually. When syntax-aware indenting is disabled, pressing Tab inserts a tab and pressing Return inserts a carriage return and moves the cursor to the same level as the previous line. You can also indent a block of text to the left or right by selecting the text and choosing Format > Shift Left or Format > Shift Right.

When syntax-aware indenting is turned off, Xcode may still indent newly added lines to the level of the previous line when you press Return. To turn this off, add the Return key to the key-equivalents list of the Insert Newline action in Key Bindings preferences. For information on configuring key bindings for actions, see “Customizing Key Equivalents.”

Setting Tab and Indent Formats

Whether you indent a line manually, or rely on Xcode’s syntax-aware indenting, you can control the width of tabs and indents, as well as whether Xcode inserts Tab characters or spaces. You can specify default values for all files you open in Xcode, as well as customizing these settings for individual files.

Changing the Indent and Tab Width

You can set how many spaces to indent when the editor automatically indents or when you press the Tab key. To set the default indent or tab width for every file you open, open the Indentation pane of Xcode Preferences and change the “Tab width” or “Indent width” setting.

To override the default indent or tab width for one or more specific files, select the files in the Groups & Files list and open the inspector window. In the General pane, change the Indent Width or Tab Width setting.

If you change a file’s default indent or tab width, those settings are in effect for everyone who views that file.

Using Spaces Instead of Tabs

The editor can insert a series of spaces instead of a tab whenever it indents code or you press Tab. This ensures that your code looks the same on other computers no matter how wide their tabs are set. However, this means that changing the width of tabs won’t affect code you’ve already written.

To specify that the editor uses spaces instead of tabs, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Text Editing, and select “Insert ‘tabs’ instead of spaces” option. These options are saved in your own preferences but not in the file itself. When other people edit the file, their preferences for that file take effect.

You can also specify this setting on a per-file basis. To choose whether the editor uses tabs or spaces when editing a certain file, select the file in the Groups & Files list, open the inspector window, and select “Editor uses tabs.”

Matching Parentheses, Braces, and Brackets

Xcode provides a number of ways to help you match pairs of delimiters (parentheses, braces, and brackets). Xcode assists you in the following ways:

You can further control Xcode’s behavior when selecting text within a pair of enclosing delimiters in the Text Editing pane of Xcode Preferences. Use the following Editing Options:

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