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Mac OS X offers game developers state-of-the-art audio, 2D and 3D graphics, networking capabilities, and human interface features. With OpenGL, Quartz, Velocity Engine, and the Mac OS X development tools and frameworks, Apple provides developers with everything they need to build or port exciting and compelling games.

A guided introduction and learning path to developing games for Mac OS X.   C and Objective-C API references organized by framework.
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Context Sharing Tips (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1248: How to correctly share OpenGL contexts and what the limits on this sharing are.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2005-02-07
Using Interface Builder's NSOpenGLView or Custom View objects for an OpenGL application (HTML)
QA1167: Describes usage cases for both NSOpenGLViews and Custom Views for Cocoa OpenGL applications
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2004-10-28
How do I determine how much VRAM is available on my video card? (HTML)
QA1168: Using Core Graphics and IOKit to find the physical size of VRAM on installed hardware.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2004-10-11
Avoiding Pauses When Looping Audio files with QuickTime (HTML)
QA1371: Demonstrates how to avoid pauses when looping audio files with QuickTime
Audio Technical Q&As 2004-09-08
Updating OpenGL Contexts (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1209: When and why to update an OpenGL context in response to system and user actions.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2003-06-19
Is ColorSync thread safe? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1261: Discusses ColorSync thread-safety issues.
Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2003-04-17
Internet Connect Speed (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1165: Describes how to get the modem connection speed from the System Configuration framework dynamic store.
Networking Technical Q&As 2003-03-26
Accessing HTTPS Proxy Settings (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1234: Describes how to programatically access Secure Web Proxy information.
Networking Technical Q&As 2003-02-19
Using Clip Region and Buffer Rectangles with OpenGL Carbon (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1222: Shows the basics of using buffer rectangles and clip regions with AGL.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2002-12-19
How do I tell if a particular display is being hardware accelerated by Quartz Extreme? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1218: Describes how to use CGDisplayUsesOpenGLAcceleration to see if a display is accelerated or not.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2002-12-04
How can I programmatically determine the DPI of the current video mode? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1217: Describes how to compute the DPI for a given display in a given mode using Core Graphics.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2002-12-02
GetProcAdress and OpenGL Entry Points (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1188: Technique for finding function pointers for OpenGL entry points in Cocoa and Carbon
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2002-11-25
Preserving embedded ICC profiles when using QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporters (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1145: Shows how to preserve the embedded ICC profile when using the QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporter routines
Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2002-09-04
Current GDevice Dependencies (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1115: Describes potential problems with creating windows or ports when the current GDevice isn't the main device.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Porting Technical Q&As 2002-02-13
Setting environment variables for user processes (HTML)
QA1067: Tells how to set environment variables for user processes.
Porting Technical Q&As 2001-10-25
Carbon Full Screen Conundrums (HTML)
QA1068: Describes the available Mac OS X DrawSprocket services.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2001-08-20
HID Manager Event Data Underruns (HTML)
QA1038: Explains how to correctly handle HID Manager event queue data underruns.
Human Interface Device & Force Feedback, Performance Technical Q&As 2001-06-13
How do I use QuickDraw with CGDirectDisplay? (HTML)
QA1011: Explains how to draw to a CGDirectDisplay-captured display using QuickDraw.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2001-04-11
QDFlushPortBuffer (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QD65: Describes a possible solution for window update problems under Carbon.
Graphics & Imaging, Porting Technical Q&As 2000-11-08
Open Transport Libraries (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
NW18: Lists the Open Transport libraries and what to link with for PowerPC and 68K.
Carbon Technical Q&As 2000-11-03
TCP/IP Option Sizes (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
NW62: Enumerates the TCP/IP options and their sizes for Open Transport.
Carbon, Networking Technical Q&As 1999-04-26
OTScheduleDeferredTask When Task Running (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
NW52: Describes what happens when you use OTScheduleDefferedTask to schedule a task that is running.
Performance Technical Q&As 1997-10-13
Changing the TCP Window Size (HTML)
NW47: Describes how to change the TCP window size in Open Transport.
Carbon, Cocoa, Networking, Performance, Porting Technical Q&As 1997-03-14
T_DATA_REQ vs M_DATA TPI Message Blocks (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
NW42: Explains why OT passes data to a TPI module using M_DATA message blocks instead of M_PROTO+T_DATA_REQ.
Networking Technical Q&As 1996-10-25
Using Temporary Memory with OpenPicture (HTML)
Deprecated - QD20: Provides several techniques of causing OpenPicture to allocate temporary memory for a picture handle.
Carbon Technical Q&As 1996-02-01
Incorrect Inside Macintosh Volume V documentation (HTML)
Deprecated - QD15: Identifies incorrect documentation in Inside Macintosh Volume V regarding the formats of PnPixPat and BkPixPat opcodes.
Carbon Technical Q&As 1995-09-15