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Leopard Reference Library
QuickTime applications can run on Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. QuickTime content plays on Mac and Windows computers and on many handheld devices. Content can be served by progressive download from any web server or as real-time streams from streaming servers on all major operating systems. QuickTime supports dozens of file and compression formats for images, video, and audio.

A guided introduction and learning path for developers new to QuickTime.   Essential information for developers using QuickTime.   API references organized by framework.
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DesktopSprites (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to use the QuickTime Sprite Toolbox APIs to create and animate sprites in a window.
Wired Movies and Sprites Sample Code 2003-02-25
DesktopSprites.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to use the QuickTime Sprite Toolbox APIs to create and animate sprites in a window.
QuickTime for Windows, Wired Movies and Sprites Sample Code 2003-02-25
Determining QuickDrawVideo Media Pixel Depth (HTML)
QTMTB17: Demonstrates how to retrieve the pixel depth of a QuickTime video media or movie.
Media Types & Media Handlers, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
Determining required components for QuickTime movies (HTML)
QA1093: Shows how to determine if a given QuickTime movie requires a component that's not currently installed on the system.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2001-11-07
Developing a QuickTime Musical Instrument (HTML)
Deprecated - QTMA05: Explains resolving the lack of QuickTime 2.0 API support for creating new music components.
Audio Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
Difference between using Restart or Shut Down in the Finder's Special menu in Open Firmware (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
HW47: Explains the differences between using Restart or Shut Down on Open Firmware
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 1999-02-15
DigitizerShell (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Simple sequence grabber and vdig test bed for testing vdig and digitizer functionality.
Movie Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
Dimmer2Effect (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to build a custom 2 source effect component for QuickTime.
Video Effects & Transitions Sample Code 2003-02-25
Dimmer2Effect.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to build a custom 2 source effect component for QuickTime.
Video Effects & Transitions Sample Code 2003-02-25
Disabling QuickTime Error Dialogs When Opening or Tasking a Movie (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1164: How to disable QuickTime error dialogs which may be presented when opening or tasking a movie.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2003-03-20
DragAndDrop Shell (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Drag and Drop shell for producing QuickTime drag and drop tools.
Movie Basics Sample Code 2003-01-14
DrawTextCodec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
This is a QuickTime codec for compressing black and white pictures into the glyphs of a font.
QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
DropDraw (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates automatic ColorSync color-matching when drawing with QuickTime graphics importers in Panther
Import & Export Sample Code 2005-08-01
DukeMovie (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates playback of any QuickTime content within a java.awt display space using a QTComponent.
Java Sample Code 2006-05-11
DV Codec settings and performance (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1149: Discusses the difference between compression quality, decompression quality, and performance with the DV codec.
Compression & Decompression, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2004-01-20
Dynamically registering a bundled component (HTML)
QA1083: Describes how to dynamically register a Component which resides in an Application bundle.
Carbon, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2004-06-07
Efficiently using Quartz Composer compositions with QuickTime (HTML)
TN2145: Describes how to best use Quartz Composer compositions in a QuickTime environment.
Graphics & Imaging, Import & Export Technical Notes 2005-07-05
ElectricImageComponent (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to build five QuickTime Components.
Import & Export, QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2005-09-21
ElectricImageComponent.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to build five QuickTime Components.
Import & Export, QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2004-01-23
Endian Concerns When Playing 'snd ' Resources (HTML)
QTW97: Use the Resource Manager to avoid byte-swapping 'snd ' resources before playing under Windows
QuickTime for Windows Technical Q&As 1999-11-08
ExampleCodec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example of am image compression codec that handles both compression and decompression of images.
QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
ExampleIPBCodec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A video compressor and decompressor component pair for QuickTime 7. Supports IPB frame patterns.
Compression & Decompression, QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2005-08-16
ExampleVideoPanel (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example Sequence Grabber Video Panel Component.
Movie Creation, QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
ExampleVideoPanel.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example Sequence Grabber Video Panel Component.
Movie Creation, QuickTime Component Creation, QuickTime for Windows Sample Code 2003-01-14
Exporting Movies for iPod, Apple TV and iPhone (HTML)
TN2188: Discusses the use of the iPod, Apple TV and iPhone QuickTime export components.
Import & Export Technical Notes 2009-04-30
Exporting TIFF files in little-endian format (HTML)
QA1044: Explains how to export a TIFF file in little-endian format.
Import & Export Technical Q&As 2001-06-26
Extracting DV Fields using QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1017: Describes using QTNewGWorldFromPtr to access individual fields contained within a frame of DV source.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2001-03-20
ExtractMovieAudioToAIFF (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to extract audio from QuickTime Movies and write the data to an AIFF file.
Audio, Cocoa Sample Code 2006-03-31
FastDitherUsingQT (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how you can use QuickTime to get faster dithering.
Carbon, Compression & Decompression Sample Code 2003-02-25
Fiendishthngs (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Fiendishthngs lists all the the Components it finds on the system and lets you query them for information.
Cocoa, Movie Basics, QuickTime Component Creation Sample Code 2007-09-13
Fill in the size field before calling ICMGetPixelFormatInfo (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2057: Discusses why you should always fill in the size field of the ICMPixelFormatInfo structure before calling ICMGetPixelFormatInfo.
Compression & Decompression Technical Notes 2002-07-17
Filtering QuickTime media types in Navigation Services (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1274: Describes how to filter QuickTime media types in a Navigation Services filter procedure.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2003-07-23
Filtering the Effects List returned by QTGetEffectsList (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1190: Shows how to edit the list of effects returned by the QTGetEffectsList function.
Movie Basics, QuickTime Component Creation, Video Effects & Transitions Technical Q&As 2002-09-04
Final Cut Pro - Preferred Video Media Time Scales and Sample Durations (HTML)
QA1447: Lists the preferred time scales/sample durations for media created for use with FCP.
Movie Creation Technical Q&As 2005-10-24
Final Cut Pro - The 'r4fl' Pixel Format (HTML)
TN2201: Describes the 'r4fl' pixel format used by Final Cut Pro to support greater than 8-bit rendering.
Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Notes 2008-08-06
Full Screen changes in QuickTime 6.1 and 6.3 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2068: Changes made to the QuickTime Full Screen API with the release of QuickTime6.1 and QuickTime6.3
Design Guidelines, Video Effects & Transitions Technical Notes 2003-06-19
FullScreen (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to use BeginFullScreen and EndFullScreen to enter and exit full-screen mode.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-01-14
Functions that Modify Movie Properties, QuickTime Track, and Movie Sound Volume (HTML)
QTMTB39: Explains movie volume values, and how to exceed the maximum level using Sound Manager 3.0.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
GDGetScale (HTML)
Deprecated - QTICM04: Describes the function call GDGetScale, its parameters, and errors it may encounter.
Compression & Decompression Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
GDHasScale (HTML)
Deprecated - QTICM03: Describes the function GDHasScale; lists what it returns, its main purpose, parameters, and possible errors.
Compression & Decompression Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
GDSetScale (HTML)
Deprecated - QTICM05: Describes the function GDSetScale, its parameters, and the errors it may encounter.
Compression & Decompression Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
GetDIBFromPict fails with QuickTime "Minimum" installation (HTML)
QA1294: Demonstrates how to check for any available QuickTime components required by individual QuickTime functions.
Movie Basics, QuickTime for Windows Technical Q&As 2004-09-28
Getting a Packet Trace (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1176: Lists tools available for looking at the network packets on the wire.
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2008-06-03
Getting Up to Speed with QuickTime VR: Notes from the Field (HTML)
TN1029: Understanding QuickTime VR: available tools and what a multimedia developer may be interested in.
Virtual Reality Technical Notes 2000-08-14
Graphic Import-Export (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to Draw, Scale, Rotate and Export images using QuickTime Graphics Importers and Exporters.
Import & Export Sample Code 2003-01-14
graphicimporter.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates ways of using QuickTime graphics importers.
Import & Export, QuickTime for Windows Sample Code 2003-01-14
Graphics Exporters - Creating 16-bit-per-channel image files (HTML)
QA1354: Discusses how to use QuickTime Graphics Exporters to create 16-bit-per-channel image files.
Graphics & Imaging, Import & Export Technical Q&As 2004-06-03
Graphics Importer -8970 errors & TIFF Support (HTML)
QTMCC18: Discusses the -8970 error when using graphics importers with certain TIFF files.
Compression & Decompression, Import & Export Technical Q&As 2000-11-29
Graphics Importers and image files containing multiple layers (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1148: Describes how to get the natural bounds of layers contained in a multi-layered image file.
Import & Export Technical Q&As 2002-06-18
GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect resets your Matrix (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1144: Discusses how calling GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect will reset a graphics importers matrix.
Compression & Decompression, Import & Export Technical Q&As 2002-05-29
GreyscaleEffectSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to build a custom single source effect component for QuickTime.
Video Effects & Transitions Sample Code 2003-02-25
GroupDrawing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Groups QuickTime drawing-capable objects into the display space of a single QTCanvas.
Java Sample Code 2003-01-14
hacktv (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates how to use use the Sequence Grabber APIs to capture video and create QuickTime Movies.
Movie Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
HackTV Carbon (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
HackTV Carbon shows how to use the sequence grabber to preview and record QuickTime movie files.
Carbon, Hardware & Drivers, Movie Creation Sample Code 2007-11-16
hacktv.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates how to use use the Sequence Grabber APIs to capture video and create QuickTime Movies.
Movie Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
Handling of Update Events While a Movie Plays (HTML)
Deprecated - QTMTB45: Describes timing issues that can be caused by applications calling WaitNextEvent while playing a QuickTime movie.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 1995-09-15
How can I find out what non-RGB pixel formats a codec supports? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1249: Applications can find out if a codec supports non-RGB pixel formats.
Compression & Decompression, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2008-04-24
How can I verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1243: Techniques to verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld.
Compression & Decompression, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2003-03-05
How can I work with MPEG-2 media using QuickTime? (HTML)
QA1540: How to work with MPEG-2 media using QuickTime.
Import & Export, Media Types & Media Handlers, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2007-08-29
How do I count the frames in an MPEG movie? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB54: Talks about using the QuickTime Movie Toolbox function GetMovieNextInterestingTime with MPEG media tracks.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2003-05-02
How do I create a QuickTime movie from PCM audio samples in memory? (HTML)
QA1539: How to create a QuickTime movie from PCM audio samples in memory
Audio Technical Q&As 2007-08-29
How do I decompress individual frames into an offscreen? (HTML)
QTMTB57: Describes methods for decompressing individual frames of a video track into an offscreen memory buffer.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2000-04-24
How to Compute Data Rate for QuickTime Movies (HTML)
QTMTB46: Describes two methods of measuring the rate of samples for Quicktime movies.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 1995-09-15
How to get a native QuickTime movie object from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control (HTML)
QA1594: Describes how to get a native QuickTime movie object from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control
QuickTime for Windows Technical Q&As 2008-03-27
How to Get the First Video Frame (HTML)
QTMCC01: Describes how to get the first frame of a movie using GetMovieNextInterestingTime.
Movie Basics Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
How to play a sequence of movies in a Web page (HTML)
QA1593: How to have the QuickTime plug-in play a sequence of movies, one after the other, in a Web page
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2008-08-08
How to Tell Whether a Picture is QuickTime-Compressed (HTML)
QTICM02: Details how to determine whether a picture's QuickTime-compressed, contains QuickTime-compressed images, and type of compression used.
Compression & Decompression Technical Q&As 1995-05-01
How to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing (HTML)
QA1417: Describes how to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing to initialize the view in QuickTime 7
Carbon Technical Q&As 2008-03-11
HTML Scripting Guide for QuickTime (HTML) (PDF)
Defines the HTML tags and parameters used to communicate with the QuickTime browser plug-in, ActiveX control, and QuickTime Player.
Internet & Web, Scripting & Automation Guides 2008-10-15
HTML Video With CSS Effects and Custom Video Controls (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
HTML5 video element example that uses CSS effects and custom video controls.
Internet & Web Sample Code 2008-08-06
ICM Drawing non-scheduled frames with QuickTime 6 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2060: Changes to how the Image Compression Manager draws non-scheduled frames in QuickTime 6 on Mac OS X.
Compression & Decompression Technical Notes 2002-08-21
Idling Movie Importers (HTML)
TN2111: discusses how to write an idling movie importer component
Import & Export, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Notes 2004-11-12
Image Codec Reference for QuickTime (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for QuickTime image codecs.
Compression & Decompression Reference 2006-05-23
Image Compression Dialog Options (HTML)
QTICM14: Describes how to display an extra Options button in the normal Image Compression dialog.
Compression & Decompression Technical Q&As 1995-08-01
Image Compression Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for QuickTime image compression.
Compression & Decompression Reference 2006-05-23
Image Decompressor Data-loading Procs (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC19: Explains how to use an image decompressor's data-loading proc.
Compression & Decompression, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2003-07-10
ImageCompositing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Applies compositing effects such as blend and transparency. Also records a Movie using the Compositor.
Java Sample Code 2003-01-14
ImageDescription Extension Format (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC04: Gives a reference for information on image description extensions.
QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 1996-11-27
ImageFile (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to use GraphicsImporter to import and display a wide range of image file formats.
Java Sample Code 2006-06-28
ImageProducing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to display any QuickTime drawing object using Java's ImageProducing model.
Java Sample Code 2006-05-05
Implementing a CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack (HTML)
QA1440: Discusses how you implement a Core Video custom extended pixel fill callback function.
Carbon, Compression & Decompression, Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2005-09-06
Import and Export Reference for QuickTime (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for QuickTime graphics importing and exporting.
Import & Export Reference 2006-05-23
Importer Components - What is the 'mcfg' resource used for? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1267: Discusses the Media Configuration 'mcfg' resource which lists Importer Component file type characteristics and its use.
QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2005-10-17
ImportExport (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates both importing and referencing a media file and performing a movie export with customisable settings.
Java Sample Code 2006-05-11
ImportExportMovie (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to import files into QuickTime movies and export movie data.
Import & Export Sample Code 2003-01-14
Importing animated GIFs (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2018: Describes how to tell if a GIF file or dataref contains more than one frame.
Graphics & Imaging, Import & Export Technical Notes 2001-04-17
Importing image data from memory (HTML)
QTMTB56: Explains using the graphics importer API's to read image data which resides in memory.
Import & Export, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2000-04-03
Importing Sys 7 Snds (HTML)
QTMCC16: Describes how to import System 7 sound files using QuickTime.
Import & Export Technical Q&As 2000-09-22
ImproveYourImage (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of QuickTime Graphics Importers and Exporters.
Import & Export Sample Code 2005-08-24
Improving Windows Screen Updating with QuickTime for Windows Double-Buffering Feature (HTML)
TN2153: QuickTime 6.4 includes a facility to improve screen updating for Windows applications
QuickTime for Windows Technical Notes 2005-10-18
Incorrect Inside Macintosh Volume V documentation (HTML)
Deprecated - QD15: Identifies incorrect documentation in Inside Macintosh Volume V regarding the formats of PnPixPat and BkPixPat opcodes.
Carbon Technical Q&As 1995-09-15
Inside Mac ICM Code (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of the QuickTime Image Compression Manager.
Compression & Decompression Sample Code 2003-01-14
Inside Mac Movie TB Code (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Macintosh Movie Toolbox sample code.
Movie Basics, Movie Creation Sample Code 2003-01-14
Integrating the QuickTime for Windows 7.0.3 Installer into your Application Installer (HTML)
QA1463: Describes new behavior for the QuickTime for Windows 7.0.3 Installer
QuickTime for Windows Technical Q&As 2006-02-07
Interactive Movies (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to construct interactive movies using QuickTime wired sprites and sprite animation.
Internet & Web, QuickTime Media Skins, Wired Movies and Sprites Guides 2002-10-01
Intercepting movie controller actions (HTML)
QA1094: Demonstrates how to intercept movie controller actions.
Movie Basics, QuickTime Component Creation Technical Q&As 2001-11-14
Intercepting QuickTime Wired Actions (HTML)
QA1095: Demonstrates how to intercept wired actions in a movie controller action filter function.
Movie Basics, Wired Movies and Sprites Technical Q&As 2001-11-14
IOKit Framework Headers (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1107: Describes the differences between the headers in IOKit.framework and the I/O Kit headers in Kernel.framework.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2002-01-15
Is ColorSync thread safe? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1261: Discusses ColorSync thread-safety issues.
Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2003-04-17
Is QuickTime thread-safe? (HTML)
QA1088: Discusses thread-safety and reentrancy of the QuickTime library on both Mac & Windows.
Design Guidelines, Movie Basics Technical Q&As 2006-02-14