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Leopard Technical Q&As
QuickTime applications can run on Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. QuickTime content plays on Mac and Windows computers and on many handheld devices. Content can be served by progressive download from any web server or as real-time streams from streaming servers on all major operating systems. QuickTime supports dozens of file and compression formats for images, video, and audio.

A guided introduction and learning path for developers new to QuickTime.   Essential information for developers using QuickTime.   API references organized by framework.
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Is ColorSync thread safe? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1261: Discusses ColorSync thread-safety issues.
Graphics & Imaging 2003-04-17
Disabling QuickTime Error Dialogs When Opening or Tasking a Movie (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1164: How to disable QuickTime error dialogs which may be presented when opening or tasking a movie.
Movie Basics 2003-03-20
QuickTime Error -2127 qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr Explained (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1244: QuickTime qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr error code (-2127) occurs when the user's Connection Speed preference setting is too slow.
Transport & Delivery 2003-03-20
Using cmpWantsRegisterMessage not recommended on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1192: Describes why using the cmpWantsRegisterMessage flag is not recommended on Mac OS X.
QuickTime Component Creation 2003-03-11
How can I verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1243: Techniques to verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld.
Compression & Decompression, Movie Basics 2003-03-05
Viewing multi-page PDF files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1247: How to draw each page of a multi-page PDF document using the QuickTime movie importers.
Import & Export 2003-03-05
Movie Export Components - Supporting a MovieProgressProc (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1230: Explains the steps needed to support a movie progress proc in a movie export component.
QuickTime Component Creation 2003-01-31
Why does my identity matrix look strange? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1227: Discusses the MatrixRecord structure and QuadToQuadMatrix function.
Graphics & Imaging, Movie Basics 2003-01-15
Using QTSetAtomData (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1231: Explains what QTSetAtomData does with the data passed into it.
Carbon, Movie Basics 2003-01-14
Video Output Components - QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1226: Discusses the QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor call.
QuickTime Component Creation 2003-01-03
Video Output Components - Implementing QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1206: Describes how to support the QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput function in Mac OS X.
QuickTime Component Creation 2002-10-29
Setting Sequence Grabber Sound Input Device Driver Parameters (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1204: Setting sound input device driver parameters for QuickTime sequence grabber audio channels.
Audio, Movie Basics, Movie Creation 2002-10-25
Filtering the Effects List returned by QTGetEffectsList (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1190: Shows how to edit the list of effects returned by the QTGetEffectsList function.
Movie Basics, QuickTime Component Creation, Video Effects & Transitions 2002-09-04
Preserving embedded ICC profiles when using QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporters (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1145: Shows how to preserve the embedded ICC profile when using the QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporter routines
Graphics & Imaging, Import & Export 2002-09-04
Saving playback hints in a Movie (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1194: Demonstrates how to use the SetTrackLoadSettings function to save the hintsHighQuality playback hint in a movie.
Movie Basics 2002-09-04
Using Navigation Services to filter QuickTime files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1152: Using the CanQuickTimeOpenFile function in a Navigation Services filter to display files that QuickTime can open.
Movie Basics 2002-07-15
Base-Derived async image codecs must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1157: Describes why base-derived codecs that set canAsync must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping.
Carbon, Compression & Decompression, QuickTime Component Creation 2002-07-09
Graphics Importers and image files containing multiple layers (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1148: Describes how to get the natural bounds of layers contained in a multi-layered image file.
Import & Export 2002-06-18
Movie Drawing Complete Procedure with C++ (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1150: Demonstrates a static class method which can be used as a QuickTime movie drawing complete callback.
Movie Basics 2002-06-18
Programmatic configuration of a Movie Export Component (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1147: Demonstrates how to programmatically configure a movie export component without showing the Movie Export dialog.
Import & Export, Movie Basics 2002-06-18
GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect resets your Matrix (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1144: Discusses how calling GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect will reset a graphics importers matrix.
Compression & Decompression, Import & Export 2002-05-29
Using QuickTime to access MP3 ID3 Tags (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1135: Demonstrates how to extract User Data from QuickTime Movies.
Movie Basics 2002-04-11
QuickTime for Windows resource files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1132: Describes resource file extensions supported by QuickTime for Windows.
QuickTime for Windows 2002-04-08
Using the QuickTime for Java libraries on OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1058: Where to locate the QTJava.zip file for inclusion in your java/javac classpath.
Java 2002-04-08
spatialQuality Values with Lossy Compression (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1126: Describes how the spatialQuality value reflects the setting of lossy compressed images like JPEG.
Compression & Decompression 2002-03-12
48 bit & 64 bit Pixel Format support in QuickTime (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1114: Discusses QuickTime's support for pixel formats with more than 8 bits per channel.
Compression & Decompression 2002-02-07
couldNotResolveDataRef (-2000) returned from DataHSetDataRef and OpenADataHandler (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1116: Describes why DataHSetDataRef and OpenADataHandler may return a couldNotResolveDataRef error in the writing case.
QuickTime Component Creation 2002-02-07
QTML, c2pstr and Pascal strings (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1112: Describes how to avoid headaches when dealing with Pascal to C string conversion with QTML.
QuickTime for Windows 2002-01-21
QuickTime Media Editing (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1110: Explains the term "Media" as used in QuickTime and how it relates to media editing APIs.
Movie Basics 2002-01-16
The similarity field in ImageCodecBandCompress and Key Frames (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1109: Discusses the similarity field of the CodecCompressParams structure used in ImageCodecBandCompress to implement key framing during compression.
QuickTime Component Creation 2002-01-16
IOKit Framework Headers (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1107: Describes the differences between the headers in IOKit.framework and the I/O Kit headers in Kernel.framework.
Hardware & Drivers 2002-01-15
Unwanted Audio with DV Capture (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1105: Explains why audio is captured from a DV source even though you may not want to.
Movie Creation 2002-01-14
Intercepting movie controller actions (HTML)
QA1094: Demonstrates how to intercept movie controller actions.
Movie Basics, QuickTime Component Creation 2001-11-14
Intercepting QuickTime Wired Actions (HTML)
QA1095: Demonstrates how to intercept wired actions in a movie controller action filter function.
Movie Basics, Wired Movies and Sprites 2001-11-14
Determining required components for QuickTime movies (HTML)
QA1093: Shows how to determine if a given QuickTime movie requires a component that's not currently installed on the system.
Movie Basics 2001-11-07
Quality of QuickTime video effects (HTML)
QA1089: Describes some of the factors affecting QuickTime video effects quality.
Compression & Decompression, Video Effects & Transitions 2001-10-26
QuickTime and Carbon Events (HTML)
QA1090: Discusses how to ensure smooth movie playback when using Carbon Events in an application.
Design Guidelines, Movie Basics 2001-10-26
QuickTime Supported YUV Pixel Formats (HTML)
QA1060: Describes which YUV pixel formats are supported by QuickTime.
Carbon, Compression & Decompression, QuickTime Component Creation 2001-07-19
Exporting TIFF files in little-endian format (HTML)
QA1044: Explains how to export a TIFF file in little-endian format.
Import & Export 2001-06-26
Using SetMovieGWorld to draw to the window back buffer (HTML)
QA1043: Explains how to draw into the back buffer with SetMovieGWorld.
Movie Basics 2001-06-26
Creating Sub GWorlds using QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1014: Using QTNewGWorldFromPtr to create sub GWorlds which reference the pixel data of other GWorlds.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging 2001-03-20
Extracting DV Fields using QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1017: Describes using QTNewGWorldFromPtr to access individual fields contained within a frame of DV source.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Movie Basics 2001-03-20
LockPixels and DisposeGWorld with QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1007: Clarifies some issues surrounding pointer ownership when creating GWorlds with QTNewGWorldFromPtr
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging 2001-02-26
Keyframes and AddMediaSample (HTML)
QTMCC20: Describes setting flags correctly for AddMediaSample to mark keyframes and difference frames.
Compression & Decompression, Movie Creation 2000-12-01
Graphics Importer -8970 errors & TIFF Support (HTML)
QTMCC18: Discusses the -8970 error when using graphics importers with certain TIFF files.
Compression & Decompression, Import & Export 2000-11-29
Preview image quality of DV capture (HTML)
QTMCC12: Describes how to get full resolution preview image quality when capturing DV.
Movie Creation 2000-10-25
Component Definitions (HTML)
QTMCC14: Discusses the differences between components, component instances, component storage, and component RefCons.
QuickTime Component Creation 2000-09-22
Decompressing MP3 (HTML)
QTMCC15: Discusses decompressing an MP3 file into a buffer using SoundConverter APIs.
Import & Export 2000-09-22
Importing Sys 7 Snds (HTML)
QTMCC16: Describes how to import System 7 sound files using QuickTime.
Import & Export 2000-09-22
Track Editing (HTML)
QTMCC17: Discusses different APIs used to edit tracks in QuickTime movies.
Movie Basics 2000-09-22
Batch Exporting movie sound tracks with ConvertMovieToFile() (HTML)
QTMTB62: Explains how to configure ConvertMovieToFile to use the same configuration information for more than one call.
Audio, Movie Basics 2000-09-05
BeginMediaEdits -2050 badDataRefIndex error after calling NewMovie (HTML)
QTMTB58: Describes reasons why BeginMediaEdits would return the -2050 badDataRefIndex error code during a media-editing session.
Movie Basics 2000-09-05
Creating track references when editing movies (HTML)
QTMTB61: Explains how to use the InsertTrackSegment function to copy a track reference rather than the actual media.
Movie Basics, Movie Internals 2000-09-05
QuickTime .qtx/.qtr/.qt/.mov files defined (HTML)
QTW99: Definitions for the QuickTime for Windows .qtx/.qtr/.qt/.mov files.
QuickTime for Windows 2000-09-05
Saving changes to modified movies (HTML)
QTMTB60: Describes how to ensure any changes made to a movie are saved.
Movie Basics 2000-09-05
Using MovieExportSetSampleDescription to specify the format of exported data (HTML)
QTMTB59: Describes using the ConvertMovieToFile routine to export a WAV audio-only movie to an AIFF file using a specific compressor.
Audio, Import & Export, Movie Basics 2000-09-05
Using Windows GDI for all drawing (HTML)
QTW98: Using the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) for all drawing under QuickTime for Windows.
QuickTime for Windows 2000-09-05
How do I decompress individual frames into an offscreen? (HTML)
QTMTB57: Describes methods for decompressing individual frames of a video track into an offscreen memory buffer.
Movie Basics 2000-04-24
Importing image data from memory (HTML)
QTMTB56: Explains using the graphics importer API's to read image data which resides in memory.
Import & Export, Movie Basics 2000-04-03
Legacy Devices (HTML)
HW84: Discusses why legacy devices with hard-wired I/O addresses may not work properly with Open Firmware.
Hardware & Drivers 2000-03-20
Setting Export Quality (HTML)
QTMCC13: Demonstrates how to change the compression factor when exporting a JPEG file.
Import & Export 1999-12-06
When to use PCMCIA, PC Card, and CardBus (HTML)
HW77: Explains the differences between PCMCIA, PC Card, and CardBus.
Hardware & Drivers 1999-11-15
Endian Concerns When Playing 'snd ' Resources (HTML)
QTW97: Use the Resource Manager to avoid byte-swapping 'snd ' resources before playing under Windows
QuickTime for Windows 1999-11-08
QuickTime DirectDraw Surfaces (HTML)
QTW96: How to make QuickTime 4 for Windows draw onto a surface using your custom DirectDraw object.
QuickTime for Windows 1999-11-01
SGSetSettings unexpected results (HTML)
QTMTB55: Explains why subsequent calls to the SGSetSettings can fail after the first call to SGSetSettings completed successfully.
Movie Basics, Movie Creation 1999-10-11
Setting the movie background color (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB53: Describes how to apply a background color to an entire movie.
Movie Basics 1999-08-16
Playing memory-resident WAVE data using QuickTime 4 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB52: Explains how to play memory-resident WAVE data in QuickTime 4 or later.
Audio, Import & Export, Movie Basics 1999-07-21
ConvertMovieToFile unexpected results (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB51: Explains why white frames can occur in a movie that was saved using ConvertMovieToFile.
Import & Export, Movie Basics 1999-06-14
Difference between using Restart or Shut Down in the Finder's Special menu in Open Firmware (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
HW47: Explains the differences between using Restart or Shut Down on Open Firmware
Hardware & Drivers 1999-02-15
Playing QuickTime 3 Movie Sound Data (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB50: Explains why a movie's sound data can continue to play longer than video data.
Audio, Movie Basics, QuickTime for Windows 1998-11-09
Decompressing IMA WAVE files (HTML)
QTMCC11: Describes how to use the Sound Manager to decompress and play Window's Microsoft ADPCM-compressed WAVE files.
Import & Export 1998-10-19
Calling InitializeQTML from DLL Main (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW89: Don't do anything significant in your QuickTime 3 for Windows DLL Main procedure.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
Checking For Presence of QuickTime 3 for Windows (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW88: Programatically checking for the presence of QuickTime 3 for Windows.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
CreatePortAssociation And WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Message (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW91: Activating your custom palette under QuickTime 3 for Windows by calling NSetPalette and ActivatePalette.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
MSVC++ link error LNK4098 When Building QuickTime 3 for Windows Apps (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW94: Avoid MSVC++ link error LNK4098 when building QuickTime 3 for Windows applications.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
Using Mac Toolbox routines Under Windows 98/95/NT (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW87: Some Macintosh Toolbox functions are available with QuickTime 3 for Windows.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
Using Mac-style Resources (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTW86: Using Mac-style resources in a Windows 98/95/NT or DLL using QuickTime 3 for Windows FSpOpenResFile function.
QuickTime for Windows 1998-09-21
What is SetMovieDefaultDataRef? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB48: Describes the routine SetMovieDefaultDataRef and includes sample code showing how to use it.
Movie Basics 1997-03-14
Saving QuickTime Movie Files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB47: Explains a few complications one might face in creating and saving QuickTime movie files.
Movie Basics 1997-01-31
ImageDescription Extension Format (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC04: Gives a reference for information on image description extensions.
QuickTime Component Creation 1996-11-27
QuickTime Preview Behavior (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC10: Describes the expected behavior of the create/update preview button in the SFPGetFilePreview dialog.
QuickTime for Windows 1996-11-27
Derived Media Handler Components Update (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC08: Gives practical limits for data transfer rates under QuickTime 2.5.
QuickTime Component Creation 1996-08-21
Movie Import Component Selectors (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC09: Explains why there is no documentation on the movie import API selectors: kMovieImportGetFileTypeSelect and kMovieImportDataRefSelect.
QuickTime Component Creation 1996-08-21
QuickTime Music Architecture Header Update (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMA06: Explains missing and changed items in QuickTime 2.5.
Audio 1996-08-21
Linked Movies with Different Color Palettes (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMRF07: Explains why a QuickTime movie shouldn't contain subMovies that have different color palettes.
Movie Internals 1996-02-15
Handling of Update Events While a Movie Plays (HTML)
Deprecated - QTMTB45: Describes timing issues that can be caused by applications calling WaitNextEvent while playing a QuickTime movie.
Movie Basics 1995-09-15
How to Compute Data Rate for QuickTime Movies (HTML)
QTMTB46: Describes two methods of measuring the rate of samples for Quicktime movies.
Movie Basics 1995-09-15
Incorrect Inside Macintosh Volume V documentation (HTML)
Deprecated - QD15: Identifies incorrect documentation in Inside Macintosh Volume V regarding the formats of PnPixPat and BkPixPat opcodes.
Carbon 1995-09-15
Compressed and Uncompressed Samples in the Same Track (HTML)
QTMTB43: Recommends not to mix compressed and uncompressed data samples into the same sound track.
Movie Basics 1995-08-01
Correction to SetMediaDataRef, short, not pointer (HTML)
QTMTB44: Makes a correction to the description of SetMediaDataRef in the QT2.0 CD.
Media Types & Media Handlers, Movie Basics 1995-08-01
Creating Sample Descriptor Atoms for a Non-Mac Device (HTML)
QTPC06: Lists a reference for information on QuickTime atoms and their formats.
Design Guidelines 1995-08-01
Image Compression Dialog Options (HTML)
QTICM14: Describes how to display an extra Options button in the normal Image Compression dialog.
Compression & Decompression 1995-08-01
MPEG Compression in QuickTime (HTML)
QTICM16: Describes extracting information from an MPEG movie file and placing it in a specific MPEG track.
Movie Creation 1995-08-01
Specifying Chunk Sizes (HTML)
QTPC08: Discusses the meaning of a QuickTime movie atom's chunk value.
Design Guidelines, Movie Internals 1995-08-01
Setting the option button in the ICM dialog (HTML)
QTMCC02: Describes how your codec can display an extra Options button in the Standard Compression dialog.
QuickTime Component Creation 1995-06-01
Accessing Decompressed Images (HTML)
QTMTB27: Demonstrates the use of a transfer procedure to access a decompressed image and manipulate it prior to display.
Movie Basics 1995-05-01
Adding QuickTime Movie Data to Non-QuickTime Files (HTML)
QTMTB31: Describes how to embed QuickTime movies into files, and play back on Windows or Mac.
Movie Basics 1995-05-01
Choosing the Position Where a Movie is Pasted (HTML)
QTMTB26: Explains how the position of a pasted movie is determined and shows how to force a given location.
Movie Basics, Movie Internals 1995-05-01
CompressSequenceBegin & Ethernet in QuickTime (HTML)
QTICM13: Describes resolving an issue with missing ImageDescription when sending compressed images over Ethernet using CompressSequenceBegin.
Compression & Decompression 1995-05-01
Correct Time Values (HTML)
QTMTB32: Demonstrates finding correct time values for GetMoviePict to get all the frames of a QuickTime movie.
Movie Basics 1995-05-01