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Running in Xcode’s Debugger

While running your program can expose bugs in its operation, it does not help you pinpoint the source of the problem in your source code. For that, you need to run your program in the debugger. The purpose of a debugger is to allow you to pause the execution of your program, examine its contents, and locate and fix problems in your code. Xcode’s debugger provides a graphical user interface to gdb for debugging C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ programs; and communicates directly with the Java virtual machine to debug Java programs.

This chapter describes how to run your program in the debugger in Xcode; this includes configuring debugger options for an executable and enabling debugging facilities, as well as launching your program in the debugger and viewing debug output.

In this section:

Generating Debugging Information
Configuring Your Executable for Debugging
Starting Your Program in the Debugger
Lazy Symbol Loading
The Console Window
Debugging a Command-Line Program
Xcode and Mac OS X Debugging

Generating Debugging Information

Before you can take advantage of Xcode’s source-level debugger, the compiler must collect information for the debugger. To generate debugging symbols for a product, enable the Generate Debug Symbols (GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS) build setting and build the product. This setting is enabled by default in the Development build style provided by Xcode. If you use this build style as the active build style when you build your target, the compiler generates the necessary debugging information.

To view the build settings set in the Development build style:

  1. In the project window select the project and bring up the inspector window.

  2. Click Styles to bring up the Styles pane.

  3. Choose Development from the Build Style pop-up menu at the top of the pane. You should see the Generate Debug Symbols setting in the table of build settings. Make sure that this setting is turned on; if it is, a checkmark appears in the Value column for this setting. Otherwise, turn on the setting by clicking the checkbox in the Value column.

You can use the Active Build Style pop-up menu to change the active build style. This menu is available by default in the toolbar of the Build Results window; otherwise, you can add it to the toolbar of other project windows by choosing View > Customize Toolbar and dragging the Active Build Style menu into the toolbar. For more information on build styles, see “Build Styles.”

Configuring Your Executable for Debugging

When you start your program in the debugger, Xcode launches it with the command-line arguments, environment variables, and other settings specified in the executable environment. The executable environment also contains a number of debugger-specific options that control which debugger Xcode uses, as well as how Xcode launches and communicates with the program. These options are set in the Debugging pane of the executable inspector, shown in Figure 32-1.

Figure 32-1  The Debugging pane of the Info window for an executable

Here is what the Debugging pane contains:

  1. When using. This pop-up menu lets you choose the debugger used when you debug the executable. The next several options below this menu pertain only to the selected debugger.

  2. Use [device] for standard input/output. This pop-up menu lets you specify how standard input and output are handled when debugging the executable. By default, Xcode uses a pseudo terminal device to display stdin and stdout in the Standard I/O Log window, described in “Debugging a Command-Line Program.” You can also choose System Console from this menu to have Xcode redirect your program’s output to the system console (console.log).

  3. Options for remote debugging. The “Debug executable remotely via SSH” option lets you set up the executable for remote debugging using GDB in the Xcode debugger window. The “Connect to” field specifies the host machine on which the executable is run. See “Remote Debugging in Xcode.”

  4. Start executable after starting debugger. This option lets you control whether Xcode starts the executable running immediately after loading it in the debugger. If this option is enabled, Xcode loads the executable in the debugger but does not start it until you press “Restart.” This allows you to perform operations in the debugger—such as setting breakpoints—before the executable runs.

  5. Break on Debugger() and DebugStr(). This option tells Xcode to set the USERBREAK environment variable, which suspends execution of your program on calls to the Core Services framework debugging functions Debugger or DebugStr.

  6. Additional directories to find source files in. This table lets you specify additional folders in which Xcode can look for source files corresponding to the symbol information in the executable code. To add a directory, click the plus-sign button and type the path to the directory in the Source Directory field. You can also drag folders to the table from the Finder; Xcode will insert the path to the folder. To remove a directory, select it in the table and click the minus-sign button.

Starting Your Program in the Debugger

You can start a debugging session using the buttons available in the toolbar of most Xcode windows, or using the menu items in the Build and Debug menus. To build a development version of the active target’s product and start the debugger if the build succeeds, choose Build > Build and Debug, or click the Build and Debug button. To load an executable that has already been built, choose Debug > Debug Executable or click the Debug button.

When you start a debugging session, Xcode uses the active executable for the current project to determine which executable file to load. It loads that program in the debugger, sets any environment variables specified by the executable environment, and starts the program, passing any specified command-line arguments. You can debug only one executable in a project at a time. You can, however, have multiple projects open at once, each with its own instance of the debugger. In this way, you can debug multiple executables at a time. If, for example, you have a project that builds both client and server executables, you can debug them both at once by creating an empty project and adding a custom executable that points to the client or server product. You can then run the client executable under the debugger from one project and the server executable from the other. “Creating a Custom Executable Environment” describes how to create a custom environment.

To choose which debugger is used, edit the debugging settings for the executable, as described in “Configuring Your Executable for Debugging.”

The Debugger Window

Xcode automatically opens the Debugger window, if necessary, when you start a debug session. You can also display the debugger window at any time by choosing Debug > Debugger. Figure 32-2 shows the Debugger window.

Figure 32-2  The debugger window

Here’s what the debugger window contains:

You can change the layout of the debugger window by choosing Debug > Toggle Debugger Layout. In this alternate layout, the Variables view is on the left side of the debugger window, under the Thread view, and the editor is on the right side of the window.


If the Build and Debug button is not available, try the following:

If the debugger does not display source for a file, try the following:

Lazy Symbol Loading

Lazy symbol loading reduces the initial memory footprint for debugging large applications by reading debugging symbols only when they are needed. When the “Load symbols lazily” option is enabled—as it is by default in Xcode’s Debugger Preferences pane—the gdb debugger reads a minimal amount of symbol information to support symbolic breakpoints and calling functions in the debugger console. To set a file and line breakpoint Xcode gives hints to gdb about the symbols needed to set the breakpoint. When a stack trace is generated, gdb automatically reads the full debugging symbols as needed, providing line number and file information to Xcode. When lazy symbol loading is disabled, Xcode reads the full debugging symbols when the debugger starts up.

The Console Window

Xcode’s graphical interface for GDB, the GNU debugger, and for the Java debugger lets you perform most necessary debugging tasks. You may, however, encounter situations—such as working with watchpoints in GDB—that require you to interact directly with the debugger on the command line. Using the Console Log in Xcode, you can:

To open the Console Log, click the Console button in the toolbar of Xcode’s Debugger window or choose Debug > Console Log. To enter commands, click in the console window and type at the gdb or JavaBug prompt. To get help with GDB and Java debugging commands, enter help at the console. To learn more about command-line debugging with GDB, see Debugging With GDB in Tools Compilers & Debuggers Documentation.

To make the Console Log easily readable, Xcode lets you choose the text colors and fonts used in the console window. You can use different fonts and colors for the text you type in the console, the text the debugger writes to the console, and the debug console’s prompt. To change the colors used for text in the Console window, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Debugging, and use the Fonts and Colors options. See “Debugging Preferences” for more information.

Debugging a Command-Line Program

If you are debugging a command-line program that requires input from stdin, you must use the Standard I/O Log to communicate with your program when it is running in the debugger. To open the Standard I/O Log window, choose Debug > Standard I/O Log. This window is only available when your program is running under the debugger.

Xcode and Mac OS X Debugging

Many of the subsystems in Mac OS X include debugging facilities that you can use to help you in your debugging tasks. You can use most of these debugging facilities along with Xcode. Many debugging facilities are enabled or disabled by setting an environment variable; you can modify the executable environment to set these environment variables from Xcode. Xcode also includes several options for enabling specific debugging options, such as libgmalloc (Guard Malloc), loading debug library variants, and stopping on Core Services debugging functions (described in “Stopping on Core Services Debugging Functions”). For more on the many debugging facilities available in Mac OS X, see TN2124: Mac OS X Debugging Magic.

Using Debug Variants of System Libraries

Many Mac OS X system frameworks include debug versions, in addition to the production version. These library variants are identified by their _debug suffix. Debug variants of the system frameworks usually include debugging symbols, extra assertions, and often extra debugging facilities. You can modify the executable environment to have Xcode use the debug variants for libraries that your program loads. To use the debug variant of a library, open the inspector for the executable environment that you use to run your program. In the General pane, choose “debug” from the menu “Use [suffix] suffix when loading frameworks.”

Using Guard Malloc in Xcode

Xcode also integrates Guard Malloc (libgmalloc) into the debugger interface. Guard Malloc helps you debug memory problems by causing your program to crash on memory access errors. Because Guard Malloc causes your program to crash, you should use Guard Malloc with the debugger. When a memory access error occurs and your program crashes, you can look at the stack trace, determine exactly where the error occurred, and quickly jump to the location of the problem.

To enable debugging with Guard Malloc from Xcode, choose Debug > Enable Guard Malloc, before starting the debugging session. You can also use Guard Malloc with gdb from the command line, by setting the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable, as described in the man page for libgmalloc.

Guard Malloc has a number of additional options available. You can take advantage of these by setting the appropriate environment variables on the executable. In the inspector window for the executable, open the Arguments pane and add the environment variables to the environment variables table at the bottom of the window. See the man page for libgmalloc for additional details and information.

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