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Finding Information in a Project

Being able to find information—both knowing how to leverage the user interface to locate items in a project, as well as knowing how to find information about your project—is critical to working effectively in Xcode.

The Xcode user interface gives you many different ways to location project information and items. “The Project Window” describes the common paradigms of the Xcode user interface that let you find and manage project contents, including the Groups & Files list, which lets you organize and access the items in your project in an outline view, and the detail view, which lets you quickly filter your project contents. In addition, the Activity Viewer window lets you see additional information on Xcode operations, while the Info and inspector windows let you examine and modify items in your project.

Xcode also maintains a great deal of information about your project’s contents, which it uses to assist you in the development process. The Xcode feature called Code Sense maintains an index that contains symbolic information for your project; Xcode uses this information as the basis for a number of features that let you browse the symbols in your project, view the class hierarchy of projects that use an object-oriented programming language, and search your project for symbol definitions.

As you are working on your software product, you often need to find information on system technologies. Xcode also includes a full-featured documentation viewer and installs a comprehensive suite of technical documentation. Using Xcode’s documentation lookup features, you can quickly and easily search all or part of Apple’s technical documentation for questions, keywords, or symbols.

This chapter describes how to use Xcode to find information about your project’s contents and about Apple technologies. It covers:

In this section:

Searching in a Project
Viewing Project Symbols and Classes
Viewing Documentation

Searching in a Project

Xcode provides a number of ways to search for information in your project. You can search for text, regular expressions, or symbol definitions in a single file or across multiple files in your project. You can also easily substitute replacement text for one or more instances of matching text or symbols, either within a file or throughout the entire project.

This section describes how to use Xcode’s project-wide search features to search through multiple files in your project and its included frameworks for text, regular expressions, and symbol definitions. This section also describes how to view search results. The single-file find is discussed further in “Searching in a Single File.” In addition, shortcuts for performing searches from an Xcode editor window are described in “Shortcuts for Finding Text and Symbol Definitions From an Editor Window.”

For more information on Code Sense, the technology that provides symbol definition searches, see “Code Sense.”

The Project Find Window

The Project Find window allows you to search for information in some or all of the files included in your project. Using the Project Find window, you can search your project for text, symbol definitions, or regular expressions. To open the Project Find window, choose Find > Find In Project. A window similar to the following appears.

Note:  In the All-In-One project window layout, choosing Find > Find In Project opens the Project Find pane in the project page. The Project Find pane contains the same information as the Project Find window shown here.

Figure 8-1  The find window

Choosing What to Search For

Using the fields and menus at the top of the Project Find window, you can control what Xcode searches for.

  1. The Find field specifies what to find. Xcode interprets this field differently, depending on the value of the pop-up menu to the right of the Replace field.

  2. The pop-up menu to the right of the Replace field specifies the type of search; it contains the following options:

    • Textual finds any text that matches the text in the Find field.

    • Regular Expression finds any text that matches the regular expression in the Find field.

    • Definitions finds any symbol definition matching the symbol name in the Find field.

  3. The pop-up menu to the right of the Display Results in Find Smart Group option controls how Xcode determines a match to the contents of the Find field. The available options are:

    • Contains. Choose this option to find text or symbol definitions that contain what is in the Find field.

    • Starts with. Choose this option to find text or symbol definitions that begin with the contents of the Find field.

    • Whole words. Choose this option to find text or symbol definitions that contain only what is in the Find field.

    • Ends with. Choose this option to find text or symbol definitions that end with the contents of the Find field.

  4. The “Ignore case” option specifies whether or not the search is case sensitive.

As a shortcut, you can also perform a quick search of selected text or regular expressions in an editor window, as described in “Shortcuts for Finding Text and Symbol Definitions From an Editor Window.”

Specifying Which Files to Search

To control the scope of a search, use the pop-up menu to the right of the Find field in the Project Find window. This menu contains sets of search options that specify which projects and frameworks to search in. Xcode provides the following default sets of search options:

You can further tailor these default sets of search options or define your own sets with the Batch Find Options window, described in “Creating Sets of Search Options.”

Viewing Search Results

When you perform a project-wide find, the results of the search are collected in the find results pane of the Project Find window; results are organized according to the file in which they appear, as shown in the figure below. You can view a particular search result by selecting it in the Project Find window; Xcode opens the file to the matching text and displays it in the attached editor. Double-click a search result to open it in a separate editor window.

Figure 8-2  Find Results in the project find window

Each search, and its results, is also collected in the Find Results smart group that appears in the Groups & Files list of the project window. If you select the Display Results in Find Smart Group option, Xcode automatically brings the project window to the front and discloses the contents of the Find Results smart group when you perform a search, instead of showing the results in the Project Find window.

You can see all the searches you have performed by clicking the disclosure triangle next to the Find Results smart group in the Groups & Files list. To view the results of a given search, select that search in the Groups & Files list and, if necessary, open a detail view. The detail view shows all of the results for the selected search, as shown below. You can view the combined results of several searches by selecting those searches in the Groups & Files list. Double-clicking an item in the Find Results group in the Groups & Files list opens a Project Find window with the corresponding search specification as well as a detailed find results list. This allows you to rerun previous searches.

Figure 8-3  Search results in the project window

The detail view shows the context for each search result and the file in which the match occurs. The context of a search result is the surrounding text in which it appears for text searches, and the type and name of the matching symbol for a symbol definition search. To show or hide either of these two columns, use the View > Detail View Columns menu items or Control-click in any column header and choose the desired column from the contextual menu.

To view the source for a particular result, select the result in the detail view. If the project window or detail view has an attached editor, selecting a search result displays the source in the editor. You can double-click a search result to open the source for the result in a separate window.

You can sort the results of a search according to the file in which they occur. Click the Location column heading to sort the detail view by location. You can also filter the search results using the Search field in the project window toolbar. Using the location of the search result as an example again, you can type all or part of a filename to see only those results that occur in the file of that name.

Creating Sets of Search Options

The Batch Find Options window lets you modify Xcode’s default sets of search options, or define your own sets. This is particularly useful if you find yourself searching the same set of files over and over again. Instead of configuring the set of files to search each time, simply configure it once and save it as a search option set. To reuse the search option set, simply select it from the pop-up menu next to the Find button in the Project Find window.

To open the Batch Find Options window, click the Options button in the Project Find window. You should see a window similar to the following:

Figure 8-4  The Batch Find Options window

The Find Sets menu at the top of the Batch Find Options windows lists the available search option sets. To create a new set, click Add. Specify a name for the new set in the dialog that appears. Xcode creates a new set of search options with default values. To delete a set of search options, choose that set from the Find Sets menu and click Delete.

To edit a search option set, choose that set from the Find Sets menu and set the search options you wish to include. The Batch Find Options window provides the following options to control which files Xcode searches:

  1. “Search in open documents” includes all files that are open in an editor in the search.

  2. “Search in open projects” includes open projects in the search. You can further control which files in those projects are searched using the radio buttons below the “Search in open projects” option.

    The top set of radio buttons controls which projects are searched:

    • “Selected files in this project” searches the selected files in the current project.

    • “All files in this project” searches all files in the current project.

    • “All open projects” searches all files in all open projects.

    The bottom set of radio buttons lets you specify whether to include project or framework files in the search:

    • “Project files and frameworks” searches both the project’s files and the files of any frameworks included in the project.

    • “Project files only” confines the search to project files.

    • “Frameworks only” confines the search to the frameworks included in the project.

  3. “Search in files and folders” allows you to add specific files or directories to the search. Any files or directories listed in the table below this option are included in the search. To add an entry to this table, click the plus (+) button and choose a file or directory from the dialog that appears; or drag the file or directory from the Finder. You can also click in the table and press Return. To delete a file or directory from this table, select the entry and click the minus (-) button.

You can further restrict the files that are searched by a search option set using the radio buttons on the right side of the Batch Find Options window, next to the “Search in open documents” and “Search in open projects” options. You have the following options:

Replacing Text in Multiple Files

You can use the Project Find window to replace some or all occurrences of the search string specified in the Find field. To replace text in multiple files:

  1. Type the substitution text in the Replace field

  2. Select one or more entries to replace. To choose which occurrences of the given search string to replace, do either of the following:

    • Select one or more entries to replace in the find results pane of the Project Find window.

    • Choose a search from the Find Results smart group in the project window. In the detail view, select one or more occurrences of the search string to replace.

  3. Click the Replace button in the Project Find window.

If the contents of the Project Find window’s find results pane are disclosed, Xcode uses the selection in the Project Find window to determine which occurrences to replace. If the find results group is closed, Xcode uses the selection in the detail view of the project window.

Viewing Project Symbols and Classes

Xcode includes a technology, called Code Sense, that maintains detailed information about the symbols in and utilized by your project to assist you in the development process. Code Sense uses the information in this symbol index, allowing you to browse the symbols and classes in your project, and perform symbol definition searches. It also uses this information to provide completion suggestions when editing source code, as described in “Code Completion.”

This section introduces Code Sense and discusses two of the features that it enables: the Project Symbols smart group and the class browser. In this chapter you will learn how you can use the Project Symbols smart group to view symbols and how you can take advantage of the class browser to find information on the classes defined in your project and its included frameworks. The other features provided by Code Sense are described in other parts of this document.

Code Sense

Code Sense makes it simple to find and view information about your code and to gain easy access to project symbols. Code Sense maintains detailed information about the code in your project and in libraries used by your project; this information is stored in a project index. Using this project index, Code Sense provides support for features such as the following:

The project index used by Code Sense is created the first time you open a project. Thereafter, the index is updated in the background as you make changes to your project. Indexing occurs on a background thread, to keep it from interfering with other operations in Xcode. The index can be completely rebuilt, if necessary, by opening the General pane in the project inspector and clicking the Rebuild Code Sense Index button.

Indexing is enabled by default. You can disable indexing for all projects that you open. To do so, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Code Sense, and deselect the “Enable for all projects” checkbox in the Indexing section.

Note that if you turn off indexing, you will be unable to use those features that rely on the project index, such as code completion, the class browser, and the other features mentioned in this section. You can specify whether Xcode includes a particular file in the project index using the “Include in index” checkbox in the file inspector, described in “Inspecting File, Folder, and Framework References.”

Viewing the Symbols in Your Project

The Project Symbols smart group, one of the built-in smart groups provided by Xcode, allows you to view all of the symbols defined in your project. You can sort symbols by type, name, file, and file path, and you can search for symbols that match a string. To see the symbols defined in your project, select the Project Symbols smart group in the Groups & Files list. The detail view displays the symbols in your project. Here is what you see when you select the Project Symbols group for a project:

Figure 8-5  Viewing symbols in your project

The detail view shows the following information for each symbol:

To sort the symbols listed in the project window according to any of these categories, simply click the appropriate category heading. In addition, you can use the Search field in the project window toolbar to narrow the list of symbols to those matching a string or keyword. You can search the contents of any one of the categories—symbol name, symbol kind, or location—or you can search them all. In the PathDemo project, for example, you can search for all symbols declared in files pertaining to views by selecting “Search By Location” from the pop-up menu in the search field and typing “view.” The symbols listed in the detail view are narrowed to include only those symbols defined in files whose names contain the word “view,” as shown in the following figure. By default, the search field searches the content of all categories in the detail view.

Figure 8-6  Filtering the symbols in a project

You can configure which information is displayed in the detail view, as described in “The Detail View.”

To view the symbol definition, select the symbol in the detail view. If you have an editor open in the project window or detail view, the symbol definition appears there. If you prefer a separate editor window, double-click the symbol to open the file containing the symbol definition in a separate editor.

If you Control-click a symbol in the detail view, Xcode displays a menu that contains a number of useful commands. The commands available to you are:

You can also reveal the file in which the selected symbol is defined in the Groups & Files list by choosing View > Reveal in Group Tree.

Viewing Your Class Hierarchy

If you are programming in an object-oriented language, you can view the class hierarchy of your project using the Xcode class browser. To open the class browser, choose Project > Class Browser. You can also open the class browser by selecting a symbol in the Project Symbols smart group and choosing View > Reveal in Class Browser. The following figure shows the class browser for a sample Cocoa application.

Figure 8-7  The Class Browser window

Classes and other top-level symbols—protocols, interfaces, and categories—are listed in the Class pane on the left side of the Class Browser window. When you select a class from this list, Xcode displays the members of that class in the table to the right of the Class pane. When you select a member name from this table, the declaration of that member item is displayed in the editor pane below. To see the item’s definition, Option-click its name.

If the class browser does not list any classes, your project may not be indexed. To rebuild the index, select your project and open the inspector. Open the General pane and click Rebuild Code Sense Index.

A book icon beside a class or member’s name indicates that documentation is available for that member. You can view this documentation by clicking the book icon.

The class browser uses fonts to distinguish between different types of classes and class members:

The Option Set pop-up menu and Configure Options button in the toolbar of the class browser window control which classes and class members are displayed in the browser. The New Class Browser button allows you to open additional class browser windows.

To see the file that a class or member in your project is declared in, select the class or member in the class browser and choose View > Reveal in Group Tree. This option is also available in the contextual menu for classes and class members. Xcode reveals the file in the Groups & Files list in the project window.

You can bookmark a class or class member by selecting it in the class browser and choosing Find > Add to Bookmarks or by choosing Add to Bookmarks from the contextual menu. Xcode creates a bookmark to the class or member’s definition.

Choosing What the Class Browser Displays

You choose which information Xcode displays in the class browser using the Option Set pop-up menu at the top of the browser window. This menu lets you switch between sets of display options. Xcode provides a few sets of predefined display options that allow you to choose:

When you view classes as a hierarchical list, you can see the subclasses of a class by clicking the disclosure triangle next to that class.

To create your own set of display options or to make changes to an existing set, click the “Configure options” button. Xcode displays a dialog that lets you further refine which information is displayed in the class browser. The Class List Display Settings group, on the left half of the dialog, controls what is displayed in the Class list. The Member List Display Settings group, on the right, controls what is displayed in the members list.

Figure 8-8  The class browser options dialog

To choose how to display classes, use the radio buttons under Class List Display Settings:

The pop-up menus under the Class List Display Settings options let you choose which items the class browser displays in the Class list. The first pop-up menu determines which classes the class browser shows:

The second pop-up menu determines whether to show only classes, only protocols and interfaces, or classes, protocols and interfaces.

If you are programming in Objective-C, the Show Obj-C Categories menu lets you choose how Xcode displays Objective-C categories in the Class list:

The Member List Display Settings let you control which items are included in the class members table in the class browser. You can choose the following:

Saving and Reusing Class Browser Options

You can save and reuse sets of class browser options. To reuse an existing set, choose it from the Options Set pop-up menu above the Class list. To create and delete sets, click the Configure Options button next to this pop-up menu.

Viewing Documentation

Technical documentation is an important part of the software development process. As you develop a Mac OS X software product with Xcode, you’re likely to use documentation to learn about the operating system and the technologies it supports, read about system frameworks, and look up individual API definitions.

Xcode includes its own documentation window, which you can use to view the technical documentation and other resources distributed as part of the ADC Reference Library. Xcode’s documentation window gives you several ways to find documentation: you can browse documentation by title and category, search for symbol names, or perform a full-text search for a word or phrase. In addition, Xcode gives you access to the latest documentation available from Apple with downloadable documentation updates.

This section describes the documentation window and the ADC Reference Library content that is distributed with the Xcode Tools. It shows you how to use the API lookup and full-text search features to find Reference Library information, and how to obtain documentation updates.

Using the ADC Reference Library

Apple's ADC Reference Library is a complete collection of technical resources for developers, including documentation, sample code, release notes, technical notes, and technical Q&As. Xcode integrates this content into your development environment, letting you browse or search the ADC Reference Library from the documentation window.

Obtaining ADC Reference Library Content

The ADC Reference Library is available on Apple's developer website and as part of the Xcode Tools installation. You can automatically detect and download updates to the installed ADC Reference Library content through Xcode's documentation update mechanism, described in “Obtaining Documentation Updates,” or you can subscribe to the Developer Connection mailing to receive the entire ADC Reference Library on DVD each quarter. The Developer Connection mailing and Developer DVD Series are described further on the ADC website.

The Documentation package included with the Xcode Developer Tools installs a subset of the ADC Reference Library content on your local volume, at /Developer/ADC Reference Library. This content includes:

  1. HTML versions of technical documentation, release notes, and API reference.

  2. Category pages that let you browse documents by subject.

  3. Full-text and symbol indexes that let you search all ADC Reference Library content.

This core documentation installation does not include PDF, sample code, technical notes, or technical Q&As. However, you can still access this content, referred to as “extended documentation,” from Xcode. You can also find additional sample code, in the form of sample Xcode projects, at /Developer/Examples on your local volume.

Extended Documentation Locations

When you click a documentation link or search result in the Xcode documentation window, Xcode first looks for that content at /Developer/ADC Reference Library. If it does not find the requested content there, Xcode then looks at the extended documentation locations defined in Xcode's documentation preferences. If Xcode cannot find the requested content after checking the extended locations, it notifies you that it was unable to locate the specified documentation.

Xcode's default extended documentation location points to the full ADC Reference Library on Apple's developer website. You can see where Xcode looks for additional documentation in Xcode's preferences, in the Extended Locations table. You can also add your own locations. For example, if you have the full ADC Reference Library content on DVD, you can add a new location specifying that Xcode look for additional content on that DVD volume.

To add an alternative location for locating extended documentation:

  1. Open Xcode Preferences by choosing Xcode > Preferences or typing Command-comma. Open the Documentation pane.

  2. Under Extended Locations, click the '+' button.

  3. Navigate to the volume or folder where the documentation is located and select the ADC Reference Library folder.

  4. Click Add or press Return to add the new location to the Extended Locations table. Xcode adds the new documentation location to the list and makes it active. Click Apply or OK to apply your changes.

Xcode looks for content at the extended locations in the order in which they appear in the table, looking at the top entry first. You can change the order of a location by dragging its entry to the appropriate spot in the table. For example, if you want Xcode to look at the DVD copy of the ADC Reference Library before going to the web, add the DVD as an extended location and drag that entry to the top of the list.

If you don't want Xcode to look for documentation at a location that appears in the Extended Locations table, you can either remove the entry from the list or disable the location. To remove a location from the list, select the entry for that location and click the '-' button. To disable a location, deselect the checkbox in the On column next to the location. You cannot remove the default Web location, although you can disable it.

Browsing ADC Reference Library Content

Xcode has its own built-in documentation viewer, shown below, which allows you to find documentation quickly and easily. To open the documentation window you can:

Reference Library content is organized by category; you can see these categories in the Search Groups list in the documentation window, shown in Figure 8-9. Many of these categories have additional subcategories, which you can see by clicking the turn-down arrow next to the category name. When you select a category or subcategory in the Search Groups list, Xcode displays its contents in the documentation pane. Selecting the top-level Reference Library group, or a group with additional subcategories, displays a navigation page such as the one below that shows you the categories in this group with a brief description. From there you can further narrow the subject matter to look for specific documents.

Figure 8-9  The documentation window

When you perform a full-text or API reference search in Xcode, Xcode searches only in documents in the currently selected group and any groups it might contain. To search all of the ADC Reference Library content, select the Reference Library group in the Search Groups list.

If you prefer to have more than one document open and visible at a time, the documentation window lets you open a document in the documentation window, in a separate Xcode window, or in your preferred browser.

When following links that appear in the documentation, you can choose to open those links in the documentation window, in a separate editor window, or in your preferred browser.

You can also copy a link or an image to the clipboard by Control-clicking the link or image and choosing Copy Link from the contextual menu.

Searching for Documentation

When you know the term you're looking for, searching is often the fastest way to find documentation. Xcode's documentation window supports two search modes:

The current selection in the Search Groups list determines the scope of both API-reference and full-text searches. For full-text searches, the selection in the Search Groups list determines the documentation set that Xcode searches. For example, if you search for the term “button” with the Cocoa category selected in the Search Groups list, Xcode returns only documents from the Cocoa category that contain the word “button.”

For API-Reference searches, the selection in the Search Group list determines the programming languages for which Xcode returns results. To search all available documentation, select Reference Library in the Search Groups list.

API Reference Search

When you are writing code, you often need to find documentation for a function, method, data type, or other symbol. Xcode's API reference search lets you quickly find the information you need.

To perform an API reference search in Xcode's documentation window, select API Search from the pull-down menu of the Search field and begin typing the name of the symbol. Xcode's API lookup supports type-ahead; as you type, the detail view displays all of the symbols whose names start with the string in the Search field, as shown in Figure 8-10. As a shortcut, you can also Option–double-click a symbol’s name in any Xcode editor window to open the documentation for that symbol in the documentation window.

Figure 8-10  API search in the documentation viewer

The current selection in the Search Group list determines the programming languages for which Xcode returns results. For example, if you select “Reference Library,” Xcode returns all matching symbols, regardless of the type or language. If you select Carbon in the Search Groups list and perform an API lookup, Xcode returns only matching C and C++ symbols.

You can also specify additional language filters for Xcode's API-reference search by clicking the Configure Options button in the documentation window toolbar. In the dialog that Xcode displays, choose which languages Xcode includes in API-reference searches. To include a language in the API search, select the checkbox in the On column next to that language. If you don't want Xcode to return results for a particular language, deselect the checkbox next to that language. These filters are applied to all API-reference searches regardless of the current selection in the Search Groups list. By default, all of the languages are enabled. Xcode supports API lookup for C, C++, Java, and Objective-C.

To view the documentation associated with one of the symbols returned in a search, select its name from the table. The documentation is displayed in the pane below the table view.

Full-Text Search

Xcode's full-text search lets you search the installed documentation for a word or phrase. You can enter a simple search term, such as “button,” or create more advanced queries using Boolean operators and wildcard characters. Xcode's full-text search uses Apple's Search Kit technology, described in Search Kit Programming Guide

To perform a full-text search choose Full-Text Search from the pull-down menu in the Search field of the documentation window. Type your query and press Return. Xcode searches the installed documentation for the given term or terms and displays the results in the documentation window, as shown in Figure 8-11. The table view displays the relevance, location, page title, and document title for each page returned by the search. To view a page returned as a search result, select that page in the search results table. The scope of the search is determined by the selection in the Search Groups list.

Figure 8-11  Results of a full-text search in the documentation window

By default, Xcode performs an exact-match search. That is, when you enter a search term, Xcode returns only those documents that contain the entire term. For example, searching for “button” returns documents containing the word “button,” but not documents containing only the word “buttons.” If you type a phrase, such as “bevel button,” Xcode returns those documents that contain both the word “bevel” and the word “button.”

Note:  You can use a wildcard search, described in “Wildcard Search,” to search for variations on a term.

As a shortcut, you can also search the installed documentation for text in an editor window. Select the text to search for and choose Help > Find Selected Text in Documentation. Xcode performs a full-text search and returns all documents containing that text.

You can further refine your search by combining search terms using Boolean operators, searching for required terms, or using a wildcard search. The following sections describe the various queries you can construct for searching the developer documentation.

Constructing Queries Using Boolean Operators

If you wish to further restrict the parameters of your search, you can combine search terms using Boolean operators. You can create arbitrarily complex queries to narrow your search to fit your particular criteria.

Note:  The smallest unit at which search results are evaluated is a single HTML file; in Apple's developer documentation, this typically corresponds to a section in a chapter, a group of function descriptions, or a class. If your query is too restrictive, you may not get any results at all.

Xcode supports the following Boolean operators, listed in order of precedence from highest to lowest:


logical grouping







For example, to find documents about the font panel in Mac OS X, you want to find documents that contain the phrase “font panel.” Just to be safe, you also want to catch any documents that don't contain the exact phrase “font panel,” but do contain both search terms “font” and “panel.” You can do that with the following query:

"font panel" | (font & panel)

Required Terms Search

Simpler than a Boolean query, a required-terms search lets you search for terms that must or must not appear in documents returned as a search result. A required terms search uses the following operators:


Indicates a term that must appear in any document returned


Indicates a term that must NOT appear in any document returned

For example, entering +window returns all documents containing the word “window,” similar to the behavior you get by simply entering “window” as a search term. However, if you enter +window -dialog, you will get all documents containing the word “window,” but NOT the word “dialog.”

Using Boolean operators to construct the previous query, you would write:

window & (!dialog)

Wildcard Search

If you are not sure exactly how a particular term appears in the documentation, you can use a wildcard search to include all variations of a search term in the search results. For example, if you are looking for all documentation about buttons in Mac OS X, you probably really want to see all documentation containing either the word “button” or the word “buttons.” Rather than have to specify each of these as separate terms, you can simply use the wildcard character to construct the following query, which returns all documents containing the word “button” or any word with the prefix “button.”


You can use the wildcard character anywhere within a search string. Using a wildcard character at a location other than at the end of a search term may result in longer search times.

Finding Documentation for Command-Line Tools

To find documentation on a command-line tool, choose Help > Open man page. Use the “man page name” option to display documentation on a command-line tool. You can optionally specify a man page section; for example, access(5). Use the “search string” option to find commands that are related to a keyword.

Working With Documentation Bookmarks

The Xcode documentation window also supports bookmarks, to provide easy access to documentation that you use frequently. To view the available bookmarks in the documentation window, click the disclosure triangle next to the Bookmarks group in the Search Groups list of the documentation window. Xcode includes a default set of bookmarks, but you can delete any of these default bookmarks or create your own.

To add a bookmark, choose Find > Add to Bookmarks. This bookmarks the page currently open in the documentation window and adds the bookmark to the Bookmarks group. You can also add a bookmark by dragging the document proxy icon in the titlebar of the documentation window to the Bookmarks group in the Search Groups list.

To open a bookmarked location, select the bookmark in the Search Groups list. To rename a bookmark, Option-click the name of the bookmark in the Search Groups list and type the new name.

Obtaining Documentation Updates

In addition to the full ADC Reference Library content available with the Xcode Tools DVD and Developer DVD Series, Apple also provides downloadable packages of the documentation installed on your local computer at /Developer/ADC Reference Library. Xcode automatically detects these updates as they become available. Documentation updates are released more frequently than the full Xcode Tools package, so this is a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date with the latest technical information from Apple.

Checking for Updates

Xcode automatically checks for a documentation update the first time you launch Xcode after installing a new version of the Xcode tools. Any time you access the documentation after the initial check, Xcode checks for an update if the interval specified in Xcode's Documentation preferences has passed since the last check. By default, Xcode checks for updates on a weekly basis, but you can choose a different interval.

To change the interval at which Xcode checks for documentation updates:

  1. Open the Documentation pane of Xcode Preferences.

  2. Choose an interval from the “Check for documentation updates” pop-up menu that appears in the Updates settings group. You can choose to have Xcode check for updates on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Click Apply or OK to apply your changes.

If you don't want Xcode to automatically check for updates at all—for example, if you use Xcode on a computer that does not usually have an internet connection—deselect the checkbox next to the “Check for documentation updates” menu.

To check for a documentation update immediately, click the Check Now button. The “Last check” field shows the date and time at which Xcode last successfully checked for updated documentation.

Installing an Update

When it checks for a documentation update, Xcode compares the version of the documentation on Apple's server to the version installed on your computer. If the documentation on the server is newer, Xcode notifies you that updated documentation is available. To download the documentation package, click Download.

Xcode launches your default browser application to download the documentation package. When the download is complete, the disk image automatically mounts. Double-click the documentation package to launch the Installer. The installer updates the local installation of the ADC Reference Library at /Developer/ADC Reference Library.

If Xcode is running when the installation is successfully completed, Xcode notifies you that the documentation has been updated. Click OK to reload the Search Groups and ADC Reference Library entry page in the documentation window. Otherwise, Xcode loads the new documentation when it next launches.

Controlling the Appearance of the Documentation Viewer

You can change the minimum font size used for viewing documentation. To do so, open the Documentation pane of the Xcode Preferences window. To enforce a minimum font size for documents displayed in the documentation window:

  1. Under Universal Access, select the “Never use font sizes smaller than” option.

  2. Choose a font size from the corresponding pop-up menu.

You can temporarily change the font size used to display an HTML file—even if its font size is controlled by a CSS file—by choosing Format > Font > Bigger or Format > Font > Smaller.

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