WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Package

Packages that use com.webobjects.eocontrol
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eoapplication Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution.client Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating user interfaces in Java Client applications that use the rule system. 
com.webobjects.eointerface Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. 
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. 
com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml Provides serializers and deserializers for the WebObjects Web services feature. 
com.webobjects.woextensions The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. 

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.appserver
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          EOEvent is an abstract class that provides concrete subclasses with a structure for storing information about a logged event.
          EOKeyValueArchiver objects are used to archive a graph of objects into a "property list" with a key-value mechanism.
          The EOKeyValueArchiving interface declares the methods that a class must implement so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded with EOKeyValueArchiver and EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects.
          EOKeyValueArchiving.Awaking is an interface which can be optionally implemented by EOKeyValueArchiving objects if they need to be awaken explicitly at the end of an unarchiving process of an EOKeyValueUnarchiver.
          EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects are used to re(create) an object graph which was archived into a "property list" with a EOKeyValueArchiver.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.
          The EOSharedEditingContext class defines a mechanism that allows EOEditingContexts to share enterprise objects for reading.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.directtoweb
          EOClassDescription provides a mechanism for extending classes with additional meta-data useful for interacting with Enterprise Objects.
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          EOKeyValueArchiver objects are used to archive a graph of objects into a "property list" with a key-value mechanism.
          The EOKeyValueArchiving interface declares the methods that a class must implement so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded with EOKeyValueArchiver and EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects.
          The EOKeyValueCoding interface defines an extension to the basic NSKeyValueCoding and NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling interfaces.
          The EOKeyValueCodingAdditions combines (extends) the NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions and EOKeyValueCoding and adds two more methods--takeValuesFromDictionary and valuesForKeys-- which are useful when working with groups of properties.
          EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects are used to re(create) an object graph which was archived into a "property list" with a EOKeyValueArchiver.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.
          The EOQualifierEvaluation interface defines a method, evaluateWithObject, that performs in memory evaluation of qualifiers.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eoaccess
          EOClassDescription provides a mechanism for extending classes with additional meta-data useful for interacting with Enterprise Objects.
          EOCooperatingObjectStore is a part of the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          EOEvent is an abstract class that provides concrete subclasses with a structure for storing information about a logged event.
          EOFaultHandler is an abstract class that defines the mechanisms that create faults and help them to fire.
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          EOKeyComparisonQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a named value of another object.
          EOKeyGlobalID is a concrete subclass of EOGlobalID whose instances, an entity and the primary key values for the object being identified, represent persistent IDs based on EOModel information.
          EOKeyValueArchiver objects are used to archive a graph of objects into a "property list" with a key-value mechanism.
          The EOKeyValueArchiving interface declares the methods that a class must implement so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded with EOKeyValueArchiver and EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects.
          EOKeyValueArchiving.Awaking is an interface which can be optionally implemented by EOKeyValueArchiving objects if they need to be awaken explicitly at the end of an unarchiving process of an EOKeyValueUnarchiver.
          EOKeyValueQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a supplied value, for example, "salary > 1500".
          EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects are used to re(create) an object graph which was archived into a "property list" with a EOKeyValueArchiver.
          EOObjectStore is the abstract class that defines the API for an "intelligent" repository of objects, the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          EOObjectStoreCoordinator provides the abstraction of a single object store by coordinating one or more EOCooperatingObjectStores.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.
          The EOQualifierEvaluation interface defines a method, evaluateWithObject, that performs in memory evaluation of qualifiers.
          An EOSortOrdering object specifies the way that a group of objects should be sorted, using a property key and a method selector for comparing values of that property.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eoapplication
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          The EOObserving interface, a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism, declares the objectWillChange method, used by observers to receive notifications that an object has changed.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eocontrol
          An instance of the EOAggregateEvent class is used to aggregate multiple EOEvent objects with the same aggregate signature into one event.
          EOAndQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that contains multiple qualifiers.
          EOClassDescription provides a mechanism for extending classes with additional meta-data useful for interacting with Enterprise Objects.
          EOCooperatingObjectStore is a part of the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          The EOCustomObject class provides a default implementation of the EOEnterpriseObject interface.
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          The EODeferredFaulting interface defines the methods enterprise objects use to manage deferred faulting.
          The EODelayedObserver class is a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism.
          The EODelayedObserverQueue class is a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          EOEvent is an abstract class that provides concrete subclasses with a structure for storing information about a logged event.
          EOEventCenter collects and manages EOEvents to measure the duration of operations in any applications.
          The EOEventCenter.EventRecordingHandler interface declares the setLoggingEnabled method, which is invoked by the event-logging system when logging is enabled or disabled for an event class.
          EOFaultHandler is an abstract class that defines the mechanisms that create faults and help them to fire.
          The EOFaulting interface together with the EOFaultHandler class forms a general mechanism for postponing an object's initialization until it is actually needed.
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          EOKeyComparisonQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a named value of another object.
          EOKeyGlobalID is a concrete subclass of EOGlobalID whose instances, an entity and the primary key values for the object being identified, represent persistent IDs based on EOModel information.
          EOKeyValueArchiver objects are used to archive a graph of objects into a "property list" with a key-value mechanism.
          The EOKeyValueArchiving interface declares the methods that a class must implement so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded with EOKeyValueArchiver and EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects.
          EOKeyValueArchiving.Support is an abstract class that defines a mechanism for one class to provide EOKeyValueArchiving behavior on behalf of another class.
          The EOKeyValueCoding interface defines an extension to the basic NSKeyValueCoding and NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling interfaces.
          The EOKeyValueCodingAdditions combines (extends) the NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions and EOKeyValueCoding and adds two more methods--takeValuesFromDictionary and valuesForKeys-- which are useful when working with groups of properties.
          EOKeyValueQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a supplied value, for example, "salary > 1500".
          EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects are used to re(create) an object graph which was archived into a "property list" with a EOKeyValueArchiver.
          EONotQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that contains a single qualifier.
          EOObjectStore is the abstract class that defines the API for an "intelligent" repository of objects, the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          EOObjectStoreCoordinator provides the abstraction of a single object store by coordinating one or more EOCooperatingObjectStores.
          The EOObserving interface, a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism, declares the objectWillChange method, used by observers to receive notifications that an object has changed.
          EOOrQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that contains multiple qualifiers.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.
          The Java Client EOQualifier.ComparisonSupport class provides default implementations of the EOQualifierComparison interface.
          The EOQualifierEvaluation interface defines a method, evaluateWithObject, that performs in memory evaluation of qualifiers.
          The EORelationshipManipulation interface builds on the basic EOKeyValueCoding interface to allow you to modify to-many relationship properties.
          The EOSharedEditingContext class defines a mechanism that allows EOEditingContexts to share enterprise objects for reading.
          An EOSortOrdering object specifies the way that a group of objects should be sorted, using a property key and a method selector for comparing values of that property.
          ComparisonSupport provides default implementations of the EOSortOrdering.Comparison interface and a registry for support objects.
          The EOValidation interface in an extension of the NSValidation interface (which defines key-value based validation methods).

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eodistribution
          EOClassDescription provides a mechanism for extending classes with additional meta-data useful for interacting with Enterprise Objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eodistribution.client
          EOClassDescription provides a mechanism for extending classes with additional meta-data useful for interacting with Enterprise Objects.
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          EOObjectStore is the abstract class that defines the API for an "intelligent" repository of objects, the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eogeneration
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          The EOObserving interface, a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism, declares the objectWillChange method, used by observers to receive notifications that an object has changed.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules
          The EOKeyValueArchiving interface declares the methods that a class must implement so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded with EOKeyValueArchiver and EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects.
          EOKeyValueUnarchiver objects are used to re(create) an object graph which was archived into a "property list" with a EOKeyValueArchiver.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.eointerface
          EODataSource is an abstract class that defines a basic API for providing enterprise objects.
          The EODelayedObserver class is a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism.
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          EOObjectStore is the abstract class that defines the API for an "intelligent" repository of objects, the control layer's object storage abstraction.
          The EOObserving interface, a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism, declares the objectWillChange method, used by observers to receive notifications that an object has changed.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          EOKeyValueQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a supplied value, for example, "salary > 1500".
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.jndiadaptor
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          An EOFetchSpecification collects the criteria needed to select and order a group of records or enterprise objects, whether from an external repository such as a relational database or an internal store such as an EOEditingContext.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.webservices.generation
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.
          EOQualifier is an abstract class for objects that hold information used to restrict selections on objects or database rows according to specified criteria.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
          The EOEnterpriseObject interface identifies basic enterprise object behavior, defining methods for supporting operations common to all enterprise objects.
          An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal, identifier for a persistent object.

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol used by com.webobjects.woextensions
          An instance of the EOAggregateEvent class is used to aggregate multiple EOEvent objects with the same aggregate signature into one event.
          EOEvent is an abstract class that provides concrete subclasses with a structure for storing information about a logged event.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.