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Leopard Reference Library
Apple provides APIs, file format specifications, and other resources to provide developers with opportunities to interact with and extend various Apple applications.

A guided introduction to writing code that interacts with Apple applications.   Essential information for developers integrating their code with Apple's applications.   C and Objective-C API references organized by framework.
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Optimizing Audio Unit User Experience in Logic Studio (HTML)
TN2207: How to provide the best user experience with your audio unit in Logic Studio
Logic Technical Notes 2009-04-23
Dashcode User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Dashcode to create Dashboard widgets.
Dashboard Guides 2009-03-04
Dashboard Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Explains Dashboard and WebKit technologies used in widgets.
Dashboard Guides 2009-02-04
Dashboard Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for implementing Dashboard widgets.
Dashboard Reference 2009-02-04
Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format (HTML) (PDF)
Describes Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format version 4, providing access to contents of FCP projects.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Guides 2009-02-04
iSync JavaScript Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes a few JavaScript classes used to write phone connection functions in iSync Plug-in Maker.
iSync Reference 2009-01-09
Quartz Composer WebKit Plug-in JavaScript Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for manipulating Quartz Composer compositions in webpages and Dashboard widgets via the Quartz Composer WebKit Plug-in.
Dashboard, Safari Guides 2009-01-06
Safari JavaScript Database Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the JavaScript Database, a SQLite database built into Safari that provides local storage accessible to JavaScript applications.
Safari Guides 2009-01-06
Safari User Guide for Web Developers (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the developer tools built into Safari for analyzing, testing, and debugging HTML, JavaScript, style sheets, and DOM structure.
Safari Guides 2009-01-06
Apple JavaScript Coding Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Provides an overview of the JavaScript language, its object-oriented features, and coding best practices.
Dashboard, Safari Guides 2008-11-19
Safari CSS Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties that are supported by Safari and WebKit.
Safari Reference 2008-11-19
Safari HTML Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags and properties that are supported by Safari and WebKit.
Safari Reference 2008-11-12
WebKit DOM Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to use JavaScript in web content and WebKit-based applications.
Dashboard, Safari Guides 2008-10-15
WebKit Plug-In Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to develop and deploy browser plug-ins based on the WebKit architecture.
Safari Guides 2008-10-15
Birthdays (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Dashboard widget with a plug-in that queries AddressBook.framework for contacts with upcoming birthdays.
Address Book, Dashboard Sample Code 2008-09-10
Multithreaded usage of the QCRenderer (HTML)
QA1538: Describes an issue that may arise when using the QCRenderer in a multi-threaded application.
Quartz Composer Technical Q&As 2008-09-08
PhotoToss: CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Web Fonts (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to use CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Web Fonts.
Safari Sample Code 2008-08-21
Releasing the iTunes Windows COM from Managed Code (HTML)
QA1608: Describes how to properly release the iTunes Windows COM from managed code
iTunes Technical Q&As 2008-08-21
Final Cut Pro - The 'r4fl' Pixel Format (HTML)
TN2201: Describes the 'r4fl' pixel format used by Final Cut Pro to support greater than 8-bit rendering.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Technical Notes 2008-08-06
HTML Video With CSS Effects and Custom Video Controls (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
HTML5 video element example that uses CSS effects and custom video controls.
Safari Sample Code 2008-08-06
Reminders (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Dashboard widget with a plug-in that displays upcoming iCal events, to do items, and calendars.
Dashboard, iCal Sample Code 2008-07-25
Xsan Migration Guide for Xsan 2 (PDF)
Explains how to retain volumes and settings when migrating to Xsan 2 from previous versions of Xsan.
Xsan Guides 2008-07-11
FxPlug Reference (HTML)
Describes the APIs for writing plug-ins for Motion and Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, Motion Reference 2008-07-04
FxPlug SDK Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Update for FxPlug SDK 1.2.3.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, Motion Guides 2008-07-04
Mac OS X Server iCal Service Administration (PDF)
Explains how to set up and manage iCal shared calendar service.
iCal Guides 2008-06-09
Xsan 2 Administrator's Guide (PDF)
Explains how to set up and manage Xsan volumes in a storage area network.
Xsan Guides 2008-06-09
Xsan 2 Setup Guide (PDF)
Explains how to set up a volume on a storage area network (SAN) using Xsan 2.
Xsan Guides 2008-06-09
FinalCutServerIntegrationSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to integrate an external application with Final Cut Server
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, Final Cut Server Sample Code 2008-06-07
Aperture Edit Plugin - Borders & Titles (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
"Borders & Titles" is a sample plugin for Aperture that demonstrates how to use the image editing API introduced with Aperture 2.1
Aperture Sample Code 2008-06-02
Gamma Filter for FxPlug and AE (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Cross-application FxPlug and After Effects plug-in code.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, Motion Sample Code 2008-06-02
AlbumToSlideshow (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates using CF and NSXML to create Final Cut Pro XML.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, iPhoto Sample Code 2008-05-15
QTMetadataEditor (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates QuickTime 7 APIs in a Metadata Browsing and Editing application
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express, Final Cut Server Sample Code 2008-05-09
SampleScannerApp (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
This project implements a simple client accessing an ICA scanning device.
Image Capture Sample Code 2008-05-07
Aperture 2.1 SDK Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Update for Aperture SDK 2.1
Aperture Guides 2008-04-23
Aperture 2.1 SDK Reference (HTML)
Documents the Aperture APIs for creating an export plug-in or an image editing plug-in.
Aperture Reference 2008-04-23
Motion XML File Format (HTML) (PDF)
Motion Guides 2008-04-14
Message Framework Reference (HTML)
Describes the Objective-C API for sending email messages through the Mail application.
Mail Reference 2008-04-08
iChatStatusFromApplication (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to communicate with iChat using Scripting Bridge.
iChat Sample Code 2008-03-31
Bonjour Printer Subtype for HTTP (HTML)
QA1555: Describes how printer vendors can register their bonjour service such that Safari can see them.
Safari Technical Q&As 2008-03-25
Automator Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the concepts and tasks for developing actions, which are bundles loaded by the Automator application.
Automator Guides 2007-12-11
Quartz Composer Custom Patch Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to create custom patches for distribution.
Quartz Composer Guides 2007-12-11
FinalCutPro_AppleEvents (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses Apple Events to interact with Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 or later.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Sample Code 2007-11-16
MovieAssembler (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates AppleEvent communication with FCP, project modification using XML, and media file identification using metadata.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Sample Code 2007-11-14
iTunes Visual Plug-ins (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2016: Describes the APIs used by iTunes and its Visual plug-ins to communicate back and forth.
iTunes Technical Notes 2007-11-13
Daemons and Agents (HTML)
TN2083: Describes the most common problems encountered with daemons and agents, and suggests detailed solutions.
Final Cut Server Technical Notes 2007-11-05
Apple Applications Schema Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the schemas used by Apple Applications to sync records such as contacts, calendars, and bookmarks.
Address Book, iCal, iSync, Mail, Safari Reference 2007-10-31
Automator Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for changes in Mac OS X version 10.5.
Automator Release Notes 2007-10-31
Calendar Store Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to access iCal data.
General, iCal Guides 2007-10-31
CCL Modem Scripting Release Notes (HTML)
Explains changes to modem CCLs for Mac OS X v10.5 and what to do to change existing and supersede older scripts.
iSync Release Notes 2007-10-31
Instant Message Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to access iChat services and buddies and use iChat Theater through code samples.
General, iChat Guides 2007-10-31
Mac OS X Server iChat Service Administration (PDF)
New document that explains how to set up and manage iChat instant messaging service.
iChat Guides 2007-10-31
Sync Services Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Objective-C API for the Sync Services framework used to sync applications and devices.
Address Book, iCal, iSync, Safari Reference 2007-10-31
Sync Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to add syncing to your applications.
Address Book, iCal, iSync, Safari Guides 2007-10-31
Sync Services Release Notes (10.5) (HTML)
Describes new features, notes, and known issues for Sync Services on Mac OS X v10.5.
Address Book, iCal, iSync, Safari Release Notes 2007-10-31
Xgrid Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to create client applications that use Xgrid, Apple's parallel multiprocessing technology.
General Guides 2007-10-31
CalendarItems (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Creates new iCal Events and Tasks ("To Do's") using Objective-C 2 and the Calendar Store framework
iCal Sample Code 2007-10-15
Why isn't my QuickTime Component recognized by iMovie '08? (HTML)
QA1545: Discusses why iMovie '08 may ignore 3rd party QuickTime Components.
iMovie Technical Q&As 2007-10-03
Fader (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates fading of elements inside a Dashboard widget
Dashboard, Safari Sample Code 2007-09-12
MakeiPhoneRefMovie (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to generate QuickTime Reference Movies for iPhone.
Safari Sample Code 2007-08-03
Automator Reference Update (HTML) (PDF)
Summarizes the symbols added to the Automtor framework.
Automator Release Notes 2007-07-25
Address Book Reference Update (HTML) (PDF)
Summarizes the symbols added to the Address Book framework.
Address Book Release Notes 2007-07-18
Automator AppleScript Actions Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Guides you through the procedure for creating a simple Automator action implemented in AppleScript.
Automator Guides 2007-07-18
Calendar Store Reference Update (HTML) (PDF)
Summarizes the symbols added to the CalendarStore framework.
iCal Release Notes 2007-07-18
Quartz Composer User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the Quartz Composer development tool to create motion graphics compositions.
Quartz Composer Guides 2007-07-17
iSync Manual Test Suite Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the suite of manual test cases that plug-in developers should run before shipping their product.
General, iSync Guides 2007-07-11
iSync SyncML Guide (PDF)
Guidelines on how to develop SyncML clients that are compatible with iSync.
General, iSync Guides 2007-07-11
iSync SyncML Reference (PDF)
Describes the SyncML (OMA DS) commands that are supported by iSync.
General, iSync Reference 2007-07-11
Sync Services Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to debug multiple syncing applications using the Syncrospector development tool.
Address Book, iCal, iSync, Safari Guides 2007-07-11
iSync Plug-in Maker User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the iSync Plug-in Maker tool to create and test iSync phone plug-ins.
General, iSync Guides 2007-07-10
AMWorkflowController Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the class used to control an Automator workflow in an application.
Automator Reference 2007-07-09
ABAddressBook C Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the opaque type for accessing, adding, and removing Address Book records.
Address Book Reference 2007-07-08
Address Book Objective-C Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Cocoa API for supporting and working with Address Book.
Address Book Reference 2007-07-08
Calendar Store Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Calendar Store framework classes and methods used to access iCal data.
General, iCal Reference 2007-07-08
Instant Message Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for providing iChat presence information to Cocoa applications and using iChat Theater.
iChat Reference 2007-07-08
CCL Modem Scripting Guide (HTML) (PDF)
iSync Guides 2007-06-28
Goodbye World (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates display and use of widget preferences to save a widget's state
Dashboard Sample Code 2007-06-28
Hello Welt (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates localization techniques for Dashboard widgets
Dashboard Sample Code 2007-06-25
Voices (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates use of the widget.system command from Dashboard
Dashboard Sample Code 2007-06-25
Apply Firmware Password (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to create an Automator Action for System Image Utility.
Automator Sample Code 2007-06-12
AutomatorHandsOn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates several methods for building Automator Actions
Automator Sample Code 2007-06-12
QuartzComposerSamplePatches (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A short list of new patches in Quartz Composer Mac OS X 10.5
Quartz Composer Sample Code 2007-06-11
Aperture Image Resizer (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Sample Aperture Export Plug-In code
Aperture Sample Code 2007-06-08
PredicateEditorSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to use the NSPredicateEditor class.
Address Book Sample Code 2007-06-06
WebKitPluginStarter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to make a minimal WebKit plug-in.
Safari Sample Code 2007-06-06
WebKitPluginWithJavaScript (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to call JavaScript from a WebKit plug-in and vice versa.
Safari Sample Code 2007-06-06
Debugging a WebKit Plug-in in Xcode (HTML)
QA1500: Directions for debugging a WebKit plug-in in Xcode.
Safari Technical Q&As 2007-06-05
WebKitPluginWithSimpleGUI (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A WebKit plug-in with an Interface Builder GUI
Safari Sample Code 2007-06-04
TimelineToTC (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Sample application demonstrating parsing/conversion of FCP XML Files.
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Sample Code 2007-06-01
Transforming a Shell Script into an Automator Action (HTML)
Custom shell script actions let you quickly turn shell, Perl, or Python scripts into Automator actions.
Automator Articles 2007-06-01
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Broadcast Your Application's Content with iChat Theater (HTML)
Leopard Overview article on using the Instant Messaging framework.
iCal Articles 2007-05-22
Mail Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to customize Mail features.
Mail Guides 2007-05-22
Rendering FxPlug Effects in Final Cut (HTML) (PDF)
Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express Guides 2007-05-21
Automator Constants Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the constants defined in the Automator framework not described in individual classes.
Automator Reference 2007-05-10
Availability of Quartz Composer Patches in Web Kit (HTML)
QA1505: Details which Quartz Composer patches are available in Web Kit
Dashboard, Safari Technical Q&As 2007-03-05
AMAction Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the abstract class that defines the interface and general characteristics of Automator actions.
Automator Reference 2007-03-01
Enhance Your Dashboard Widgets with Quartz Composer Compositions (HTML)
Learn to create a composition and embed it easily in your widgets.
Dashboard, Quartz Composer Articles 2007-02-13
Quartz Composer Reference Collection (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Objective-C API that supports loading, playing, and controlling compositions.
Quartz Composer Reference 2007-01-25
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Introducing Dashcode (HTML)
Learn how Dashcode makes widget development easier than ever.
Dashboard Articles 2007-01-09
Intel-Based Macs, Dashboard, Safari, and You (HTML)
QA1451: Concerns and details regarding widget and web development for Intel-based Macintosh computers
Dashboard, Safari Technical Q&As 2006-12-13
AMWorkflowView Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Automator Reference 2006-11-09