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Leopard Reference Library
Carbon is a set of C APIs offering developers an advanced user interface tool kit, event handling, the Quartz 2D graphics library, and multiprocessing support. Developers have access to other C and C++ APIs, including the OpenGL drawing system and the Mach microkernel.

A guided introduction and learning path for developers new to Carbon.   Essential information for developers using procedural C.   C API references organized by framework.
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Using PostScript Printer Description Files (HTML) (PDF)
Information for printer vendors. Includes installing files, PPD/PDE binding, and grouping features.
Printing Guides 2005-07-07
AEBuild*, AEPrint* and Friends (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2045: Describes the AEBuild* and AEPrint* family of routines.
Process Management Technical Notes 2002-03-21
AEStream and Friends (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2046: Describes the AEStream family of routines.
Process Management Technical Notes 2002-03-29
Avoiding Kernel Event Conflicts (HTML)
QA1063: Documents the namespace for the vendor_code field of the kern_event_msg structure.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2001-09-14
Browser Plugins in Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2020: Describes the format of web browser plugins for Mac OS X.
Process Management Technical Notes 2001-05-31
CrossEvents (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to send CarbonEvents and NSNotifications between Carbon and Cocoa.
Process Management Sample Code 2007-05-31
Customizing Process Stack Size (HTML)
QA1419: Describes methods for setting the stack size of a process and/or thread.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2008-02-20
Daemons and Agents (HTML)
TN2083: Describes the most common problems encountered with daemons and agents, and suggests detailed solutions.
Process Management Technical Notes 2007-11-05
The Death of typeFSSpec: moving along to typeFileURL (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2022: Discusses the typeFileURL format and using it to pass file references between applications in Mac OS X.
Process Management Technical Notes 2001-06-07
Determining console user login status (HTML)
QA1133: How to determine whether a user is logged in on the console, and be notified of changes.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2008-04-14
Folder Watching (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how a background only application can use Apple events to pass work to another application.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-01-14
How do I use kMPCreateTaskSuspendedMask with MPCreateTask? (HTML)
QA1055: Describes how to start a task that has been suspended with the ability to resume it later.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2001-07-02
ICLaunchURL, "file:///" URLs and Mac OS X (HTML)
QA1028: Describes problems with ICLaunchURL and "file:///" URLs on Mac OS X.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2001-04-20
KillEveryOneButMe (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to terminate all other processes.
Process Management Sample Code 2005-08-24
Locating Application Support Files under Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2015: Describes different methods for an application to determine its location.
Process Management Technical Notes 2001-03-27
Locking and Unlocking Handles (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - TN1122: Explains Memory Manager handles: locking, unlocking, and preserving a handle's state.
Process Management Technical Notes 1998-02-01
LoginItemsAE (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses Apple events to manipulate the list of login items (items launched when you log in).
Process Management Sample Code 2005-10-17
MoreIsBetter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Library providing indispensable wrapers and workarounds for many areas of Mac OS programming.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-10-27
MPFileCopy (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to copy a folder and its contents using the HFS Plus APIs from an MP task.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-01-14
MPRemoteCall Contexts (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1122: Describes two recently introduced options for the context parameter of MPRemoteCall.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2002-02-18
Multiprocessing Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to implement preemptive tasks in Carbon applications.
Process Management Guides 2007-10-31
Multiprocessing Services Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for creating preemptively scheduled tasks in Carbon applications.
Process Management Reference 2008-02-08
Non Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1098: Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources
Process Management Technical Q&As 2003-08-20
The Notification Manager: Problems & Fixes (HTML)
TN1026: Describes issues with the Notification Manager 'activate' and 'update' events.
Process Management Technical Notes 1996-02-01
Observing Process Lifetimes Without Polling (HTML)
TN2050: Shows a variety of methods to observe process lifetimes without polling.
Process Management Technical Notes 2008-09-10
OTScheduleDeferredTask When Task Running (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
NW52: Describes what happens when you use OTScheduleDefferedTask to schedule a task that is running.
Process Management Technical Q&As 1997-10-13
The 'plst' Resource (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2013: Describes the 'plst' resource for Carbon-based applications.
Process Management Technical Notes 2002-02-07
Plug-ins (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the plug-in architecture provided by Core Foundation.
Process Management Guides 2005-03-03
Porting Multithreaded Applications from Win32 to Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn how Mac OS X handles multithreading, before porting your Win32 application.
Process Management Articles 2005-06-20
Power Management; Policy Maker vs. Power Controller (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1121: Describes the differences between a Power Management Policy Maker and a Power Management Power Controller.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2002-02-13
Power Manager 2.0 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN1190: Describes the Macintosh Power Manager 2.0.
Process Management Technical Notes 2000-08-14
PreLoginAgents (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Pre-login launchd agents to display UI using AppKit and HIToolbox.
Process Management Sample Code 2007-10-26
Process (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A simple demonstration of the Process Manager API.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-10-30
Process Carbon Events Not Delivered in 10.2 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1181: Work around for a bug in Mac OS X 10.2 that prevents the delivery of process Carbon events.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2002-08-27
Process Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for process management in Carbon applications.
Process Management Reference 2007-12-04
Programmatically causing restart, shutdown and/or logout (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1134: Describes how to programmatically cause restart, shutdown, sleep or logout.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2008-09-24
PThreadSorts (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Applies various sorting algorithms to pictures using POSIX threads (pthreads) on Mac OS X.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-01-14
Quartz 2D Thread Safety (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1238: Explains the thread-safety issues for the Quartz 2D API.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2003-02-25
Setting environment variables for user processes (HTML)
QA1067: Tells how to set environment variables for user processes.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2001-10-25
Signals and Threads (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1184: Describes how threads and signals interact.
Process Management Technical Q&As 2002-08-27
SignatureToApp (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Takes a signature (creator code) and finds the corresponding application, running or on disk.
Process Management Sample Code 2003-01-14
Thread Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for creating cooperatively scheduled threads in Carbon applications.
Process Management Reference 2007-04-04
Threading Architectures (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2028: Describes the various threading APIs on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.
Process Management Technical Notes 2001-08-08
Threading Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use threads in Cocoa applications.
Process Management Guides 2008-02-08
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2059: Describes some problems with and workarounds for using mutable collection classes in multithreaded applications.
Process Management Technical Notes 2002-09-10
Using Launch Services for discovering document binding and launching applications (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2017: Interface to starting applications, opening documents either with a specific application, or using the default application.
Process Management Technical Notes 2001-04-17
Working with Multiprocessing Services (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN1071: Discusses some techniques for use with Apple's Multiprocessing Services APIs.
Process Management Technical Notes 2000-08-14
Adding a movie reference to a movie (HTML)
QA1376: Demonstrates how to add a reference for a movie to another movie
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2004-09-16
BackgroundExporter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates techniques which can be used to export QuickTime movies in a separate export process.
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-07-22
Base-Derived async image codecs must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1157: Describes why base-derived codecs that set canAsync must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2002-07-09
BrideOfMungGrab (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of overlay windows and CG to draw text on captured video.
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-08-12
Building Universal QuickTime Components for Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2012: Discusses the changes necessary to build Universal Mach-O QuickTime Components for Mac OS X.
QuickTime Technical Notes 2005-07-21
Carbon GLSnapshot (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of OpenGL with Quicktime to capture OpenGL content.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-07-07
Compression Sessions - Configuring codec quality settings (HTML)
QA1444: Discusses how to set encoding quality for a Compression Sequence
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-10-17
Compression Sessions - Configuring options using the Standard Compression dialog (HTML)
QA1456: Discusses how to configure Compression Session options using Standard Compression dialog.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-01-12
Compression Sessions - Enabling muti-pass encoding (HTML)
QA1450: Describes how to enable multi-pass encoding when using ICM compression sessions.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-01-12
Compression Sessions - Multipass encoding and the pass mode flags (HTML)
QA1457: Discusses how the pass mode flags work when performing multipass compression operations.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-10-02
Compression Sessions - Temporal compression options (HTML)
QA1455: Discusses the temporal compression option as it relates to quality and other compression session options.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-01-12
Creating Sub GWorlds using QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1014: Using QTNewGWorldFromPtr to create sub GWorlds which reference the pixel data of other GWorlds.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2001-03-20
Decompression Sessions - Setting codec accuracy and field mode (HTML)
QA1460: Describes how to set codec accuracy and field mode options when creating a decompression sessions.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-01-12
DropDraw (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates automatic ColorSync color-matching when drawing with QuickTime graphics importers in Panther
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-08-01
Dynamically registering a bundled component (HTML)
QA1083: Describes how to dynamically register a Component which resides in an Application bundle.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2004-06-07
Extracting DV Fields using QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1017: Describes using QTNewGWorldFromPtr to access individual fields contained within a frame of DV source.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2001-03-20
HackTV Carbon (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
HackTV Carbon shows how to use the sequence grabber to preview and record QuickTime movie files.
QuickTime Sample Code 2007-11-16
How to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing (HTML)
QA1417: Describes how to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing to initialize the view in QuickTime 7
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2008-03-11
Implementing a CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack (HTML)
QA1440: Discusses how you implement a Core Video custom extended pixel fill callback function.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-09-06
Incorrect Inside Macintosh Volume V documentation (HTML)
Deprecated - QD15: Identifies incorrect documentation in Inside Macintosh Volume V regarding the formats of PnPixPat and BkPixPat opcodes.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 1995-09-15
iSight - Configuring gain settings for IIDC cameras (HTML)
QA1421: Discusses how to configure features of IIDC cameras, specifically gain for the iSight
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-04-06
LockPixels and DisposeGWorld with QTNewGWorldFromPtr (HTML)
QA1007: Clarifies some issues surrounding pointer ownership when creating GWorlds with QTNewGWorldFromPtr
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2001-02-26
Movie Export - Always fill in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field (HTML)
QA1304: Outlines the importance of correctly filling in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field when exporting from procedures.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-02-25
Movie Export Component - How to ensure Final Cut Pro recognizes your exporter (HTML)
QA1415: Explains how to make sure Final Cut Pro will recognizes a custom QuickTime movie export component.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-03-08
Movies - Saving movie playback hints (HTML)
QA1366: Explains how to save and load media play hints from Movie files.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2004-09-14
QTCarbonCoreImage101 (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to render QuickTime Movies using Core Image filters and the new video pipeline.
QuickTime Sample Code 2006-02-14
QTCarbonShell (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A skeleton of a modern Carbon QuickTime application demonstrating how to incorporate QuickTime support into a Carbon application.
QuickTime Sample Code 2009-03-19
QTMetaData (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the QuickTime 7 MetaData APIs in a Carbon application.
QuickTime Sample Code 2009-03-16
qtshell (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Simple QuickTime and QuickTime VR viewer framework.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-10-27
qtshellCEvents (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Carbon event based movie viewer framework which demonstrates how to incorporate movie support into an application.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-01-14
QuickTime Audio - Easy Frequency Level Metering with MovieAudio APIs (HTML)
QA1459: Describes how to perform frequency band level metering using MovieAudio metering APIs.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2009-01-29
QuickTime Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the API for QuickTime.
QuickTime Reference 2006-05-23
QuickTime Movie Basics (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces some of the basic concepts you need to understand when working with QuickTime movies.
QuickTime Guides 2006-01-10
QuickTime Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the main concepts and services of QuickTime.
QuickTime Guides 2005-08-11
QuickTimeMovieControl (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to easily add QuickTime media playback to an application
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-08-10
Registering custom pixel formats with QuickTime and Core Video (HTML)
QA1401: Discusses how to register custom pixel formats with QuickTime & Core Video with QuickTime 7.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-09-06
Sequence Grabber - Determining the capture resolution of an IIDC device (HTML)
QA1403: Discusses how to determine the resolution of a captured image from an IIDC device
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-01-06
Sequence Grabber preallocates large file when recording (HTML)
QA1411: Describes how to prevent the Sequence Grabber from filling your entire disk when recording.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2006-02-06
SillyFrequencyLevels (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to obtain audio frequency levels from a Movie using SetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringNumBands and GetMovieAudioFrequencyLevels APIs.
QuickTime Sample Code 2006-01-25
SimpleHIMovieViewPlayer (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to use HIMovieView to play QuickTime Movies.
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-07-15
SimpleVideoOut (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how QuickTime Video Output Components can be used to play video out to hardware.
QuickTime Sample Code 2005-08-10
Thread-safe programming in QuickTime (HTML)
TN2125: Discusses how to use QuickTime from background threads for applications and component developers.
QuickTime Technical Notes 2007-09-14
Using language-tagged QuickTime UserData text APIs with CFStrings (HTML)
QA1410: Describes how to use language-tagged QuickTime UserData text APIs with CFStrings and TextEncodings.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2005-02-11
Using QTPixelBufferContextCreate with NewMovieFromProperties (HTML)
QA1443: Discusses using a QuickTime pixel buffer visual context and NewMovieFromProperties to output frames to pixel buffers.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2008-08-08
WhackedTV (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Cocoa version of the venerable HackTV sample code, demonstrating usage of the Sequence Grabber API's
QuickTime Sample Code 2008-05-09
Bundle Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Core Foundation bundle objects to organize resources.
Resource Management Guides 2005-11-09
Carbon Core Release Notes (HTML)
Resource Management Release Notes 2007-10-31
CFPrefTopScores (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
How to access globally shared (writable) user preferences without requiring authentication.
Resource Management Sample Code 2006-10-09
CPUGestalt (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Shows how to determine the processor type of the Macintosh you're running on.
Resource Management Sample Code 2003-10-27
Customizing Process Stack Size (HTML)
QA1419: Describes methods for setting the stack size of a process and/or thread.
Resource Management Technical Q&As 2008-02-20
Fragment Tool (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates manipulation of code fragments; combining and separating; viewing and editing information associated with each.
Resource Management Sample Code 2003-01-30
Gestalt Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for obtaining information about the operating-system environment.
Resource Management Reference 2007-10-31
Locking and Unlocking Handles (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - TN1122: Explains Memory Manager handles: locking, unlocking, and preserving a handle's state.
Resource Management Technical Notes 1998-02-01