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The Reference Library is a comprehensive collection of Apple technical resources, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Each of the links below leads to the resources for a specific topic.

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OpenGL Driver Monitor User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to view the properties supported by the OpenGL drivers available on the system.
Tools Guides 2008-02-08
OpenGL Profiler User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to assess the efficiency of an OpenGL application.
Tools Guides 2008-02-08
OpenGL Shader Builder User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use OpenGL Shader Builder to develop and test GPU programs.
Tools Guides 2008-06-23
OpenGL Tools for Serious Graphics Development (HTML)
Learn how Apple's best-of-breed OpenGL tools help developers locate, analyze, and debug graphics bottlenecks.
Tools Articles 2004-02-02
Optimizing with Shark: Big Payoff, Small Effort (HTML)
Learn to improve your application's performance by sampling a real application using Shark.
Tools Articles 2004-01-19
Optimizing Your Application with System Trace in Shark 4 (HTML)
See how your code interacts with Mac OS X using the power of Shark.
Tools Articles 2006-01-30
Optimizing Your Applications with Shark 4 (HTML)
Learn how using Shark 4 can help you dramatically improve performance in your application.
Tools Articles 2004-11-08
PackageMaker User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to use PackageMaker to create installation packages.
Tools Guides 2009-01-06
PackageMaker's NeedsAuthorization value causes install to fail (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1283: Provides a workaround when PackageMaker's NeedsAuthorization value causes a Mac OS X 10.1 installation failure.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-08-25
Packaging UNIX Software (HTML)
Explains how to post UNIX and other command-line tools to Apple's Macintosh Product Guide.
Tools Guides 2001-04-20
Performance Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the factors that determine performance.
Tools Guides 2006-10-03
PIDFromBSDProcessName (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Provides a simple API to do process PID lookup based on BSD process name.
Tools Sample Code 2003-02-13
Porting CodeWarrior Projects to Xcode (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to move software projects from CodeWarrior to Xcode and compares the two development environments.
Tools Guides 2006-10-26
Porting UNIX/Linux Applications to Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and tips about porting UNIX and Linux applications to Mac OS X.
Tools Guides 2008-04-08
Preprocessing Info.plist files in Xcode Using the C Preprocessor (HTML)
TN2175: Describes workarounds for several issues concerning preprocessing Info.plist files in Xcode with the C preprocessor.
Tools Technical Notes 2007-08-14
Programmatically causing restart, shutdown and/or logout (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1134: Describes how to programmatically cause restart, shutdown, sleep or logout.
Tools Technical Q&As 2008-09-24
Project Builder 2.1 needs projects to be checked into CVS to enable CVS support (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1245: Explains how to workaround a bug in Project Builder that blocks CVS functionality.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-03-20
QCFundamentals (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates Coordinate, Interpolation, and Iterative systems in Quartz Composer with an amusing animation
Tools Sample Code 2006-08-07
QCGalaxy (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates use of Particle Systems and Core Image Filters in Quartz Composer
Tools Sample Code 2006-08-07
Quartz Composer User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the Quartz Composer development tool to create motion graphics compositions.
Tools Guides 2007-07-17
Quartz Composer WWDC 2005 Composition (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to build a parameterized motion graphics composition with Quartz Composer.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-01
QuickTime 6.4 & AvailabilityMacros.h on Mac OS X 10.2.x (HTML)
QA1316: Fixing compilation issues when upgrading to QuickTime 6.4 on Mac OS X 10.2.x systems.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-10-21
Reminders (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Dashboard widget with a plug-in that displays upcoming iCal events, to do items, and calendars.
Tools Sample Code 2008-07-25
Remote or Two-Machine Debugging Applications with GDB (HTML)
QA1279: Explains how to setup a remote or two-machine debugging configuration using gdb and ssh.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-09-09
Runtime Configuration Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual and reference information for dynamically configuring your software.
Tools Guides 2008-07-08
Saturn 4.5 User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to analyze a program's function-calling structure.
Tools Guides 2007-10-31
ScriptBuildPhases (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Augmenting Project Builder build phases with scripts to do extra work or invoke other tools.
Tools Sample Code 2003-01-14
ScriptView (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to build a script editor application with a built-in script database using AppleScript Studio.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-01
SDKExample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to weak-link against the Carbon framework in various SDKs to adopt new OS features in a single executable.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-06
Server-Side Java with the Struts Framework on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn how to combine such things as Servlets, JSP, and custom Struts tag libraries using Struts.
Tools Articles 2003-07-17
Setting default open Finder window (HTML)
QA1449: How to set the default Finder window to open when a disk is mounted
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-01-03
Setting environment variables for user processes (HTML)
QA1067: Tells how to set environment variables for user processes.
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-10-25
Shark User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to analyze code performance by profiling the system.
Tools Guides 2008-04-14
Shell Scripting Primer (HTML) (PDF)
A guided tour of (Bourne) shell scripting, including control structures, numerical computation, regular expressions, subroutines, and error handling.
Tools Guides 2009-04-08
simpleJavaLauncher (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
How to launch 1.4.x and future JVM's from a Core Foundation tool.
Tools Sample Code 2006-04-12
SimplePing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Sample provides simple API to programatically ping a remote host without admin privileges
Tools Sample Code 2003-10-27
Software Delivery Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to distribute and install Mac OS X software using PackageMaker and Installer.
Tools Guides 2006-07-24
Spaces in project names: solving "Missing file or directory" errors in Project Builder (HTML)
QA1301: Explains "Missing file or directory" errors when building with Project Builder.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-09-15
Speeding up your Xcode Builds (HTML)
TN2190: Speed up your Xcode builds by leveraging the power of the Xcode build system
Tools Technical Notes 2007-08-14
Sproing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how "springs" work to control view resizing behavior.
Tools Sample Code 2003-05-20
STABS Debug Format (HTML)
Open-source document that explains the STABS format of symbolic debugging information.
Tools Reference 2008-06-19
Static linking of user binaries on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1118: Explains why static linking of user binaries is not supported on Mac OS X, and possible workarounds.
Tools Technical Q&As 2002-02-07
Stub Library FAQ (HTML)
PLAT28: Explains stub libraries and their use, and differences between shared libraries and stub libraries.
Tools Technical Q&As 1997-03-14
Switching from Code Warrior to Xcode (HTML)
Learn how to import your projects from CodeWarrior.
Tools Articles 2003-10-24
Symbol to Library in GDB (HTML)
QA1388: Shows how to find the library containing a symbol in GDB.
Tools Technical Q&As 2004-11-15
Symbol Variants Release Notes (HTML)
Describes symbol variants, a way of providing multiple versions of symbols for backwards compatibility.
Tools Release Notes 2007-10-16
Sync Services Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to debug multiple syncing applications using the Syncrospector development tool.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
TemperatureTester (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to add a simple Unit Test to Temperature Converter.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-06
Terminal 2 Release Notes (HTML)
Describes new features of the Terminal application in Mac OS X 10.5.
Tools Release Notes 2007-10-31
Test Driving Your Code with OCUnit (HTML)
Learn to unit-test your application to improve its quality and refine the design.
Tools Articles 2005-03-28
Test64BitMultiprec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Implements (PPC) A*Y+B where A & B are arrays of 64-bit words and Y is a 64-bit integer
Tools Sample Code 2006-06-09
Tiger Developer Overview Series: Working with Xcode 2.0 (HTML)
Learn about Apple's IDE for Tiger, to build powerful applications more quickly.
Tools Articles 2005-02-07
Tips for searching Headers, APIs and ADC reference material. (HTML)
QA1475: Presents a number of different ways to search for APIs and reference material on the system.
Tools Technical Q&As 2009-02-13
Understanding Xcode Projects (HTML)
Learn how Xcode handles projects and how best to work with them.
Tools Articles 2005-10-10
Universal Binary Programming Guidelines, Second Edition (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and tips for writing code that runs on PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macintosh computers.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
UnsupportedClassVersionError With J2SE 5.0 Release 4 (HTML)
QA1474: Explains problems running existing Xcode projects after upgrading to J2SE 5.0 Release 4
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-04-14
UpdateXcodeSubprojects (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Updates all subprojects of an Xcode project to Xcode 2.1 format. Illustrates scripting techniques.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-06
User's Guide to gperf 3.0.1 (HTML)
Tools Guides 2007-12-03
Using Doxygen to Create Xcode Documentation Sets (HTML)
Learn how to integrate your documentation into Xcode.
Tools Articles 2008-06-09
Using GCOV from Xcode (HTML)
QA1514: Illustrates configuring your Xcode project to work with the GCOV code coverage tool.
Tools Technical Q&As 2007-02-23
Using Oracle JDeveloper on Mac OS (HTML)
This article introduces you to JDeveloper 10g and includes a tutorial for building a simple application.
Tools Articles 2004-12-06
Using Pascal strings in Project Builder (HTML)
QA1053: Shows how to force gcc (compiler used by Project Builder) to understand Pascal strings.
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-06-28
Using PyObjC for Developing Cocoa Applications with Python (HTML)
Learn how to build a sample Cocoa app using the Cocoa-Python bridge PyOjbC.
Tools Articles 2005-08-15
Using qd and QDGlobals (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - QD40: Why a sample program compiled with SC may give the link error: undefined entry qd. Provides a solution.
Tools Technical Q&As 1996-02-09
Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn why Mac OS X is the preferred platform for Ruby on Rails.
Tools Articles 2007-06-06
Using static versions of existing dynamic libraries (HTML)
QA1393: Illustrates how to select a static version of a library when a dynamic version of the library exists.
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-10-24
Using Sun Java Studio Creator 2 on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn to use the tool that provides visual access to databases and web services.
Tools Articles 2004-11-15
Using the latest Mac OS X headers in my CFM project with CodeWarrior (HTML)
QA1379: Describes how to use the latest Mac OS X headers in CodeWarrior by modifying the CFM project access paths.
Tools Technical Q&As 2004-10-08
WcharDataFormatter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example of how to write a custom data formatter.
Tools Sample Code 2006-03-31
WebKit DOM Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to use JavaScript in web content and WebKit-based applications.
Tools Guides 2008-10-15
WebObjects 5.4 Reference (HTML)
Describes the WebObjects 5.4 classes in Javadoc format.
Tools Reference 2007-10-31
WebObjects 5.4 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Information about known issues and workarounds for WebObjects Release 5.4.
Tools Release Notes 2007-12-11
WebObjects 5.4.1 Reference (HTML)
Describes the WebObjects 5.4.1 classes in Javadoc format.
Tools Reference 2008-03-11
WebObjects 5.4.2 Reference (HTML)
Describes the WebObjects 5.4.2 Java classes.
Tools Reference 2008-10-15
WebObjects Application Properties Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the command-line properties that can be passed to WebObjects application and tools when they start.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects applications crashing on NT using IIS (HTML)
WOV01: Explanation and workaround for random crashing with WebObjects patch 2 on Windows NT with IIS.
Tools Technical Q&As 2000-10-30
WebObjects Deployment Guide Using JavaMonitor (HTML) (PDF)
Tools and techniques for deploying WebObjects applications. Includes application administration and performance-improving practices.
Tools Guides 2007-10-31
WebObjects Direct to Web Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the Java-based technology for creating web applications that access a database. Includes examples of customizing applications.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects Dynamic Elements Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the WebObjects dynamic elements.
Tools Reference 2006-01-10
WebObjects Enterprise Objects Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
An overview of the technology that combines object-oriented programming with database application development. Includes examples and solutions.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects Extensions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the WebObjects extensions, a special set of dynamic elements.
Tools Reference 2004-12-02
WebObjects J2EE Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to develop J2EE components using WebObjects and deploy WebObjects applications inside servlet containers.
Tools Guides 2005-08-11
WebObjects Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the architecture, technologies, development tools, and development approaches of WebObjects.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Steps for building a simple WebObjects application using Eclipse and the WOLips plug-in.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
WebObjects Web Applications Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to develop web applications using WebObjects, including application design, state management, and database architecture.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects Web Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to develop and utilize web services in WebObjects.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
WebObjects XML Serialization Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to serialize objects and data into XML documents.
Tools Guides 2005-08-11
What are the predefined macros for GCC? (HTML)
QA1424: Shows how to display a list of GCC predefined macros.
Tools Technical Q&As 2005-07-06
What is the Timebase submenu available in the contextual menu of some patches in Quartz Composer? (HTML)
QA1427: Describes the timebase system used by patches in Quartz Composer.
Tools Technical Q&As 2005-06-15
What's New in Xcode (HTML) (PDF)
Provides an overview of new and improved features in the Xcode application.
Tools Guides 2009-01-06
Why is libstdc++.a missing in my Xcode project on Mac OS X v10.4 (Tiger)? (HTML)
QA1428: Explains the role of libstdc++ and why you do not need it in a Xcode project.
Tools Technical Q&As 2005-04-29
Working with groups and folder references in Project Builder (HTML)
QA1077: Explains how to work with groups and folder references in Project Builder
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-09-25
Working with Xcode Build Settings (HTML)
Learn how to customize your build process intuitively to help you manage complex project settings.
Tools Articles 2005-12-12
Working with Xcode: Building Applications for the Future (HTML)
Learn how to build universal binaries using Xcode.
Tools Articles 2005-08-26
Xcode 3 Project Compatiblity (HTML)
QA1572: Describes the minimum requirements for opening Project Builder or older Xcode projects in Xcode 3.
Tools Technical Q&As 2008-11-12
Xcode Build Setting Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the build settings used in the Xcode build system to compile source code and produce binary files.
Tools Reference 2009-03-04
Xcode Build System Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Provides a detailed description of the Xcode build system and shows how to customize it.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
Xcode Debugging Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Xcode debugging facilities and the recommended debugging techniques.
Tools Guides 2009-01-06
Xcode Design Tools for Class Modeling (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Xcode Design Tools for Class Modeling.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
Xcode Installation Guide (HTML) (PDF) (日本語 HTML) (日本語 PDF)
Describes general installation issues for Xcode users.
Tools Guides 2008-05-27