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The Reference Library is a comprehensive collection of Apple technical resources, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Each of the links below leads to the resources for a specific topic.

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File-System Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the performance of file-related code.
Tools Guides 2005-07-07
Fractal Performance (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Three fractal applications that show various bottlenecks and how they can be fixed.
Tools Sample Code 2006-04-17
Framework Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and guidelines on how to create a framework.
Tools Guides 2006-11-07
FrontBase and JDBC (HTML)
QA1041: Describes an alternative to using the JDBC adaptor with FrontBase for WebObjects 5.0.
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-07-09
GCC 3 Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for Xcode 2.3
Tools Release Notes 2006-05-23
GCC 4 Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for Xcode 3.0
Tools Release Notes 2007-10-31
GCC Porting Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Provides guidance on how to migrate projects to new GCC releases.
Tools Guides 2006-10-03
GDB for MacsBug Veterans (HTML)
TN2030: Translate your experience with MacsBug into a working knowledge of the GNU source-level debugger (GDB).
Tools Technical Notes 2001-10-18
GDB Internals (HTML)
Open-source document that explains the GDB implementation.
Tools Guides 2008-06-19
GDB Quick Reference (PDF)
Printable quick reference card.
Tools Reference
GDB Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for Mac OS X v10.5
Tools Release Notes 2007-05-16
Generating a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1264: Explains how to generate a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) on modern Macintosh systems.
Tools Technical Q&As 2008-10-13
Getting Control with Subversion and Xcode (HTML)
Learn how to install and set up Subversion on Mac OS X Server.
Tools Articles 2005-11-08
Getting owner and group name references for PackageMaker package contents (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1285: Describes how to get owner and group name references for PackageMaker package contents.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-08-25
Getting Started with GDB (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2032: Explains common C, C++ and Objective-C debugging tasks using gdb, plus helpful tips and tricks.
Tools Technical Notes 2001-12-07
GNU C 4.0 Preprocessor User Guide (HTML)
Describes the Apple version of the GNU C 4.0 Preprocessor.
Tools Reference 2007-10-31
GNU C 4.2 Preprocessor Internals (HTML)
Tools Guides 2008-01-23
GNU C 4.2 Preprocessor User Guide (HTML)
Describes the Apple version of the GNU C 4.2 Preprocessor.
Tools Reference 2008-01-23
GNU C/C++/Objective-C 3.3 Compiler (HTML)
Explains how to use the GNU compilers from the command line.
Tools Reference
GNU C/C++/Objective-C 4.0.1 Compiler User Guide (HTML)
Describes the Apple version of the GNU 4.0.1 compiler.
Tools Reference 2007-10-31
GNU C/C++/Objective-C 4.2.1 Compiler User Guide (HTML)
Describes the Apple version of the GNU 4.2.1 compiler.
Tools Reference 2008-01-23
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.2 Internals (HTML)
Tools Guides 2008-01-23
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals (HTML)
Tools Guides 2007-12-11
The GNU Compiler Collection on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn about the open-source tools GCC and GDB, and enhancements specific to Mac OS X.
Tools Articles 2004-07-12
GNU macro processor (HTML)
Documentation on the GNU macro processor.
Tools Reference 2007-10-31
Documentation of the GNU make utility.
Tools Reference 2008-06-19
HeaderDoc User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to extract API reference documentation from commented header files.
Tools Guides 2008-04-08
Help Book Caching During Software Development (HTML)
QA1409: Development situations that can potentially confuse Help Viewer
Tools Technical Q&As 2005-03-30
How can I get both Subversion (SVN) and CVS on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)? (HTML)
QA1492: Explains where to find Subversion and CVS for installation.
Tools Technical Q&As 2007-11-15
How do I access files contained in my AppleScript Studio application's main bundle? (HTML)
QA1493: Explains how to access files stored within an AppleScript Studio application.
Tools Technical Q&As 2007-02-05
How do I use asserts while debugging? (HTML)
QA1431: How do I enable asserts so they log their messages and/or break when I'm debugging?
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-06-30
How to add a folder to the contents of a package (HTML)
QA1484: Describes how to add a folder of files to the package contents of executable code
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-10-31
How to solve '_objc_exception_set_functions' ZeroLink errors in Xcode (HTML)
QA1321: Explains how to eliminate '_objc_exception_set_functions' ZeroLink errors in Xcode
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-10-29
How to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing (HTML)
QA1417: Describes how to work around HIMovieViewCreate failing to initialize the view in QuickTime 7
Tools Technical Q&As 2008-03-11
IBDocument Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes an Interface Builder document, which visually represents a nib file.
Tools Reference 2009-01-06
IBFragmentView (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates building an Interface Builder plugin including a custom inspector and library integration for a custom view.
Tools Sample Code 2006-08-01
IBInspector Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the interface for managing inspector views in Interface Builder.
Tools Reference 2007-07-11
IBPlugin Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the interface for managing plug-ins in Interface Builder.
Tools Reference 2007-04-02
Importing Projects from WO 4.5.x into WO 5.0 (HTML)
QA1035: Describes how to import WebObjects 4.5.x projects into WebObjects 5.0.
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-07-09
Improving Your Software with Xcode andStatic Code Analysis Techniques (HTML)
Learn about static analysis and get started using it with an Xcode project.
Tools Articles 2006-07-10
Including a custom NSWindow in a nib file (HTML)
QA1511: Shows how to create a custom NSWindow and instantiate it in a nib file.
Tools Technical Q&As 2007-03-21
Installer JavaScript Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the JavaScript object model used in distribution definition files.
Tools Reference 2008-12-16
Installer Tiger Examples (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A walkthrough of using distribution scripts and other Tiger Installer features.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-01
InstallerPluginSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Provides instructions for extending software installation using custom plugins
Tools Sample Code 2006-08-30
Installing Your Application on Mac OS X: Guidelines for Developers (HTML)
Get tips for making the installation process easier for you and your customers.
Tools Articles 2005-06-13
Instruments User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Instruments application and explains how to use it to examine program behavior.
Tools Guides 2008-10-15
Interface Builder 3.0 Release Notes (HTML)
Tools Release Notes 2008-03-05
Interface Builder 3.1 Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for Interface Builder 3.1
Tools Release Notes 2008-05-30
Interface Builder 3.1.1 Release Notes (HTML)
Describes configuration changes, bug fixes, and newly reported issues since Interface Builder 3.1.
Tools Release Notes 2008-09-09
Interface Builder Kit Constants Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the constants declared in the Interface Builder Kit framework.
Tools Reference 2007-04-02
Interface Builder Kit Data Types Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the data types declared in the Interface Builder Kit framework.
Tools Reference 2007-04-02
Interface Builder Kit Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the interface for implementing Interface Builder plug-ins.
Tools Reference 2007-04-18
Interface Builder Plug-In Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the process for creating custom Interface Builder palettes.
Tools Guides 2007-07-18
Interface Builder User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and tasks explaining how to use the Interface Builder application to design user interfaces.
Tools Guides 2008-11-19
Interface element identification in Interface Builder (HTML)
QA1323: Describes a way to easily visually identify interface elements in a nib file.
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-10-06
Internationalization Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to support multiple languages in software.
Tools Guides 2009-01-06
Introducing Xcode 2.3 (HTML)
Get an overview of Xcode 2.3.
Tools Articles 2006-05-31
Introduction to Open Source Scripting on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn your scripting options for automating a wide range of tasks quickly.
Tools Articles 2005-08-01
iSync Manual Test Suite Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the suite of manual test cases that plug-in developers should run before shipping their product.
Tools Guides 2007-07-11
iSync Plug-in Maker User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the iSync Plug-in Maker tool to create and test iSync phone plug-ins.
Tools Guides 2007-07-10
iSync Sample Document (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
iSync Plug-in Maker sample document, illustrating how to build an iSync plug-in for a SyncML phone.
Tools Sample Code 2006-08-01
Jar Bundler User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and a tutorial about deploying JAR-based applications as Mac OS X application bundles.
Tools Guides 2006-05-23
Java for WebObjects Developers (PDF)
Introduces Java concepts and terms to WebObjects developers. Includes exercises for developing Java expertise in WebObjects.
Tools Guides 2003-05-27
Java on Intel-based Macs (HTML)
QA1295: Required changes (if any) for Java applications to run on Intel-based Macs.
Tools Technical Q&As 2006-10-17
JDragNDrop (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Demonstrates building a simple view to implement Drag-and-Drop functionality in Cocoa-Java.
Tools Sample Code 2003-01-14
JNI Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
TN2147: Discusses use of native APIs and UI elements from Java applications
Tools Technical Notes 2006-04-17
Kernel Core Dumps (HTML)
TN2118: Explains how to gather and use remote kernel core dumps.
Tools Technical Notes 2008-11-12
Launch Time Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the launch performance of an application.
Tools Guides 2006-04-04
ld Release Notes for Xcode 3.1 (HTML)
Tools Release Notes 2008-05-29
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Graphics & Media Overview (HTML)
Describes Leopard's graphics and media capabilities.
Tools Articles 2007-12-11
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Introducing Dashcode (HTML)
Learn how Dashcode makes widget development easier than ever.
Tools Articles 2007-01-09
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Leopard Developer Tools Overview (HTML)
Learn how Leopard developer tools make it easier than ever to create exciting applications.
Tools Articles 2006-11-15
Leopard Technology Series for Developers: Objective-C 2.0 Overview (HTML)
Describes features and capabilities introduced in Objective-C 2.0.
Tools Articles 2007-12-11
Libtool (HTML)
Documentation for GNU Libtool.
Tools Reference 2008-06-19
LLVM-GCC Release Notes (HTML)
Lists changes to LLVM-GCC technology.
Tools Release Notes 2008-09-09
Mac OS X ABI Dynamic Loader Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the functions used to access Mach-O files.
Tools Reference 2005-11-09
Mac OS X ABI Function Call Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the function-calling conventions used in the architectures supported by Mac OS X.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
Mac OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the data structures that make up the Mach-O file format.
Tools Reference 2009-02-04
Mac OS X Assembler Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the syntax, directives, and specific options required for the Mac OS X assembler.
Tools Reference 2009-01-07
Mac OS X Debugging Magic (HTML)
TN2124: Collection of Mac OS X debugging hints and tips.
Tools Technical Notes 2007-01-10
Mac OS X Man Pages (HTML)
HTML versions of the Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Xcode Tools, and CHUD man pages.
Tools Reference 2008-04-29
Mac OS X v10.1 (HTML)
TN2029: Updated list of APIs for Mac OS X 10.1.
Tools Technical Notes 2001-10-15
Mac OS X: versions 10.0.1 through 10.0.4 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2025: List of API differences betweem 10.0.1 trough 10.0.4
Tools Technical Notes 2001-07-26
Mach-O Programming Topics (HTML) (PDF)
Explains the use of the Mac OS X runtime architecture, including program types, loading and executing code, and using libraries and plug-ins.
Tools Guides 2009-02-04
MachPortDump (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Dumps out the Mach port name space of a process; useful when debugging port right leaks.
Tools Sample Code 2005-08-10
Malloc Debug Environment Variables Release Notes (HTML)
Tools Release Notes 2005-04-29
ManagedObjectDataFormatter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Data Formatter for Xcode 2.0 and 2.1 that displays NSManagedObject * variables.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-01
Maximizing Mac OS X Application Performance (HTML)
Learn how to achieve better performance on Mac OS X.
Tools Articles 2003-06-23
Memory Usage Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the performance of memory-related code.
Tools Guides 2006-06-28
Missing Results in Xcode Project Find Window (HTML)
QA1580: A workaround for when a search that previously returned results generates no files found in Xcode
Tools Technical Q&As 2008-03-06
MoreAppleEvents (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Provides routines that assist with the creation and sending of Apple events and object descriptors.
Tools Sample Code 2003-01-14
Moving To GCC 4.0 (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to fix code that GCC 3.3 accepts but GCC 4.0 doesn't.
Tools Sample Code 2005-06-01
Moving Your Project from CodeWarrior to Xcode (HTML)
Get started moving your project from CodeWarrior to Xcode.
Tools Articles 2005-11-28
MyFirstJNIProject (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Java application that calls the Address Book framework through the JNI
Tools Sample Code 2006-04-12
Nested Functions in Xcode (HTML)
TN2161: This technote explains how to port code which uses nested functions in Xcode 2.2.
Tools Technical Notes 2006-01-10
Netwide Assembler Guide (HTML)
Describes the Netwide Assembler for Intel-based Macs.
Tools Reference 2008-06-19
NSObject Interface Builder Kit Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes additions, used by Interface Builder plug-ins, for inspecting objects.
Tools Reference 2007-05-10
NSView Interface Builder Kit Additions Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes additions, used by Interface Builder plug-ins, for manipulating views.
Tools Reference 2007-05-10
The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces object-oriented programming and describes the main programming language used for Cocoa development.
Tools Guides 2009-05-06
Illustrates how to send an open document ('odoc') Apple event to another application process.
Tools Sample Code 2003-01-14