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Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide


Organization of This Document
See Also

This document describes the fundamental concepts involved in using Core Animation. Core Animation is an Objective-C framework that combines a high-performance compositing engine with a simple to use animation programming interface.

You should read this document to gain an understanding of working with Core Animation in a Cocoa application. The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language should be considered a prerequisite because Core Animation makes extensive use of Objective-C properties. You should also be familiar with key-value coding as described in Key-Value Coding Programming Guide. Familiarity with the Quartz 2D imaging technologies described in Quartz 2D Programming Guide is also helpful, although not required.

You can build Cocoa applications for two platforms: the Mac OS X operating system and iPhone OS, the operating system for multi-touch devices such as iPhone and iPod touch. Core Animation Programming Guide presents Cocoa-related information for both platforms, integrating the information as much as possible and pointing out platform differences when necessary.

Organization of This Document

Core Animation Programming Guide consists of the following articles:

See Also

These programming guides discuss some of the technologies that are used by Core Animation:

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